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Air and noise pollution

Pollution is the introduction of harmful

materials into the environment. These
harmful materials are called pollutants.
Pollutants can be natural, such as
volcanic ash. They can also be created by
human activity, such as trash or runoff
produced by factories. Pollutants damage
the quality of air, water, and land.


Means degradation or destruction of the

Earth’s surface and soil, directly or indirectly as
a result of human activities.
Agricultural activities
Mining activities
Overcrowded landfills
Construction activities
Nuclear waste
Sewage treatment
Solutions for Land Pollution

Make people aware of the concept of Reduce,

Recycle and Reuse.
Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers in
agricultural activities.
Avoid buying packages items as they will lead
to garbage and end up in the landfill site.
Ensure that you do not litter on the ground
and do proper disposal of garbage.
Buy biodegradable products.
Do organic gardening and eat organic food
that will be grown without the use of
The burning of fossil fuels

Agricultural activities ( use of insecticides,

pesticides, and fertilizers in agricultural
activities mit harmful chemicals into the air)

Exhaust from factories and industries

Mining operations

Indoor air pollution

Air pollution kills more than 2 million people
each year, according to a study published in the
journal of Environmental Research Letters.
Solutions For Air Pollution

Use public mode of transportation

Conserve energy
Switch off fans and lights when you are going
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
You can use old jars to store cereals or pulses.
Emphasis on clean energy resources
Clean energy technologies
like solar, wind and geothermal are on high
these days. Governments of various countries
have been providing grants to consumers who
are interested in installing solar panels for their






Reduce Water Pollution

Use Less Plastic

Reuse Items

Recyclable Options

Do Not Dispose Oils in the Sink

Dishwashing or Laundry
Do not Throw Away Medicines
Cleaning Chemicals
Similar to oils, cleaning chemicals are
hazardous when they enter the water supply. If
you are emptying out containers of household
cleaning supplies, do it in the trash can not the

Household Items
Do not throw household items, such as cloths,
dental floss or wrappers, into the toilet when
you are done with them. Toilet paper is
specifically made in a way that breaks down
easily in water pipes, but these other items
pollute the system.
Noise pollution-Sources

Industrial sources
Vehicles for transportation
Poor urban planning
Public address systems
Agriculture machines
Military equipment
Inside building services
Household activities
Office equipment
Prevention of Noise Pollution
Use of earplugs
They can be worn in working places and while
sleeping to reduce the amount of noise from the
surrounding environment.
Industrial plants that produce a lot of noise
from their machinery can use soundproof
materials to reduce high sound frequencies.
Closing the windows
Jarring horns
To reduce the noise that is associated with
continuous hoots in traffic, vehicles can install
horns that have jarring sounds.
Law enforcement
The state and local government should have
proper laws that prevent noise pollution near
residential areas

Noise-canceling headphones
They can be used by workers to reduce noise
pollution in industrial and construction

Use of barriers or go green by planting trees

Lubrication and better maintenance of
When the moving parts of machines and
engines are well maintained and lubricated, it
not only improves efficiency but also aids in
reducing noise.

The use of creativity in house and office

Noisy house appliances and office equipment
can be placed at the far ends of the house or
office, therefore, reducing the levels of noise
that reaches resting or working areas.
Light pollution

Poor Planning

Irresponsible use

Solutions for Light Pollution

There are two basic approaches to solving light

pollution – planning and education.
Planning means more consideration about how
areas are zoned and where lights are placed.

Education is also key. The more people

understand the importance of turning off lights
to conserve energy and reduce light pollution
the faster change will be seen.
Radioactive Pollution
Nuclear accidents from nuclear energy
generation plants
The use of nuclear weapons as weapons of
mass destruction (WMD)
Use of radio isotopes
Spillage of radioactive chemicals
Tests on radiation
Cosmic rays
Solutions of Radioactive Pollution
Proper method of disposing radioactive
Radioactive waste still has some level of
radiation. Accordingly, it cannot be
disposed in the same way as normal waste.
It cannot be incinerated or buried. Since
there is likelihood of seepage, this waste
should be stored in heavy and thick
concrete containers.
Proper labeling
It is necessary for any material with
radioactive content to be labeled and the
necessary precautions advised on the
content of the label.
Banning of nuclear tests

Alternative energy sources

Proper storage

Since it is not easy to store or dispose
the waste, it can be recycled and used for
other purposes like in another reactor as
fuel thereby protecting the environment
Thermal pollution

is defined as sudden increase or

decrease in temperature of a natural body
of water which may be ocean, lake, river
or pond by human influence.


Water as Cooling Agent in Power,

Manufacturing and Industrial plants
Soil Erosion
Runoff from Paved Surfaces
Natural Causes
Only when the last tree
has died and the last
river been poisened and
the last fish been caught
will we realise we cannot
eat money.

Indian proverb

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