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10-04-2020: Session 4 (summary)

Machine Learning

Linear regression with real world data

( y = cx + b )

Hit and Trial method to find the value of c

b = model.intercept_

Detailed explanation of How model is created

Creating software or applications from Python program(command line)

Image Processing

Computer vision in Detail

Use of Numpy array in Image processing .

Capturing an image using web cam

Processing a captured image through webcam.

11-04-2020: Session 5(summary)

Machine Learning

Introduction to pipelining (Data Scientist DevelopersClient)

Basics of python programming, conditional statements of (if ,elif,else)

Simple explanation of while loop with exit() function

Detailed explanation of error concept in linear Regression

Ŷ = model predicated out put

Y = real output

Y - Ŷ = error

MAE : Mean Absolute error

MSE : Mean Square error

RSME : Root Mean Square error

Model accuracy

70-80 % data – Training

30 -20% data – For Testing

Multi Linear Regression

Feature selection
Feature elimination

13-04-2020: Session 6(summary)

Machine Learning

Feature selection is described in detail. Feature selection classified in to Two Manual method
and Program Method

Manual Method  For Domain Experts

Program method  program method is mainly using three algorithms

Filter Method

Wrapper Method ( Deep Learning Method)

Embedded Method (Lasso method)

Filter method –

Constant Constant is mainly used when a feature has all the data in the dataset
constant manner

Quasi Constantit uses when there is 95-99% variation in data

Correlation It checks at what extent a feature is relevant. It’s range is in between

(-1 to 1). Negative value indicates it is not relevant in prediction or estimation.

( Detailed Explanation of Multi Linear Regression using the example of House Prices in USA)

Computer Vision

We studied How to connect a webcam using python.

Taking photos from webcam

Resizing the video

Cropping the video

Changing the property of the video (Colour to B/W)

Parameter passing in to wait Key

Wait key reading values from keyboard input.

Use of while loop in converting image to video.

14-04-2020: Session 7(summary)

Machine Learning

Detailed Concept of coefficient or weight when used in multi linear regression

y= b + c1*x1 + c2*x2 + c3*x3 where b = bias (which can be 0) c1,c2,c3 as coefficients

marks analysis ,how much time they is used in cafeteria and all how mark depends .
Computer vision

face detection technology by pretrained model (Haar Cascade)

Detailed concepts of How Face detection works

Introduction to CNN Model

Accessing mobile cam using ip address .by python program

Drawing a rectangle in an image using cv2.rectangle() function

15-04-2020: Session 8(summary)

Machine Learning

Detailed explanation of Feature selection

Feature selection is devided in to three:

Filter method

Wrapper Method

Embaded method

Filter method is using correlation

Embaded method is using coifficent

Feature Engineering

Label encoding

Dummy Variable

One-Hot encoding

DataFrame( array in pandas)

Ilock function

Duplication of data – Multi collilinity

16-04-2020: Session 9(summary)

Machine Learning

Feature selection

Performance – eliminating the features

Single x –one dimensional data / one dimensional x

Multi dimensional dataset

Diamensionality Reduction ( eliminating dimension in data set)

Diamnesiona;lity reduction is converted in to two:

Feature selection and Featuure extraction

In Feature extraction we use algoritham called PCA(Principle Compound analysis)

Detailed explanation of Wrapper method

It uses OLS (Ordinary Least Squre )

Concepts of Backword elimination

RedHat 8 & Python -- #30

Detailed explanation of while loop

Detailed explanation of for loop

Detailed explanation of function

Argument function

No argument Function

18-04-2020: Session 10(summary)

Machine Learning

Small introduction to Deep learning / Neural Network

Detailed explanation about traditional statistical approach of machine learning

Null hypothesis and the definition pf Null hypothesis

Introduction to the GRETL software and its use in the dataset analysis.

feature selection using wrapper method and understand about OLS algorithm and p-values.

*Brief Explation about Devops


Computer Vision

Detailed Explanation of Face Reorganization system

Explanation of LBPH (old Approach)

Auto login by Face Recognizing Technology

Automatic web opening using Face Recognizing

Training model by Images

20-04-2020: Session 11(summary)

Difference between traditional ML and Deep Learning

NxN Matrix Operations

Detailed explanation of TensorFlow

tf.constant(value) to create a constant

tf.Variable(value) to create a variable

a.assign(value)to assign

Example of creating Graph

Explanation of Lazy Execution

Distributed and parallel computing

single layer neural network.

In neural networks, we have input layer, output layer & hidden layer.

gradient descent and how error depends on weight.

optimiser model

21-04-2020 Session 12(summary)

framework and how it works and how lazy execution take part in Neural Network

between list , array , and tensor data type.

diagram working of BNN biological neural networks

Formation of Neural networks.

ANN (Artificial Neural Networks)

CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks)

RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks)

Formation of Layer ,Input layer ,Output layer ,Hidden Layer

working of hidden layers

22-04-2020 Session 13(summary)

he lazy execution, why it is slow but it increases the performance of the program.

Classification method and some popular activation functions

Explanation of feed forward / forward propagation.

Detailed explanation of back propagation

Keras is frontend of tenserflow

Deep learning is for both classification and regression

Continued with model training using keras

keras.model import Sequential for sequential model

keras.layers import Dense to create layer of neurons

keras.optimizer import Adam to calculate descent

24-04-2020 Session 14(summary)

Data Visualization –

To analyse the data we take help of graph.

Analysing data with the help of visual format is called visualization.

Library of data virtualization(seaborn ,matplotlib)

How to convert data frame to python list

Pandas detailed explanation

Detailed explanation of choosing a good optimizer

oscillation while using optimizer

functions in folium like Map(), Marker(), add_to() and also different options

Tiles like stamen, Openstreetmap etc to plot diffrent types of map.

25-04-2020 Session 15(summary)

For visualising data we have to use graph

(matplot lib ,seaborn , ploty)

Seaborn is a Python data visualization library based on matplotlib

 Heatmap

 Histogram

 Bar Plot

 Factor Plot

 Density Plot

 Joint Distribution Plo

We are discussed Histogram in very detail

Classification is mainly divided in to two

Old approach—(Sklearn)

New approach –DL –neuron (neural network)

In Old approach it is again classified in to two

Binary classification

Multi classification

A sigmoid function :- is a type of activation function, and more specifically defined as a squashing
function. Squashing functions limit the output to a range between 0 and 1, making these functions
useful in the prediction of probabilities.

27-04-2020 Session 16(summary)

Machine Learning

Binary classification in detail

Binary classification uses a type of Logistic regression

Binary classification out put either 0 or 1 : - The website contains may type of Datasets (real world data sets)

Creating a model is also known as hypothesis

Detailed explanation of Binary classification using Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster


Discussed about agile model of development

Relevance of Devops training

Software of app development life cycle in details

Importants of devops in industry use case

Discussed about container technology in detail

Explained basic working of kubernets.

Short talk on OpenShift

Rapid or agile




Jenkins -Continues integration tool

28-04-2020 Session 17(summary)

Machine Learning

Continuation of Classification, Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster

Visualization using Pandas library Function hist() and plot()

One hot encoding method That converts dataset in to dummy variables

confusion matrix

True Positive:Interpretation: You predicted positive and it’s true.

True Negative:Interpretation: You predicted negative and it’s true.

False Positive: (Type 1 Error)Interpretation: You predicted positive and it’s false.

False Negative: (Type 2 Error)Interpretation: You predicted negative and it’s false.


Detailed explanation of Hoe SCM (Source code management) works

Discussed about Pair Programming

Creating New Repository in Git Hub

VCS (Version Control system) and how it works

VCS is a main part of SCM

CVCS (Centralized Version Control System)

Pull: -Downloading from Git Hub.

Push: Uploading to Git Hub.

29-04-2020 Session 17(summary)


30-04-2020 Session1(summary)

Machine Learning

Explained about importance of Data Visualization

Explain about different libraries that are using for data visualization

(matplotlib, folium, stratum, pandas -plot)

Cufflinks library under plotly

Creating Dynamic & Interactive graph using Cufflinks

Creating New Html Page for displaying Interactive graph


Main Topic is Continues integration using Jenkin

Jenkin is a software that works on the top of java

Searching a specific software using YUM ( yum list | grep openjdk)

Installing Jenkins & Open jdk

Accessing the Jenkins admin password

Changing the Jenkins admin password

Installing Git Hub Plugin to Jenkins

Pushing webpage to Jenkins

Jenkins is pulling webpage from Git Hub

Copying Html file to Web root folder

Deploying Webpage

01-05-2020 Session20(summary)

Deep Learning

Explained a about how human brain works , How to Neural Network Identifying or Learning an

Explained about why we needed lots of Neuron & hidden layers

Explain little about hidden layers

More hidden layers Have – Your learning will be better

More hidden layer it causes – More cost (Time, Memory, Cpu)

Explained about Kerars and Sigmoid Function


Explained about Full Automation works

Introduced a tool : ngrok -it facilitate private ip into public ip( It is called Tunneling )

Parctially shown how Jenkins automatically fetching data from github

Explained about hooks concept in git hub

Explained about .git directory

Post commit operation

Explained & Demonstrated Build Periodically

Periodicaly we re configuring we are using crontab syntax

02 -05-2020 Session21(summary)

Deep Learning

Activation Function : Activation functions are mathematical equations that determine the output of
a neural network. Activation functions also help normalize the output of each neuron to a range
between 1 and 0 or between -1 and 1.

Types of Activation Functions –

Step Function:

Sigmoid Function

Leaky ReLU

One Neuron is called Perceptron

More than one neuron we called multi-layer Perceptron

Dense Function used to create perceptron


Discussed about Git hub

Git-clone :- use firstly to download all files from git

Git fetch it only download the information only

We mainly focused in Git hook method

When ever an update in made in git hub git hub send a message to Jenkins jenkis download the code
and execute it

Practical performed how git hook is working

Also create and practices manual hook method

04 -05-2020 Session22(summary)


What is neuron & How many neurons are required

Discussed parameter & Hyper parameter

Sigmoid :-Activation Function For binary classification

SoftMax:-Activation Function for Multi classification

Implementation of multi classification using Neural network

Saving the model & Loading the model

Neural Network is not the algorithm, It is an approach creating the model.

Integration of:





Pulling Official httpd Docker image.

-d for detached mode or run in background

Linking the base machine data to Docker container

(-v option we are using for it)

Ex -v /Base-os file path/:/Destination File location/

-p For PTA (Port Address Translation) ex -p (base-OS)8090:80(docker container)

Explained job chaining

How Jenkins user convert to power user using Sudo command (/etc/sudoers)

Explained about upstream & Down stream.

Bash if command.

05 -05-2020 Session23(summary)


CNN are mostly focused on big data. But it also uses in audio, video ,images

CNN is used to create AI

In feature selection we are using elimination & extraction

Flattening is a technique converting 2-D images into 1-D

Hadoop Technology is used to create super computers

Convolution method is used by CNN to do feature extraction.


Detailed explanation of Branching & merging concept.

Properties of Master Branch & Other Branches

Checking the versioning of git

Variations of git log command

Creating new branch

Uploading data from new branch & Master branch

Git checkout -- command to change branches

Git checkout -b to create a branch and change to that branch

Home work of Developer—GitHub—Jenkins--Testing Environment--Production Environment.

08 -05-2020 Session24(summary)


Concepts of big data is explained a little

Detailed explanation about CNN ( Convolution Neural Network)

Explained about Edge detection works with the help of CNN

New terms explained Kernal , pixelsize ,wdges, stride

Kernel create the box for detecting the feature and go ahead after 1 or 2 pixel it create new box this
jump go to one box to another box is called as stride


Explained about How to create the pipe lines

Exit 0 – Success

Exit 1 – Fail

Sleep command for delay



Build executers ( By default Jenkins allow only two executers)

Increasing the number of executers

Explained about delivery pipeline

Explained about build pipeline

Filtering ack from webserver.

09-05-2020 Session25(summary)


Detailed explanation about convolution (CNN)

Explained about edge detection in detail

Explained about filter or Kernels

Kernel Image processing

Different type of polling

Max Pooling:
Average Pooling

Global pooling

 Local Binary Patterns Histogram algorithm (LBPH) for face recognition. It is based on local binary
operator and is one of the best performing texture descriptors.

a kernel, convolution matrix, or mask is a small matrix. It is used for blurring, sharpening, embossing,
edge detection, and more.


Demonstrated the working of Git gui tool GitKraken

Explained about merge and rebase command

Step by step explanation about working of commit command

Git branch -D dev1 :- the command forcefully delete dev1 branch

Merge conflict: -Conflicts generally arise when two people have changed the same lines in a file, or if
one developer deleted a file while another developer was modifying it. In these cases, Git cannot
automatically determine what is correct

How to over come merge conflict using p4merge software

Installing and configuring p4 merge plugin

12-05-2020 Session26(summary)


CNN and learnt about a concept of CRP

Lennet and Alexnet Architecture

Testing Concept and epoch concept.

Pooling layer or subsampling layer

pillow concept used to print an image in jupyter

img_to_array function for conversion of image to array

to convert 3D to 4D array we are using :- expand_dims( ) function


Kubernetes (k8) a intelligent management tool to manage containers (pods)

Disused the limitation of docker management

K8 is also an orchestration tool

Brief explanation about Docker , Podman ,CRI-O

Explained about scalability and load balancing is achieved by K8

Explained about installation of K8 in Windows machine

Brief explanation about hybrid cloud

(terraform  AWS + Openstack)

Scalability of K8 is demonstrated .

13-05-2020: Session 27(summary)

Discussed about the Home Work project,

1) create python code based on CNN in a docker container as a image

2) integrate to GitHub

3)integrate to Jenkins,

4)create jobs in Jenkins 1 job will download the data 2 job will detect that if it is CNN code then
launch the env 3 job will find accuracy if it is less than 4 job will add one more layer and again upload
to GitHub and this process will continue in loop until we get the desired accuracy..

There are some model discussed Len Net & Alex Net


Explained how to download & install K8s

Explained about creating replicas for load balancing

Discussed about scaling in and scaling out

Discussed about Hybrid Multi cloud

Store variable permanency

Accessing dashboard (GUI) web interface

Creating new pods

Accessing bash shell of a pod

Deploying WordPress & mysql pods

Assigning root password & creation user in mysql pod

Scalability & Load balancing Demonstrated

15-05-2020: Session 27(summary)


Advanced Convolutional Neural Network

RESNET, VGG, Inception

VGG has two versions :VGG 16 having 13 convolutional layers and 3 fully connected layers and VGG
19 having 16 convolutional layers and 3 fully connected layers.
Python Imaging Library (abbreviated as PIL) (in newer versions known as Pillow) 

Keras has ites own module for image processing

Pretrained models are used in Yolo

Softmax activation function always give us the percentage of the prediction.


Explained the architecture of POD in detail

Describe POD command is used to get the details of the pod

In two ways we can create the pod one is manual method other is using script program

We can use JSON OR YMAL language for creating the program

Labelling a POD is how much important

Create a Tag for each POD to locate the pods

Explained how pod is differentiated from containers

Explained how POD & Container is communicating each other

Some tools to configure mincube & Kubernets in PCs

16-05-2020: Session 28(summary)


If you want to create a model through CNN we needed two things dataset & Computing Power to
train the model .So In the industrial use case we are using cloud computing .

Transfer learning is when a model developed for one task is reused to work on a second task. Fine
tuning is one approach to transfer learning.

In Transfer Learning or Domain Adaptation we train the model with a dataset and after we train the
same model with another dataset that has a different distribution of classes, or even with other
classes than in the training dataset).

In Fine-tuning, an approach of Transfer Learning, we have a dataset, and we use let's say 90% of it in
training. Then we train the same model with the remaining 10%. Usually, we change the learning
rate to a smaller one, so it does not have a significant impact on the already adjusted weights.


Discussed about Kubernetes controllers

RC – Replication Controller

RS – replication Set


Writing code using Ymal Language

Labelling the PODs & Setting the Environment

Searching By Label

The main duty of Replication Controller is keep track of all the pods

IF any pod is fail create new one

Replication Set :- Replication Set is using a set based selector

Demonstrated How the Replication Set operation is carried out.

19-05-2020: Devops Assembly line (summary)

Main Topic is Rolling Strategy

Explained about rolling strategy with the help of diagram

Developer system (windows),K8 server ,Rhel 8 Jenkins

Demonstrated that how to push an image to docker hub

Get pod -w command to watch the pod

Explained about down time that is taken by the replication set .

Due to the inability to manage the replicas we are using Deployment

Zero down time – to get zero down time we have to extend the capability of R.S

Deployment: - Also managing Roll outs ,without any down time

Update strategy mainly classified in to four in that we are using “rampd” today

Also demonstrated how to roll back to the previous version .

21-05-2020: (summary)

Feature Scaling is a technique to standardize the independent features present in the data in a fixed
range. It is performed during the data pre-processing.

Feature Scaling is divide into two

Min-Max Normalization: This technique re-scales a feature or observation value with

distribution value between 0 and 1.

Standardization: It is a very effective technique which re-scales a feature value so that it has
distribution with 0 mean value and variance equals to 1.

K-means clustering is one of the simplest and popular unsupervised machine learning algorithms.

Typically, unsupervised algorithms make inferences from datasets using only input vectors without
referring to known, or labelled, outcomes.

We can speed up gradient descent by scaling because θ descends quickly on small ranges and slowly
on large ranges, and oscillates inefficiently down to the optimum when the variables are very
21-05-2020 (summary)

Devops Assembly line

persistent volume (PV) is a cluster-wide resource that you can use to store data in a way that it
persists beyond the lifetime of a pod. The PV is not backed by locally-attached storage on a worker
node but by networked storage system such as EBS or NFS or a distributed filesystem like Ceph.

A persistent volume claim (PVC) is a request for storage, similar to how a pod requests compute
resources. A PVC provides an abstraction layer to underlying storage. 

A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a password, a token, or a
key. Such information might otherwise be put in a Pod specification or in an image. Users can create
secrets and the system also creates some secrets.

To use a secret, a Pod needs to reference the secret. A secret can be used with a Pod in two ways:

 As files in a volume mounted on one or more of its containers.

 By the kubelet when pulling images for the Pod

Dynamic volume provisioning allows storage volumes to be created on-demand. Without

dynamic provisioning

Pod is asking for the space it called (claim ) it is also called mount.

Encoding important environment variables ( username , password etc) for security .

But we can decode with some decoders

22-05-2020 (summary)


The Role of Computer Vision create CNN module by detection and classification.

Mask-RCNN which is also known as State of Art. The mask-rcnn is used for object detection in which
concept of segmentation is used

Segmentation is again divided in to semantic & instance

Concept of clustering and In which k-mean is used to find the random mean point

the real use case if for forensic and for same we have to do the task

Mask RCNN it uses pretrained model called Coco and it can also be used for transfer learning

WCSS(Within Cluster Squad Sum) formula which gives us the right number of clusters to be used for
ous dataset.

the Elbow method which helps us to find the stable number of clusters. And sir also introduces a
new function in WCSS called Model .inertia

learn about the splunk and arcsight tool.

22-05-2020 (summary)

DevOps Assembly Lines

Kubernetes is a COE tool Container Orchestration tool

Service as important as POD

Explained the Scenario of How to over come SPOF Single Point Of Failure Using Multiple Node

Explained the working of Single node cluster

Martics Graphana, Promuthus are K8 Management Tool

Explained about kubelet , Scheduler , Kube proxy

Explained about Node port & Cluster Port

Explain about Load balancing & Fault tolerance

Explained about Micro Services

Group ymal execution using Kustamization File

23-05-2020 (summary)

DevOps Assembly Lines

Detailed explanation about Monitoring

Monitoring is classified into four

1) Profile Monitoring
2) Trace Monitoring
3) Log monitoring
4) Matrices Monitoring

For log monitoring we are using ELK (Elastic Stack Method)

For Matrices Monitoring we are using Prometheus tool

APM Stands for Application Performance Monitoring

SOC – Security Operation Centre

NOC – Network Operation Centre

In Prometheus infrastructure what you want to monitor is called target

PUSH / PULL Operation of Prometheus server

26-05-2020 (summary)


Discussed about generative adversarial network is a class of machine learning frameworks invented
by Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues in 2014. Two neural networks contest with each other in a
game. Given a training set, this technique learns to generate new data with the same statistics as the
training set.

In demo we are used google Collaboratory to train our data

If we want to generate a image which doesn't really exists but looks real or feels real then we
reverse our CNN network

Examples of GAN

 Generate Examples for Image Datasets

 Generate Photographs of Human Faces

 Generate Realistic Photographs

 Generate Cartoon Characters

 Image-to-Image Translation

 Text-to-Image Translation

 Semantic-Image-to-Photo Translation

26-05-2020 (summary)

Devops Assembly line

Explained about different use case of monitoring

Troubleshooting, Designing, Performance turning

We are discuses about metrics monitoring tool Prometheus

Sir is explained about How to Monitor an entair node

How to use exporter in nodes

Creating Docker exporter for Prometheus

Create a file deamon.json and add ip to the docker host address for exporting

Kill -HUP processid command for restart process without downtime or exit

Different type of graphs in Prometheus

Introduced graphana tool to visualize the data that are collected by Prometheus

Graphana & Prometheus integration

27-05-2020 (summary)


Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are algorithmic architectures that use two neural networks,
pitting one against the other (thus the “adversarial”) in order to generate new, synthetic instances of
data that can pass for real data. They are used widely in image generation, video generation and
voice generation.

the steps a GAN takes:

 The generator takes in random numbers and returns an image.

 This generated image is fed into the discriminator alongside a stream of images taken from
the actual, ground-truth dataset.

 The discriminator takes in both real and fake images and returns probabilities, a number
between 0 and 1, with 1 representing a prediction of authenticity and 0 representing fake.

Discussed about recommendation engine & it’s working

Shown amazon recommendation works

Market Basket Analysis is conducted at the transaction level (what’s in their basket).  There are three
main steps:

1. Evaluate the strength of the relationship between each of your products and every other
product you offer using the algorithms of Association math.

2. Identify those pairings that have very strong affinity (typically an affinity score of 2 or
higher).  For example, a customer with a credit card might be found to be twice or three
times as likely to have an auto loan than an auto loan customer selected at random. 

3. Create a personalized offering for customers who have one product of a strongly associated
pair but not the other.

27-05-2020 (summary)


Explained a bout Data Centre Monitoring

Prometheus using PromQL querry

Monitoring Kubernetes using Prometheus & Graphana

Explained about regular expression

A regular expression is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Usually such patterns
are used by string searching algorithms for "find" or "find and replace" operations on strings, or for
input validation. It is a technique developed in theoretical computer science and formal language

Regex are used in Google analytics in URL matching in supporting search and replace in most popular
editors like Sublime,
Character Classes
A character class matches any one of a set of characters. It is used to match the most basic element
of a language like a letter, a digit, space, a symbol etc.

/s : matches any whitespace characters such as space and tab

/S : matches any non-whitespace characters
/d : matches any digit character
/D : matches any non-digit characters
/w : matches any word character (basically alpha-numeric)
/W : matches any non-word character
/b : matches any word boundary (this would include spaces, dashes, commas, semi-colons, etc)

28-05-2020 (summary)


Explained about Distributed Job Cluster using Jenkins

By default Jenkins store all the files in "/var/lib/jenkins" .

Explained static & Dynamic Job clusters

Explained about master slave and worker nodes.

Explained more about Dynamic cluster

Automatically create new environment on demand

Automatically terminating after the completion of the job

Discussed about firewall blocking port ICMP,

Explained about SSH Services

Explained 3 node architecture

Master node in RHEL 8

Slave node in RHEL8

Worker node in Decker Windows client

29-05-2020 (summary)


Dynamic Distributed Job Cluster using Jenkins

Creating Connection Between Docker Server & Docker Client Using TCP Socket Support

In background whenever we use docker ps command, it search for DOCKER_HOST, so whenever we

export the variable to another IP , the output command gets displayed over there.

Installing New Docker Plugin to manage Docker

Explained about Scale up & Scale Down

configured the Jenkins to do this task automatically and dynamically.

After Creating the connectivity we have to replace docker commands with Jenkins

Four Steps in Dynamic Distributed Job Clustering

1. Lunch new slave node (container)

2. Select the agent Program ( SSH Program)
3. Job -slave -run
4. Terminate the Slave node

Discussed about the Project.

2-06-2020 (summary)

Devops AL & MLOPS

Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of
a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation
from a central piece of information.

Maven life cycle

 validate - validate the project is correct and all necessary information is available

 compile - compile the source code of the project

 test - test the compiled source code using a suitable unit testing framework. These tests
should not require the code be packaged or deployed

 package - take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format, such as a JAR.

 verify - run any checks on results of integration tests to ensure quality criteria are met

 install - install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other
projects locally

 deploy - done in the build environment, copies the final package to the remote repository
for sharing with other developers and projects.

Integrating Maven with Jenkins

Apache Tom Cat server is used to deploy java-based apps

24-06-2020 #DevopsAL&HybridMulti-Cloud

Explained about Kubernetes multimode cluster

Setup the scenario with windows as a client We are using Oracle Virtual Box as VM for operations

Kubeadm is the official tool for “first-paths” when creating your first Kubernetes cluster. With the
ease of getting up and running

flannel is a virtual network that gives a subnet to each host for use with container runtimes.
Platforms like Google's Kubernetes assume that each container (pod) has a unique, routable IP
inside the cluster. The advantage of this model is that it reduces the complexity of doing port

{ “kubeadm join --token kls33g.0i106vr089ofy0x1 \

sha256:ee3a81ca44366176e8d81e6498de4c3984c343eed7be61de773c52c9e1800cee” }

The above line in the curly braces is created by master node

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