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By Santiago Andres Tovar Grade 10


-Can we all have the mindset of a champion?


because the truth in my point of view the key to success and having the mentality
of a champion is not an easy task because that requires a lot of sacrifice, a lot of
effort and responsibility, for example, Leonel Messi is a professional soccer player
who from a very young age fought for his goal, he tried hard, He dedicated himself
and is now one of the best in the world, Michael Jordan was a great example in the
NBA since he never gave up on what he did and always fought until the end
without giving up

-Do you think you are a champion? how will you become a champion in the


The truth is that I am a champion in process since I am fighting for my goal, giving
my best with humility, work and a lot of sacrifice to be an example in the future and
to say I did it was thanks to the fact that I never gave up, I never stop dreaming
and never stop trying

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