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Spread the deck from one hand to the other and invite your spectator to select and sign
a playing card.
A card is freely selected, signed and returned to the deck
The deck is spread across a glass table face up Once done , cut the deck asking the spectator to return their card on top of the
The performer presses down on the cards causing a single card to penetrate magnetic holder card... ImageD3 shows this from the back.
the glass .. .The signed, selected card
Once their card is in place , close the cut leaving a BIG break at the back as in imageD4 ,
You will notice that the main gimmick is a playing card with a thin and powerful magnet
hidden within it. There is also a smaller magnet attached to the card, which has a small Transfer this break to the side as shown in imageD5; you 'll need to turn your body a
application of with extra-sticky tack. The tack must remain on this side of the magnet little so that the spectators see the deck as shown in imageD6.
for this version of the effect to work.

The magnets used are both industrial strength NED magnets that offer the strongest
possible connection for their size . Should you lose the smaller magnet , these are very
easy to come by, any other small magnets should suffice but do check before your

The magnetic card is the Holder card , which remains hidden in the deck at all times and
for obvious reasons must remain un-selected by the spectator.

This version of Breach can be performed with any card other than the Holder card and
can therefore be performed with a freely selected and s igned playing card. You will need
to remove the duplicate of the Holder card from your deck.

The Holder card (magnetic card) will need to be on top of the deck. And the small
magnet will need to be stuck to the bottom card as shown in imageD 1.

You needn 't prove that the deck is in no order but if you feel the urge , you can turn the
deck face up and spread the cards whilst hiding the magnet behind your thumb as shown
in imageD2. With your deck hand, reach up to the small magnet and knock it off of the card it is
currently attached to as shown in imageD? As you do this , the magnet will fall and
connect with the magnetic holder card. Due to the magnetic directions , the magnet will
land white-tack-down so that the white-tack is actually sticking to the back of the
. selected playing card as shown in imageDB . If this does not happen and the magnet
lands tack-side-up, you may have the white-tack on the wrong side of the magnet , if it 's
on the right side and the magnet still lands white-tack-up , you can continue for the time
being and correct after the shuffle...

Once the magnets are connected, lift the deck at the break and allow the lower half to
fall face-up into your hand, then shuffle the cut cards to the deck ; this will position the
magnetic cards on top of the deck hidden in your hand... limagesD9 - 11 show this
process in motion.

Now holding the deck face -up , you can apply pressure to the magnet underneath making
sure that the small magnet is thoroughly stuck to the back of the selected card with As you place the rest of the deck on the table with the selected card hidden in gamblers
the white-tack (image12.J If the magnet landed the wrong way , it is now that you have cop (image09,J spread the cards in a circle and mess them up a little , making sure that
perfect shade to manoeuvre the card so that the tack is sticking to the card . you keep your eye on the lower magnetic card.

Once done , hold your free hand out (non-palming hand] and slowly reach under the glass
to knoc k on and feel the glass , look away in thought for a few seconds before bringing
your hand back out , hold the same hand over the magnetic card and look away again as
you concentrate.

You 'll now need to do the same with your palming hand... Slowly reach under the table
and press the palmed card up to the table so that the magnets attach to each other
through the glass , you may need to feel around a little but as .s oon as they are
connected move your hand to a clear part of glass and press up as if feeling for
something. Do this again on a few other parts of the glass. This will offer the
You will now need to place the dec k face up on the glass table , in this motion you 'll need spectators thought that you were doing nothing more than feeling the glass for the
to steal the signed card into gamblers cop , here 's how t o do it ... right spot.

Gr ip the deck in lower mechanics and add pressure to the outer corner of the bottom Don't move too fast when loading he card and try to display open hands as much as you
card , this will cause the selected card to buckle at the back and release from the can . You can obviously add your own patter to this , something along the lines of
magnet. If it doesn 't release , hold a break between the bottom card and the rest of the sometimes being able to change the consistency of glass... you just have to find the
deck and simply lift the deck away from the card so that the card is buckled away from right spot.
the deck as shown in image 13. Grip the packet and the buckled card and shift them
back deeper into your hand (toward your wrist.) Allow a lit t le slack and let go of the Rub your hands together and blow into them as somebody would to warm them on a cold
buckled card , grip this card so that it is flush to your hand before moving the deck back day...
to it 's mechan ics grip position as shown in image14. This motion takes place in a
matter of 2 seconds and simply out-jogs the se lected card to a pos ition that will allow Once the card is loaded you have all the time in the world to speak of explanat ions etc.
for a comfortable steal. Now is the perfect moment to buy a little time and bypass the moment of discretion .. .

Once stolen you can simply hold your hand by your s ide and the card will remain hidden . Now it would be quite ea~y for me to tell you which card you chose as It has a
If you have never used this palm ing method before you may fin d it a little uncomfortable signature across it, and I'm sure I've just seen it in there somewhere. But this
and you will try to hid it at all angles but by doing th is you may be inviting unnecessary demonstration isn 't about me revealing your card in some spectacular way, it 's
eyes . Try the palm looking in a mirror, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well hidden more a display of something that doesn 't just bend reality, but completely
the card is . breaches it.

The reason I asked you to sign the card is to prove that there 's only one card
like that, there 's no way I could duplicate the card or secretly copy your
signature... That card is unique because of you, and it 's not only the only one in
t he deck, but it 's the only one like that in existence. .

. .... ... .... . .. _ 0 • • . _- - -- '- ' --- _ •• _ - - _ .• - - - - - r - _. - - .- ..., - - - - - - -

to steal the sianed card into aamblers cOP, here 's how to do it... right spot.
Now, I want you to watch very closely as I do this, make sure that there's no
funny business going on, that I'm not taking cards out or manipulating the deck Ef'EA,Q'l:'N Q T s .s
in any way and pay particular attention to my hands... You may have noticed from the Breach trailer [which no doubt led you to this effect [if
you haven't seen it, check out /DAN 1Elmadisonll that the above explanation
Hold both of your hands open over the table about 2 inches above the cards . Lower your is slightly different to the main video performance, I hope this now offers a little insight
hands to the table and push the cards together into a closer pile , it 's important that into the art of showmanship over the art of sleights, and following in that battle, this
the messy pile hides the loaded card on the other side of the glass.. . Reach under the effect proves that an impossible idea can be achieved through time, direction and clear
pile at the back with your thumb as you slowly move your open free hand under table thought.
holding still at least Hoot below the glass. Make sure that your hand can be seen wide
open at all times . Although the video was performed with a face down deck , I offer the face up
performance for a number of reasons . Working backwa rds , as one in this profession
would , the falling card offers far greater reactions when the ident it y of the card can be
seen mid air , this promotes a more impossible fete and also diminishes any thoughts of
a switch with a pre-loaded fall card after the event. Your spectator will also remember
that they saw THEIR card fall through solid glass, rather than A card.

When the cards are spread on the surface, face up , you are offering the spectator a
chance to seek out their chosen card, obviously they won't see it , but the proposal of an
exposed deck offers the chance that their card could have been seen in the pile, once
again, a memory trick that most spectators will look back on by admitting that they saw
the card in the pile on top of the table. This is also perfect misdirection for the
awkwardly copped card .

I think the sh it kicker with this as a power-effect is that the card falls at the performers
command , unlike most predecessors, where timing is the centrepiece of the effect - as
in the amount of time I takes the threshold of friction between the card and glass to
break before the card naturally falls. Other effects call for sticking by means of saliva ,
Ask the spectator to name their selected and signed playing card. As they name the or as it 's known where I come from - fleg ... disgusting , and officially unhygienic ,
card, slowly lift the cards up about 2cm [image16 ,J this will inst ant ly cause the especially for the spectator who decides to chec k the glass afterward. errr.
magnetic card to disconnect and fall down into your awaiting hand. Move your hand
away from the deck and slowly bring the card out from under the table. Should you wish to perform this with a face down deck , all I advise is that you remember
that the small magnet has to stick to the face of the selected card , as opposed to the
At this point, you needn't worry about removing the magnet from the back of the card back , through which you will have to change the tack to the other side of the small
right away, take your time and allow the card to be seen by all. Simply slide your fingers magnet.
across the back of the card whilst keeping a good grip with your thumb. This will allow
the magnet to pop off into your hand. You may need to check the thickness of the glass you are performing this effect
through, the table used on the video was 1 inch thick which is quite uncommon for a
The card can be handed out for inspection as you gather the cards , as you slide them off glass table so you can be sure that this will work through normal sheet glass .
of the table into your awaiting hand the magnet will connect with the gimmicked card
which can then be copped away to your pocket [if need be.J I would also note that this can be performed through a solid table , provid ing it is n't too
thick. .. This does lack the visual aspect but is still worth noting. And do make sure that
Retaining the gimmick with the magnet attached allows for an instant reset should you the table isn't metal for blindingly obvious reasons.
wish to perform this effect again . All you have to do is st ick the small magnet to the
bottom card and replace the holder card to the top A method for Breach through window has been removed form this document as by now
it should be self explanatory, and on top of that I didn 't want to teach an effect that
uses gimmicks when KAOS by Sean Beard ach ieves the same thing , impromptu and
without gimmicks. I will add that Breach also works thought a card windscreen .


break betore tne card naturally raus . utner errects call tor sttckmq oy means or saliva ,
Ask t.hR snecnatnr- t o name their selected and sianed olavina card. As they name the
It is now that you will need to perform a simple pinkie-pass using the table as support as
opposed to the shading hand. Not wanting to detract from any other sle ights out there
I will only explain the pinkie-pass that requ ires the support of the table. This sleight is
This effect sees a single playing card penetrating the glass table from underneath quite hard to learn from words so do your best to follow images21-23 bellow .. .
without the means of gimmicks... you will however need a duplicate of the penetrating
card. Both the duplicate and the forcing card will need to be on top of the deck .

Begin by double-lifting the top two duplicated cards to show only one. Leave them both
face-up on top of the deck. As you pass the deck from one hand to the other [Left to
Right) you 'll need to palm the top card int o a classic palm , held with the deck -hand .
Here 's how to do it.. .

Hold the deck in left hand as shown in image17. Pass the deck over to the right hand,
as you take the deck with your right hand from above use your pinkie to push the card
over the outer corner, this will force the card to pop up into your hand [images 18 + 1g)
once done , grip the card in position (image20.J
Don't try to rush this sleight ; it's one to be performed at a steady speed , especially as
your palming hand will be covering the sleight.

At the same time that you pass the card to the bottom of the deck , quic kly spread your
fingers on your right hand on top of the table as you lift at the same time to reveal the
card on top of the glass.

If any spectators want to check the deck , simply cop away the bottom card as you place
t he deck on the table.

Should you be lacking the glass table , the same effect can be achieved through the glass
window of a door, or an accessible open window.

To misdirect form the above sleight you will draw all attention to the glass table , as you
palm the card , your left hand will move to the table to knock on the glass as you fill-in
with preferred patter.. . Once confirmed , take the deck back with your left hand as you
retain the palmed card.

Take the dec k under the table as you place your right hand flat on the table, making sure
not to flash the palmed card. At this point all attention will be on the face-up card on
top of the dec k seen under the glass table. Here 's where the magic happens .

' !I!!!I!1 1f3I _
Before you get int o the signed impromptu version of th is effect , you do have to master Once again, you 'll need a dupl icate of the force card , and before you get excited , this
the initial version . You 'll need a duplicate of the force card on top of the deck , which you cannot be done with a signed card [unless you sign both yourself.J You'll need the
will need to keep control of. duplicate on top of the deck , which you will need to keep control of.

Force one of the duplicates and have the spectator sign the card. You will need to Force one of the duplicates and place it face up on the glass table.
position this card underneath the duplicate before performing a double lift. The rest of
the trick now plays exactly the same as Breach impromptu ascending.. . Hold the dec k about 2 inches away from the glass directly under the card on top of the
When you palm the top signed card you will need to angle the card so that it is in the
shade of your hand. With your deck hand , slowly push the top card up and away from the deck about 1 cm
with your fingers [image27J and get ready to flip the card face up.. . here 's how to do it.
When you take the deck under the table , you 'll need to tilt the deck away from the
spectator as in image24. When you bring the deck to the glass , be sure to hold it under
your palming hand so that you only show the index of the card [image25.J You can now
complete the effect as described in Breach impromptu ascending.

The idea is to make the top card appear to fall to the top of the deck through the glass.
Because of the 1 cm gap that you have left under the top card , when you pull your hand
down and slightly inward, the top card will catch the air and flip over .

When pulling your hand down , only go about 10cm before returning your hand back up
about 5cm. Done quickly and with good practice the card will land perfectly face up on
t he deck. I'm sure I need to credit Greg Wilson for this idea . which he uses in reverse
for a colour-change.

You needn 't worry about doing this too cleanly as your right hand will add a lot of shade
to the deck . As you perform the turnover move, hit your free hand down on top of the
card on the table , completely covering it. At this point all attent ion will be on the deck.
Slide your table hand to the edge of the table keeping the card under it, move the deck
under and to the edge completely aligned and simply drop the card off of the edge of the
table to the deck , as the card lands on it 's dup licate there should be very little
discrepancy, you can now double lift and finish with the ever-common-in-my-work
Gambler s Cop.

If using a duplicate such as the 7 of Diamonds , make sure the horizontally-non-

symmet r ical middle pip is aligned with that on the deck .
1:u:;n;.;',IlCH .E.ND

m ur e that this idea has been explored on many an occasion , but like most
For those of you ahead enough to have a PK ring in your magic -box, I offer the simplest ncept ual ideas, this at first seems to invite one -twa-many negative angles. I hope
version of breach known to man.. . r each has not only offered you a new effect for your growing repertoire , but also the
hou ght that some mediocre ideas can become masterpieces with a little thought and
Force the duplicate of the holder card ffor t.
Cop the holder card
Spread the deck on the table Whether you use gimmicks or not, I hope you discover - if you haven 't already - that the
Hold your PK ring hand over the card on the table fi nal effect , no matter how it's achieved , is all that matters in magic.
Load the holder card so that it connects with the PK ring through the glass
Disconnect when ready Bes t wishes

As a connoisseur of rare and uncommon playing cards I do feel for those gimmick lovers
who are restrained from the use of those gimmicks only printed in Red Bike Rider Backs.
Thankfully , although Breach most likely arrived as a Red Bike Rider, it can be easily
adapted to any deck.

Simply cut the card around the magnet and remove it from the card shell it sits in. Get some
double-sided stick tape and secure the magnet to the back of any card from your desired deck;
now simply stick another card to the back of this thus covering and hiding the magnet inside.
A ~ knowled gments and S p e~ t a l t han ks to
It was suggested to me by a former friend who deserves no credit that this effect can be R I R3man I David Blaine I G I Wayne I Danny I Sean Beard I Greg Wilson I Criss
performed through a spectators out-stretched t-shirt, And although it can, I do wonder why any
serious performer would want to do this, nonetheless the suggestion remains, just for those who
do that kind of magic. And by that I don't mean shirt-lifting, I would just never suggest for a
magician to use the words can you just lift up your shirt for me, I merely refer to the too-cool-for- NO MAGICIANS WERE HARMED DURING THE PRODUCTION OF BREACH, DISPITE SEVERAL ATIEMPTS
pre-school-cool-dood who is in fact way too cool to respect his spectators personal space and
A deck of playing cards is introduced and a s pec tator is invi t ed to select a ca rd

The selected card is signed and returned to the deck a nd t he ca rds are shuffled
The ca rds are spread face up ac ross the su rfa c e of a glass tab le and mixed around
f '
.... . ~
~ ~
:~ - - • :.. ..
After asking the spectator to name t he ir selected card , t he performer gathers t he
cards and pushes down abo ve them , at wh ich po int the s igned card is seen to pe net r at e
the ce ntre of the glass table
Welcome and thank you for investing in Breach , through many test -drives and re-makes ,
I am confident to guarantee you unblemished reactions from the final effect , previously
named Pro ject B. You will have noticed by now that Breach uses magnets. Some of you
will need to read no further , others may not have even read beyond the word magnets,
as s urely the method is by now quite obvious . However, it is not within my intentions to
sell you a few magnets at an unreasonable cost , my only aim in developing magic is to
create props and methods that allow magic to appear as real as possible , therefore the
included routines offer the finest tried -and-tested handling and performance techniques
that make the value of these special magnets worth for more than the actual concept.

Breach was born via my purchase of a new glass/vinyl table , having performed another
common card through table effect for a few chums/chumps , my hand being held under
the table at convenient moments was challenged and I was left slightly disappointed at
myself for not being able to comply. My one doubting issue with any card -through -table
effect is that there has to be a point at which the performer takes the penetrating card
under the table , and although Breach follows in the same fashion , I offer the best
possible performance (in my humble opinion) that will allow the spectators memory of
the event bypass that moment of discretion.

Breach is a direct impact effect , in which the sh it is chopped out to make way for the
beauty; it' s not about the showman , rather what he is doing .. . A card is selected and
signed , the cards are spread on the glass table... the signed card penetrates.

My offerings throughout this document will cover a few different methods that utilise
the gimmick to the best of its ability; I also offer two flawless and highly visual card-
through-glass effects that I now hold t ightly to my catalogue of visua l performances and
now wherever I find a glass table , Breach is sure to make an appearance.



Breach is angle-proof and can be performed completely surrounded
The card falls through solid glass at the magicians command
No licking -and-sticking!
Very simple sleight of hand with specially made an.d supplied g ~mm!cks
4 versions of the effect so that you can perform the effect with or without the gimmicks
Completely examinable before and after
Instant setup - Instant repeat - very easy to pe rform
Can also be performed through a window
Can be performed w ith any s igned card and any deck

.................... ' , IV ..... II ............ ...,vuu Vii .... u l l U V V l l l l;;I l l , I eluln::; l VYllOl" Ill:::; 10 UUllly . .. M Lidl -U I~ ::J~I~La.t::u ClJIU

I sioned , the cards are spread on the alass table... the sianed r.r1rrl nRnRt.rrlt.R!':

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