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Venue : DISADECO Diffun, Quirino



Blessed are you Adonai our God King of the universe who sanctified us by His
words and by His Son Yeshua the Messiah, We praise you O Lord, We bless you
and we lift up your name O King of kings and be glorified in our lives.
Today February 3, 2018 as we celebrate the 90th birthday of Uncle George
Gatchalian, we ask your very presence O Lord to grant him his unspoken wishes
life. Because you said it in your Word in the Book of Job 12:12 “Wisdom is with
aged man; With Long life is understanding.”
Lord he had surpassed already the years that you said in the book of Psalm 90:10 .
.. .”the days of our life contains 70 years, Or if due to strength 80 years, but your
son Uncle George still enjoying what you had promised long and satisfied here on
Lord we pray to grant him his wishes in life in his old age. Now that he had
obtained fullness of life here on earth and what more that a man can ask from
you O Lord (Ps 34:12), than the incorruptible blessing that a man wishes to be
granted in his life. You said in your word in the book of 1-Peter 1:3-4-
“Incorruptible inheritance is reserved in heaven for us.”
Let it be O Lord that thy blessing to find your will, be done to Uncle George. Teach
him to do thy will (Ps 143:10), “for your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to
our path (Ps 119:105)”, grant him to have delight in your ways and commit his life
in you, that he may receive the desires of his heart (Ps 37:3-4). Because you said it
Lord in your Word, that our righteousness is just filthy as rags (Isa. 64:6), but the
gift of God is eternal (Romans 6:23b) and you promised to give unto us eternal
life, and we will not perish. It is because by your grace we had been saved
(Ephesians 2:8-9). And there is no other ways that we will be saved but to have
our faith in you O Lord, “that who so ever believeth in you should not perished
but have everlasting life (John 3:16b).”
O Lord we pray that the manifestation of your Words and our prayer for Uncle
George lifted unto you, an Old Age Blessing will going to manifest in the life of
your son Uncle George, because you said it in your words “that a corporate
prayer of the elders and righteous man you will grant it.
Thank you O Lord, this is our prayer in the mighty name of your Son Yeshua the
Messiah. Amein.

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