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4/16/2020 A thread written by @jposhaughnessy: "1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the

of the philosopher/enlightenment author Je…

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Jim OShaughnessy 
Founder, Chairman & Co-Chief Investment
Officer, OSAM LLC. Author, "What Works on
Wall Street," Host "Infinite Loops" podcast
Apr. 16, 2020 4 min read

1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the philosopher/enlightenment
author Jed McKenna. For people who've read him, I thought a list of movies that
particularly help illustrate his ideas and encourage more thought would be fun for your
lockdown list, so:

2/ The Matrix. So much here that translates almost frame for frame with a lot of Jed's

3/ The Matrix II dives deeper into the simulation and introduces the idea that a lot of
our legends and horror stories are simply old/bad programs gone wrong also what you
can achieve if you *realize* you're in the Matrix 1/10
4/16/2020 A thread written by @jposhaughnessy: "1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the philosopher/enlightenment author Je…

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4/ The Matrix III One reason only--The scene where Neo uses his power to stop
machines in the "real" world. Nope. An indication that, what they *think* is the real
world is, yep, still the Matrix. Just another level.

5/ "The Thirteenth Floor" More simulated humans who don't know they are simulated
humans. Hilarity ensues. Not popular enough for good GIFs. 2/10
4/16/2020 A thread written by @jposhaughnessy: "1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the philosopher/enlightenment author Je…

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6/ "Vanilla Sky" How do you distinguish between a lucid dream and the real world? To
leave the dream you must make a leap of faith and open your eyes.

7/ "Joe Versus the Volcano" I watched it somewhat reluctantly as RomCom is usually

not my bag. But watching it *after* reading Jed's books you see why he loves it--Joe
(Tom Hanks) leads a boring life until a mysterious man sends him on a journey that
leads to enlightenment. 3/10
4/16/2020 A thread written by @jposhaughnessy: "1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the philosopher/enlightenment author Je…

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8/ "Fight Club" The first rule about "waking up" is people will be annoyed by you
waking up and rudely pointing out that they are asleep. A classic, and you'll get it so
much more after Jed's books.

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9/ "About Schmidt" Stars Jack Nicholson as Schmidt, a man who realizes too late that
his whole life has been wasted on the quotidian and decides too late to try to start
actually living near the end of his life. Jed would say there's only one job in life: to wake
up. 4/10
4/16/2020 A thread written by @jposhaughnessy: "1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the philosopher/enlightenment author Je…

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10/ "Inception" We're all in each other's dreamstates, or are we? What's real and what's
a dream or maybe a dream within a dream? Maybe we just think we're awake, are we?

11/ "Hearts of Darkness: A filmmaker's Apocalypse" A documentary about the making

of Apocalypse Now. Jed loves this movie and does a great dissertation on it. Francis
Ford Coppola asked the universe for something without realizing it would nearly kill
him to get it. 5/10
4/16/2020 A thread written by @jposhaughnessy: "1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the philosopher/enlightenment author Je…

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12/ "Harvey" Jimmy Stewart's best friend is Harvey, a six-foot-3.5 in. invisible rabbit.
Harvey is actually a pooka, a benign but mischievous creature from Celtic mythology
who can stop time, make things appear and disappear and cause general mayhem, so, a
typical Irishman.

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13/ "American Beauty" Kevin Spacey goes through a death/birth/reawakening, but

regresses instead of advances. The real secret here is the kid next door, who's videos
show a beauty behind things that you can only enjoy by going with the flow and not
trying so hard. Wu Wei. 6/10
4/16/2020 A thread written by @jposhaughnessy: "1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the philosopher/enlightenment author Je…

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14/ "Blade Runner" Did the simulation start one second ago? Of course not, I remember
all the experiences of my life, the highs, the lows, my memories prove it! But what if
your "memories" are all implanted? what if indeed.

15/ "Cast Away" If you're alone on an island, how do you know what's real? Do you
make a soccer ball your best friend and name him Wilson? What's left when every last
thing is taken away from you. Just you, and lots of people are terrified of just that. Nice
Zen ending too. 7/10
4/16/2020 A thread written by @jposhaughnessy: "1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the philosopher/enlightenment author Je…

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16/ "Harold and Maude" an oldie that I've always loved. "Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be
too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that
to life, then you’re bound to live life fully." Maude lives outside consensus reality.

17/ "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Not nearly as Jed-like as the book, but
nevertheless a good watch after reading Jed. Society does NOT like people who don't
play by the game rules and it can be pretty ruthless in enforcing them. 8/10
4/16/2020 A thread written by @jposhaughnessy: "1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the philosopher/enlightenment author Je…

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18/ "Dark City" What if every aspect of your life was imprinted nightly and each day you
woke up as a new person? Is there a real you? Many take this as a high tech retelling of
Plato's "allegory of the cave' as no one realizes they're in prison, but, as with Plato, are

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19/ So that's a start, there are many more that also can be reinterpreted after reading
Jed, like "Star Wars" (The hero's journey); "Men in Black" (Aliens are. REAL, oh my)
and seemingly innocent stuff like "Pleasantville," "The Truman Show" etc. but I will
leave those for

20/ time. Oh, and, speaking of Jim Carrey, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is
also a movie you see differently after reading Jed. Are we our memories? What if those
are erased? Is there a "there" there or nah? Enjoy! 9/10
4/16/2020 A thread written by @jposhaughnessy: "1/ As anyone who follows me, you know I'm a big fan of the philosopher/enlightenment author Je…

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