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Investigation on pea plant

growth when changed

Introduction: Beans are a type of plant that provide important nutrients for
humans, and their growth can be affected by water, light ,temperature, nutrients,
etc. Understanding how these factors affect the growth of beans You can learn
how to grow this plant better by testing different ways to change it, and so that
we can get the best out of it.

Aim: We will be growing two peas in different types of conditions to see how
the growth of the plants will be affected. We will be adding vinegar to one of the
plants and then we will let the other one grow peacefully with no interruptions.
After the plants grow we will be able to identify the difference between both of
the plants growth.

Hypothesis: I think when we are going to add vinegar to the plant it will
definitely stunt its growth because vinegar is an acidic and non natural substance.

Materials: Two peas seeds ,Vinegar,Water, pipette,Two cups. Soil.

1. We cut out a hole into two small cups to drain the extra water.
2. We put soil into both of the cups
3. Then we put two seeds into each cup with the soil in it and covered it.
4. We put water on the cup.
5. Next we got an icepole stick and wrote our names on it and put it in the
6. After that we put vinegar into one and left the other one in normal
7. And then we watered both of the pea plants in a ordinary manner.

Height of pea
Days Dependent Independent
variable variable
Day 5 5.8 cm 5.8 cm
Day 7 17.8 cm 17.8 cm
Day 12 23.5 cm 25 cm
Discussion: During this experiment the conditions of both plants were almost
the same. The plant with vinegar was also kept in sunlight and watered normally
just like the plant that was under normal conditions. The only difference between
both of the plants was one of them was having vinegar added to it and the other
one was in normal conditions. According to the observations me and my groups
figured the vinegar that we added to the plant had no effect on the growth on the
pea plant, which otherwise would have been resulted in similar growth patterns.
Both of the plants were grown in the same rate.

Analysis: The experimental pea plant grew taller than the one in normal
conditions. This means that my hypothesis was incorrect as the pea plant which
vinegar was added grew slightly more than the pea plant that was under normal
conditions, my results were not the same as everyone else as their experimental
pea plant which was tampered with either died or didn’t grow more than the pea
plant under normal conditions.

Error Analysis: Me and my group did not measure the amount of water that
was going into both of the pea plants. This makes it so that our results was not as
accurate as we wanted our results to be. On the first day we also forgot to put
vinegar into the pea plant we wanted.

Improvements: I want to be more accurate at measuring our data by

making everything the exact same except for the fact that one of the pea plants
was being tampered with. I also didn’t write down the measurements in a correct
manner so I had to recheck with one of my partners to be sure, so next time I ever
do a experiment I want to be more precise and organized.
Conclusion: In conclusion the vinegar on the experimental pea plant had
almost no effect on the growth of the pea plants, according the the data recorded
from this investigation. This suggests that the growth of the pea plant in any type
of way. This investigation also concludes that the hypothesis I wrote in the first
place was incorrect and the data we recorded does not further back up the initial
hypothesis. Further research can be done by varying concentrations of vinegar to
observe the effects, this can aid in finding out more comprehensive information
about the growth of pea plants in further experiments.

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