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Scenario—Advertisement for ‘Metabo-Herb’

Scientific Proof that ‘Metabo-Herb’ causes your tomatoes to grow faster than

Decades of scientific research has resulted in the development of a new plant fertilizer that
promotes plant growth better than any other product on the market—including ‘Super Grow.’
‘Metabo-Herb’ is a clinically formulated fertilizer that is scientifically proven to outperform all
other products.

We don’t just say that our product is better, we prove it!

The following experiment provides definitive, scientific proof of the superiority of ‘Metabo-
Herb’ over ‘Super-Grow.’

Two side by side one-acre fields were planted with the same variety of tomatoes. One of the
fields was fertilized with ‘Metabo-Herb,’ the other was not. At the end of the season, plants
were randomly sampled from each field and compared with respect to growth (plant height).

The differences in growth between the plants are amazing and scientifically proven! A
statistically significant difference in plant height between the groups proves the superiority of
‘Metabo-Herb” over our competitors.

Growth (height in inches)

‘Metabo-Herb’ Without
48 39
52 31
43 36
49 29
50 37
37 39
51 36
47 34
48 37
42 38
53 33
50 43
29 32
48 29
47 26
Mean 46 35

Plants fertilized with Metabo-Herb grew on average 11 inches taller than those without. These
data scientifically prove the superiority of Metabo-Herb over Super Grow.
But don’t take our word for it—Listen to what gardeners around the country have to say about
our product:

I’ve never had such tall plants—Metabo-Herb made my garden the envy of the town.
-Billy J. (Winchester, TN)

My tomatoes have never grown so fast!

-Nancy C. (Harrell, SD)

After using Metabo-Herb, I’ll never use anything else.

-Andrew S. (Southampton, MD)

My tomato plants are the biggest I’ve ever had...just look at them!
-Johnny V. (Yucca, AZ)

In addition to be scientifically proven to be more effective than our competitors, Metabo-Herb

is less expensive!

For $49.98 you can order a 40 pound bag of Metabo-Herb—just put it on your garden and watch
your plants grow like never before.

Don’t Delay,

Send only $49.98 to:

Fleece-You Enterprises
Swindler Lane
Deceit, RI 70725

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