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Mobile learning in English language classroom

We live in the second decade of the XXI century. Together with all the spheres
of life, enormous changes have been taking place in the field of Education, in
particular, in English Language Teaching. Teaching methods used 20-30 years ago
do not work anymore because they are on their way out and less effective for
contemporary students than they were before.

After participating in an online Teacher Training Course on Learning

Technologies organized by the British Council (Azerbaijan), I realized the benefits
it can bring to the English learning classroom. The course is available for English
teachers around the world who are interested in their professional development. It
was a brilliant opportunity for busy teachers to acquire a lot of useful information
and valuable knowledge in the sphere of Mobile Learning and its implications in
the teaching process.
Mobile Learning, or M-Learning, has different meanings for different users.
Mobile learning is a subset of e-learning, which itself is a subset of education, and
has a distinct focus on learning through the use of devices that can be easily
carried. Some teachers think negatively about mobile devices and forbid their
students to use them at the lessons. But if we think how it is possible to make their
use effective and useful, we can change our opinion.

Mobile learning has many implications in real life. It is also important to know
what mobile devices are used for mobile learning and learning experiences of
mobile learning (individual, peer-to-peer or peer-to-instructor, group sharing
mobile learning).

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