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Responda las siguientes preguntas sobre

alguien a quien admira:
2. What's his/ her name?
3. How old is she/he?
4. What's your relationship with him/her?
5. What's his/ her occupation?
6. Why do you admire him/her? (15 words)

Good afternoon, teacher and classmates

Who do you admire?
1. What’s her name?
His name is Lucila Parra Muñoz,
2. How old is she?
She is 45 years old
3. What’s your relationship with her?
She is my mother
4. What’s her occupation?
She is a housewife
5. Why do you admire her?
I admire his courage, his example and respect for
others, his unconditional love and his strength to

1. What’s her name?

His name is Lucila Parra Muñoz,
2. How old is she?
She is 45 years old
3. What’s your relationship with her?
She is my mother
4. What’s her occupation?
She is a housewife
5. Why do you admire her?
I admire his courage, his example and respect for
others, his unconditional love and his strength to

 Cual es su nombre?
 ¿Qué edad tiene él / ella?
 ¿Cuál es tu relación con él / ella?
 ¿Cuál es su ocupación?
 ¿Por qué lo admiras? (15 palabras)

2. Agregue una fotografía de él / ella.

3. Grábate leyendo las cinco respuestas que
escribiste en el ejercicio 1.

 Utilice

4. Sube las respuestas, foto y grabación en

un solo mensaje haciendo clic en "añadir
un nuevo tema de discusión".

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