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Chapter 1

1)How is zoology related to biology? What major biological

concepts, in addition to evolution and ecology, are unifying
principles shared between the two disciplines? It’s the study of
animals and animal life where biolog is the study of life. Genetics
and structure are also shared.

2)What are some current issues that involve both zoology and
questions of ethics or public policy? What should be the role of
zoologists in helping resolve these issues? If evolution has
actually occurred. Zoologists can show how animals have
changed themselves to their environment in order to survive.

3)Some people object to the teaching of evolution in public

schools. What would be the effect on science education if
evolution were banned from the public school curriculam? If it
wasn’t taught then every principle we learn wound’t make sense.
We wouldn’t be able to learn the basics of science if evolution
was never taught.

4)Many of the ecological problems facing our world concern

events and practices that occur in less developed countries. Many
of these practices are the result of centuries of cultural evolution.
What approach should people and institutions of developed
countries take in helping to encourage ecologically minded
resource use? I feel like developed countries should take more of
an open-minded approach to help the lesser developed countries
become more ecologically safe. To help the leaders of these
countries understand how they could combine what they have
been doing for centuries with eco friendly ways without trying to
completely alter tradition while being mindful.

5)Why should people in all parts of the world be concerned with

the extinction of cichlids in Lake Victoria? Without fish that eat
algae the lakes and rivers would become harmful to most fish
that live in those bodies of water. Most of the “normal” fish we
would see in our lakes and rivers would end up dying off because
of the, essentially, toxic water. Without these easy access fish, we
as humans would have to rely on the ocean fishermen to bring us
fish and eventually those would run out too.

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