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LDXXXX10.1177/0022219419881632Journal of Learning DisabilitiesWoods et al.

Journal of Learning Disabilities

How Stable is Early Academic

© Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2019
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Performance? Using Cluster Analysis to
DOI: 10.1177/0022219419881632

Classify Low Achievement and EF

Adrienne D. Woods, PhD,1 Sammy F. Ahmed, MS,2

Benjamin D. Katz, PhD,3 and Frederick J. Morrison, PhD2

We explored whether and how cognitive measures of executive function (EF) can be used to help classify academic
performance in Kindergarten and first grade using nonparametric cluster analysis. We found that EF measures were useful
in classifying low-reading performance in both grades, but mathematics performance could be grouped into low, average,
and high groups without the use of EF tasks. Membership in the high-performing groups was more stable through first
grade than membership in the low or average groups, and certain Kindergarten EF tasks differentially predicted first-grade
reading and mathematics cluster membership. Our results suggest a stronger link between EF deficits and low performance
than between EF strengths and high performance. We highlight the importance of simultaneously using academic and
cognitive skills to classify achievement, particularly since existing classification schemes have been largely based on arbitrary
cutoffs using limited academic measures.

performance classification, educational tracking, executive function, academic achievement, cluster analysis, early schooling

An enduring goal in education research is distinguishing classify academic performance among low-performing stu-
between students with low academic achievement who ulti- dents without disabilities remains unclear. Although cluster
mately receive special education services and those who analysis has been levied as a method that may help classify
would be considered typically developing and thus ineligi- low-performing students to maximize accurate educational
ble for special education (e.g., Fuchs, Fuchs, Mathes, Lipsey, tracking, there has been limited research utilizing this meth-
& Roberts, 2001; Hoskyn & Swanson, 2000; Ysseldyke, odology for these purposes beyond its application to select
Algozzine, Shinn, & McGue, 1982). However, existing subsamples of children with disabilities (Loehlin, Wright,
techniques for classifying or tracking academic performance Hansell, & Martin, 2018). Therefore, we conducted an
largely rely on arbitrary cut points, sometimes using only exploratory analysis evaluating the relations between EF
one measure to group students (e.g., Kim et al., 2016; Moser, tasks and low, average, or high academic performance to
West, & Hughes, 2012). Serious questions remain regarding assess how using EF tasks might change the way these per-
whether these techniques are the most effective means of formance designations are made.
classifying performance, despite a century’s worth of
research on ability grouping (Steenbergen-Hu, Makel, &
Olszewski-Kubilius, 2016). The current study explores how
Classifying Academic Performance Beyond
we might better classify low-performing students within the Identifying Disability
first 2 years of schooling using a wide variety of academic Researchers have long focused on how the co-development
performance and executive function (EF) measures. of cognitive and academic abilities helps identify, track, and
Low academic performers who are otherwise classified
as typically developing are at risk for poorer educational 1
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
attainment and school drop-out, which could lead to limited 2
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
access to better-paying jobs, poorer health, and less social– 3
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA
political participation (Battin-Pearson et al., 2000). Low
Corresponding Author:
academic performance is often also accompanied by cogni- Adrienne D. Woods, PhD, Department of Education Policy Studies, Pennsylvania
tive deficits in EF (Best, Miller, & Naglieri, 2011). Yet, State University, 310B Rackley Building, University Park, PA 16802, USA.
whether and to what extent EF measures can be used to help Email:
2 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

group students with different skill levels. Some have argued controversy and scholarly debate regarding the utility of
that poor readers and students with learning disabilities educational tracking (e.g., see Oakes, 2005). For instance,
share cognitive deficits irrespective of general cognitive whether tracking decisions are accurate is highly debated,
abilities, which evinced the idea that low achievers are not but this is important to consider given that most students
clearly separable from students with disabilities (Fuchs remain in their academic track once placed (Eccles, 2004;
et al., 2001; Hoskyn & Swanson, 2000; Siegel, 1992; Oakes, 2005). Although grades and standardized test scores
Ysseldyke et al., 1982). While the bottom 10th percentile are considered the best predictors of tracking decisions
has been used to conservatively identify children who may (e.g., Hallinan, 1992; Southworth & Mickelson, 2007),
have a disability (Morgan, Farkas, Hillemeier, & Maczuga, teachers may be biased in their judgment of whether stu-
2012), there is no “gold standard” for identifying children dents should be tracked, especially when students also
with learning disorders (Skibbe, Justice, Zucker, & show inconsistent academic profiles (e.g., discrepancies
McGinty, 2008). The lack of agreement on a definition for between grades and standardized tests; Glock, Krolak-
learning disabilities beyond “unexpected” or “specific” Schwerdt, Klapproth, & Böhmer, 2013). This means that
learning failure has led some to call for more objective there are practical questions regarding how likely it is that
assessments of performance during the identification pro- a low-performing student continues to display low perfor-
cess (Fuchs et al., 2001). mance, continually begetting a low academic track.
Today, many studies investigating performance classifi- Uncovering more objective and precise methods of classi-
cations use a cutoff measure to differentiate low, average, fying students, particularly those that do not rely on arbi-
and high performance among typically developing students. trary cutoffs, may reduce bias, improve tracking decisions,
However, this cutoff is not standard across studies. and help resolve the debate regarding whether and to what
Researchers have conceptualized “below average” or “low extent we should rely on educational tracking in our
performing” students as those who perform below the schools.
median (e.g., Kim et al., 2016; Moser et al., 2012), below the
20th to 30th percentile (e.g., Geary, Hoard, Byrd-Craven, & Can EF Help Classify and Track Academic
DeSoto, 2004; Jordan, Hanich, & Kaplan, 2003; Navarro
et al., 2012), or beyond one standard deviation from the sam-
ple mean (e.g., Gathercole et al., 2016; Skibbe et al., 2008). Years of research have demonstrated substantial relations
The problem with the lack of standardization in grouping among young children’s EF skills and emerging and persis-
criteria is that low- or average-performing groups could be tent mathematics and literacy achievement (e.g., Blair &
displaying average or high performance (respectively) in a Razza, 2007; Gathercole & Pickering, 2000; Jacob &
study with a different classification scheme (e.g., tertiary Parkinson, 2015; Lan, Legare, Ponitz, Li, & Morrison,
sample splits of performance versus standard deviation cut- 2011; McClelland et al., 2007). EF refers to an individual’s
offs), which hinders replicability. This lack of standardiza- ability to complete tasks and purposefully guide their men-
tion is further compounded by the fact that cutoffs may be tal thoughts and behaviors to achieve certain goals
made using only one measure at a time instead of examin- (Cartwright, 2012). EF skills include working memory
ing performance more generally across several academic (WM), attention control, and response inhibition (Blair,
and nonacademic tests. 2002). Strong EF skills are necessary in a learning environ-
ment where students are expected to pay attention, follow
rules, and concentrate on both cognitive and behavioral
Educational Tracking tasks (Blair, 2002; Blair & Razza, 2007). Although stronger
Classifying student performance has also long been used EF skills allow students to better adapt to the demands of
for the practice of educational tracking, or assigning stu- early classrooms and schooling, deficits in EF have also
dents to groups based on their perceived academic ability been linked to reduced academic performance. This is par-
under the guise that students will learn better when matched ticularly true for the relationship between WM and general
with students of similar skill levels (Ansalone, 2010). It is achievement (Ahmed, Tang, Waters, & Davis-Kean, 2019;
most commonly applied in the case of advanced, acceler- Best et al., 2011; Gathercole et al., 2016), WM and mathe-
ated, or gifted students, but some also consider special edu- matics performance (Geary et al., 2004), attentional control
cation a unique form of tracking given that students receive and reading performance (Lam & Beale, 1991), and
these services in part based on academic ability (Lipsky & response inhibition and both reading and math (Blair &
Gartner, 1989). Razza, 2007; Cameron et al., 2012). Each of these EF com-
Tracking relies on teachers’ ability to place students into ponents have also been linked to specific aspects of both
the tracks that most appropriately reflect their skill levels. literacy and numeracy, such as print knowledge (Purpura,
Yet, whether and to what extent teachers are able to do this Schmitt, & Ganly, 2017), vocabulary and phonological
effectively and accurately is unclear. There has also been awareness (Allan & Lonigan, 2011), as well as counting,
Woods et al. 3

cardinality, subitizing, and set comparison (Purpura et al., Given the intensive intervention needed to remediate learn-
2017). In a recent meta-analysis, Allan, Hume, Allan, ing failure, we expected that membership in this low-per-
Farrington, and Lonigan (2014) found a moderate associa- forming cluster would more stable than membership in the
tion (r = .34) between children’s inhibitory control and per- average- or high-performing clusters. Second, in keeping
formance on standardized tests of math achievement. with prior research, we expected that EF skills would both
Furthermore, a study of attention control showed that kin- differentiate clusters and predict later cluster membership
dergarteners with better attention scores outperformed stu- (i.e., that Kindergarten EF would predict first-grade clus-
dents with poorer attention skills on standardized measures ters). We hypothesized this because attentional control and
of math achievement (Howse, Lange, Farran, & Boyles, response inhibition have previously been found to influence
2003). Blair and colleagues (2015) reported that attentional both math and reading ability, and WM has been consis-
control predicted growth in scores on standardized tests of tently demonstrated to more strongly influence math than
achievement from preschool to second grade, over and reading (e.g., Blair & Razza, 2007; Nguyen & Duncan,
above demographic and early achievement covariates. 2018). Thus, we expected to see similar results.
Overall, there is ample evidence that EF may be closely
connected to academic achievement, which provides even
more impetus for considering these measures when classi- Method
fying early performance. Sample
The present study directly tested the relative contribu-
tion of EF to both low and high academic performance Data were drawn from two cohorts of children followed from
using cluster analysis, a discontinuous grouping methodol- Kindergarten into first grade (n = 120; Kindergarten Mage =
ogy. Cluster analysis has been frequently used to establish 5.8 years; first grade Mage = 6.8 years) as part of a longitudi-
groupings along many domains in educational research nal study investigating the transition to school. The study
(e.g., Myers & Fouts, 1992; Ronning, 2004; Ullrich-French included four socioeconomically and racially diverse schools
& Cox, 2009). Given the highly predictive relation between in one Midwestern state. Socioeconomic disadvantage1 in the
achievement and EF, and yet the lack of research using both student body ranged from 2.1% (School 1) to 87.4% (School
cognitive and academic measures to group and track stu- 4), with a sample average of 56.1%. Nearly 58% of our sam-
dents without disabilities, we assessed the benefits of com- ple was male. There was also considerable racial/ethnic
bining these measures to classify low performance. diversity within and between sampled schools, with study
participants attending schools that were on average 36.8%
White, 44.9% African American, 3.7% Hispanic, and 12.1%
Research Aims and Hypotheses Asian. Detailed descriptive sample ­statistics both within and
We explored classification strategies similar to those often across schools are presented in Appendix A.
used in both research and education (e.g., for determining
special education eligibility). Although cutoff methods
have typically been used in studies classifying academic
and/or cognitive performance, the present study is novel in Approval for human subjects research was obtained by an
its application of nonparametric cluster analysis methodol- Institutional Review Board prior to data collection, and par-
ogy. This allows us to differentiate students who display ents of participants and teachers provided informed consent
non-arbitrarily dissimilar performance from peers. We for supervised testing. Each child was assessed by trained
hope that this endeavor may help researchers and practitio- research assistants once in the spring of Kindergarten and
ners alike to classify performance with better precision and again in the spring of first grade using a battery of individu-
predictive validity. ally assessed EF tasks in quiet, unused, or multipurpose
Our first research aim was to identify the EF tasks that rooms in schools. Standardized tests of academic achieve-
contribute to the differentiation of low, average, and high ment and EF skills were administered to all participants.
academic performance in early schooling. Our secondary Teachers also provided information about whether study
aim was to assess the longitudinal stability of cluster mem- participants were observed with concerns regarding a poten-
bership. This latter aim is especially important given tial special educational need and/or whether study partici-
research indicating that students often remain in their edu- pants received special education services during the years of
cational track once placed and that tracking decisions are data collection. On average, 26% of the study sample were
not free of bias. Our two hypotheses were as follows. First, observed during Kindergarten or first grade. Concerns for
because research has demonstrated that students with dis- observation were low academic performance (15% of obser-
abilities experience a persistent failure to learn, we expected vations), behavior or emotional issues (11%), speech or lan-
to see a small group of students making little academic guage problems (3%), potential Autism (2%), or other
growth over time and maintaining stable low performance. concerns (2%). Of the low academic concerns, 53% were for
4 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

Table 1.  Descriptive Statistics for Analytical Measures.

Kindergarten First grade

Measure % Missing n M (SD) Range % Missing n M (SD) Range

WJ-III Letter-Word ID 0.0 120 114.13 (14.54) 86–164 0.0 120 113.54 (14.98) 78–149
WJ-III Passage Comp. 2.5 117 106.92 (13.47) 83–148 0.0 120 104.85 (11.98) 78–129
WJ-III Applied Problems 0.8 119 104.49 (15.42) 31–155 0.0 120 103.79 (13.74) 71–145
Number Line 20.8 95 3.18 (1.91) 0.79–9.48 5.0 114 2.51 (1.38) 0.59–8.09
Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders 0.8 119 28.51 (17.13) 0–56 0.8 119 43.74 (12.18) 0–59
WJ-III Pair Cancellation 3.3 116 102.86 (10.28) 62–123 3.3 116 103.50 (10.03) 82–142
Digit Span—Forward 0.0 120 6.66 (1.42) 2–11 0.0 120 6.97 (1.59) 4–11
Digit Span—Backward 2.5 118 2.05 (1.70) 0–7 0.8 119 3.29 (1.37) 0–6

Note. WJ-III Standard Scores are displayed.

low reading, 13% were for low mathematics, and 33% cited and first grade (see Table 1 for descriptive statistics and
both reading and mathematics issues. Eleven percent of the Appendix B for correlations). Select tests were adminis-
sample received special education services in Kindergarten tered from the Woodcock Johnson-III Tests of Achievement
or first grade. Services were delivered for speech/language (WJ-III; Mather & Woodcock, 2001) and WJ-III Tests of
impairments (3%), learning disabilities (2%), emotional Cognitive Ability (Woodcock & Mather, 2000). These types
impairments or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder of standardized, normed tests are often used to identify
(ADHD) (2%), Autism (3%), or some other type of services gifted students and/or ability–achievement discrepancies
(2%). Interestingly, though School 3 reported the most for special education referral, so they are ideal for classify-
observational concerns about students (46%), they also ing performance clusters. Raw scores on the WJ-III tests
reported the fewest students receiving services (8%). were converted into standard scores (which are nationally
norm-referenced to M = 100, SD = 15) based on when in
the school year testing occurred. The same tests were given
Missing Data
in both Kindergarten and first grade, and the testing battery
Of 140 students sampled in Kindergarten, 120 students was counterbalanced both within and across students.
were tested again in first grade. The amount of data missing
from each subtest ranged from 0% to 6.7% (see Table 1), Academic achievement.  Reading performance was measured
with one exception: the number line task was missing using two WJ-III tests: Letter-Word Identification, which
28.3% of data due to a protocol change implemented after assesses basic reading ability, and Passage Comprehension,
20 Kindergarten students had been tested, nullifying their which measures the ability to identify words in a sentence
scores. Twenty-two students were missing data on certain using contextual clues. Mathematics performance was
subtests due to school absences impeding data collection or assessed using two tasks: the WJ-III test of Applied Prob-
misbehavior/inattention during testing that rendered data lems, which captures skill in analyzing and solving practical
unusable, and eight of these students (36%) were reported word problems; and the Number Line task (adapted from
to have been observed for or received special education. Siegler & Booth, 2004), which is often associated with gen-
Unfortunately, data collectors experienced great difficulty eral mathematics achievement. This test assesses students’
obtaining individual demographic information from parents sense of number magnitude by asking students to mark the
through online surveys, despite repeated efforts and incen- location of numbers on a line ranging from 0 to 20. Research-
tivizing. Thus, 69% to 74% of variables measuring partici- ers then measured the distance away from the number’s true
pants’ race/ethnicity, maternal education, income, and free/ location in centimeters such that higher scores correspond to
reduced lunch participation were missing data, and this was a poorer sense of number magnitude (e.g., a score of 3.50
concentrated in Schools 2 to 4. For this reason, we provide would indicate that the student’s mark was three and a half
school-level demographics in Appendix A, though we rec- centimeters away from the true location of the assessed
ognize this as a significant study limitation. number, and would be considered a poorer score than a score
of 1.50). These scores were then averaged together across 16
number trials (one for each number 1–19, excluding 5, 10,
and 15, which were used as trials). The sample range was
A variety of academic and behavioral assessments were 0.79 to 9.48 in Kindergarten, and 0.59 to 8.09 in first grade.
used to measure reading, math, and EF in both Kindergarten Reliabilities were 0.87 in both Kindergarten and first grade.
Woods et al. 5

EF Analytic Methods
Attention Control.  The Pair Cancellation task, which is
a measure drawn from the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests Cluster analysis is a data-driven approach that allows stu-
of Cognitive Abilities (Woodcock & Mather, 2000), was dents who are most alike to naturally cluster together into
used to test children’s attention control. In this task, chil- multidimensional groups instead of imposing group mem-
dren were presented with a testing sheet with small pic- bership upon them. Heterogeneous samples are reorganized
tures of dogs, balls, and cups, and asked to circle all of into smaller, more homogeneous clusters that are maxi-
the ball–dog pairs in which a dog is presented after a ball. mally similar within-group and maximally dissimilar across
After practicing to ensure that the child understood the groups (Aldenderfer & Blashfield, 1984; Antonenko, Toy,
task, they were given 3 min to complete the rest of the & Niederhauser, 2012; Ronning, 2004). Hierarchical clus-
page, working as quickly as they could without making tering algorithms sequentially combine each case with other
mistakes. There were 69 correct pairs, and the number of clusters to construct a hierarchy of nested groups. They are
correct pairs identified within 3 min was recorded. In this useful when researchers do not have a preconceived idea
study, we used W scores representing children’s ability about how many clusters to expect and want to explore how
level based on the Rasch measurement model, which pro- data cluster with few constraints, or if they have a relatively
vided comparative scores for each child, regardless of age. small sample size (Antonenko et al., 2012). Our goal was to
Test–retest reliability for this subtest is r = .78 (Mather & determine whether three groups naturally emerge from data
Woodcock, 2001). collected in early elementary samples. We were interested
in this question because many previous studies had imposed
Response inhibition.  Response inhibition was ­measured artificial cutoffs to create three distinct groups for analysis
using the Head-to-Toes, Knees-to-Shoulders task (HTKS; of “low” versus “average” or “high” performers, but
Ponitz et al., 2008), a game like Simon Says, in which whether this approach is valid is unclear (i.e., whether these
students are instructed to touch the opposite body part data cluster in this manner without constraint). Moreover, in
than the one named by the researcher (e.g., when the the event that three distinct groups did not emerge from the
researcher says to touch their head, they touch their toes). data without constraints, we questioned whether it was pos-
The task became increasingly challenging across 30 trials sible to obtain a three-group solution by including measures
in three blocks (touching heads and toes, touching knees of EF given their relation to academic achievement. This
and shoulders, and a mix of the two). Incorrect responses second aim was important because although EF has been
were scored with a 0, 1 for a self-corrected response, and suggested to be highly related to both strengths and deficits
2 for a correct response. The maximum score was 60. The in academic performance, it is empirically unclear whether
internal consistency in the current study (Cronbach’s α) measures of cognitive skills can aid in distinguishing both
is 0.83 in Kindergarten and 0.73 in first grade. Reliability low and high performance. If three groups did not emerge
among overall scores obtained by different experimenters with or without the use of EF in these exploratory cluster
was 100%. analyses, then it is possible that there are not three distinct
groups of low, average, and high performance during early
WM. The Counting Span subtest of the Weschler scales schooling, which is an important consideration for both
(1991) was administered to gauge short-term and WM educators and researchers alike. We conducted an explor-
skills, as the task requires the recall and manipulation of atory two-step cluster analysis in SPSS v. 24. This is a
information stored in memory. This task was composed method that first groups and organizes the data in a quick
of two sections in which the instructor says a list of num- pass and then applies a hierarchical clustering algorithm to
bers and the participant was asked to recite the numbers arrive at a final solution. Cluster proximity was assessed
forward and backwards. The list of numbers increases by using the log-likelihood linking algorithm given differences
one item for every correct response, and the largest set was in subtest scales, and cases were arranged in a random order
six. If the participant answered incorrectly twice in a row, prior to clustering.
the researcher moved onto the next section. A score was
assigned based upon the largest set at which the child suc- Results
cessfully reported. This measure demonstrates acceptable
test–retest reliability (r = .73; Lipsey et al., 2017). Short-
Classifying Performance Using Cluster Analysis
term memory (forward digit span) ranged from 2 to 11 in Our main goal was to identify the cognitive and academic
Kindergarten and 4 to 11 in first grade, while WM (back- tasks that differentiate early schooling performance into low,
ward digit span) ranged from 0 to 7 in Kindergarten and 0 average, and high groups without artificially imposing group
to 8 in first grade. Although this is a common WM test used membership upon students (e.g., using cutoffs). We entered
in educational research, it is important to note that it only different combinations of both cognitive and academic assess-
assessed verbal WM and not visuospatial WM. ments into the clustering algorithm in an exploratory attempt
6 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

(N = 110; see Figure 1); cluster membership was driven pri-

marily by performance on the Letter-Word Identification
task, followed by DS-B, Passage Comprehension, HTKS,
DS-F, and Pair Cancellation. Most students displayed rela-
tively average performance (n = 53), while smaller groups
displayed lower-than-average (n = 38) and higher-than-aver-
age (n = 19) performance. Figure 2 displays standardized
mean task performance for each group within the Kindergar-
ten reading cluster. Notably, the average-performing group
had slightly below-average mean scores on the two reading
subtests, but slightly higher-than-average performance on all
four EF subtests. This may indicate that EF more strongly
differentiates low from average readers. Indeed, when the EF
tasks were removed from the cluster analysis, the algorithm
was unable to differentiate average from low performance
and produced only two clusters of above- and below-average
students (Appendix C, see Figure C1).
This same pattern was evident in first grade, though a
three-cluster solution was observed only for a combination
of Letter-Word Identification, Passage Comprehension,
DS-F, and DS-B (N = 119). Including HTKS and Pair
Cancelation in the cluster analysis produced a two-cluster
solution (see Appendix C, see Figure C2), suggesting that
whereas all four EF measures helped to distinguish three
Figure 1.  Cluster sample sizes by subject and by grade. different literacy-ability groups in Kindergarten, only the
memory measures (DS-F and DS-B) continue to aid group
to discover which combinations naturally produced three per- differentiation into first grade. Unlike Kindergarten,
formance groups. First, the eight subtests were standardized to Passage Comprehension primarily drove cluster member-
a sample mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1 to permit com- ship, followed by Letter-Word Identification, DS-B, and
parisons across task. Cluster analysis of all eight tasks resulted DS-F. Most students again displayed average performance
in only two clusters corresponding to above- and below-aver- (n = 49), though there were relatively more high perform-
age performance. We suspect that these eight tests may over- ers (n = 40) than low performers (n = 30) in first grade.
saturate the clustering algorithm such that meaningful patterns The pattern of mean scores by subtest was also similar to
in the data do not emerge. In other words, EF may function Kindergarten (see Figure 2).
differently across tests of reading and mathematics, and these Several demographic features differed across reading
differences go unobserved when all eight tests are simultane- clusters in both Kindergarten and first grade (e.g., male sex,
ously included in a clustering algorithm. school attended; see Table 2). Most relevantly, more than
We then separated the reading (Letter-Word Identification half of students who were observed for or received special
and Passage Comprehension) and mathematics tasks (Applied education services were in the low-performing groups,
Problems and Number Line) and ran a series of cluster analy- though these statistics were only significant in first grade.
ses on each in combination with the EF tests (Pair Cancellation,
HTKS, DS-F, and DS-B) to ascertain what combination of Mathematics. A three-cluster solution emerged for math
measures produced groups of low, average, and high perfor- performance in both Kindergarten (n = 94) and first grade
mance in reading and mathematics, respectively. Because (n = 114) without including any EF subtests in the cluster-
most prior research imposes these three-group solutions onto ing algorithm. In both grades, Number Line contributed
their data, we were interested in understanding whether it was most strongly to cluster membership, followed by Applied
possible to obtain three groups either alone or in combination Problems. There were no significant differences between
with these EF tasks. Cluster sizes are represented in Figure 1, the low (n = 28) and average (n = 49) Kindergarteners on
and mean subtest scores within each cluster are represented in the Applied Problems task, and no differences between the
Figures 2 and 3. The results are as follows. average and high (n = 17) Kindergarteners on the Number
Line task (see Figure 3). This trend is similar in first grade,
Reading.  A three-cluster solution emerged for the Kindergar- with no differences between the low (n = 32) and average
ten reading data when combined with all four EF measures (n = 60) performers on the Applied Problems task, and no
Woods et al. 7

Figure 2. Mean z-scores of the tests used to create reading cluster membership at Kindergarten and first grade.

Figure 3. Mean z-scores of the tests used to create mathematics cluster membership at Kindergarten and first grade.
8 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

Table 2.  Demographic Differences by Cluster.

Reading Math

Demographic and measure Low (a) Average (b) High (c) Low (a) Average (b) High (c)
Kindergarten (n = 38) (n = 53) (n = 19) (n = 28) (n = 49) (n = 17)
  % Observed for Special Ed. 51.9 33.3 14.8 30.4 60.9 8.7
  % Received Special Ed. 60.0 20.0 20.0 33.3 50.0 16.7
  % Male 37.1 38.7c 24.2b 26.9 50.0 23.1
  % School 1 4.2bc 41.7a 54.2a 16.7ab 38.9c 44.4c
  % School 2 36.8 57.9 5.3 34.4 48.6 17.1
  % School 3 59.1c 40.9 0.0a 25.0 65.0 10.0
  % School 4 40.0 48.0 12.0 40.0 60.0 0.0
  M (SD) Age at Testing 5.80 (.46) 5.83 (.31) 5.93 (.36) 5.67 (.36) 5.85 (.37) 5.84 (.36)
First Grade (n = 30) (n = 49) (n = 40) (n = 22) (n = 60) (n = 32)
  % Observed for Special Ed. 45.2c 35.5 19.4a 20.0 53.3 26.7
  % Received Special Ed. 66.7bc 16.7a 16.7a 18.2 45.5 36.4
  % Male 23.9 31.3c 44.8b 17.7 46.8 35.5
  % School 1 10.0c 20.0c 70.0ab 0.0c 25.0c 75.0ab
  % School 2 17.5 55.0 27.5 17.9 61.5 20.5
  % School 3 50.0c 37.5 12.5a 31.8 63.6 4.5
  % School 4 16.7 50.0 33.3 32.0c 60.0 8.0a
  M (SD) Age at Testing 6.87 (.32) 6.84 (.35) 6.84 (.32) 6.86 (.33) 6.83 (.31) 6.90 (.29)

Note. Subscript denotes columns that significantly differ from each other at the p < .05 level.

differences between the average and high (n = 22) perform- Table 3.  Stability of Cluster Membership from Kindergarten to
ers on the Number Line task. In other words, membership in First Grade.
the low groups at both grades seems to be characterized by First-grade cluster
poor number magnitude, while membership in the high
groups is driven by very high Applied Problems scores. Kindergarten cluster High (%) Average (%) Low (%)
Including all four EF tests in mathematics clusters pro- Reading High 100.0 0.0 0.0
duced a two-cluster solution of above- and below-average Average 23.1 63.5 13.5
performance. Thus, we suspect that mathematics may be Low 13.2 31.6 55.3
related to EF in a more domain-specific manner (i.e., related Mathematics High 73.3 26.7 0.0
to distinct EF tasks like WM or response inhibition) than to Average 21.7 58.7 19.6
global EF. To further explore this, each EF task was sepa- Low 7.1 60.7 32.1
rately included with the two mathematics subtests. Only
first grade HTKS (response inhibition) differentiated groups
beyond an above- or below-average clustering solution, as special education services or who were observed with concerns
it revealed more nuances in the low-performing mathemat- were in the low-performing group in Kindergarten, and this
ics group than were identified by previous analyses. number dropped to less than 20% in first grade (though no esti-
Including only HTKS with the two mathematics measures mates were statistically significant).
revealed four distinct groups (see Appendix C, see Figure
C3). Again, there appeared to be an average (n = 42) and Stability of cluster membership.  Our second research aim was
high (n = 28) group, but now there appeared two distinct to assess the stability of clusters across the K-1 transition. A
low-performing groups. Although both displayed poor cross-tabulation is presented in Table 3, wherein the diagonal
Applied Problems performance, the first group also dis- corresponds to stable group membership through first grade,
played a very poor sense of number magnitude (number or, students who were clustered into the same group during
line; n = 17), while the second group displayed very poor both study years. Contrary to our hypothesis, high perfor-
response inhibition (HTKS; n = 26). mance was more stable during the first 2 years of schooling
At both Kindergarten and first grade, Mathematics cluster than was lower or average performance. One hundred per-
membership significantly differed according to the school stu- cent of the high-performing Kindergarteners for reading
dents attended, but not by sex or age (see Table 2). However, remained high-performing in first grade, and nearly three
and unlike reading, only a third of students who received quarters remained high-performing for math; none dropped
Woods et al. 9

Table 4.  Using Kindergarten Executive Function (EF) Tasks to Predict First-Grade Achievement Cluster Membership.

First-grade reading First-grade mathematics

EF Task Low (a) Average (b) High (c) F(2, 101) Partial η2 Low (a) Average (b) High (c) F(2, 99) Partial η2
Pair 0.06 0.05 −0.15 0.23 .004 −0.03 −0.20 0.32 1.79 .035
HTKS −0.34 0.22 −0.06 3.07 .057 −0.66bc 0.09a 0.23a 5.79** .105
DS-F −0.74bc 0.05a 0.41a 8.72*** .147 −0.29 0.04 0.06 1.01 .020
DS-B −0.49b 0.07a 0.14 3.82* .070 −0.80bc −0.03ac 0.55ab 13.04*** .208

Note. Marginal means displayed. Subscript denotes column proportions that differ significantly at the p < .05 level. Post hoc comparisons adjusted using
the Sidak and Holm corrections. Analyses control for gender, school, and prior achievement. Reading: Wilks’ Lambda = .784, F(8, 196) = 3.177,
p = .002, partial η2= .115. Math: Wilks’ Lambda = .719, F(8, 192) = 4.297, p = .000, partial η2 = .152. HTKS = Head-to-Toes, Knees-to-Shoulders
task (Ponitz et al., 2008), DS-F = Digit-Span Forward, DS-B = Digit Span Backward (Weschler, 1991).
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

into either low-performing group. In contrast, 63.5% and (though inhibitory control did influence mathematics). Post
55% of the average- and low-reading groups remained stable hoc comparisons revealed that these effects were largely
into first grade, respectively, compared with 58.7% and driven by the low-performing clusters, which were signifi-
32.1% of the average- and low-math groups. More students cantly different from both the average- and high-performing
apparently remained stable or improved cluster membership groups on all EF tasks. No Kindergarten EF task significantly
than dropped in performance across the transition to first differentiated first-grade average- and high- performing
grade. This is especially true for those who were in the low- groups except for DS-B, which significantly differed across
mathematics cluster in Kindergarten, as over two-thirds all first-grade mathematics clusters.
improved to the average- or high-performing groups.
To understand which students changed cluster member- Discussion
ship across the first 2 years of schooling, we computed dif-
ference scores between each first grade and Kindergarten The present study examined performance classifications
subtest, which were then standardized for comparability. using cognitive and academic measures during the transi-
Briefly, students who dropped into a lower performing clus- tion to early schooling. We sought to better understand how
ter (labeled “dropped”) exhibited significantly less growth cognitive tasks can aid non-arbitrary classification of aca-
than students who remained in the same cluster (“stable”) demic performance into low-, average-, and high-perfor-
and vice versa for students who moved into a better-per- mance groups. We generally found that using cognitive
forming cluster (“improved”). Appendix D contains further measures helped to classify low-reading performance in
description of which students exhibited stability and which both Kindergarten and first grade, but not mathematics per-
changed cluster membership. formance. The high-performing groups exhibited more sta-
bility into first grade than the average- or low-performing
groups. We also found that cognitive skills uniquely differ-
Analysis of Group Differences entiated both concurrent and future academic classifica-
Finally, we conducted two multivariate analyses of covari- tions. Each of these findings is discussed further below.
ance (MANCOVA) to assess whether and how Kindergarten
EF differentiated first-grade cluster membership while con- Cluster Analysis of Both Cognitive and Academic
trolling for demographic characteristics (sex and school
Measures Sometimes Helps Differentiate Low
attended) and Kindergarten math and reading achievement
(see Table 4). After correcting for multiple comparisons using Performance
the Holm–Bonferroni method, both Kindergarten digit span Our primary research focus was to explore the efficacy of
tasks predicted first-grade reading cluster membership (DS-F using cluster analysis to differentiate academic performance
Effect Size [ES] = .15; DS-B ES = .07), while the HTKS and classifications in early schooling, specifically with respect to
DS-B tasks predicted first-grade mathematics cluster mem- low performance and in combination with cognitive data.
bership (HTKS ES = .11; DS-B ES = .21). Examination of Cluster analysis presents a simple solution to the problem of
the ESs confirms our hypothesis that WM (DS-B) influenced arbitrary cutoff methodologies and may thus yield more
both academic subjects but more strongly influenced mathe- meaningful groupings in academic data. Because many prior
matics. However, our hypothesis that attentional control (Pair studies have investigated how EF was related to low, aver-
Cancellation) and inhibitory control (HTKS) would influence age, or high performance, we investigated whether including
both mathematical and reading ability was not supported these measures would further differentiate the data into the
10 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

three groups often arbitrarily assigned in other research. We finding that response inhibition is closely linked to most com-
conceptualized the inclusion of these EF measures as a form ponents of mathematics skill (Purpura et al., 2017).
of validation, but found that EF measures only sometimes Kindergarten EF also significantly predicted first-grade
aided in distinguishing three distinct clusters. Many of our cluster membership for both academic subjects. Consistent
attempts at clustering these measures resulted in two-group with our expectations, ESs for mathematics were larger than
solutions of “below” or “above” average performance. Thus, for reading. Although we also expected to see attention control
it may be that there are not three “natural” clusters of low/ and inhibitory control predict later performance in both sub-
average/high during early elementary school, even though jects, this hypothesis was not supported. It may be that these
many researchers have constrained their data to behave in relations were reduced to nonsignificance after accounting for
this way. This result has strong implications for educators WM, which is consistent with some recent investigations
tracking and observing students at these grade levels, par- regarding the role of EF components on academic outcomes
ticularly given the relative instability of these designations (e.g., Ahmed et al., 2019; Nguyen & Duncan, 2018).
through first grade. Our results also imply that researchers Alternatively, the tasks used in this study may differ from those
who use cutoff methodologies may artificially impose group used in prior research finding these significant relations, which
membership upon students, particularly for low-performing call into question the replicability of these constructs.
groups and among literacy measures that are not used in Our findings also reinforce a growing body of literature
conjunction with cognitive data. underscoring the unique importance of WM for children’s
academic skills. Specifically, we found that WM was sig-
nificantly related to later reading and mathematics after
The Role of EF in Low, Average, and High controlling for early achievement and that it significantly
Academic Classifications differentiated low performance from average and high per-
Although continuous measurements typically reveal signifi- formance. This supports prior connections between WM
cant and positive relationships between achievement and EF deficits and struggling learners (e.g., Gathercole et al.,
(see correlations in Appendix B as an example), these meth- 2016). An alternative explanation is that Kindergarten WM
ods do little to explain how these constructs are related. Most is predicting first-grade WM within the reading clusters,
of the significant differences between our groups were driven since digit span tasks were used in the first-grade reading
by the low-performing clusters, aligning our results with pre- cluster analysis. We find this less likely because Kindergarten
vious literature linking EF deficits rather than strengths to WM only predicted differences between low and average
achievement. However, in the three-group cluster solutions reading in first grade, and not high reading. Moreover, EF
that we present here, we note that average-performing readers tasks were not used in the creation of the mathematics clus-
were (a) indistinguishable from low-performing readers with- ters, and we see that WM significantly predicted all three
out the addition of EF measures and (b) displayed EF skills groups. Our results invite future research to better examine
more alike the high performers than the low performers. the extent to which WM and other EF measures relate to
Moreover, including a measure of response inhibition (HTKS) non-arbitrarily-determined achievement classifications
with the first-grade mathematics subtests revealed further (ideally within larger, nationally representative samples).
nuances among low performers, though not among the aver- Because cluster analyses may allow a more nuanced and
age- or high-performing groups. This differentiation illus- natural approach to group differences, researchers should
trates the heterogeneity behind low achievement and may especially consider this method to explore connections
help explain why certain students perform poorly, thereby between deficits in EF and poor achievement.
illuminating potential avenues for future intervention.
We expected that EF would play a large role in differentiat- High Performance is More Stable than Average
ing mathematics and reading cluster membership at each
grade. This hypothesis was supported at both grades for the
or Low Performance
reading clusters, but not for the mathematics clusters. It is pos- Relevant to research on and debate around educational track-
sible that EF (and, specifically, memory) contributes more ing, we also investigated the stability of performance classifi-
globally to reading performance than to mathematics perfor- cations across the K-1 transition. Given extensive
mance. Some prior research has only linked WM to advanced documentation of low-performing, intervention-resistant stu-
mathematics skills involving combinations of numbers and dents who later receive special education services, we
quantities (Purpura et al., 2017), a level that many of our sam- expected the most stability among low performers. However,
pled students might not yet have achieved. In contrast, there when exploring three-group solutions, results instead revealed
may be more domain-specific EF heterogeneity in low first- that membership in the high-performance group was more
grade mathematics performance. This may be especially evi- stable than the average- or low-performing groups. Thus, it
dent for response inhibition given the emergence of four may be easier to objectively measure and classify young
clusters when including HTKS, two of which were specific to gifted students than young struggling students, particularly
low performance. This is also consistent with prior research when cognitive and reading skills are both measured.
Woods et al. 11

Theoretically, it may be more common to measure “flukes” in individual demographic background, and both are likely
low performance than in high performance without repeated influential. We also caution against over-generalizing these
testing (e.g., a student may just have a bad day during testing, results, given the relatively small and geographically limited
and this could make them seem like a poorer performer but nature of the present sample. We may not have had a large
probably would not make them seem like a higher performer). enough sample to capture a group of low-performing, treat-
Researchers and educators may want to revisit how low per- ment-resistant students, which would explain why high per-
formers are differentiated from students with disabilities in formance appeared more stable than low performance. A
early schooling given this instability. larger, nationally representative study would help establish
Our results also suggest that teachers and special educa- whether our findings remain consistent for most schools and
tors focus more on literacy problems than mathematics students.
problems during early schooling, especially when observ- Yet, we also offer counterpoints to these limitations that
ing students for potential special educational needs. It is we believe validate our results. First, our sample is drawn
therefore unsurprising that more low-reading students from diverse racial and socioeconomic locations, which
received special education services than low-mathematics bolsters generalization to other diverse samples. Second,
students. In addition, and perhaps validating teachers’ focus deficits in performance are most likely to be observed in
on early literacy deficits, membership in the low-perform- high-risk, diverse schools, like those included in our sam-
ing reading group was more stable through first grade than ple. Third and finally, we argue that teachers may experi-
the low-performing mathematics group. It is possible that ence similar data issues, namely that there may also be a
students received special education services because they very small cohort of low-performing, intervention-resistant
had higher mathematics skills than reading skills, following youth within their elementary schools. Future research
the ability–achievement discrepancy model of learning dis- methods should explore the accuracy and reliability of early
abilities. Future research investigating the consequences of classifications of these students despite their small sample
this phenomenon is warranted, particularly among students size within grades and schools.
eventually diagnosed with a mathematics disability. Despite these issues, few would question that existing
classification and grouping schemes are arbitrary and that
there is little evidence they are robust to alternative specifi-
Study Limitations and Conclusion cations. This study demonstrates the utility of combining
A significant limitation of this study was our inability to obtain cluster analysis with cognitive measures to examine early
individual demographic information, which we might have childhood performance classifications. Students without a
used to further externally validate these cluster solutions. formal Individualized Education Program (IEP) may still
Students attending schools with the least overall socioeco- struggle under the typical curricula, so it is important to bol-
nomic disadvantage (who were, presumably, the least disad- ster the ability to better identify these students early in
vantaged themselves) displayed the best academic schooling. We hope that further research will continue to
performance in both grades. However, it is unclear to what prioritize the use of available cognitive and academic per-
extent this trend is associated with a student’s school or their formance data to better serve these learners.

Appendix A
Sample Demographic Information.

Demographic School 1 (n = 30) School 2 (n = 40) School 3 (n = 24) School 4 (n = 25) Total (N = 120)
Male (% of sample) 63.3 55.0 54.2 48.0 57.7
Percentage of school 2.1 65.3 69.4 87.4 56.1
White (%) 45.7 40.5 46.9 14.1 36.8
Black (%) 4.2 47.9 44.5 82.9 44.9
Hispanic (%) 3.1 4.8 4.1 2.8 3.7
Asian (%) 45.3 2.3 0.7 0.0 12.1
Age—Kindergarten: M (SD) 5.71 (.31) 5.82 (.36) 5.74 (.44) 5.94 (.40) 5.80 (.38)
Age—First Grade: M (SD) 6.80 (.30) 6.81 (.30) 6.83 (.37) 6.95 (.38) 6.84 (.34)
Observed for Special Ed (%) 30.0 12.5 45.8 24.0 26.9
Received Special Ed (%) 16.7 5.0 8.3 12.0 10.8

Note. Data about schools were drawn from information made publicly available on statewide education reporting websites. Socioeconomic disadvantage
was defined by this website as “those who have been determined to be eligible for free or reduced-price meals via locally gathered and approved family
applications under the National School Lunch Program, are in households receiving food (SNAP) or cash (TANF) assistance, are homeless, are migrant, or
are in foster care.”

Appendix B
Correlations Among Study Variables.

Study Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(1) K Passage Comp.  
(2) First Passage Comp. .613***  
(3) K Letter-Word ID .756*** .666***  
(4) First Letter-Word ID .618*** .871*** .759***  
(5) K Applied Probs. .517*** .609*** .630*** .616***  
(6) First Applied Probs. .516*** .666*** .583*** .598*** .668***  
(7) K Number Line −.089 −.096 −.233* −.104 −.404*** −.288**  
(8) First Number Line −.203* −.219* −.349*** −.222* −.405*** −.461*** .294**  
(9) K Pair Cancel. .240** .187* .298*** .172 .273** .263** −.279** −.121  
(10) First Pair Cancel. .282** .313*** .285** .255** .403*** .374*** −.017 −.087 .532***  
(11) K HTKS .291** .116 .331*** .111 .440*** .268** −.151 −.288** .157 .160  
(12) First HTKS .273** .190* .278** .163 .260** .247** −.094 −.045 .170 .219* .391***  
(13) K Digit Span–F .249** .399*** .348*** .353*** .438*** .337*** .021 −.264** .037 .106 .121 .152  
(14) First Digit Span–F .245** .346*** .317*** .343*** .444*** .357*** −.021 −.237* .058 .098 .129 .148 .681***  
(15) K Digit Span–B .441*** .406*** .514*** .406*** .572*** .508*** −.454*** −.480*** .297*** .194* .342*** .329*** .333*** .346***  
(16) First Digit Span–B .349*** .424*** .413*** .366*** .574*** .467*** −.155 −.276** .266** .356*** .238* .265** .385*** .344*** .487***

Note. K = Kindergarten; first = first grade; HTKS = Head-to-Toes, Knees-to-Shoulders task.

*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.
Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)
Woods et al. 13

Appendix C
Alternative cluster analyses with varied measures

Figure C1.  Reading clusters formed in Kindergarten and first grade without including any EF tests.
Note. EF = executive function.

Figure C2.  First-grade reading clusters formed by including all four EF tests.
Note. EF = executive function.
14 Journal of Learning Disabilities 00(0)

Figure C3. Mean z-scores of tests used in first-grade mathematics cluster analysis (with HTKS).
Note. HTKS = Head-to-Toes, Knees-to-Shoulders task.

Appendix D students generally made growth between Kindergarten and

first grade and (b) cluster membership was driven by growth
Descriptive Statistics (% or M) Regarding differences on certain assessments. Students who Dropped
Change in Group Membership Across the exhibited significantly less growth across the K–Grade 1
K–Grade 1 Transition transition, while students who Improved exhibited more
To further explore the stability of cluster membership and growth than their Stable counterparts. Whereas reading clus-
which students changed clusters between Kindergarten and ter stability was affected by both reading tasks and DS-B,
first grade, descriptive statistics are presented below. math cluster stability was only affected by Number Line per-
Students who remained in the same performance cluster formance. Although not statistically significant, more stu-
from year to year were labeled Stable (e.g., “average” in dents who were observed with concerns regarding a potential
Kindergarten and “average” in first grade), students who special educational need appeared to improve their cluster
dropped into a lower performing cluster were labeled membership between Kindergarten and first grade. It may be
Dropped, and students who improved to a higher performing that observing these students actually led to improvement
level were labeled Improved. The unstandardized difference over time—a causal hypothesis that warrants future research
scores (see Note) in the following reveal that (a) overall, with the appropriate data.
Woods et al. 15

For the four WJ-III tests, we used raw scores instead of standard scores to more accurately see growth patterns.

Reading (n = 109) Math (n = 89) Unstandardized

Dropped Stable Improved Dropped Stable Improved difference
Measure (a) (n = 7) (b) (n = 73) (c) (n = 29) (a) (n = 22) (b) (n = 60) (c) (n = 32) M (SD)
% Observed for Special Ed. 11.1 63.0 25.9 8.7 65.2 26.1 —
% Received Special Ed. 0.0 100 0.0 16.7 50.0 33.3 —
% Male 3.2 66.1 30.6 14.6 50 35.4 —
% School 1 4.2 70.8 25.0 0.0 58.8 41.2 —
% School 2 2.6 63.2 34.2 14.7 52.9 32.4 —
% School 3 9.1 68.2 22.7 27.8 50.0 22.2 —
% School 4 12.5 66.7 20.8 15.0 50.0 35.0 —
LWID −.58c −.16c .66ab — — — 13.52 (6.27)
Passage Comprehension −.42c −.20c .67ab — — — 8.32 (4.13)
Pair Cancellation −.20 −.10 .21 .30 −.10 .08 12.56 (8.55)
HTKS −.25 −.10 .42 .13 −.02 −.07 11.96 (13.32)
DS-F −.48 .05 .14 −.06 .06 .14 0.31 (1.23)
DS-B −.70c −.14c .64ab .23 .07 .08 1.26 (1.59)
Applied Problems — — — −.43 .04 .14 5.69 (3.38)
Number Line — — — −1.02bc −.24ac .85ab 0.66 (2.05)

Note. Subscript denotes column proportions that differ significantly at the p < .05 level. Subtests listed are difference scores, computed by
subtracting the Kindergarten score from the first-grade score and then z-scoring for comparability across tests. LWID = Letter-Word Identification,
HTKS = Head-to-Toes, Knees-to-Shoulders task, DS-F = Digit Span Forward, DS-B = Digit Span Backward.

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