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JMJ Marist Bothers


College of Arts and Sciences


Worksheet 1A

Student’s Name: De la Cruz, Samantha Jane F.

Q. Present and discuss the concrete basis of morality. Cite factual examples.

Morality is the action and implementation of one’s ethical view that is to know
what is right from wrong and good or bad. This is guided by the postulates of ethics that
is the basis for reasoning and decision making. These are the existence of God, the
existence of intellect and will and the spirituality and immortality of the human soul.
There are two concrete bases of morality. The intellect and the will. Intellect is
the capacity of a person to comprehend right from wrong to act according to the value
that is believed to be right. This basis of morality uses the mind to make a moral
decision. Another concrete basis of morality is the will. Will comes after when the
intellect of the mind analyzes what is believed to be right. This allows a person to
choose what is right based on the person’s intellect and put it into action. To put it in a
simpler way, intellect uses the mind for reasoning and thinking what is right and good
while the will is the one that executes and actualizes the right decision of the mind.
One example that shows intellect and will as the basis of morality is when a
customer buys in the market. The customer buys some poultry for his family and then
he pays the vendor. The vendor gives his change and left immediately without checking
his change. As he put his change back to his wallet, he then realizes that the change
exceeded and come into thinking of what he ought to do. But instead of keeping the
money, he goes back to the vendor and returns the excess change. This simple and
pithy act shows that even in little things, morality can be identified.

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