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 Intelligent:

He was smart to see that it had to adjust to the needs of the environment, and in this way to
become more competitive.

 Enthusiasm and ambition:

Because the CEO wants an energetic, growth-oriented person who has ambition, and they choose

 Desire to lead:

He took the initiative to make a revolution within the company to meet new goals, he did not wait
for anyone else to do it, he did it to change, and he ordered people.
 Extrovert:

He says that he begins to break several things within the company and he wanted to be number 1
or number 2, he wanted to have everyone's attention.

 Self-confident:

He was confident in himself that he was going to become number one, or number two, so he took
risks, and did everything possible to reach that goal, he trusted in himself.

 Honesty and integrity:

He strongly believed in becoming number one, so he put it as his main goal and did not stop until
he achieved it, it could also be ambition.

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