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Growth and Development

Perkins, D.,  Radelet, S., Lindauer, D. and Block, S. (2013), Economics of Development, seventh
edition, International Student Edition, Norton

1. The first consists of a critical assessment of growth theories including the

convergence-divergence debate regarding trends in the international distribution of
income and the links between growth and poverty reduction.
2. The second section addresses agricultural and rural sector development including
the role of agriculture in economic development and the relationship between rural
poverty and growth. It also looks at issues of commodity dependence and Dutch
Disease theory.
3. Section three looks at open economy issues and examines the links between trade
and growth, aid and growth and the impact of IMF and World Bank policy based
lending on growth and development.
4. The final section considers the role of industrialisation and labour markets in the
growth process.

Gender Economics

 Beneria, L. 2003, Gender, Development & Globalisation. Economics As If All People

Mattered. New York: Routledge.
 Jacobsen, J. 2007. The Economics of Gender. Cambridge: Wiley Blackwell.
 Rai, S. and G. Waylen (eds). 2014 New Frontiers in Feminist Political Economy.
London: Routledge

 Barker, D.K. and Feiner, S.F. 2004 Liberating Economics:  Feminist Perspectives on
Families, Work, and Globalization, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
 Blau, F., Ferber, M. and Winkler, A. 2014 The Economics of Women, Men and Work,
Boston:  Pearson (Seventh Edition).
 Ferber, M. and Nelson, J. (1993) Beyond Economic Man:  Feminist Theory and
Economics. London and Chicago: Chicago University Press.
 Jackson, C. and R. Pearson (eds) 1998. Feminist visions of Development: Gender
Analysis and Policy, London and New York: Routledge.
 Kabeer, N. 1994 Reversed Realities: Gender Hierarchies in Development Thought,
London: Verso.
 Nelson, J. 1995. Feminism, objectivity and economics. London: Routledge.
 Throughout the course we will also referring to articles in the following journals
(among others): Feminist Economics and Gender Development


 Gujarati D N and Porter D C (2009) Basic Econometrics, 5th edition, McGraw-Hill,

International Edition ISBN 978-007-127625-2
W H Greene Econometric Analysis (Prentice-Hall, 2012)
J Johnston and J DiNardo Econometric Methods (McGraw-Hill, 1996)

D Acemoglu Introduction to Modern Economic Growth (Princeton University Press, 2009)

O J Blanchard and S Fischer Lectures in Macroeconomics (MIT Press, 1989)
N L Stokey and R E Lucas Jr  Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics (Fellows of Harvard
College, 1989) - Useful background for more technical material

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