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The story was happened in PugadLawin High School.

It had made capital of its

topography: rooted on the firm ledge of a hill, the school-house was accessible by a series of
stone steps carved on the hard face of the rocks; its west windows looked out on the misty
grandeur of a mountain shaped like a sleeping woman. The geographical location of the selection
is in the Philippines.
The main character in the story was Miss Noel. She is an English teacher that believes
that her work is to give proper education to students and not to impress her superiors. Unlike the
other teachers in PugadLawin High School, her main objective is to support and guide her
student/s. The next one is Mr. Olbes. He is the principal of PugadLawin High School, and
Mrs.Olbes’ husband. Next is Mrs.Olbes. She had a misunderstanding with Miss Noel and made
up later on. Next is Mr. Buenaflor. He is a teacher in Industrial Arts in PugadLawin High School.
He also became the leader of Group 2 which will structure the rooms. The next one is Mr. De
Dios. He is a teacher in Physics. Mr. Baz is also one, a teacher in National Language. Next is Mr.
Alava. He is the superintendent and wants to be impressed by the Principal during the
inspection/evaluation. Next is Mr. Ampil. He is a former supervisor in Language Arts, but
eventually died because of being slipped while in the banca and his head was hit. The next one is
Mr. Sawit, a supervisor in English. And lastly, Mrs.Divinagracia. She is the instructor in Home
Economics and part of group 1 which is to prepare the menu in the kitchen.
The story started in PugadLawin High School where the principal has received a letter
announcing the visitation of the superintendent and the district supervisors. It is a yearly activity
on the school for “purposes of inspection and evaluation”. After the morning class, the entire
faculty and staff gathered and had a meeting that the Home Economics Building will be the hub
of general cleaning, which means that the building must look and be presentable to the visiting
“Gods”. A few moments later, Miss Noel and Mr. Sawit had a talk about the superintendent and
the other supervisor’s visitation, saying that the evaluation and inspection is kind of useless in a
school that’s only putting up a show; that announcing the visitation a month before might defeat
the entire purpose of evaluating for everything that they’re doing is already planned at the first
place. Eventually the conversation has ended. Miss Noel was cleaning up when heard the door
opened. Leon came in. Leon is one of the students in high school and she remembered that Leon
wants to be a lawyer. Miss Noel realized that if she had left the school then no one would
properly guide the students, because she cares about her students, she diced not to leave but stay
to be able to guide Leon and the other students of Pugad Lawin as well.
As of these days, there are still schools that prepare a lot before the inspection and
evaluation in their schools. Even the way students interact with teachers and officials are well-
rehearsed for an additional rating. Every angle, every side, every building, and every classroom
must look comfortable and refreshing to the eyes of everyone especially the “Gods” for another
points. The good and best image of the school must be brought out. The teachers and the other
staff are those to make it possible. They even rehearse the students for recitations. I have
experienced all of these during my high school days, which answers the question “is the plot
believable?” Yes it is. It still happens to some. The selection used a 3rd point of view for not
using “I”, “Me”, “Mine”, “Yours”, or even “Ours” in the story.
The conflict happened where Mr. Sawit and Miss Noel had a conversation about the
planned acts of everyone during the inspection and evaluation. It is where Miss Noel thought that
what they’re doing will maintain their school’s rating yet not speaking the real thing out. She
wants anything just to be natural as it is before during inspection, just because the visitation was
announced a month before. Ms. Noel has no choice for it was the principal’s order anyway: to
check and evaluate the three groups. But the real thing is that she wanted the inspectors to see the
unplanned yet real things about the school.
If there would be a symbolism in the story then it will be probably the “Gods” in the title.
The said term symbolizes the superintendent and the supervisors because the story revolves
around how the teachers in Pugad Lawin High School can make “offerings” to the “Gods”. This
thing is actually related to other kinds of jobs, like when you’re in an office work and the owner
of that working place received a letter of visitation to a higher rank then he/she will do his/her
best to make everything appealing to them; they would even give offerings!
The story comes up with a theme that say we should never forget why we do our jobs and
why we love doing them, it’ll keep us motivated to work harder. It is where Miss Noel portrays
the real value of being a teacher, a real teacher. I’m seeing a teacher as a good teacher when the
success and improvement of a student became his/her source of happiness, a good teacher won’t
need any person as witness to his/her kindness and concern to a student, and that’s what Miss
Leon has done to Leon. As a worker in a particular place, you must keep in mind that you need
to love doing your job and be passionate beyond the amount of salary you receive every month.
This story must be read by the other schools out there and squeeze out the main lesson
that the story wants them to know. Like, how a school would only give its best when an
inspection is scheduled? The teachers here resemble what our system is right now. It is kind of
horrible. We can see that the moment when they postponed the classes to prepare for the
visitation. Education was not their topmost priority. I believe that the author wrote this story to
show the corruption of the system we have imposed today and its effect on the students. On the
other hand, it shows the state of future shaping by helping them even when you need to sacrifice
your own good career waiting.
If I would admire a character in the story, then why would it be Miss Noel? I admire her
because her behaviour in the story really resembles the actual behaviour that a good teacher must
possess. I knew that she cares for her students especially those who are seen with potential and
determination. I also learned from her the essence of making the right decisions, when she was
about to choose between a good career and teaching in Pugad Lawin High School.
The story teaches us that don’t let other people affect the choices you make in life
especially when it’s important to you. You should fight for what you love doing. When such
occasion comes like this I believe that such preparation to impress people is not necessary. When
you are truly diligent and honest to your work, and that you are really trying your best in giving
the students the proper education they need and paid for.

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