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kawaii gibbous: idk maybe its just a bug and something else happened alongside that

triggered that but its definitely very nice

[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: What is a bug?
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: I see only features...
kawaii gibbous: a tiny beetle
kawaii gibbous: yeah
kawaii gibbous: :D
kawaii gibbous: features are like plots
kawaii gibbous: they are nice
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: And bouncy
kawaii gibbous: true
kawaii gibbous: we need plots in eu4
kawaii gibbous: somehow
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: Yeah, plots can definitely increase your morale
kawaii gibbous: sure
kawaii gibbous: or decrease it if used incorrectly
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: you could potentionaly make your own mode, in which
plots will modify the morale of armies
kawaii gibbous: theoretically
kawaii gibbous: female leaders give +500% morale or something
kawaii gibbous: youd need to be able to recruit them though
kawaii gibbous: somehow
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: Depends on age, height, weight, and the velocity of a
kawaii gibbous: true
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: plots*
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: Actually, let me ask.
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: What kind of plot do you prefer?
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: The smaller one or the bouncier one
kawaii gibbous: medium developed plots
kawaii gibbous: and you
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: So you're the man of culture as well
kawaii gibbous: actually, all plots can be nice if well executed
kawaii gibbous: yes
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: It all depends on your field of vision
kawaii gibbous: that is also true
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: I'm gonna make an example
kawaii gibbous: being alcoholized makes small plots look as if they were fully
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: In HS DxD: Koneko is really cute, but i wouldn't mind
Rias either.
kawaii gibbous: yeah, why not both
kawaii gibbous: also, it depends at least a little on how the plots are packaged.
unpackaged ones are usually preferable but thats up for debate, some might say
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: True, however if plots are packaged in right outfit, it
can increase both the velocity of those and the likeability in the first place
kawaii gibbous: indeed
kawaii gibbous: plot progression is important after all
kawaii gibbous: seeing a plot unfold is also nice
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: Going all down straight from the start would be kind
dissappointment after all
kawaii gibbous: yes indeed
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: The development is irreplacable
kawaii gibbous: plots are not everything after all, although they are definitely
preferable to alternative takes on storytelling
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: There also sidestories to be told
kawaii gibbous: yes
kawaii gibbous: dont forget the quests
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: Yeah, but from the main story line, you have to be on a
lookout for side missions
kawaii gibbous: true
kawaii gibbous: well some prefer to focus on the plot, but the spirit of a story is
also important
kawaii gibbous: *plots
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: Sir, I'd love to be reminded, how did we end up on such
a classy conversation?
kawaii gibbous: I dont know
kawaii gibbous: plots boost morale I suppose
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: It doesn't matter how great the plot is, if graphics,
sounds, development, and story sucks
kawaii gibbous: true, there must be a certain kind of complete picture
kawaii gibbous: and I must say, fany interface overlays are usually overrated
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: Attitude is important
kawaii gibbous: indeed
kawaii gibbous: attitude might actually be more important than plots
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: Is it alright if I save this conversation somewhere?
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: for future generations
kawaii gibbous: nope
kawaii gibbous: it is morally inacceptable
kawaii gibbous: sure thing
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: The future of this world depends on it!
[KoKo] [SneezyDwarf] Dazer: It may prove useful
kawaii gibbous: yes it might

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