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NAME: Aswani Forrest

POOL: 5 Pool 3 (Biology. Mrs Blackwood-Harrison)

OBSERVATION/QUESTION: My father claims that he gets a greater yield of tomatoes when

he uses natural fertilizers. I want to test this statement scientifically.


HYPOTHESIS: If natural fertilizers are used, then the tomato plants will produced a greater

yield compared to when artificial fertilizers used.

AIM: To investigate whether natural or artificial fertilizer gives greater yield of the tomato


1. Tomato seeds
2. Potting Soil
3. 20 identical plant pots
4. Natural fertilizer
5. Watering Can
6. Measuring cups
7. Garden trowel
8. Ruler
9. Labels
10. Light source
11. Water source
12. Notebook and pen for recording data
METHOD: Twenty (20) identical plot plants are prepared by filling each with potting soil. Half

are labelled as Group A (natural fertilizer) and the other half as Group B (artificial fertilizer). An

equal amount of tomato seeds are planted into each pot. All pots are watered and verified to be

evenly moist. The recommended amount of natural fertilizer is added to Group A and the

recommended amount of artificial fertilizer is added to Group B. All pots are placed under the

same light source with equal light exposure. The pots are watered once daily and verified to

receive the same amount of water throughout the experiment. The height of the tomato plants,

the number of flowers, and the number of tomato plants produced on each plot will be recorded

for six (6) continuous votes.

CONTROL: The control of this experiment are three (3) plotted points, placed under the same

conditions, the same precautions and are carried out under the same method, without the use of


1. Maintain consistent lighting conditions for all pots.
2. Water all pots equally and regularly to prevent variations due to moisture.
3. Ensure that the natural and artificial fertilizers are applied as directed on the product
4. Label pots clearly to avoid confusion between Group A and Group B.
5. Take care not to over-fertilize, as it may harm the plants.

ASSUPMTIONS: It was assumed that the tomato seeds, soils, and environmental conditions are

uniform and consistent. We also assume that the fertilizers are of reasonable quality and

- Manipulated Variable: Type of fertilizer (natural or artificial)
- Responding Variable: Height of tomato plants, number of flowers, number of tomatoes
- Control Variable: Potting soil, tomato seeds, water and pot size.

EXPECTED RESULTS: It is expected that tomato plants in Group A (natural fertilizer) will

grow taller at a quicker rate compared to Group B (artificial fertilizer).


consistently exhibits faster growth in plant height compared to Group B, it would support the

hypothesis that natural fertilizers lead to quicker tomato plant growth.


1. Environmental conditions may very slightly, which could impact the results.

2. The quality of the fertilizers used may differ, affecting plant growth.

3. Individual tomato plants may have natural variation in growth, which may introduce

some variability to the results.

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