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ROLL NO.: C-33

PRN: 19020441157

Hard Work Vs. Smart Work

-the SIMS answer
Success is important. In today’s world success is an obligation. With 21st century comes steep
competitive environment and diversified work culture. In times like these one cannot let even a
single second pass without making advancement. This brings the question which has always
fascinated me whether it is hard work or smart work that will lead you to success- A question
that merely 3 days of SIMS orientation has answered.

21st century is dubbed as the age of smart work and I was one of the advocates who believed
that hard work is not the key to achieve goals anymore. I believed that the 21 st century turtle won
by sheer luck and coincidence and his determination and toiling deserve no recognition.

When despite being at the top of my batch during under graduation, and submitting 2 well
drafted assignments I was not able to get the best assignment and when inbound activities the
very innovative and excellent projects of others that came up made me realize the that I lacked
the extra effort, the extra degree, the extra grain of sweat. At 211 degrees the water is hot. At 212
degrees it boils. And with boiling comes steam...and steam can power a locomotive. One extra
degree makes all the difference. And the one extra degree of effort separates the good from the
great. After all no pain no palm; no thorn, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.

The SIMS teaching of hard work that I have taken in these 3 days is very important. In the
materialistic world of today success is nothing but instant short-lived money, fame and power
got through nefarious acts and craftiness SIMS has instilled in us moral values. Hard workers
take time to relish their works knowing that scaling the mountains is what makes the view from
top so exhilarating. Hard work can turn a person of low intelligence and strength into a
knowledgeable and powerful individual. Today when there is no dearth of negativity and
depression owing to little failures, the SIMS teaching of hard work will instill the power to reach

Behind every extraordinary achievement lies an extraordinary effort. Just a law of nature. Hasn’t
changed for centuries. So why will it now?

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