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Name_________________________________________________ Date _____ Section_____

1. What does concurrently mean?


2. What does Shorty’s mother advise Shorty to do?


3. What prison were Shorty and Malcolm sent to?


4. What is the role of numbers in prison?


5. How does Malcolm describe prison?


6. Who is Malcolm’s first visitor in prison?


7. How did guards make money off of prisoners?


8. How many years was Malcolm imprisoned?

9. What did the men in the cellblock name Malcolm? Why did they give him this nickname?


10. Who is Bimbi? What does Malcolm say about Bimbi?


11. What advice does Bimbi give Malcolm?


12. What was used as money in prison?


13. Who is Philbert? What does he tell Malcolm he has discovered?


14. How does Malcolm respond to Philbert’s letter?


15. What does Reginald tell Malcolm he can do for him?


16. What two things does Reginald tell Malcolm to give up?
a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
17. What was the first Muslim teaching Malcolm learns?


18. Who is instrumental in Malcolm’s transferring to Norfolk?

19. How does the Colony compare to the first prison Malcolm was sentenced to?


20. Who comes to see Malcolm while he is imprisoned at the Colony? What does this visitor tell
Malcolm about?

21. What is the name of the man who God comes to America as? Who is the devil?


22. What two things does Reginald teach Malcolm about in his second visit?
a. ______________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________
23. What does Reginald tell Malcolm black people are unaware of?


24. Who were Malcolm’s siblings a follower of?


25. Where was The Honorable Elijah Muhammad born? Where did he move?


26. Who is Mr. Wallace D. Fard? What did he give to Elijah Muhammad?


27. What is the true knowledge that Malcolm receives?

28. What does Malcolm say human history’s greatest crime was?


29. What does Malcolm say the Negro was taught about his history? What does Malcolm say
about the Negro learning religion?


30. Who is Hilda? What does she urge Malcolm to do?


31. Who is Yacub? What does he do according to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah


32. Who does Elijah Mohammad say is the greatest and mightiest God?


33. What is the relationship between Elijah Mohammad and W.D. Fard?


34. What does Malcolm learn while at Mecca?


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