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GM: Create the Nightmare.

Roll or choose from the tables below! Bloodborne is a

game by From Software
A threat... and SCE Japan Studio.
This is a free RPG by
1. A group of occultists 4. A fallen Hunter
Emanuele Galletto,
2. An ancestral family 5. A group of scholars set in that same universe
and based on the rules for
3. A knightly order 6. A Great One Lasers and Feelings by
John Harper. It is not a
Hides within...
commercial product.
This Place is Finished. Enthralled by the mysteries of Cosmos, arrogant men have brought a plague of monstrous beasts and rotten blood. 1. Maze-like catacombs 4. A secluded village
They sought communion with the Great Ones, but their minds proved unready. Where the Great Ones dwell, a Nightmare is born. Where the Bloodborne, its logo, and
2. A somber cathedral 5. A crumbling manor the Hunter’s rune are prop-
Nightmare spreads, a Dream fights back. Naive and futile as it may be, itself perhaps a Nightmare in disguise, the Dream lures Hunters into a

3. An ancient library 6. An abandoned district erty of From Software.
promise of security. Of home. Of a pale, wet, and welcoming embrace. May you Find your Worth in the Waking World...
And will use... This game is licensed under

a CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 license.
Players: Create your Hunters. Players & GM: Playing the Game.
When you do something risky, roll 1d10 to find what happens. Roll
1. Magic from Cosmos 4. Occult medicine https://creativecommons.

2d10 if you are prepared, and 3d10 if you are an expert. You also
2. Its many followers 5. Ritual sacrifices org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/
Choose a truly unique Trick Weapon for your hunter: Shield

roll an additional +1d10 if you are Bleeding (see below).
Cannon, Scythe Hammer, Rifle Cane, Pyre Kukri... 3. Its feral strength 6. Eldritch machinery If you want to contact me:
Choose and depict a guiding Rune for your hunter: Silence, In- Because it wants... roosterema
genuity, Rage, Regeneration, Quickness, Illusion, Hope... The GM will tell you how many dice to roll, based on your character 1. To regain lost power 4. To transcend its nature
and the circumstances of the action.

Choose your Number, from 2 to 9. A high number means you Roll your dice and compare each die result to your Number. 2. To give birth to a child 5. Vengeance
are closer to KINSHIP (insight; tinkering; casting spells; calm 3. To be loved/worshipped 6. To end this world
and skillful action). A low number means you are closer to BEAST-
If you are using KINSHIP (insight; tinkering; spells; calm
HOOD (aggression; instinct; feral, passionate action).
GM: Run the Game.

and skill), you want to roll under your Number.
Give your hunter some dark, baroque or exotic name: Alya, Place each major prey within its own twisted area of the Nightmare,
Dusian, Goriev, Mira, Mortimer, Nadia, Wolfe... ^ If you are using BEASTHOOD (aggression; instinct; fury;
and make sure the hunters can learn more about its nature from
passion), you want to roll above your Number.
You Have: clothes and headgear unique to your hunter, providing the environment, items, people and enemies they encounter while
some measure of armor but allowing freedom of movement; a ban- If none of your dice succeed, things go badly. The GM investigating and approaching their target.
dolier with healing blood vials and quicksilver bullets; some kind of describes how they get worse. In a dangerous or harmful Don’t limit yourself to the visuals shown within the game; mash
grim trophy from one of your past hunts. situation, the GM might cause you to become Bleeding: together different architectures and put your own labyrinthine,

if you were already Bleeding, you are instead slain and re- gothic, or horrific spin on them.
Player Goal: Battle terrifying beasts and mind-bending cosmic form within the Dream... Will you be able to rejoin your
horrors. Try to accomplish your hunter’s goal. Whenever you introduce a new place, creature, or enemy, make sure

allies before it’s too late?
you convey their inevitably twisted, repulsive and sometimes awk-
Hunter Goal: Choose one or create your own: If one of your dice succeeds, you barely managed to do it. ward nature.
w Locate the root or host of this Nightmare and destroy them.

The GM inflicts some kind of complication or cost.
w Protect an innocent one from the dangers of this Nightmare.
Keep the players on their toes and make them feel like prisoners
If two of your dice succeed, you achieve your goal! within a nightmare, but don’t force nor pre-plan the outcome of
w Find your lost hunter mentor and/or learn about their fate.
Good hunter. uncertain actions. Call for rolls when things seem risky, be fair
w Ascend among higher beings. Shed this primitive body.
If three dice succeed, you get a Critical Success. The when evaluating circumstances and character preparation, and
w The sweet blood seeks to consume all. Quench its ruinous thirst. don’t forget that the dice might suddenly turn the tables. Use fail-
GM will tell you what kind of additional benefit you get.
ures to put characters in tough but interesting spots, and remember
Players: Create your Dream. If you roll exactly your Number on one or more dice, this is a story of mortals infused with otherworldly blood fighting
The Blood Sings to You. Your hunter’s enhanced sens- impossible abominations. It’s supposed to get out of hand!
As a group, pick two Boons for your Dream: it is guarded by a pow- es allow them to gain special insight into what’s going
erful being; it has a fully operational workshop; it is often visited by on. Ask the GM a question: they must answer honestly.
friendly hunters; or it is well connected to the Nightmare. Examples of good questions: What’s her weak spot? Is he Bleeding & Blood Vials
For each option you didn’t pick, gain the corresponding Burden: it telling the truth? How can I avoid this? What’s the best Hunters carry blood vials with them. A Bleeding hunter can use
is constantly threatened by a powerful being; it lacks even the most way to _____? What is really going on here? them to heal, but in a dangerous situation this might require a
basic workshop tools; it is often attacked by rival hunters; or its con- You can then change your approach and repeat the cur- roll. Know when to retreat and find a safe spot to heal.
nection with the Nightmare is weak and unreliable. rent roll, if you want.

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