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Republica Dominicana


LEVEL: Conversation TEXTBOOK: Contact US! Unit 5
CLASS: Advanced, Unit 5 DATE:

Lesson By the end of this unit swbat listen for overall purpose and details of call;
Lesson Probing for Information and admitting
Objectives: probe for information, admit mistakes, omit silent consonants and syllables,
Topics mistakes synthesize info about items; talk about higher education and family ties;
Time: 7 hours and 20 mins. decide whether to repair or replace a customer’s defective equipment.
Pages: 46-57 Language skills: Use 2nd conditional to give advice; simple past and past
progressive; common phrasal verbs.
Life skills Family values and education
Materials: Contact US! book/wb; pictures, Equipment warranty, warranty form
Hard skills
Probing questions; admitting mistakes.
Equipment Book, workbook, radio, realia. Soft Skills

Warm up Warm-up: Have ss discuss what it’s like to make a call to one of the telephone companies in our country (Claro, 10 mins
Introduction Orange, Tricom or Edenorte. What kind of questions they ask and why they ask them. Pre-listening: s's predict (infer 10 mins
A. Listening: The from the title/pictures) What the call is going to be about (use TPS). Pre-teach vocabulary: charger, record (file), to
beep, stick out, upkeep. When teaching vocabulary, include the following; Meaning, form, pronunciation and use. As 7 minutes
you take your students through the information, follow this order: 1st the title; 2nd the pictures; 3rd the 10 mins
During listening: 1st listening with books closed for general understanding (the gist); 2nd listening with books opened s's 15 mins
answer global questions. Play it a 3rd time for details. Post-listening: Discussion, interpreting, analyzing and
synthesizing. Options: Simulation, role-play, an alternative ending, talk about feelings of the caller, how to manage
stressful calls.

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Presentation 1 Relate the language input box to “the call”. S's learn how the simple past and the past continuous are used together and 20-25 minutes
B Focus on Language the second conditional. KASA. S's work with the listening transcript to find examples and deduce meaning. What concept
does the language structure represent? (Semantics). Ask questions like: What were you going when the earthquake 15 mins
happened? S's learn language to express and interpret ideas with clarity. Elicit or explain the rules. Present example
sentences. Model the task. Students complete the task. Check answers with the whole class.
American Idioms: Explain the idioms by providing synonyms and definitions. Provide examples with them. E.g. We 15-20 mins
headed out for Denver very early in the morning. I was so mad at Bob that I told him off. Explain and model the task.
Students complete the task. Check answers with the class. Prompt s’s to use the new idioms.

Presentation 2 Probing questions: Elicit ideas and experiences. Have you ever reported a breakdown in services such as telephone, cell 5-10 mins
C Soft skills (Probing phone, electricity? What questions do they usually ask? Why do they need to ask so many questions? When buying
questions and equipments, such as camera, cell phones, what questions would you ask? Have ss look at the transcript of the call and 15-20 mins
admitting mistakes) highlight where the agent uses probing questions. Pair work: First have ss work in pairs and discuss the questions page
50 (2) and then role-play the scenarios 1 and 2.
Admitting mistakes: follow the same steps used for Probing questions. 15-20 mins
Optional: Act it out: Choose one or two couples to act out the scenarios for the whole class. Agent and caller, role-play
the conversation. Seating arrangement: s's back to back so they don't see each other's face. Use cell phones or phones.
(A teacher can interact with s's)

Presentation 3 Explain when to omit consonant and syllables sounds in fluent speech. Introduce the topic and elicit or provide more 10-15 mins
D. Pronunciation: Silent examples. Model the pronunciation. Explain and model the task. Ss complete the task in G3. Check answers with the
consonants and silent class. 1st listening with books closed and have them predict which consonant and syllables will be silent when spoken,
syllables 2nd listening: with books opened s's practice. 3rd listening: s's check whether their predictions were right or not. 20-25 mins

Assessment/Evaluation Use CCQ's so s's can point out, distinguish, contrast.

Remedial Activity Mingle sentences, pronunciation contrast, instant feedback to writing.
What have you learned today? Performance correction feedback, 60 seconds speech.

Republica Dominicana



Day 2

Warm up: Have ss recap everything they learned the previous day. 5-7 mins.
Get ss interested by telling them what they are going to read about. Help ss to ‘construct’ the text by asking them to 15-20 mins
Presentation 4 predict what happens in the picture(s).Activate ss’ vocabulary by asking what they can see in the picture(s).
E. Read and Explain Make the reading more interesting by relating the topic to the ss’ own gadgets and personal lives. 10 mins
Pre-reading: predict from the title and pictures. During reading: 1st reading s's skim main ideas (individually); 2nd 10 mins
reading pair work: s's scan specific vocabulary or info to answer questions. Post-reading: role-play, swap roles. 10-15 mins

Presentation 5 Do you know anyone who is studying or has studied in the U.S.? What do you know about higher education in the 15-20 mins.
U.S. Vocabulary: tuition, college, university. Introduce the terms SAT, TEOFL, etc. Have ss compare both the
F. Intercultural matters American and Dominican higher educational systems. Debate similarities and differences. 15-20 mins
Higher Education and Then have fill out the chart on pg 54 in G4, then share with the whole class. Follow the same steps for Family ties on
Family ties pg. 55. 15-20 mins

Presentation 6 Have ss work in pairs. Books closed, give clear instructions. Ask ss to use all the information and questions they have 25-35 minutes
learned throughout the unit. Allow them some time to get prepared. Have assisting teachers help with the activity. 1
G. Role Play teacher for two pairs. Either model the task with another teacher or student or have a quick pair perform for the whole 5-10 mins
(Fluency task) class. Once they are ready, have them do it simultaneously. Finally, have some other couples perform it.

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Assessment/Evaluation CCQ's: Explain procedures, give instructions, write a complaint letter. S's self-evaluation. Class feedback. 20 mins
Remedial Activity Specific phonological problems, mini-debates, re-teaching,
10 mins
Closing Activity/wrap Have students sit in rows and open their books to page 34. They complete the self-evaluation quietly.
up Wrap up: Have students take turns and express how they have felt in class so far, and how they have felt during 20 mins.
that particular class. Pay attention to what they say and their facial expression while they talk.

Reflective teaching: What did I do?, What was important about what I did? Did I meet my goals? How well did I do? What worked? What
do I need to improve? What should I do next? What's my plan / design?
SWBAT= Students will be able to
TPS= think, pair, share: individually for a minute, later in pairs to compare answers, and finally share their answers with the whole class.
CCQ's= Concept checking questions.
Pdp's= pre, during and post stages.
KASA=knowledge, awareness, skills and attitude.
Life skills are behaviors used appropriately and responsibly in the management of personal affairs. They are a set of human skills acquired via teaching or direct
experience that are used to handle problems and questions commonly encountered in daily human life.

Hard skills include the specific knowledge and abilities required for success in a job. Examples of hard skills include computer programming, web design,
nursing, finance, electrical, legal and other quantifiable skills that are included in job requirements.

Soft skills include your interpersonal (people) skills. They are the personal attributes needed for success on the job, and are less quantifiable than hard skills
which include specific knowledge and abilities. Soft skills include attitude, communication, creative thinking, work ethic, teamwork, networking, problem
solving and critical thinking.

Culture as Knowing about: all cultural aspects, information, facts, data, knowledge. S's need to master information about the culture. What do they do/ what
do they know?
Culture as Knowing how: includes aspects that consist of skills, actions, doing, participation, behavior, saying, touching, looking, standing, proxemics, customs,
traditions, use of technology, and relationships. S's need to adapt, integrate and say things in the manner of the people of the culture, changing their
behaviors. How is it said? How is it done?
Culture as Knowing why: deals with understanding basic values, attitudes and assumptions. Probing, analyzing, explaining cultural phenomena they encounter.
Why do they do it? Why isn't it done a different way?
Culture as Knowing oneself: deals with the s's values, opinions, feelings, questions, reactions, thoughts and ideas in his/her own culture. S's need to
understand themselves and their own culture as a means of understanding, adapting to, or integrating into the culture. S's decide to what extent they accept,
explore, or become part of the culture. Reflection. How do I feel about this? Would I ever do it?
Remedial activities

1. Reteach the material s's had issues with.

2. Peer-teaching, small group discussions.
3. Multiple choice, fill in the blanks grammar exercises.
Republica Dominicana


4. Pronunciation drills, leave the odd sound, cross out the similar ones, match the same sounds, write down examples of words with these sounds.
5. Write examples with the grammar structure, assign a composition as homework.
6. use the vocabulary in a conversation, match words with their synonyms to recap the language summary taught in the introduction.
7. Grammar mingle, cut out pieces of paper with parts of a sentence ask groups to rearrange the parts to find the original sentence.
8. Unscramble words, sentences, paragraphs, etc. recycle the reading, listening passages and reuse them to reteach vocabulary, pronunciation, structure and
9. Assign presentations for next class, start with a one-minute presentation, and so on.
10, Word bingo.
11. Use stations to teach or reteach some structures.
12. Use TPR to teach sounds.


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