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Directions: Transform the following sentences into the requested conditionals.

Example: Scarlett Witch destroyed the building. (1st)

Answer: If Scarlett Witch is not careful she will destroy the building.

1. The Avengers are now divided by the Sokovia Accords. (1st )


2. Many dead people made Tony feel guilty. (1st )


3. Wakanda's King, T'chaka was killed at The UN metting. (1st )


4. The Winter Soldier is hunted by Interpol. (1st )


5. T'challa has to become the new king. (1st )


6. Steve Rogers will have to escape from the law. (2nd )


7. Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Scarlett Witch, and Falcon are now fugitives. (2nd )

8. War Machine is badly hurt. (2nd )


9. Ant-Man will have to become Giant-Man in order to distract Team Iron Man.

10. Spider-Man needs to travel to Germany. (2nd )


11. Steve didn't have the chance to have a life with Peggy Carter. (3rd )

12. The Avengers are all together to protect the world. (3rd )

13. Iron Man stopped the Winter Soldier. (3rd )


14. Zemo never accomplished his objective. (3rd )


15. The world is not ready for the attack of Thanos. (3rd )

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