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Marketing has now become more complex and difficult, and the question that arises is

a creative marketer more of an artist or entrepreneur. Creative marketing has been

associated with the words and pictures that go into ad campaigns. Marketing can
improve your sales as it isn't about the number of ideas, but the quality of your
marketing which we provide to the customers. The smartest thing a business owner
can do for his or her business is to take the time to develop a creative marketing plan
that will set them apart from others.

1. Create with, not for customer: Main aspect for the marketers is to create with,
not for the customers. Customers today are not just consumers, they are creators
as well, content developers and they possess great ideas. As the world is changing
so are the needs of the customers. Customers have different role in today’s world
as they are also creators, developing content and ideas and encountering
challenges, right along us. Creativity requires the customers to work right from the
start to know about their experience and work accordingly to come up with the
products so that our efforts are not wasted.

The article takes the example of Inuit’s marketing team where the team spends
time with self-employed person in homes and offices to know about the gas
mileage tracking system and created an app within its system that combines
location data, Google maps, and the user’s calendar to automatically track mileage
and simplify year-end tax planning. Another example has been taken of Brocade a
data network and service provider identified its top 200 customers and created
customer first program who accounted for 80% of their sales. They worked with
them to know about their satisfaction and discover the areas of strength and
weakness which led the company’s net promoter score from 50 to 62

2. Invest in the end-to-end experience: Marketers take a broader view and pay
close attention to the entire customer experience from the point they start to the
end. This mainly includes the product, the buying process behavior of customers,
and the ability to provide support, and customer relationships over time. That
takes time and resources and also requires bringing creative thinking to unfamiliar
problems. The article takes an example of health care sector where the customers
are focused solely from the time they arrive to the hospital and until their checkup
has been done. Most of the customers find it difficult to find the appointment of
the doctors and that is when digital media plays an important role where they can
book the appointment of the doctors online, refill prescriptions, email doctors and
many more which increased the number members for the hospitals.

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