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Argumentum ad Populum
This type of fallacy means “appeal to popularity”. It claims that a conclusion is true
because most people who agree to something is used as a reason to get you to agree to it and
takes the general form. Just because a lot of people believe that something is true, then it must be
Examples of Argumentum ad Populum:

This is an example of argumentum ad populum whereby the two sheep said that the other animal
looks like one of them while the other sheep said that it is a wolf. Since it is two versus one,
everyone agreed that the other animal is a sheep.
This is clearly an example of argumentum ad populum. The point of view of each person uses
the logic of “popularity”. They used the population of Christians versus non-Christians in order
to win the argument.

This is another example of argumentum ad populum. The advertisement says “over 99 billion
served” which it also uses popularity in order to attract more people.
2. Argumentum ad Hominem
This type of fallacy means “against the man”. It is used to counter another argument but
it is based on attacking a person’s character rather than addressing the actual issue. It is attacking
on a person’s emotions in order to appeal them. Insulting a person’s character does not mean
their arguments are invalid, instead we should only focus on the arguments raised rather than the
person who is saying them.
Examples of Argumentum ad Hominem:

The person argued that it is not normal to have a romantic relationship between two people that
are both men. However, another person replied to the argument by attacking the person’s
character. He attacked him using that man’s IQ which is not really related to his particular
argument. Therefore, this is an example of argumentum ad hominem since he focused on
attacking the person’s character rather than focusing on the real issue.
The real issue here is about the results of President Duterte’s daughter Kitty and his partner
Honeylet regarding COVID-19. However, the person attacked the argument by saying that they
are rich yet unattractive. This is obviously argumentum ad hominem since the person attacked
the person’s character rather than the real issue.

The issue was about the soap that the man is selling. However, the other person argued that the
man smells bad that is why he does not trust the man who is selling the soap. This is clearly
attacking a person’s character rather than the real argument. Hence, this is an example of
argumentum ad hominem.

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