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It's always very nice to have those good memories to ​look back on​.

abridged​ (of a piece of writing) having been ​shortened​.

smother​ = cover a large amount
My icecream is ​smothered with​ chocolate syrup.


fermented​ = turns juice or grain into alcohol is the result of the agitated development

of bacteria

To make ​apple cider​, fresh apples are cut up and pressed using a ​hydraulic​ press.
Since apple cider is raw and includes the pressed “flesh” of the apples, it doesn’t go
through a typical filtration process.
Apple juice​ is very similar to apple cider, except it goes through both a ​filtration
process and ​pasteurization​ process.
When the beverage is exposed to heat, it changes the color, taste, and composition.
Typically, you will find that apple cider is a dark, ​opaque​ color whereas apple juice is
light and transparent.

cloudy and thick

crook​ = a dishonest preson

plump​ = fat for fowls

lurk​ = hide with malicious intention

blighter​ = an annoying person

goon​ = a ​foolish​ person
Sorry to ​detain​/​keep​ you.
trotting​ is slower than jogging but faster than walking
Fox Trotting Animation by Bedupolker on DeviantArt

prick/perk up the ears​ = ​prick attention

prick someone’s Conscience

prick a balloon prick the finger

Prick the sausages before grilling them.

murky​ ​= gloomy, muggy

A ​rustling​ is a gentle ​swishing​ sound​, like the rustling of leaves in the trees on a
breezy night. Rustling can be a noun or an adjective, in both cases describing the
muffled​ sound​ of leaves or paper.

a ​speck​ o​f moonlight


stump ​= ​a remaining part

fainter​ = the sound is getting ​quieter and quieter
Don’t ​muck​/mess it up.

muck​ = rubbish

topple​ = tumble
gain ground​ = to get ahead

prowl​ = on the hunt


crater​ = the center/round hole at the top of a volcano

jeer​/dʒɪr/ = make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice.

"some of the younger men jeered at him"

"the performers were jeered and ​heckled​"
synonym: ​taunt​, mock, ​scoff at​, ridicule, sneer at, ​deride

snickered​ = give a half-suppressed, typically scornful laugh.

"he could imagine them snickering as he passed"
synonym: ​snigger​, sneer, ​smirk​, ​simper​, ​titter​, giggle, ​chortle
But this only made the three farmers more furious and more ​obstinate​ and more
synonym: stubborn, headstrong, willful, ​unyielding​, inflexible, ​unbending
"a ​midget​ submarine" = very small
synonym: dwarf, miniature, ​diminutive​, ​dwarfish, petite, ​elfin​, person of restricted

gum​ = the flesh around your teeth

Reverse psychology​ is a technique involving the assertion of a belief or behavior
that is opposite to the one desired, with the expectation that this approach will
encourage the subject of the persuasion to do what actually is desired.
wearily​ = with extreme tiredness
"he sighed wearily and ​hauled​ himself to his feet"
“I dragged myself wearily out of bed at five o'clock this ​m​orning.”
creak​ed​ /​t​/ = ​squeak​, ​screech

duck​ = ​[intransitive, transitive] to move your head or body downwards to avoid being
hit or seen.
“He had to duck as he came through the door.“
We ​ducked down​ behind the wall so they wouldn't see us.
He ​ducked under​ the overhanging branches.
He just managed to ​duck out of​ sight.
prance​ = (of a horse) move with high springy steps.

"the pony was ​prancing around​ the ​paddock​"

(of a person) walk or move around with ​ostentatious​, exaggerated movements.
having a stiff, ​erect​, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait.
"the king marches in with a strutting military escort"
scrambled​ = make one's way quickly or awkwardly up a steep slope or over rough
ground by using one's hands as well as one's feet.
(n) the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner.

teeming​ = be full of or ​swarming with

"every garden is teeming with wildlife"
hit it ​slap-bang in the middle​ = hit it ​smack in the face​ = the hit or reach your target
hit the nail on the head ​= ​right in the Bull’s eyes
x​ marks the spot

trough​ = a container of food or water

lapped up​ = to respond to enthusiastically or accept eagerly
“Everyone clapped and cheered and you could see he was ​lapping​ it ​up​.”
splutter​ = to speak in a quick and confused way, ​jumble​ one’s words

badger​[EU] vs ​racoon​[US]
whacking​ great = ​whopping​, very big
“It’s a whacking good story.”
“a whopping 82%”
churgle​ = "chuckle" and "​gurgle​" vs “​gargle​”
foggy = unable to think clearly; confused.
tight spot​ = If you are in a tight spot, you are in a difficult situation.
galore​ = in abundance
I've got gadgets and ​gizmos​ aplenty
I've got​ whozits​ and ​whatzits galore
(You want ​thingamabobs​? I got twenty)

slyly​ = in a ​cunning​ and deceitful or manipulative manner.

"he slyly manipulates votes"
"the president smiled slyly, unable to mask a look of triumph"
gaped​ /ɡ​eɪ​pt/​ ​= stare with one's mouth open wide in amazement or wonder.

"they gaped at her as if she were an alien"

gapped​ /ɡ​æ​pt/

grub​ = good food (pretty good grub)

spring​ = make things bouncing

ravenously​ = extremely hungry, famished, beyond hungry, greedy, ​wolfish​,
gluttonous​, ​gannet-like​, ​insatiable​, ​voracious
"a ravenous appetite"
luscious​ = ​succulent​, mouth-watering food, ​opulent​(best of the best)
saliva​ /sə​ˈ​l​aɪ​ və/ vs ​drool​ vs ​spit
spit ​dribbled down​ his chin

twerp​ /twərp/ = a silly or annoying person

frump​ = a woman who wears old-fashioned clothes that do not look attractive,
Debby-downer, negative Nancy
I look ​frumpy​ today. (unattractive)
swipe​ the purse = to steal something
stoop to​ something = to lower your moral standards by doing something that is
unpleasant, dishonest, or unfair
shriek​ed​ /ʃrik​t​/
pitch​ = when you’re trying to seal a business deal, you use a specific way of
describing and talking about it, to hook people into buying it

fizzy​ drinks = soda fiery ​= spicy, potent, strong

Gurgle​ is the bubbling sound when you dump out the milk from the milk jug. It’s the

sound from the ​liquid​.

Gargle​ is the sound you make with your ​throat​, it’s not from the liquid. It’s like
juggling the water in your mouth, you’re pushing the water with your throat so it
doesn’t go down to rinse your mouth.
poaching​ = when you’re illegally hunting, taking something without permission

bird perch
perch​ in/on​ = to sit on or near the edge of something
a flight of​ stairs = one level of stairs
“I have to climb three flight of stairs to get to my house.”

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