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20 Cursep ITEMS (Ci [SROK eb @iip erm By Yusi TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Table of Contents The Frozen Wastes The Blighted Plains The Burning City The Yawning Void 1. Acknowledgements and thanks Boe Va ee. eT THE FROZEN WASTES ; You thought you knew what it meant to be cold, but - 5° the wind here freezes your lips shut and steals the air from your lungs. Each breath hurts, each step aches... 1 Anobsidian pendant with a dull red gem Requires Attunement é * oe When you touch the pendant, you must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or forcibly wear it and become attuned to it. Ona successful save, you are immune to this effect and do not need to make further saving throws when touching it. Once worn, you cannot remove it or break attunement to it excey argeted by a Remove Curse spell or similar magic. While attuned to it, you have a +2 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) and resistance to cold damage. However, you become vulnerable to fire damage and have disadvantage on Charisma saving throws. Your skin takes on a pallid tone, you are always cold to touch, and birds avoid you. : ay A ided in it, ‘on a chain of silver and half buried in ice. = 2 Aring carved from opal lays at the bottom of a smashed open war chest, glittering with strange light. Requires Attunement é ‘ withit ft of the ring after spotting it, you must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw to resist the magnetic pull. On a been ww, the ring is forcibly worn and you become attuned to it, and it cannot be removed. If the ring is currently Eve om, this effect does not take place. 4 hours you mayest eee the saving throw to remove the ring and break attunement. On a successful throw, you are __ immune to its effects but cannot become attuned to it again. > _ While attuned to it, you can exhale a 15 ft. cone of frozen energy. Each creature in the area of exhalation must make ~ aConstitution saving throw. A target takes 3d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. After you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest. You also gain a fly speed of 15ft. However, in order to benefit from short rest, you faligt spend 2 hours resting instead of 1, and in order to benefit from a long rest you must pare TO hours resting instead of 8; or 6 hours in a trance instead of 4, if you are an Elf or similar race that does not requite sleep. 4 ade” acl Ne THE FROZEN WASTES 3 Assmall effigy of a demon carved from ice gleams from a snowdrift. When within 1 5ft of the item, you must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw if you can see it. On a failed save, you believe the item is either incredibly valuable and should be coveted, or incredibly dangerous and should be destroyed. If the effigy is destroyed by any means, the one who destroys it is plagued with nightmares of laughing demons, This effect can endif they are targeted by a Remove Curse spel or similar magic. ‘The effigy is a Tiny object with 15 AC, 100 HP, and immunity to all non-magical attacks and damage. 4 Afist-sized gem, glowing with pale light. Requires Attunement When held, this gem takes on the colour of your eyes. While attuned to it, you can cast the Phantasmal Force spell from it. After you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest. If the spell is cast successfully, there is a 50% chance whatever illusion you chose to inflict on the target is re-inflicted upon yourself after taking a short rest. You automatically fail any Intelligence (Investigation) checks to realise the phantom is an illusion, and take 346 psychic damage instead of 1d6 if the phantasm would deal damage to you. The phantasm lasts for 1 minute made of >zen blood. § ‘sentient, and occupied by the soul of a minor devil named Khroe-Lea. While attuned to this dagger, attacks made using it deal an extra 16 and an extra 1d6 radiant damage to creatures vulnerable to radiant damage. However, while attuned to this item, you have a-1 penalty to arisma saving throws, and any music you hear sounds like Queen songs. En : : ‘THE BLIGHTED PLAINS An endless wasteland of desolate rock and ruined buildings, the ancient battleground between two forces of evil pitted against each other for all eternity... 1 A shield made out of burnished copper, the screaming face of Asmodeus carved into it. Requires Attunement While attuned to it, this shield grants you a +2 bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield's normal bonus to AC. However, it renders you vulnerable to Radiant Damage. When within 10ft of a divine caster under a Good aligned deity, the shield emits a constant soft shriek of fury. 2 Awand carved from the tooth of a primordial being with a long lock of elven hair tied to the end Requires Attunement This wand contains a single charge. You can use an action to expend that charge and cast Power Word Kill, but there is a 25% chance of the spell targeting arandom Ivng creature within 100 ft of the wand. The wand regains the expended charge one full month after being used. In addition, whoever is carrying the wand sees the reflection of the last person to die from it whenever they look into a reflective surface. i ag ‘THE BLIGHTED PLAINS 3 Awhip handle, crafted from bone and wrapped in pale leather flayed from a humanoid creature. Requires Attunement As an action, you can attempt to place a curse on another creature within 5Oft that you can see. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or be marked. The whip has 9 charges. As an action, you can expend any number of them, targeting the marked creature, who takes 1410 bludgeoning damage for each charge expended. However, for every 3 charges expended, there is a 10% chance you will suffer one level of exhaustion. ‘The ability to curse a creature, as well as the charges, are restored every dawn. 4 Ashimmering veil of silver-blue silk, the edges tattered and worn. Requires Attunement While attuned to this item, it disappears when you wear it. The veil has 3 charges. As an action, you can expend a charge to cast Invisibility from it on yourself, However, for 1 hour after each cast, your head remains invisible to yourself and others. The veil regains all charges every dawn. 2 A war hammer with curses in Abyssal and Infernal carved in it. Requires Attunement This war hammer is sentient and calls itself Fester. The metal oozes with an acid, reeking of rotting flesh. Fester delights in all things pungent and -omposing, and likes nothing more than being covered in fetid matter. Often grumpy, being placed in anything rancid and foul will appease it. lle attuned to this weapon, attacks made using it deal an extra 1d6 acid damage. On a hit with an attack roll of 19 or 20, it also deals an extra 2d poison damage to the target. However, you suffer a -2 penalty to all Charisma checks and saving throws, and you emit a terrible smell. THE BURNING CITY The metal of the city screams as the burning heat twists its very elements. Your skin feels like it’s roasting and the stench of flame and smoke drifts heavy in the choking air... 1 Acopper chalice, dropped in an alleyway. A single black diamond is embedded in the side of the chalice and glows with a supernatural light. Requires Attunement by a spelleaster As an action, you can fill this chalice with a liquid and drink it to regain 144 expended spell slots of any level up to 6th. Each time those restored spell slots are used, you must use your bonus action to cough up blood, taking 1d4 force farnage for each level of the spell slot. In addition, if 3 or more restored spell slots are used before you complete a long rest, you have a 10% chance of taking 10d10 Force Damage as your insides haemorrhage. This chance increases by 10% for each subsequent restored spell slot used. This damage cannot be reduced or prevented, and if you are reduced to 0 HP from it, you die. 4, A rusted iron choker with tarnished gold leaf in the pattern of a chain around the inside. Requires Attunement While attuned to this item, you gain advantage on all Strength checks and saving throws, but each time you make a Deception check, the collar brands a link in the chain onto your skin. THE BURNING CITY 3 Agolden quill, the engraved feather sparkling with gem dust. Requires Attunement This quill is sentient and calls itself Maitear-vhan Desord. It has a jovial disposition and delights in whispering dreadful puns, and will often comically frisspell he things i's wrtingsWhile ettUneditollavoW/CAAiyritein.any lanuage,siply by acking Maiteerv fate trancatelt even if you conobknouthe language. However, you need to succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check, or run the risk of comedic mistranslations. While attuned, Maitear-vhan willalways leave ink stains on your fingers and drip ink spots onto the ground, giving advantage to Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track you. 4 An emerald compass, the hands carved from slivers of bone. This compass always points in the direction of the nearest demon within 1 mile. While within 1 mile of a demon, the compass drips with blood. 5 Abeaten bronze necklace in the shape of Dispater’s face. Requires Attunement When you touch this necklace, you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw to resist putting it on and becoming attuned to it. If worn, the amulet cannot be removed, and if any creature attempts to remove it, you immediately consider them a violent and dangerous threat to you. This effect can be broken, and the amulet removed, if you are targeted by a Remove Curse spell or similar magic. The necklace is always warm to the touch, and has 5 charges. As an action, you can expend a charge to cast Melf's Minute Meteors, or 3 charges to cast Fire Storm from it. Once you expend a charge, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest. The necklace regains all charges at dawn; however, at that time you must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw, or begin to believe that a fellow party member is planning to steal the necklace. THE YAWNING VOID age Endless pits drop down between sheets of foul, dark stone, ravines and fissures torn into cold, uncaring rock. Trembling cities rises from the depths, and crumbling ruins plummet down forever... 1 Apale leather chest harness, strange glowing sigils embedded in the thick material. Requires Attunement : é _ While attuned to this item, you can use an action to conjure a p. lemonic wings, granting you a fly speed of 40ft for up to 1 hour. However, for 1 hour after use, your walking speed is reduced by half. After you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest. After 5 uses, your speed is permanently reduced by 5ft, and afurther 5ft for every 5 subsequent uses. This can be undone if you are targeted by a Remove Curse spell or similar magic. ’ » heving : ; s ( 2 Apair of glasses with lenses made from shimmering opal. Requires Attunement _ When you wear these glasses for the first time, you immediately become attuned to them and cannot remove them, ~ unless if you are targeted by a Remove Curse spell or similar magic, or you die. While attuned to them, you can see through all darkness, both magical and non magical, to a distance of 120ft, and you cannot be blinded by magic. "You can also see invisible creatures as a hazy, smouldering outline of their true shapes and cannot be surprised by invisible creatures. However, you have disadvantage on any checks and attack rolls that rely on sight while you, or the target of the check or attack roll, are in sunlight. In addition, you are vulnerable to radiant damage even if you _ were previously resistant. If you were immune to radiant damage, you are now resistant to it instead. THE YAWNING VOID 3 A scimitar carved from a pale blue gemstone with threads of gold and silver running through it when attuned. 4 Requires Attunement While attuned to this item, as a bonus action after you hit a creature, you can place a hex on them. This hex lasts for 24 hours, and allows you to know the location of the creature if they are within 5 miles of you, and cannot be surprised by them while the hex is active. As an action, you can teleport to the location of the creature at will, appearing in a safe location within 1Oft of it, or the closest unoccupied space. However, while the creature is hexed, they also know your location as well, and can attempt to teleport to you by succeeding on aDC 15 intelligence check. if they do so, they cannot use this ability again until they finish a short or long rest. 3 4 —_Astrange helmet with a thick iron mouth-guard, leaving only the eyes of the wearer on show. Requires Attunement When you wear this item while attuned to it, anything you say comes out as a translation into Infernal, even if you cannot normally speak the language, and you are able to understand any Infernal spoken to you. If you wish to remove the helmet, you must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw, or take 110 piercing damage and break out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. During each long rest, you must make aDC 15 Wisdom saving throw or suffer terrible nightmares. 5 ‘A cloak spun from filaments of absolute darkness. lires Attunement le attuned to this item, you can use an action to become invisible for 10 minutes, while at the same time becoming numb to your surroundings. You have advantage on any Dexterity (Stealth) checks that rely on sight, and cannot be sensed by blindsight or tremorsense. However, you also suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception), Intelligence (Investigation), and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks, initiative rolls, as well as Dexterity saving throws. Once the cloak has been activated,you cannot cancel the effect until the 10 minutes are up. You are also cold to touch for a day after the last time you used its ability. 10 Sj T would like to thank my patrons for all their encouragement and support in the creation of this supplement. ithout ce itvfouldi't be able to credited dommn cael thiserthiike to thatik Rebecca Golding, Ben Haines, Sally Pritchard, Cheyenne Bramwell tos me Jennifer Martin, Lauren wes Loxley Locksmith, Mark Smit, and Baeoale aed Ford. . : Bs I would also like: to thank Anastasios Tsi is bor reateag this, and for providing me with excellent insight and advic You can find him at: @AnastasiosH] W on Twitter. Iwould also like to.extend my thanks to Tyler (@Tyler_MoonSage) for their help with the accessible document version. Seog Figen w cull LkGtovartheetiaor em orga feat find mae: Twitter @uzbadvae You can also find my Patreon at the following link: https:/ AGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampers ihc all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks : | Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. yee work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. } a used with permission ler the Community Content Agreement for Du’ ngeon Masters Guild. _ All other original material i in this work is copyright 2019 os hed under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Nastes Guild. ‘om the Humble Bundle Fantasy Game Dev bundle. x

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