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Esteban Vargas Rojas and Miguel Alejandro Puentes

The game of the goose


Colombo Inglés del Huila



The game of the goose is a board game for two or more players. Each player rolls a
dice and moves his token along a snail-shaped board with 63 squares, with pictures.
Depending on the square in which it falls, it can advance or on the contrary go back,
and in some of them a punishment is indicated, also the azar factor is so high in this
game, but our goose game doesn´t have an azar factor that high because you will
answer a question always so you need information about soccer for win at our game.

We made this goose game for our English class with the purpose of playing with the
class an also have a good grade after having a nice class with all the games that our
class created.
Rules are simple, there are 4 teams, you spin a roulette and depending on the
number you obtain you can move that number of boxes, then you have to answer a
questions if you fail you will advance one box more but if you fail you will go back two
boxes, the first team who reach the final box win, simple.
This game was a bridge for have a great time with our mates, learn some soccer
information and team work because in the game there are teams.

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