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20 Aston Bast 2. Petey Dd Com ay 42 2 B Ore ced so (Sch Renee pe, Howe aks SOHN, se £9, n,n pp, Reinga Une TINT Rane, Dara and Rn Ply AC Pir th Sina fpose aay a ay Cet es ge RT gon deh daae ef 911) lamon Sesh Cte fn 84 biter Oe Noa 19 Anglo-American “Liberal” Imperialism, British Guiana, 1953-64, And the World Since September 11 RICHARD DRAYTON the front cour of St Catharine's College, Cambridge, there is ‘old bronze bell whichcallsafewtoprayeratsxin the evening and more to dinner at sven thirty. One might ase that ei fnancient part ofthe college But the bell oniyreached England the 1960s fecame fom Demerara, the centr pronince of Bish ‘Guiana, were i had regulated dhe shyt ofthe Vera sugat planation two hundred years caer, calling ives tothe Ses, to shifts at the mil, o public punbiments, or announcing their ‘deaths Themisionay Jon Smith, the Demeraa Masts" hanged bythe planters in 1823 note "Atabout sein the morning the ag ingof bell or the sounding ofa horn, ithe sigoal or thes oth {ou to work. No sooner i the signal made than the back aver, Jou stacking thelr whips i the Negro houses co tr out the ‘eluctat inmates” The bell new exerting a more benevolent ds ‘Spline belongs perhaps inthe Seton ofthe Guyanese nove Wile ‘Sn Hairs here parteularindvidals, objects and pracieesoten provide secret channels connecting wo seemingly very separate Places and historical moments Inthe carnival of world history, we {night argue, old players similarly olten return to the stage hidden behind new masks, ish Guana, ics key sts in ahaa egion of your mind, one part El Dorado, another Demerara sugar thitd suicide by “Kool ‘Ad Only perhapsa vague memory of Chapman's revere Giana hove fete te ine of old Whose forehead nocken gaint ie oo fares Pe Richer Dag ger ol tag er min beat ‘Ander ign of i bacon an ‘Tebeher ser * And surreal erin ster of ind she ihe capil is Georgetown, ‘whese the Anglican cathedrals St George's and two competing ‘thorehouse are called The Oxford and The Cambridge Brish Guiana i alo de crux ofan unsavory Anglo-American famlysccret Inthe mide ofthe sweet century, Britain athe ‘United States repeated incerferedin the polis thiscolony. Bri 2in, frst, remored from power by armed force the democratically ‘lected Chea ogan government Iethen sought to destroy thes ‘alacpoltcal par atthe core ofthe Cuyunese national movement Whenthinony paced rtainallondhe ied tent rua program of covert acton, including the use of errors bom Ings to destabilize de local government When dis led, Briain imposed eonsittional change snd imprisoned key operas By Tob dey suceeded, tothe extent that "ant-commmunis Forbes Barham replaced fagan as Premier Bat Burnhasn party gravitated toward the Soviet Union within esr than decade Moreover, Burn ham ruled Guyana tyrannical and eorrupdy for the next dey years The West's intervention both fled to secret old wari {eres and created a soclal waged) from which Guyana has yet emerge "Te parable of British Guiana deserves to be more widely kaowa, [toffee manylesions for our age period in wich some in Brain find the United States appear so nupresely confident tha they nn whats best for the word 1b: Novenenen 2008, Gronor W. Bust rat thefistformal stat vst fa Present ofthe United States to the United Kingdon Int Speech delivecedinche Banqueting House of Whitehall Palace, Bish ‘Tedaved thatthe Beth ane Arnerican peoples were united in a “alianceof values," and that they shared a mission in the world"? Here a lewhere,bsspeechwnters cunning echoed Tony Bais ‘Mantes speeches Bis had intoned at Blckspoo in 2002 in he Famp-up tothe faq War that, “he basc values of America are ou ‘alues to "whilein 17, and on many ocasonsafer, he promised thatwhen Britain and Amerie work together theres ie we can- ‘otachieve"* Neither Bush nov Bla ad ay doube tha ether de “inlssion, "or the “achievement,” fo the greser mn good. "Buss speech mde a fucinating appeal the Beth hasoccal ‘unconscious The mage in the mitror ith which he conjured was AnclsAmeio “Ler” ipo ses the old Whig idea of Britain asthe difse of Liberty and Progress to the world. There are two ey ambos of ta ero von of Briain"ThetistandprincpaoneeheSecond Word Was, the poe {ote of the “good war perennial figure of Ane shetore nthe Churcilian moment formed the climax of Buss opech The second con, unaly concealed the more priate chambersal the Bish heart a certain des of te beh pir as oth the Summit of national geass and afore, more olen heen forgood Invoking example of the righteous courage of Wilber fore, and the frm determination ofthe RoalNay over te decades lg an the aden dines spencer sed dete at radon through whic he land Bist) would ie as toundersand the currentage of Anglo-American mpevaism, Ant Savery of couse, from the Vitorian rs nar, stood a the en. ‘em ofthe Bris Imperial mariage of ue force snd enancp tory tte, Palmerston procaraton in 18H thal “Our day Nora /snatoeadine nue, una echote romses of Genera Maude to the peopl of Mesoptana 117 Eat "Owr armies do not come ine your cues ae ads eon ‘yuerorsor enemies, bt iberstors and in the somewhat sre Shant cane which surrounded “Operation iraq freedom of S03 ‘nal afew yeas ago, onl hia ake about “Liberal Impe- alam.” We wed eto expan the Brash Empire tom perhaps te 180s From tha ie the Bri, avg spent wo entries tes minating American Indians, rang and torturing saves ad ex ‘ding dhe naon rom i colonial wade came to favor, a ast in incple fe wade feeb, ansavey and pcecing aes gins Liberal nper exact lence wih the pou the demorraticmtnasons nl economic prosperiy el rene ally bestow on the conquered ha mos impor tllecaal Was Jot Star Mi who in On ier sted ta Indian rary fn the grounds thatthe velo were the poson of pares Sipring the development chiles, concuding Despont $giamate mode of government when dealing nats Mert thetend be ter improvement Tht sash Empiseeffered the | venta! possi ef constitutional equal lds, we must femenber, twas notimagied, bla the Second World War, tat darker sinned colonials would be “ready: for such prnleges for many decades Meanwhile, govemorsappoatedin the Crow could Iaitain the liberal ord by ming ela right oes speceh sd fee aboclaton, banning books and netapapers and, in roe, inprscning dasentnshost al imperial iorans wei leas vate ofthe contadtons within eden "Liberal lnpesiann sa ard Dragon and fe believed hat it hada eal ife ouside sn ‘rLondan. Since September 11, 201, however, he tea of “Liberal Impes aus” found new public fe! In ear 2002, the aftermath of the ‘Mghinivan War, Robert Cooper a Foreign Office mandain and Confidante of Bs, published an esayon “The New Libel Impei- Sm” in hich he described global politcal landscape in which vanced nations needed to acept ther right to dominate and die feet the baclard, through whatever meant necenay I tos ‘hing paragraph, Cooper writes ‘Te chaenge wth postmodern word sto get use ote iden ine and open cooperate oct But when dealing with ore ‘lsfuhined Kinds of sates ume the portnoders consent [St Europe we need worse tothe toh metho oa eat, ‘Scariest Ne cen cet wer ‘teen sate for fell Among oars, we keep the te bat then we ae pert a jg et alo the ea thejunge Presumably although Cooper never descendsfrom the ty rhe ‘orc of palicy to deal wth concrete, this Libera agenlaexpsns ‘ny twas necesary to hillperhaps over thre thous Afghan cl Tanevath Anglo-American bombs to murder housandsof captured “Taliban combatants aeMazar-Sharifsndin the shipping containers ‘of Kunin’ and to detain without wal snd to wrtare owas a ‘ther people at Bagram ar force base, on Diego Garcia, at Gua tanamo Bayo via renditions in counties including Jordan, Mo rocco, Egy, and Saudi Arabia” Hovering in the background of Cooper thessishispresumpiion that there was in someundefined fea old Liberal Imperiale, an era of beroe Victorian Bera "Tnehstoran Nal Ferguson rapidly sipped forward opin this tuackdrop. In Empire (2000) popular bok which accompanied television series, Fenguson prolaned that fet about 1800, some thing elle “Liberal mnpevilisen" emerged inthe Brish Empire ‘haracterzed by fre labor tre ade, good government, jasc tnd protection of aborigines, and this ulmately evolved towaras Aeccloniation whic, he imply cay noc have been such & good thing: No profesional hitorian ofthe Brith Empire shared Ferg sont sniple ad sunny view of ter history, but was needy in tune with the Brie historical unconscious, The Second World War, ‘ataally, bulked large: fr Rerguson cas a magi eal bath, Jcrclesin Oxford Ang Ameren “Lia” bapiation ES the great moment when the Brish Empite, in its victory over he Nini eashedavayitshitorcal sine Ante moder Whig paid ‘err competed with a celebration of the contemporary miement in “Enpie's concluding secon, Ferguson chimed in with the vin of the Project fora New American Century, and procaine that twas how the responsi and righcof the United Sates osand over new global Liberal Imperial order “These comforting myths of Anglo-American virtue survive be ‘atte thote who invoke them scistor away uncomfortable histrial {acts They quedy azbrash out of the heroic tay pot of the ‘Second World War thove prominent Ango-Areria who lent and comfort to the Naa fegime, vet into the 1940s"Ineludiong President Busts grander and Queen Blzabeth IPs uncle, That ‘Rama notthe United Stats, stood fis as Brtaisaly and defeated the best oops ofthe Wehrmacht, i Yong Torgoten- Absent, to, ‘Hom the confected memory are the atrocities committed by Anglo American airpower in Dresden, Hamburg, Hluoshuna, and Na {asa The destructive impact of Betis nd American imperil {Ssimarlyconsigned to the memoryhole That Britain and America ‘an bea force or hovtor and ei, aswel good, too anplesant tocomemplate ‘Of course, in November 2003, pralel to Bush's ist, dhere was very dierent expreson of Anglo-American slaty Led y 2 Contingent af several hundred Anercan expat, eho mast ‘behind asign that read, "Proud ot my country, Ashamed of Pres ent Bus," some 200.000 people (acording wo The Ts) marched ‘vough London o Talay Square While thiseasone tenth ofthe «pic protest agains the impending attack on iraq dha filed Hyde rk on February 15, 2003, 19a sal he lagen meekday demon stration in rsh history, and twas accompanied by events in ener fone hundred tows and cides acon Been, incesing Sheticd, Edinburgh, Cardi, Glasgow, Swindon, Ntingham, Norwich, York, ‘Oxford, and even Calderdale in Wes Yorksbre In the scow of Nelinis Column, speakers denounced the betrayal of the ral vl ues ofthe Anglo-American community by Bush and Bla, su a pealed to the memory of such transaantic scons a6 Tom Paine Frederick Douglas the Pankhurst and Pal Robeson. On a gant vio screen behind the podium fadhed imager of comeing de {ainecs at Guantanamo Bay, the "shock nd awe" destacton of en tie urban neighborhoods, and maimed children. One sequence leaced the history of Amencan foreign poly sine 195, nth ides ashing by for Iran (1933), Guatemala (1053), sia Bran (1964) and Inde (1865), to Chile (1973) and Panama (1980), For about 25 Rind Dragon ‘went seconds, in the midst ofthis, the tow could see a image ‘hat declared “British Gua, 1961-04" Buti likely that fe, fren there, understood is meaning “Tiss an rose Love ‘Around the land brown ees rad abou, The snng nan hen in he hy Red owes bend et heads inal orzo Pubetbe dat une aie [esthc aeaon of oppresion dak meta, i ter. Tes the esl gunn the eri of misery ‘Wn comes wang the dark nigh ine? ‘Wow boc ot el ramps down the ender gras? isthe man of death, mine the sang er ‘Watching yon ep ad stngstyour dea ‘The dark ime was 1953. In Api of that year, just a month oF 0 before the bth England of one Anthony Bain the People's Pro. fresve Pury (PPP) came to power in the fst elections ever eld Under univers saltage in Bish Guana, winning 51 percent of| {he popular vor, and eighteen of twen-four constituencies One hundred and thir-direedaslaterson October, Governor Sage Suspended the conautuson, and sent British troop to ares and lps the leader ofthe PPP. The poem with which ths seco. begins was writen by one ofthese polteal prisoners, aan called Martin Career, now Guyan's natal poet, The Bh gonemnent plated dhe oficial exons for te removal from power of the BP in s White Paper They claimed that agan and is ministers intended to foment ci dort, ad ‘to tur. Beth Goiana into 9 torlian sate sabordinaie to Moscow" No exidence was provided the, or ndeed ate, for hi ‘Thebisk cables of a memorandum rom the Brith Mision tothe United Nations sent to the Colonial Office in Inte Sept help us derstand what ay behind tis secustion our action can be peste a rm ep taken to prevent at. ‘empty commana cement wo sbocage new al frorennc ‘craton, ewe welcomed y Ameren pubs accord tos United Nason opinion Ion the oh hand aloe 12 Spear art anothe emp by Beant le» poplar Mona mverent een oly eb ‘The British in Guiana, ike the, Americans year later in Guatemala, found “ant-communiss a be a sell mask behind As Ameo ‘Libri 2 whieh wo hide oter inure To the Cabinet, Over Lyeton was Imore candi: the PPP had “desuoped te cafdence of te bs ‘Sarcoma Tow had Jas goverment fended the businessmen? The fist of the PPPS sins ee propor tae te rent at mich the Grown leased and the sya planters im order fo force theme ‘ero eto leas fr peasant cco, Ths ier {atic hf sce the colonia state for alin sued yeas had Fett ofthe ara and of te colony to shaves pep vcore lowing them tet node to supp ‘rages which won have been forced pwns had mae Wester Tat he option to Become pestnteulesor: Aste Wes ia opal Commision of 185 ore “What ed (Oe planes est ‘atalige spp of bower ensey dependent obeing ates Tind wort on the eaters comerqcniy subject to tet contr a ing to wok at rates of ages By planters in 1953 me ao not mean single eneprencare the clontsapricalusal eon insite hands fe age Enger gb Senglomerates Booker Brother Cannel and Co heer titers pasa the Boker Ps) wa ihe legen of ese Soeatenive were rime encompasing 70 percent af gat eduction spd some hy subaary Comptes tat the clo {hk "3" were humorously tandated as ‘Booker’ alane ‘i mare whey of emer unened ga interests Bookets ha another complaint te PH was spring the demand ofthe Caan Agscleral Workers Union {CANUS {or recon athe tepreetatne of tesa worker in place sf conte compat unin. \ CAWU strike tn Ags and Spe tember 185, eich brought suger proton to hal hal he Public sport ofthe PPPgoersinen a September 1983, Heny Seaford to ran Booker Liverpool shipping tn fom London wrote ange to the Colonial Othce tat meting needed to be tlne about the PPP “Unless something Que toe, Books ‘lees o ext ava arge ir in five years Teonsder atte the of Booker at adke® Ageeioy ioc wet oe ea igh were leary in he eps of London secondary in inporance tate righ of nese to masini pros Joan so ad aeued enemies te Clay other main bus aetna bane ining Demerara haste os ae bas ite deposi inthe wrt (ih he highs sna alate se tana input adn, Sovalsablewere thoy hatin Ye the United Stes had threatened hold up ttone shipment to Briain {tl allowed Alcoa's Canada subi tocol the neh 2 chart Den ALCAN (the Aluminium Company of Canada) convolled DEMBA te Doma Rate Compan. wh ree aw othe lays utp. the rex coming from the aller holding ofthe Sinercan company Reynold. Brith Guiana, with ts neighbor Strinam, hat provided twosirs of American bate impors by the end of the Second World War, wile in the 1950 applied ‘most of de raw materia for Canada’ alumi smelters which in then represented the mai source ofthat metal for Bish aircraft production, DENA paid no royaes on ore produced oni en Tends wile Reynols pal no ateson profit Asaconsequenc, In thetour yeas prior 101855 DEMIBA made about £1 milon pounds {year prot analy emiting the larger par of his as viens tots shareholders While Britsh Gulana trough is resources and ‘heap labor subnidized the standard of lv of people in Canal, Bsa, and the United Stats infant mort among ts poorest ‘ze reached hose to 200 ia every 1000 ve births and ie pro ‘ile no opion to continue to secondary education for 9 percent ‘tis elementary schoul ehilren. Anorher of Jagan cies had Seem his demand that tes snd royals se agian a0 that Imore ofthe valve of Bish Gulanas mineral product ema in the ‘colony. ‘Or courte, Jagan was foolhardy o think he could change ove night the colo sates ol in foing down wages, crushing ade tlons, and minimizing the social ent pid by capa. iar to rove a century-old train was particular unwelcome at time when British economic recovery afer the Second Word Wit ‘was 20 highly leveraged on the dolars and cheap raw materials ‘hich he String Ble secured fom the colonies exports of aby ters tn coco, bate, and gar. He wasequalh imprudent de. ‘mand hate service and pat sector bashould goo Guyanese aionals before they went fo others, din parler should go to'people who were ‘nox white. for aching the pois! deck keep whites on top way a cena a Wahion of “Liberal fmperia- SnEasmanipilatng telabor, and, andaxsructureto the benefit ff busines Tin had been origially done spl va property the ranchibehad equied wealth an income, 0 that 180 of the 190,00 babes of Bris Guan, ony iM were elector ‘ile 1900 ony 11:00 ot of S00 00 people could vote. When S18 he a ow il a ha bore aie cand prosperous to ake control ofthe clonal gia, Era romp imposed Grom Ccony goverment hich he tec members ofthe new Legaatne Councl were fever that ‘hcnominstedandexoffco members, and resticted the franchise Angle Ameion “Lb!” bperiion 0 more tig by imposing income, property, and tray quali {tons Thin afeutae arom abented choot teas of Crm cinygoveranentn niga anda nthe pros centay te prevent black majority paramencay role) Tae Wins Gotmision any smiaed acl pends wught prevent “theta pai the sal bat importante Baropeen hic al conwol the pcp arcu sod comametal ct ies his eat" gus comple tare 1850, te mos ‘eal postions ihe Colonial Secret wee sl oecaped feople'o shor “White domino extacton, na eed 26 Tact aierousig Another jean forthe Beh nerve Uonin 185 asta he PPPiended och wes outof cv "There waite the PPPs prorat hat as fevoluony At po poine id it comm fel fo atonal ie commanding eight ofthe economy Jagan vata ational sho poe» Mare ‘stlngeage, and an no teabon to ears fure His second in power 153 andar sowed hat hema ao ay of wg {he power ofthe sate or extspatamentary force achice ict He was moreover personaly ncorupute Nove of is Sed he row 58 uvr 1056, runs was DECLARED ate ofemergency 2nd the Goveror and his omnes ued Bish Cana ed {th 1857 wen they chee another election: During tat pe od dhe id not proses Jaga ory ther PPP mins fr te tnay alleged etna conspace win which de Colonial fice tad juste the 1983 neaton. Bot the colonial efals had not ‘en ill Tht suategy the Colonia Oe mia Rogers Toya of October 1, 1958 pre nae to go bard t [ne PPE and Sm ic" Their taiget was the ner ein allan athe PPP ied forgedbemecn th ani ral indan sugared ewok, nd he mainly urban Atiean cyan bane workers The Sn ints of these commons were the lars Ces agan, ant tian dei, snd Forbes Burnham, 2 Back yet The Spec ranch epurt May 195 on the FPP ha haraeied aga 8 the eader of “Communit ecto ofthe PPP and Dra tthe ‘Non-Communkselegonernment scion A determined ea paign encourage entons win depart) anv woo Barshan Exated The roc gaat whih they ane tecisel os heat tha ith Juan eer the hopes of the Guanes for sel go ‘ment would be permanent ated on this theme Ober Lpuleton the Cotsersuve Colonial Secresry med inthe House cf Commons he tere were ering ich might nee become a0 Riad Drayton independent wile he Roberton Commission on British Giana of {bd concluded," long asthe prsentteadersip and pices com Unve, there sno way in wbich ay eal tease ose government Cane restored Barham, abrillant orator forpubtic speaking we sdbnervant Methodist with ase for good ving ands transparent “ambidon, seme good candidate fr co-opion. cholo aces iegan to cal hin ou ofthe crowd the Robertson Commission re Portechordthe eal Special Branch report denn hima the Fight hind of aasonalst hile theloca newspapersand the Rex Dr ‘Soper avisting Methodit clergyman, pronounced him the coming nan. In June 1985, Gorernor Sara wrote to Lennan-Boy he {CaonialSeretary:"T would have hoped that inthe onthe ahead, the PP spit would have en made alto ievocabe By te ‘nd of 195 Burnham did api the PPP forming by 1957 anew por ‘ea pater called the Beple's National Congres (PN), Kas tothis body thatthe hopes ofthe Colonial Office and of Sr Patek enivon, the new Governor, tumed. But to their disappointment, ‘ten hough they redrew the conten boundaries avo Bara iam, the FPP won nine othe fourteen seatsin the general election cf Aigue 153 Joga, ooking atthe decolonization of nia and Pakistan age criti ealerat Bandung in 1953, athe Brsh debacle Stn 1956, athe independenctof Ghana n 1857, an isc con ued electoral strength, astmed tha the Brith had learned odo ‘sins with him, and chat his destiny was to ead his country to po {eal onereigngy He wholly mimuentood the envrontent in stich he wat operating. Most serikingy, he tok the decison in [pn ito make am eel visto Cuba hour sein Bh ‘pproval alo make phy for Bia Guts, before and ser independence, have clove relations with Cab, td lea {fom the agrarian clon program ofthe Cabin Revouson. From Jags ive peropectve, noting should be more natural han that ‘ne soca Caribbean county might learn rom another, bt {howe who gazed rom the Nor sti, and his, an ee orbit of policy of which i appeared to bea part, esr indicator of ‘rh agun might do were heal the helm afsenerelgn Guyana The Firat ait moment tthe end ot he ao aan today the pt independence jst long enough or ‘PRotc aerate megs Buta 10 ter ere Ses tho were es patent “Te quiet Americans began to ake a direct interest Easier dey had been content merely eo aupport Bish action The enone Angle Ameri “Lh” pra oa ministration in 153 had fobbied Lain American goreramens tenure tat they rased no complain shout the Bits ince, ton in Bs Gulana ether in he coun of the Organization of American Sates orthe United Nations Inte lau 12am poss ‘idhout formally consling the Bethy they Bogan to work are the lor unions Perhaphe eats dimension of Areca Cold ‘Waracionin the Brits Westies hadconcerted wade union By the early 1950s the Bish ad American sons wih te help. isk of vere dl placed cash gta ha acceded in bere ‘Suading lost all the Atglophone Carbtean labor movesent to pes itermatonal aiiaion from the World ederson ‘ot Trade Unions (WETU} tothe ant-communis ICFTU (Interna. ‘onal Confederation af ree Trade Unions the proce a [povtancnework, nour wh suena! CLA papas, now linted the AFL-CIO in Washington o trade unions threnghout the ‘egion Whiethe Brits Gaianese wade union linked oagas PP Femnained loyal to the WETC, the leaders ofthe ether Cayanese ons were alread a commission wi dv ICFTU The Chia ‘American unions an he AFL-CIO, formed eect connections tt ‘ey figures in Brash Guiana, hroughout te hemiphere? By 1908 these lalsons woud be given a tvtuonl ceri the Ameria Esse for ee Lao Deelopneat (AIFLD) Stang imauldi (CETU eepresenate), lis Doberty er ven dencot AITLD from 196 to 1000), and Willan Mabe (AFL-CIO Fepresentatve) who we now know were CLA employer, dtcted Substanal funds ant:fganansonsand unionists bag up Ges {Oa urban Aft Guyane labor base atound Barham The next general lection was tobe held in August 1962, and since Macmillan wind of change" spech these appeared ote the last polls before Btah Guiana cine independent Belin he might wi, Barham declared that hs PNC would suppor the de {hand for independence by whatever party won the leon, The “Americans were equally Keen on this outcome thewake of the Bay of igs aso, the Kenedy adminsrson wa dete tat ‘eit dedared Marxist such sagan would ake tah Guiana dependence. The Americans appear to have urged the Bush “take action wo sauence the el of the elections bat Home st the Foreign Ofc declared thatthe methods proposed which are hot expetlydescbed in the decaied docunents— were not Feasble* What the Bra did allow as major propaganda fo {n Burshans behalt During the sechon eanpaig, the United Stes formation Service (a a ofthe Sate Departament) pro ected ins at Georgetown ret comets depicting the hero a a Bihari Dragon ‘Bolshevism in Eastern Europe and Gus, while the Cristian Ant Communi Croside airbuted pampew and comie books ‘Mone as began to appear msterious: within Georgetown, op: ‘posing Jagan became ind of caeer in communi with high Exployment. The consievency boundaries were reas to give ‘atlmum advantage to Burabam’s PNG. The PPP sil won com fortably taking ershing twenty of the thirg-fve pariamentary seatsconteied “Tis wan a devastating result and ite the Americans to eck a rather more macular hind of engagement By ate August 261, just ‘her the cleton, Arthur Schleanger urged President Kennedy {© approve a ul “cover progran fh Bitsh Guana which would Ince “ant-Communist anesinecapsbiiies> He was aware thatthe Brits, whose anal of the svaion remained rather ‘ore nuanced, would hesitate, and Dean Rskencourage hi Ame aeadorn London play up "he iceligenceguherinigappect of overt acti” and to “play down cover politcal action He eas sacl any Sper 1 2 aceon an leon f-Americanintligence cooperation in Bits Guiana Gover ‘pt Gay alsded in» teres meorandue to "We jot USUK Cnadian operation? and to “the dificult he and the American Cn Mey had} of keeping Jagan in play without him coming “The ronysthatitwas Grey and the Colonial fice, whowere be ing adronykeptin play By bc 1961, Wasngion hada clear obee= ‘hen ish Guta, which fewould prosecute with determination toner the next three years. Ie wanted Brain to delay independence {Srtitsh Guana ul Burnham wasin power Thitappeaed ates: ‘bie geal since the ver ning othe Cloud ofthe econ rest ‘eas thatthe PPP had only won 43 per cen o he popu wre, & there percent above the share ofthe PNC. Burnin hse ‘eing on sealer promise respect the eso the lection, trged tht onlyan lecdon on te bat of proportional representa: tio could provide effective democratic represcatation for the Gaianese pope: Butte fit tep was to era that the Brit ‘ould ncallm Jagan o take the county to independence For dhe “helt nen tno rsh Cnanecen yet In ligament tn late January 1962, Home warned Risk tat tr wilont gan Brita owl prebbly ge independence othe ‘Colony wii he next wo yeats'* The American response to hs {Febuary 1962 took two forms. one reply ae onthe seers af Georgetown, the copia of Brians Guiana another came wearing thet collar and tals ofa diplomatic communication Ale Ameo “Lo” prion sas ‘On what became known a "Black Friday” in February 1962 ait took place in Georgetown in which pars of the ity were pt fame while oficial and unofcal stakes brought work tos al ‘These were fomented by Burnham, and the ofa vestigations altereards noted that there had ben saint wists from Amer ‘an trade unionists before, during, and ater the astrbances. Ie hs been suggested to me that afcrs ofthe British Secret Intell ence Service knew was going on, but there nat clear effort at pluie deniabtig” and many ministers of Her Majey’s Con teInment and indeed some American oficial appear to have Seen inthe dark Reginald Mandling the Colonial Setyetary, rater tne nosey we hur Sle. he Harvard hin ho as ‘Kennedys fixer whether the CLA had played olen sznlaing| the recent ios A Sar question was put Washington by ugh Fraser, the Paramentary Under-Secretary athe Colonial Oe) Jon BeGone, eho Keamedy had sppoited se Director af the CIA ‘only afew month earlier ater dhe Bay of Pig debacle. The Ares” ikans both cooly denied any iavolvement™ Ada Stevenson, then United States representative at the United Nations, appear alto hae been out ofthe loop when he proesed a unk that Amer ‘a meddling in Bish Gulana would damage the reputation of the United States among Afan and Asian hain, he asi ormea thr the CIA wae“in no way involved in the recent dist. Iunces in Georgetown A week ter the Sate Department di however adiic at perhaps “private Amercan einen appeared to be taking an interest inthe afaes of Bish Guiana” The rele itywas that CLA covert operation wae ln motion, tis quite possibe thatthe State Department, and perhaps even McGone, were not fully in contol af the Beth Gash operation, Run cable sentfrom Genevato Washington, ald “Repeated to {ondon efes only forthe Ambasexdor and Wane in Mare 1862 Insel: Tor present do not believe covert action with or without [Brits sindcated Dept pease have Wianes ave not ps sure mater for time being’? Wiser, of eoure Is the man most Fesponsible for creating the covert action capabilites ofthe CTA, dating the Cold War. tn 1948, Wisner, 1 veteran of the wartime \ Oftce of Suategic Services and Wall Street lnper, hal organized the CAs semi-detached "Ofice for Policy Coordinson, "wich was ‘charged with "propagands economic warfare, preventive directa, tion, nduding sotage, antsbotage, demoltion and evacuation procedures; subversion aganschosale ates including atance to Underground resstance groups and support of indigenous ant ‘communis elements in dteatened countries ofthe ree world As om Biddy Deputy Ditectoe for Plans of the CIA. a post he held un 1958, be trata the center ofthe creation of the CLA lal “back op ck fargo He had worked pariulry closely with ongaired bor ictaing the infamous oy Lovestone--to crest the International Confederation of Fre Trade Unions, though which hisnftence fstended nto Afi and the Caribbean’ He appears to have ‘een ake figure in Operation Mockinghid—dhe CIA campaign 10 Crete 2 peter of thane ura athe pt sad as ‘edi, whose success asl be esuredtoday—and in sme of {he more myrcrous MRULTRA paychologial experiments He was ead of the CA Staton n London in the es 1800 with respon ‘Miles which included dhe remaining Bri colonies awe at his ‘ld special of Western Europe, The dade union rote of CIA in fervent, which wat so cent othe 1968-64 period, adn par {iar tthe ios of 1962 resembles Winer mbizaton ofa ‘smn trade union acy in France and Taya cade eae. ‘The use of terrors bombings wd disorder to exeate space for 2 poll “Third Free in rsh Guiana, on the other band: was ‘emahably similar to the hind of campaign organized by Winner 4nd hiscallaboratorsia South Viewam fom 1988 onward, Wisner Delonge to the cater, ee-vhecing clare of covert ston with ‘MeCome wa attempting oven in, ad indeed i late 1962, he was sunt force ete om the CUA “hdiferent hind of American pressure came vite crpinen a tionay ofthe Sst Deparment February 162, week fcr he "ows, Dean Rusk wrote Alce Dougla-Home a marble eter" ‘mus tel you now that I have feahed the conclusion that i is tot possible or uso ptupwthan independent Brith Guiana tn der gan. sets clear me that new elections should now bescheduled and hope we can agree that Jagan should not accede to power again Ta initial eoponses of Harold Macmillan and Home did them some credit even if ther high-mindednes was Hee ch coming from ome who two yearsearier had agreed wilt, the Amevieans that Panie Lamumba, the President of the Congo, ‘ould perhaps al into aver of crocodiles” Mactan, int pvate memorandum to Home, described Rusk leer a pure chtvellanm "exposing adcgreofeyicin® which e didnot expectfom Rusk whowss alter all-notantrishman..nora mie Alomire"™ Home penned a sharp reply to Rusk, begianing wih 3 pointe allusion eo earier American poly Tess the United Sater) ito oe to Rane been for long ent rer andthe rine mover ia ring cana era “Sputoo, The cooumuni are now in de ans Why? Amongst Angle America “Lib” Inpro 3 ee things because prematire independence ie + git for them. [Now] do nat hn spol to beat hey ca fein ett for ndependence Sd parc eon totedonein he single tance ef rise Guana, Yous at ‘Soot pmiefor ou pup wh anise Rs Ga Sauder Jaga dd hat gan boa noe be alleme to ated sme ag How wuld yo gan ta hc ea “craniybe transparent ewe very hard openers: ‘ome res acy strep wb ee sao a oy aeeguire cette rn scageacatscememarnsie tac seeictnceaiee tt an nr Ser cele tata insets. ter aesancitacece hg targets SSS ests Serene ht eeceinarest Sra Re ley set Scan ncieh a teat trie ‘Soccer ie tet cae ‘Spatial awatin son la ete an ee ee Seamer cathe ate en sneer act a the ficiane sien ntact ee easiest Saka cs ac ier ie eter paca scenrceacngnaregreso ‘cet aun eon aa eet tiara amr tae iealiergemenn enect emai So arr ire ett rhc eiece eticon a teal inne hata ‘SaaS a oa 36 hand rye ‘making chemicals, and fomenting Ho. When the Spec Branch ‘the British Guana police force tempted to prosecte thos i ‘volved in creating violence and disorder, the Era colonial gov frniment suppressed is investigations, Feter Owen, che Asistant ‘Commissioner of Police, ivesugated nineteen evens betwee Jane '5 1063 and July 21,1968, which nel the blowing up of the ‘Transport and Harbours Department, arson atthe Geongetonn {erry exploives tthe Ministries of Home Aas, Health and Hous ing at schools, shops, and cinemas, and by December 1963 had ienutied those responsibe, who included Buraha and his dos sali in he PNG" The Specal Branch investigated further an feported that the plan to cause chal daoeder ealled X15" was financed by an American called Geral O'Keefe who had entered the colony on tree occasions rom February 19680 August 1969. (O'keete, parental, was one ofthe key CIA meddle in the {ntermational labor movement he was active inthe supporting the ‘mining and bus srlkes which destabiiged the Allende regime in Chile to 1943, and was setve also in Avra ad New Zealand. Doubles, hig son is now licking his wounds ater a season In Veneznela) The Governor, Sir Ralph Grey, and his successor, St Richard Lay, suppresed these polce ert and dx not prose= te any of the named conspirators Oven himself was ordered to Tene Briish Calan to ake up he post of Commissioner of Police inden, ‘In 1964 dhe Colonial goverment took the decision » use ts emergency powers to dein politcal arts, anv ofthe forty-one people ictiosethirg-seven of thse were PEP members. The Be Ssniby ths sul mene denied the PPP st paramentary majority (since many of those detained were legiters), and, most suk ingly incarcerated all of prominent Alro Guyanese leaders in- ‘ding Brindley Benn, the Deputy Premier Thiswasan interes moment forthe Governor wo deprive Jagan of back caleaguer and spokesmen, for the PNC had been busy stoking facial violence ros the county. denouncig the PRP as he “cookie party Tes Aieule not to think tata clear objective of British poh n Gale fana vast encourage those ele Cessages. Whether or not this ‘as policy, the colonial power ood by while a wave of communal Violence tnfolded across the counts i 1962—Dhin which perhaps twottundsed people died. ts nadir waste hore Wimarsncent ft May 196K, in which Indians were subjected to 2 day and aight Sfarson, plunder beatings, ape, mutation, and murder, wile the police force and the Batsh Army kept ata distance. Racal ele Segregation became the order of the day: arom he county, What Anglo Ameien Libr” Bein wr had ben muliedhnic communities became Indian or Attica vi lages or neighborhoods, andthe PPP andthe PNC became aos ecusveyidentficd wih single etc communi. To theamuse tent ofthe Governor, the PPP ministers in Georgetown now de ‘pended on Baush troops fortes om ser ‘While the terrorist offensive was in fl ving, Kennedy, Rusk, Bundy, Macmillan, Hotne, andthe new Colonial Secretary Buncas Sandys spent a da cm Bish Guiana a weekend conference st Bite Grove atthe end offune 1985" By}uly 1965, Mactan woe token oan hm tha the Brith “had come to the con Son that te rght hing odo isto pose aye at propertona) Fepresentationwithuta sefetendum’- bic for -presetional ea ‘on would waitunal te November 1963 Lancaster House confer nce to show their hand® The one posse problem, Maca noted to Kennedy, was Jagan snd Burhan sorseow foun some ‘agreement before that meeting. but he asumed hat "your people ‘wold be doing what they canto dcourage any joimt mover At ‘he Constional Conference, Jagan made ea for them, agree ing to leave the choice of lecorl model to Duncan Sand te ‘Secretary of Sta fr the Colonies Sandys, with much eared lk ‘ofthe bestinteress ofthe colony, imposed proportional eprescr, tation." The CUA then mae sue, wth dhe elpof Cerna Grey and Lyte that 1964 was year of turmoil for Cuyana and ess fot {he PPP Sil in te eecions ofDecemb 1994 the PPP again won ‘he mos votes, but Burnham in alisnce with he United Front by ‘ite of propordonal representation, held snavow pramentary ‘ajo. The Hits, row that thelr an wat inthe ladle grate independence les han eighteen months ate in May 1968 For his Anglo-American victory, the Guyanese people would pay for the next thirty year and they are sll paying, Burnham we, Imained in power through rigged lecdonsoereption and ter ‘or, unl his death in 1986 Predictably as an American diplomat ‘diited in 1990, dandestine American operation In 1968 hat ‘aught Burnham how tos the election Gome of te aces ‘luting forcing peopl uf electoral rolls the use of oereas 8nd proxy votey are not unknown tn American domeste ee. ons) The irony ras that by the 197s Bua announced that Guyanavas onthe oad o sols nationalized the baste ad saga industries at home, an formed endl tes wih the Easier Bice: He indeed pronded faces for Cuban planes to refuel on {heir vay to supply their oops in Angola Bram rune the ‘economy and cic of Guyana, and tired the counay ito the Fighest per epita exporter of migrants inthe mor: Onn 1002 6 Ridrt Dron would fir elecsions prediciably return the weary Cheddt Jagan {o power But he legaey ofthe auma of 1953 1004 conan Polson th poltcal eltre of Guvana.Iner-ethaieAvean In than lence ian everday pat of Guranese ie day ita notin 1855 In 2004 the leader ofthe Aican Curl and Development Association, 2 back community group, warned former President Carter who wes visting Guyana enroute to obsewe the elections in ‘enenuela: "ii place geting ready to go toa cl war" While formal cit war sera unites, what certain that dst and fear vl remain part of Guyanese cc ile for at least nother gen= tration is a that a contrite Schlesinger baat int tars ogized to Jagan when he nth again 80 Bt ears ca ‘Eevee honor tar the aragance of pera ess poses onthe world Baurist GUIANA was cLEARLY NOTTHE WORST Cash ofthe Bish ‘or American involvement. The suppression of Mau Mau in Kenya ‘wustafniely more brutal: Caroline Elkineand David Andervon have txposed hor hundreds were shot onthe spt. thousands hung ate ‘ninimal tal and some alfa eilion Kenyanewere detained ina ‘system of oer 100 prison camps where over 100,000 hurnan beings were tormared and warved to death» There are no photographs Fram Beth Guan, ay there were from Malaya, of Brith oops posing withthe decapitated heads of insurgents Compared also 0 the mnurdr and tortare of hundreds of thousands which followed ‘oer CIA adventutesin an and Guatemala inthe 150s, Bes and Indonesia in dhe 1960, or Cle inthe 197, Brith Guiana was Aamere bagitelle. tis, nonetheless, an insuetive example of how [Britain and America in lose alliance are not alway afore or good “The ith Gana story ea revelatory episod i the histories of the cold wa, of AnglorAmerian cooperation, and of what Ronald Rotsnaon and Wn. Roger Louis calle the imperialism of deca nation “Inno wther Bish colony as the United Sates allowed Such iectagency norinany othe, excepein the case of Malay, was ‘ecolonizaion soexpliciyHnkedofear of Communism Iisa ext ‘ook cis, in Chalmers ison’ expression, of “blowback What this “fear of Communism” really meant inthe colonial world de sever loser examination, Inthe rhetoric of thetime and for conserva historians looking tac, an-communism was aboutthe defense ofeedosn gas to tlitrianism,Ithowever, one looks more closely, the Wests prion ‘what from 1055 becameRnown atthe “The Third World wasnt ier: bat the protection ofthe world ereted by nineteenth and Ang Anerion “Lia”, 0 aly wentieth-centry imperialism. Economic interests id mate: {twain an that, 1955, tothe Anglo-American wren ‘of Musadaiqs government, it was bananas an Lad ecfray Guatemalashatledtoihe CLA'sonerthrem ofthe Arbene government in 1854 and the tnsallaton ofa miitary tranny which woul lst thie years anditwasoin rag that led he Amesieans and the Bet ‘sito plot he murder of President Quasi, ecrutngayonng rag ‘ule in Egyptcalled Saddam stein aeaClA agent and o engined? ‘the coup 1963 which brought st the Basti Party and ul imately Saddam Huse, to porer, In Bsltah Guiana agar a "sate mattered in the span from 19351 1964, ut itwae never re sourcsalone, although they decided the level of intervention, What Iattered waste regine of powerforitonmsake--that people who seemedconesleor people necontledor panel wren Joseph Schumpeter was pany right when he wrote in 1918: For tisalmayea queso, ven oe peaks fines, of te {heron of tm aggremnenes wee eal bse Ses nor i he ‘it tellowed atthe moment bean agence el And ‘tally story sbows tu people od eso deste expan faethe sae of expanding war forthe he of igning. don, on forte sake domaing ease congue a so meh cae ofthe adranaes tba, whch are ten tore a tuba acbecase tis congue aces ae ‘Thisdesre was or hm “an tain,” modern imperial just arelc of ag ofa, monarch abn and expt ono es at odds withthe loge of apts which ought peste ad fe exh, hich woul mae peal str do tance mas produced In history a veage of forgot inequality ‘What Schumpeter dil noc understand was thatthe modern knew how tomaletnequality swells the ancients and that capitan ‘ational and global—could self hester of dominance, apace inwhich here were bolic and pychologiealewards and nd jut ‘ater advantages, for thow ont. He td nove the vey mes fm role of vislence in making and defending of in drameteing. Socioeconomic privilege and subordination, nor even ts daplace: ‘entinto violent forms of paternalism maybe worth inspecting more sl tein of descenwhich connect the “Liberal Imperiatin” of the nineteenth century, hat ‘the tela and the peti of hath ne eal twat { teron" We ay argue tha the drs on these clara esr ‘out that pecula” complex of Christan. Hs dapacement bo 0 Bho Dron politcal economy, and rai. By racism I do not mean atinues ‘hich we may choose to optin of out of racism ipnoculumaely 2 “queston of te indvidual conscience, itis a fact of orl elation, Ibcated inthe fabric of how we organize labor, exchange, poli, ‘nal juste, war and peace, Four centuries of European pe lam created world in which dark skins were ascited ih ‘heap tor, th powerlesaness, wih bodies which mere anand ‘ort fee pain ke dose of whites and-which might be mistreated sgh impurity Rach, ae of personal aie, merely ern The wainof these socal elauons. Propia sgeit humans oe fue lars Taces’s phrase "tsa the nature of en to hate “Thom we hurt" The Wests agenda inthe Thid Word during the ‘old war seas to preserve as much ofthat world made by nineteenth ‘enairy imperialism as posible, and the word ‘communist was oF ‘eamerely sented entry word for those, ike Neon Mandela fr Martin Luther King or Chedl Jagan who sought to tara ie up ‘Ste down. We must be wary hate word eros tots ‘sed with sich criminal igorance and dishonesty, and tht more tewor isnot unleadhed upon the world ta the athe of “Uiberal> order In the Anglo-American elation, the Bris in. 1962 should unave continued wo resist American presure for abruptacton, There ‘may be init lesons tobe learned fom ter moments of Belesh ‘apinason, Tis eeaily tine for Batsh and American policy tndker otake tock oftheir epacy ore Fal Semester 2004 gle Amero “Ltr” hpi on Site aah ech Ee Te So a/c gorges 1/2011 nl tee Sern Stn ne Ree ea “Giants Stier ES rie meaner Sema oe sen oan eacracrnar ia erie dee RES wee veer erences SSekcohe anes ase ae panedn ne in Si leauge nee “ie re ‘Are Reon Lando, 1958. ‘pes a5. is) oc siess,kCnene Maeno see ah i Spent oe Con” Ot 8153, RO CO 1. Cin Ba (London, 20),p. 88 Meccan the Clo poset 2 S08 PRO REM 1/87. fH Sere Cant eee PD GO 1912, \ 1 got tee fe Eset fn aa 1, Ripert oyd Oe 11054 Phe 0111 reaealeeonadhe psi eases PREC OPTS noes ‘0 Snge to Lenox Bo Jae Is, PRO'CO 10M aR PROS WA SC 3, Noman mie Conan Fee ithe ard gcc oe hl aa CE, Rood kl, Se rh Sas oy en Ya, Ps Riad Dragon 3 poesia tater ae Be BeapathensSbieungero Reedy Aig 2,158) FAUS, 1961-83, “Soe BS EN ete LSE nena Tm memo aug Fee er nn oom ea pate, macy "SE enn on oh 2 fan Geena een Ma 198 ees mse “Borate RES Se me mae peo om beter se ee ace el nau ry 188, p12 OF seats gaash gases See a mace ere togeanp een i iatas acorn et seen at elim to mero Saris Between Mr. Macanilan and President Renney at re eh inate Siceecteaicinaites See tine eraeimrions Sarak ae Sh, Seize et non alg The ral ud of Baton Key (London, J Sees eummeimean 2 ke aioe eee Sie en re a Sage Sree meena moa FD prenugon py Sa 20 Africa Writes Back: Publishing the African Writers Series At Heinemann JAMES CURREY ne Aftican Witers Series was started in. 1962, almost exacy veny-five years ater the foundation of Penguin book. The paperback eres aso become to Afieans nt Bist quarter éavutynhat Penguin Books had been to Bish readesfor twenty five yeas It provided good serious reading at alfordable prices for the profesional cases that were emerging rapidly as Counties nadia snd Afi became independent. The choice of olor— trange-—for the noveswasshamelealy copied zom Penguin. By the tine ofthe tenth anniversary in 1972 1chad become known in Alica the "orange sere and its vokimes were sacked high inthe Rey posiuons ine the entances of the university campus bookshops Rom one sde of Aca tothe other. The writer and eride Edvard Blanen said atthe time ofthe tenth aniversary.“ shal tell ny trandchildren dat ome most ofwhat education Thave to Penguins [a that through the Alcan Writer Series saw a ew, potentially rea, world terature coming neo being" T ave called ths lecture “Atnea Writes Back" becanse Ihave seen over much longer period~—lony Years, now-—how Afians Ahived the confidence fo wnite Back in novel plays and poet, ‘bout what was happening 0 lieu. English was hot oy ele true of authority inthe cosntres of dhe former British Epi: t rsa the language in which the subject peoplesreacted othe in positon of omer Writers in India the Caribbean, and Afica came fotake afvanage ofthe language that they shred, but they had to ‘have publishing opportantes. To begin wah those opportunities YET MORE ADVENTURES WITH 1. Adventures with Britannia ( ii cera oem RITANNIA TIL Still More Adventures with Britannia (2003) IV, Yit More Adventures with Britannia (2005) Personalities, Politics and Culture in Britain Edited by Wm. Roger Louis Published in 205 by LB Tauris & Co Lad ‘Salem Rood, London W2 480 Inthe United Staten of Ameria and Canada dribated by Palgrave Macmillan» dvs of Se. Mars Pens 175 th Avenue New York NY 10010, sebum | ary Ransom Humanities Research Center "The Univer of Teas at Austin RO, Drawer 79 etn, Tena 71-7219 ‘Copyighe © 2005 by Bris Susie, ‘The Univers of Texas ¢ Astin Allright etre, Except fr brief quotations in tei, his book, or any part oft may not be reproduced, stored in oF itrodoced into a {etiral sem, or ransmited in any form or by any mean, elcroni, ‘mechanial,photcopying, recording or others, thou he prior ‘enitenpermison ofthe pusher “The paper wed inthis publication meet the minimum requrementsof American National Standard fr Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Lirary Mates ISBN 1.84511.082x hardener ISBN 184511.0827 paperback Lira of Congres Control Number 2005821640, "ot rita ty Capa pcr an Se i Table of Contents Lis of Authors Introduetion ‘Win Reger Lois, 1 "700 Let "Em tn2” Asylum Seekers and Terrorists in Britain, 1850-1914 Bernard Porter 2 ‘The Pax Britannica, American Hegemony, and the ‘International Order, 1793-2005 Patrick Orion 3 “In dhe Advance Guard” Evel Waugh’ Reputation Grafey Wheater 4A Time o Dance: Anthony Powell's Danco the Musicof ‘Tie and the Twentieth Centar in Brita Fernand Meant 5 Philip Larkins “Flemenss" Dan fcotson © CP.Snow, “The Two Cultures,” and the Corridors of Power" Revisited David Cannaaine 7 Frances Partridge: Lat ofthe Bloomsberves ‘Are Chisholm 5A Bolt from the Blue? The City of London and the ‘Outbreak ofthe Fist World War ‘Nall ngs 9 ON What a Lovey Wir History and Popular Myhsin Late Twentieth: Century Bean " 23 a7 n wo ne 139) 0

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