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Managerial skills lunch, attending a subordinate’s

wedding, or speaking at functions in

TECHNICAL SKILLS – Those skills needed to
accomplish a specific task.
schools and churches.

 These skills are the combination of Leader

formal education, training, and on-the-  Manager’s role clearly seen in his
job experience.
role as a leader of the unit or
HUMAN SKILLS – These interpersonal skills are organization.
what a manager will use to work with his or her  He is responsible for the activities of
employees. his subordinates, must lead and
 Helps the manager to communicate, coordinate their activities in meeting
lead and motivate an employee to work task-related goals and he must
towards a higher level of productivity. motivate them to perform better.

CONCEPTUAL SKILLLS – Final type of skills a Liaison

manager must possess inside their toolbox.
 Managers must maintain a network
 The level of analytic ability to envision or outside contracts to assess the
both the part and its sum directly external environment of
translates into a managers conceptual competition, social changes or
set skill.
changes in governmental rules,
 The ability to reason abstractly and
regulations and laws.
analyze complex situation.
Informational roles
A. INTERPERSONAL ROLES – because a  Managers are constantly monitoring
manager spend a considerable amount
and scanning their environment,
of time in interacting with other people
both internal and external, collecting
both within their organization as well as
and studying information regarding
B. INFORMATIONAL ROLES – Are those in their organization and outside
which you gather and then pass on environment affecting their
information. organization.
C. DECISIONAL ROLES – According to  Reading reports & periodicals.
Mintzberg this is the most crucial part
of any managerial activities. Disseminator of information

Interpersonal roles  Manager must transmit their

information regarding changes in
FIGUREHEAD policies or other matters to their
 Act as symbolic figureheads subordinates, their peers and to
performing social or legal other members of the organization.
obligations.  Can be done through
 These duties include greeting memorandums, phone calls,
visitors, signing legal documents, individual meetings & group
taking important customers to meetings.

 Managers represents his unit in

either sending relevant information
to people outside his unit or making
some demands on behalf of his unit.
Decisional roles

 As a manager, you create and

control change within the
organization. This means solving
problems, generating new ideas, and
implementing them.
Disturbance handler

 When an organization or team hits

an unexpected roadblock. It is the
manager who must take charge.
Resource allocator

 You’ll also need to determine where

organizational resources are best
applied. This involves funding, as
well as assigning staff and other
organizational resources
 You may be needed to take part in,
and direct, important negotiations
within your team, department, or

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