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In the matter of the Administrative Complaint against:


This is a complaint for acts of lasciviousness filed by Atty.

_______________________in behalf of her unnamed Lady Companion against
______________________ as contained in an undated letter addressed to the THE
Acting on the said letter, the company has commissioned the undersigned to
investigate the matter and to submit the results thereof, hence this report.
As per the letter complaint, ___________________ who was alleged to be
inebriated, allegedly touched the buttocks of Atty. _______________’s lady companion,
who resisted, and which allegedly caused the former to strike her in the arm and
strangle her neck. Said incident was reported to have happened on October 26, 2018 at
around 11:00 p.m. during the ___________________
Summons were made to _______________ who submitted his affidavit stating
that no such incident happened as her encounter with the lady companion of Atty.
__________who was ______________ was too brief and friendly thereby making it very
impossible for such highly scandalous incident to happen. Besides, there exists no
report of any scandal of such nature happening on the said occasion to warrant any
taint of credulity to the statements given in the subject letter complaint.
On the contrary, according to the statements of ________ it was the Lady
Companion of Atty. ________ who was trying to flirt with him, asking him to book her as
his dance partner on the Ballroom party on October 22, 2018, which she alleged to be
her birthday, and even asked him for a Birthday cake as a present.
It was likewise Ms. ________ who sent a text message to ________ on the night
of October 26, 2018 at around 10:00 p.m., asking him for her birthday cake. That
making several head signals on the part of Ms. ________, for ________________ to
come to her, which act made it uneasy for him as he was in the presence of his wife
and mother-in-law, he finally decided to meet her. He then proceeded to meet her at
the ice tea bar of the dance hall and greeted her a belated Happy Birthday, while she
was then with a fellow Dance Instructor ____________________ It was then that Ms.
________ tried to seduce him in asking for her birthday cake, rubbing her body against
him, from which ________ managed to get out of, by approaching the Security
Commander of The company in the person of ____________
With such affidavit of ________, as well as the interviews made to club’s
personnel who might have witnessed the event, invitations were made ______________
and subsequently to ________________ to shed light on the matter, both of whom
acceded to the said request and met with the undersigned on the matter. Upon
questioning, ____________________ affirmed that he was with ________ that night at
the Ice tea bar of the hall at around such time that the alleged incident happened. On
that occasion, Johhny testified that he managed to observe Ms. ________ peeping inside
the dance floor as if she was looking for somebody.
While he and Ms. ________ was chatting with each other at the ice tea bar,
________ came and greeted her a belated Happy Birthday, while they beso-beso each
other. At that point, Michelle asked about her birthday cake to which ________
responded “Hindi yata nagawa eh.”. After that he noticed Ms. ________ switched sides

and continued to ask ________ about her Birthday cake. At that point, ________ saw
the Security Officer of The company and moved towards his location to talk to him.
Before being able to leave his location, Johnny testified that he saw Michelle tapping
the back of ________ in a friendly manner as she was smiling at that time, which act
was complimented by ________ with another friendly tap on her shoulders before
leaving her to proceed to Mr. Bicol.
That on the days that followed, Johnny was surprised to receive a call from Ms.
________, asking him to testify against ________ who allegedly touched her buttocks
that night, on the occasion that they were together. Said request was bluntly refused
by Johnny since he knew that no such thing ever happened that night as they were even
very friendly with each other on that occasion.
On the part of _________________ who was the Security Detachment
Commander of The company, he confirmed the facts as relayed by
___________________ and the Dance Instructor Johnny de Leon and relayed that he
witnessed such friendly encounter of the The company President with the said Dance
Instructors as he was then manning the reception table outside of the dance floor. He
even confirmed Johnny’s observations that Ms. ________ was occasionally peeping
inside the dance floor towards the direction of ________’s table where he, his wife and
his mother-in-law were seated;
To give evidentiary weight to the statements given by the subjects, they were
asked to make their statement under oath, to which they complied, which sworn
statements are attached are made integral parts of this report.
From the facts gathered in the subject investigation, no probability exists
whatsoever to warrant any finding of irregularity on ________’s dealings with the lady
companion of Atty. ________. These findings are based on the absence of any evidence
to support such written complaint, as may be gleaned from the impossibility that such
highly scandalous scene will happen unnoticed and unreported in a well lighted place
where more than 350 members and guests were in attendance. Said impossibility was
likewise attested to by persons who are present at the incident as alleged, and who
testified that no such incident happened that night as the parties involved are very
cordial with each other.
In fact, had such highly scandalous incident as alleged really happened and
witnessed by the letter sender, Atty. ________, he could have confronted ________ at
the very same instance as the same may be considered a personal insult to him since
the subject of the same is a lady companion of his. There being no evidence submitted
to this effect, this investigation body can never give any credence to the complaint
This report is being made in compliance with the directive given to the
undersigned to investigate on the matter.

Respectfully submitted.

Greenhills, San Juan, Metropolitan Manila. November 12, 2018

Investigating Officer

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