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14. Issues of male participants in chastity workshop, Asian seminary 2013.

1. Our role as celibates in the world of pornography and carnal desires.

2. How do we live celibate lives by example more than by works?
3. What if the church allows married priests?
4. How to handle unwanted attraction from the opposite sex.
5. Why do people have homosexual tendencies? Is it healthy or unhealthy? How to deal
with them without getting involved or rejecting them?
6. A better understanding of celibacy and how to deal with celibacy healthily and
7. How to rectify the past mistakes and go ahead.
8. How to overcome sexual curiosity and pornography.
9. Homosexuality masturbation etc., how to overcome them?
10. Am I mature enough in myself and in my celibate life and in the love of the Lord?
11. It would be more helpful if you talk about homosexuality and masturbation.
12. I strongly feel that today we do require a knowledge of ourselves. These things are
really happening.
13. I do feel in such a trap of chastity and especially when it comes to interpersonal
14. I would like to get more and more information, insight and maturity as I am going to
deal with all kinds of gender and people.
15. How would you respond to a seminarian who is indulging in masturbation and does
not have any guilt feelings? He takes it has a realisation of his emotions.
16. I would like a better understanding of how religious men and women cope with
challenges related to the vow of chastity.
17. Practical and real-life examples.
18. This seminar should be attended by the staff as well as by the students.
19. A holistic understanding of sex and sexual life.
20. That I may be strengthened in my call to follow Jesus. That I may feel his pleasant
presence in my sexual life.
21. That I may get out of the notion and ambience of loneliness.
22. Relationships in every aspect of our lives. Man and woman, religious priest and
23. How to live a happy religious life? Life is challenging as we are vulnerable humans.
24. Trying to look for happiness outside rather than inside or within oneself.
25. Community life.
26. How to keep up my desire to be a priest? Motivation is lacking in me.
27. Easily taken up by the emotions, how to balance them.
28. Please speak of your personal experiences.
29. Related movies and documentaries on the topic.
30. More case studies.
31. A lot of group discussion.
32. Please comment on our reflection as a group.
33. I hope to understand different types of intimacy, especially sexual, psychological,
spiritual, emotional.
34. Can celibacy be lived without regulations rules and norms? Can it come out of free

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