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1 tb hard drive
5 years


Laptop Buenos usos Classes
Fb, instagram, twitter, linkedin
Search for a job
Download music

Malos usos
Play videogames

In the last decade, technology is part of life in humans. In
my life, the electronic device I always use is the laptop or notebook.
My laptop is Lenovo brand, has a 1 TB storage hard drive, has a
camera, it’s fast and has five years of use.
Has many advantages, but if you are using it wrong, you may be
generating addiction.
The laptop has too many functions, for example: I use it to do my
work using softwares, enter classes, enter my social networks,
search for a job, etc. ¡I’m writing this paragraph from my laptop!
I also use it to watch movies, download music and play videogames.
I really use the laptop frequently to do many things, I take great care
because it is in his the last years of life

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