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(Prepared by C. L. Cadao)

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, student should be able to

 Relate secrets of maintaining sanctifies life.

 structure simple sermon outline on Paul’s Secret of Sanctified life
 practice Christ-centered secrets of living and sustaining sanctified life.
 emulate Christ by following His secrets of powerful and successful life.

Lesson Focus:

 What are the biblical and Christ centered secrets on how to live and sustains sanctified
 What are Paul’s secrets of living and maintaining sanctified life?
 As best and perfect example, what are Jesus secrets of powerful and triumphant life?

Time Allotment: 3.0 hours

 Study the Materials – 45 minutes

 Answers the Activity – 45 minutes
 Accomplish the Assessment: 1.5
Schedule: September 8 & 10, 2020

Sanctification was defined as “status conferred” (Heb. 10:10; I Cor. 6:11), process to be
pursued (Heb. 12:14; II Cor. 7:1), working with God (Philippians 1:6) and “the work of the Holy
Spirit in our lives” (II Tess. 2:13; I Pet. 1:2). It is a lifelong process of character development
subsequent in conversion, in contrast with justification.” It is a continual growth in grace that’s
why there is no point in which we can come and say we have fully attained.” This is the reason
why Apostle Paul strongly emphasized, saying, “work out your own salvation with fear and
trembling (Philippians 2:12). The question however is, how can we maintain a vibrant, radiants
and sanctified Christian life? This module discusses and focuses no longer on what, but on
“how” can we maintain and keep a sanctified life.
Activity: Read and analyze the passages below and discover three biblical secrets on how to live
and maintain sanctified life. These three steps will take us into an experience of keeping a
sanctified life in which we will know the power of God in our lives. HINT: Of course, by reading
the passages you will discover the answers/secrets, it is as well stated in the discussions. Just
study the materials.
I. Secret no. 1. (Proverbs 23:7) – “Eat and drink” we must keep our bodies healthy
because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit
The way you think is the way you are. The mind indicates how you will live. Change your
way of thinking and you change your life. The very first thing to do to keep a sanctified
life is to keep our mind focus on Jesus. You have to say to Jesus in the morning “my
thoughts are yours today. I will think from God’s perspective in life.
II. Secret no. 2 (Proverbs 23: 26) - “give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my
ways” If we give our hearts to Him, He will make His own ways to lead us in salvation
III. Secret no. 3 (Luke 23:39-43) – “today you will be with me in paradise” if we trust in
Him, He will bring us into His paradise soon
Here is Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary is just in the corner, soon he will
experience of total separation from His Father. But in great anguish and sorrow,
what did Christ said? After saying that, an angel from heaven came and
strengthened Him.
Question: How do we really put our mind, heart and will on the side of Christ? At the
beginning of each day:
a. Kneel down and say to the Lord, “Lord, I don’t know what is going to happen today, but I
will in your hands. Whatever you say, whatever you tell me to do, that is the very thing
with the help of your Spirit I would attempt to do for you.
b. Commit yourself to Christ at the beginning of each day then you can experience placing
your mind, heart and will to the side of Christ.
Activity: In relation and in parallel to the first three Biblical secrets of maintaining a sanctified
life, read and study carefully Colossians 3:1-5 and discover Apostle Paul secrets of maintaining
his sanctified life.
PAUL Secrets of Keeping a Sanctified life Outline:
Point A. verse 1 – “Set your hearts on things above”
Point B. verse 2 – “Set your minds on things above”
Point C. verse 5 – “Put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature, sexual
immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed”

Way back 1992, a poor working young man in his junior year of Bachelor of Theology
was praying, Lord, four semesters from now and if it is Thy will, I will be marching in the isle of
PIC to receive my Diploma. But Lord, since I believe AUP is still the best place to find a future
life partner, help me find someone who will be with me in the ministry for the rest of my life. In
his prayer, he said, Lord, I do not know how this will become possible. I am a timid, shy and
added my appearance, no one seems mistaken to like me, he whispered. Nevertheless, I believe
you have your will for me.
As life goes on, to lessen the expenses and to hasten the time to finish his degree, this
poor theology students decided to scout for a possibility of staying outside the campus for his
remaining semesters since that was his 6th year in college. So, after the difficult pleading and
bargaining with the university personnel, finally, his request was granted to live off-Campus and
abled to enrolled for 25 units. Life off campus though was not easy either, yet he survived while
doing canvassing work and studying at the same time. Even walking to and pro to attend his
classes became enjoying ones.
One day, while he was walking going back home for Lunch, around 12:50 in the
afternoon. Across the other side of the road, just 200 meters away from the old AUP gate, lo
and behold was a beautiful lady in white uniform. Obviously, she was a nursing student. That
young lady caught his attention and from that time on, every day either inside the campus, or
outside, even while walking going to class or going back home, his desires and thoughts was to
see her to brightens his day..… What a liked at first sight! In fact, just to see her is enough for
him to make his day.
Much more, a thought of knowing who she is, was now part of his crazy dream. In fact,
she was always in his mind that made him determined to do everything to know her personally.
From that time on, though he has other friends, it seems that for him he was the most beautiful
and prettiest woman in the world. His mind was now set and focus on her that made him no
longer interested to look for other young ladies.
Since he became interested with her, he started researching about her, spying where
she was living and even stalking her afar secretly. Nevertheless, he did not find any courage to
valiantly approach her, until such time that he met again her former co-worker in the Cafeteria
who was staying off-campus also and happened boarding in the very house of the young lady.
In their conversation, he told her his interest and crush about her board mate. Yet her friend
told him, No, you are crazy, she was not my board mate, don’t you know that she was the one
and only daughter of my landlady? Anyway, do not worry I will introduce you to her. You know,
she was kind, missionary minded and a singer, she related.
To make the long story, short, because that young poor theology students liked her so
much and eventually loved her truthfully and faithfully, though he has now his family with two
growing up kids, still the pictures of that lady was kept and cared in his wallet. Still, she
remained in his mind and still the woman of his desires. Well, you may be asking, does his wife
never get mad because of keeping her pictures in his very own wallet? Well the answer is no,
because at present, that lady is his wife. (Her name is Gladys Grace Gaurino Cadao)
Implication: In relation to living and keeping a sanctified life, what implications can be
best derived from the illustration? Write you answer in the assessment.

IV. Secret no. 4. Work for and With Jesus.

a. In addition to three biblical secrets of keeping and maintaining sanctified life, let me add
another one. That is, “go always with Christ.” In relation to this, Mark Finley suggested,
“if you want a growing experience, an alive Christian experience; find a way to share
your faith. Witnessing stimulates our spiritual life like nothing else. It brings spiritual

b. “…. strength to resist evil is best gained by aggressive service.” Acts of the Apostles, p.

c. “… in order for us to develop a character like Christ’s (maintaining sanctification), we

must share in His work”. Desire of Ages, p. 142

JESUS SECRET OF SUCCESS: It was evident in Jesus life when he incarnated that though He was
God, yet He practice important disciplines to make Him successful and be protected against
temptation and therefore maintain a sanctified life. Below are biblical references how Jesus
uses various disciplines for His success. If we will follow these disciples and live how Jesus lives,
through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we will be able to keep a sanctified life and grow in
Christ. Read the following references and discover Jesus secrets of success.
1. Jesus Secret no. 1. - Psalm 119:105; John 1:1-3, 14; Luke 4:1-13; Luke 4:18-21; John
10:33-36. - He knows and He lives by the scriptures
 The word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path – Psalm
119:105. Anyone who wants to succeed in life needs to have the word of God as
his guide. And Christ being the Word Himself (John 1:1-3, 14) was very
conversant with the scriptures and used them as the need arose.
 When the devil tempted Him in the wilderness, He used the word of God to
defeat him – Luke 4:1-13. And when He was given the book of Isaiah to read, He
knew the very place that talked about Him and His assignment on earth; these
verses He read in the synagogue, introducing Himself and His mission to people –
Luke 4:18-21
 And when the Jews accused Jesus of blasphemy, He used the word of God to
prove that He didn’t blaspheme but only agreed with the word of God – John
10:33-36. Christ was born of the word and lived by the word.

2. Jesus Secret no. 2. - Luke 4:1-2, 14-15; Luke 6:12-13; Luke 22:43,44 - Prayerful Life
 Prayer is the powerhouse of any believer, and Jesus never played with it. Before
He commenced His ministry full time, He engaged in forty days fasting and
prayer, after which He returned in the power of the Holy Spirit – Luke 4:1-2, 14-
15. And when He wanted to choose His twelve disciples, He prayed all night –
Luke 6:12-13.
 Furthermore, when it was time for Him to be crucified, He prayed so earnestly
that His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground –
Luke 22:44. And the bible recorded that an angel came and strengthened Him –
Luke 22:43
 Prayer was a channel of reinforcing Himself spiritually and a channel through
which He received wisdom, instructions, guidance, and directions from God. So,
if Christ who is God needed to pray without ceasing, then we surely need to pray

3. Jesus Secret no. 3. – Mark 1:29 - Meditation and Devotions

4. Jesus Secret no. 4 - John 13:1-17 - Ministry and Service

 Jesus rendered many services to humanity when He was here on earth. Though,
He was God, He still served. Jesus demonstrated His great leadership qualities by
taking a decision to wash the feet of His disciples (John 13:1-17).
 He used the opportunity to pass an important message across to them (and us)
and it is the relevance of service to our success in life. A leader will be very
successful if he or she understands this fact. His or her worth is measured by the
quality of service he or she can render to his or her followers.

5. Jesus Secret no. 5 – Philippians 2:6-12; Colossians 1:16; Proverbs 16:5; Psalm 25:9; John
12:49-50 - Humility
 Christ’s humility enabled Him to finish His assignment in spites of the words and
actions of the Pharisees against Him. He endured the disrespect and insults of
the men He created (Colossians 1:16) that He may finish successfully His mission
on earth. Though He was God, being found in appearance as a man, He humbled
Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross
– Philippians 2:8.
 Humility is a quality that attracts God to you. God detests the proud (Proverbs
16:5) but the humble will He guide in justice and teach His ways – Psalm 25:9.
Jesus Christ enjoyed God’s guidance because He was humble and the very words
He taught the people were the words He got from God – John 12:49-50.

6. Jesus Secret no. 6 - Galatians 4:4-5, John 8:29 - Obedience

 Jesus was very obedient to the instructions of His father. He came first and
foremost in obedience to God. God needed someone to redeem man and He
sent Christ to do so – Galatians 4:4-5. And throughout His stay on earth, He lived
a life of obedience unto God. This enabled Him to carry God’s presence all
through His time on earth (John 8:29).
 And according to John 3:2, no man can do the miracles that Jesus did except God
is with him. In other words, Christ’s obedience to God led to the miracles that
occurred through Him. Furthermore, obedience led to His name being exalted
above every other name – Philippians 2:9

7. Jesus Secret no. 7 - Luke 23:34; John 7:45-46; John 4:1-42, - Self-awareness
 “Then said Jesus, father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And
they parted his clothing and cast lots” (Luke 23: 34) Jesus was in deep agony on
the cross of Calvary. At that moment, He had all the powers to command the
angels to crush His accusers to set Himself free. He, however, decided to pray for
the people instead!
 What a selfless Man!
 You must begin to think more of others than you think of yourself. Every day,
you should always ask yourself what you can do to humanity to improve its lots. I
have loved this statement credited to this man, John Bunyon. He said, “You have
not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never
repay you,” A selfish man will not enjoy good success.

8. Jesus Secret no. 8 - Matthew 26: 39 - Submission to Father’s will

 Jesus never allowed His will to overshadow the will of God for His life. “And He
went a little further, and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it is
possible, let this Cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will”
(Matthew 26: 39)
 At the Garden of Gethsemane, even at the point of death, Jesus allowed the will
of God to be done. Jesus never did anything outside the will of the Father. I am
not surprised He enjoyed good success all through.

(Illustration Implication: That is what it means to set our affection and mind on certain things.
The same is also true with setting our hearts, minds and will to Jesus Christ. In as much as
during those times, I want to know that young lady more and more, I want to be with her most
of the times and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, the same is also true in keeping
our sanctified life. We need to set our minds to Jesus. We need to fully give our hearts to Him
and fully surrender our will to Jesus.)
Because sanctification is a lifelong process of character development, a continual
growth in grace subsequent in conversion, we need to daily surrender our lives to God. We
need to allow the Holy Spirit and cooperate with Him to continually change us according to
Christ likeness. This is the meaning of what Paul is saying, “work out your own salvation with
fear and trembling. To make this happen we need to take advantage and use all the God given
privileges to maintain a sanctified life. We need to set and focus our mind to Him. We need to
fully surrender our heart to God daily and allowed His will to happened in our lives. In other
words, keeping our sanctified lives does mean passive living but an active and alive Christian
daily and continual experience.
3. God’s Last Warning Messages, Prophetic and End-time Truths Bible Study Guide
compiled by Benjamin Sulit

I. In relation to living and keeping a sanctified life, what implications can be best derived
from the illustration?

Pastor Cadao’s story is truly inspiring especially to the younger generations who
are seeking love. In his story, God has been with him all throughout his journey, even
during the most difficult times of his life. God has been truthful and faithful to him.
That’s why Pastor Cadao also become truthful and faithful to the lady who is now her
wife, Ma’am Gladys. This story made me realize that true love will come to us at the
right time, no need to rush because God will send us the perfect person at the right
time. And if we meet the perfect one for us, we will build a relationship wherein God is
the center.

II. Go back to Paul Three Secrets of Sanctified Life and structure these three key points to a
sermon outline for future use. To make it more looks like a sermon outline and realistic,
put 4-5 sentences introduction, key text: Colossians 3:1-5 key thought, the main points
each have at least a short phrase or one sentences explanation and 5-7 sentences
appeal. Here is a simple structure that you can follow. Just supply the ideas.
Sustaining a sanctified life is hard due to our sinful world today. There are lots of
temptations that surrounds us that makes it even harder to sustain. But Paul’s secrets
written in Colossians 3:1-5 can be our guide to sustain it. Following those secrets will
help us to achieve a sanctified life.
Verse 1 tells us to “Set your hearts on things above.” Our hearts must only adore
the above where Christ is. Verse 2 is “Set your minds on things above.” We must only
think of the things that is about Christ and not on things here on earth. The last is from
verse 5 which says, “Put to death, whatever belongs to your earthly nature, sexual
immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed.” We must let go of the bad behaviors
that we have acquired here on earth that made us fall into idolatry.
Colossians 3:1-5 encourages us to focus their attention on godly, spiritual things.
Following Paul’s secrets will make our faith stronger that will lead to us not living in the
sins which used to be our habit. The behaviors mentioned by Paul must not only be
avoided, but must be put to death. Those behaviors will just trap us that will soon make
us unbelievers. In conclusion, we must act like what has Paul written to show our
commitment to Christ above.

III. Do you consider Jesus secrets of powerful and successful life doable for us as sinner? If
your answer is yes, how would you practice these discipline in the modern society? If
your answer is no, what hope do you have for a sanctified life and what practice are
possible to live an exemplary life in the modern world?

It is doable for us sinners since we all are given chances to change. Despite this
very sinful world, what I have to do is to focus on my goal, which is to achieve a
powerful and successful life. If possible, I have to close my eyes on things that will surely
tempt me. And the best thing to do is ask for His guidance always. I will always pray to
God that He will help me to do things in accordance in His will. I will always seek for His

IV. Since you have now a sermon outline with complete structure, I want you to video
yourself in just 6- 8 minutes, preaching this sermon. I will open a sermon folder for
midterm for you upload it there. The deadline for this is on midterm exam date because
it serves as your midterm exam.

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