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English Immersion Program – LESSON PLAN FOR LEVEL BASIC 1

LEVEL: Basic 1

TEXTBOOK: Click On Starter

UNIT: 2 – I’m from…




Lesson Topic: Occupations – Numbers – Nationalities – Verb To Be – Plurals – Adjectives

TIME: 4 hours

PAGES: 24-27

MATERIALS: Pieces of cardboard with occupations.


Objectives: By the end of these activities SWBAT:

Activity 1:

* Identify new vocabulary words related to occupations.

Activity 2:

* Identify and pronounce numbers (21-100)

* Match countries to their nationalities.

* Practice asking and answering questions about somebody else using model language.

Activity 3:

* Practice the use of the Verb To Be in contractions, negative, questions

* Write plurals for nouns by just adding -s.

Activity 4:

* Practice asking and answering questions about themselves using model language.

Activity 5:

* Describe a neighborhood or city using There is / There are.

MESCYT 2015 Starter U2 Day 2– Basic 1 RP
* Identify adjectives in a reading.

Activity 6:

* Recognize categories in a chart to ask and answer questions about somebody else.

Language Skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking

Life Skills and Values: Culture / Self Awareness

Warm Up / Introduction


Copy the objectives on the board and ask questions to students about the previous class, let all the Ss

Warm up: “I Spy with my little eye something….” One person secretly choose an object that they can 'spy with
their little eye' and the others take turns to guess the name of the object.

10 min

10 min

Activity 1:


MESCYT 2015 Starter U2 Day 2– Basic 1 RP


Homework Check:

Divide Ss In small groups of 3 or 4, and have them check with their peers their answers to the Exercises from
the workbook.

Group Ambassador: Each group will send out an ambassador to other groups to check their answers. Each
group member will take turns going out to other groups.

Whole Class check if there are still some unclear points.

on Ex. 4. Pg. 17.

20 min

10 min

10 min

Activity 2:


Listening / Writing

Listening / Speaking

Repetition drills and interaction:

Pair speed dating. T will divide the class into 2 groups (A/B).

Ss will make to rows of chairs facing each other.(Row A facing row B)

MESCYT 2015 Starter U2 Day 2– Basic 1 RP

Ss will work in pairs completing each exercise with a different partner. When the time is up for each exercise,
the T gives the signal and one of the rows stands up and moves one space to the right, (alternate between row
A and B)

Exercises 1-10 pgs 24 – 25(5 mins per Exercise)

10 min

50 min


20 min

Activity 4:

Listening / Speaking


Ss will go back to the previous Exercises and complete any missing information they might have.

Group Check:

Ss will check their answers in small groups.

5 min

10 min

MESCYT 2015 Starter U2 Day 2– Basic 1 RP

15 min

Activity 5:

Reading / Writing / Listening

Self-Evaluation: Ss will Complete Progress Test 2 on pg 67 of their Workbooks. Let them know that this is not a
quiz, no grades will be involved in order to lower anxiety. They should complete it only with what they know,
they shouldn’t use the book nor their notes.

When the 20 mins of the Progress Test are up, they can use their books and notebooks to complete any missing

Pair Check: They get together with a partner and check their answers.

Whole Class Check: T & Ss Check the answers of the Progress Test

Ss take a moment to make note of the things they are having difficulties in and give a copy to the T.

5 min

20 min

10 min

MESCYT 2015 Starter U2 Day 2– Basic 1 RP

10 min

10 min

5 min.

Wrap Up

Awareness Exercise

Ss will sit in a circle. T will ask them to close their eyes. To think back to their 1 st day of class, to think of what
they knew / didn’t know before. What they know now. What they need to work on.

HW: Ss have to complete the Exs. 1-11, pgs 26-27 Student Book.

5 min

MESCYT 2015 Starter U2 Day 2– Basic 1 RP

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