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Abdominal or visceral fat comprises fat deposits DIET, SUPPLEMENTS, AND FOODS IN
between the liver and kidneys that are packed into the THE MANAGEMENT OF VISCERAL
abdominal cavity. This fat is distinct from subcutaneous OBESITY
and intramuscular fat because it is primarily visceral and
includes several adipose depots. Historically, such fat Understanding abdominal obesity will promote its
has a played a key role in survival in times of famine. As modification and prevention, thus reducing chronic dis-
described in the book, such fat is subject to lifestyle man- ease levels. Under standard conditions, adipose depots
agement as well as to accumulation. provide feedback on hunger and dietary needs to the
central nervous system. A variety of biochemical, physi-
ological, and food-regulated mechanisms that alter
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND CLINICAL abdominal obesity and thus disease risk are reviewed.
MANAGEMENT OF ABDOMINAL Maeda identifies glucagon-like peptide 1 as an agonist of
OBESITY visceral fat adiposity and appetite. Castonguay defines
the role of fructose in hypertriglyceridemia and obesity.
Appetite-regulating gut hormones, work, diet, and Dietary foods play key roles in visceral fat accumulation
physical activity in adults, children, and adolescents and its removal. The effects of intermittent fasting ver-
have all been described as factors that affect abdominal sus daily calorie restriction on visceral fat loss are com-
fat accumulation. Tarantino describes the efficacy of pared by Trepanowski and Varady. Laurant and
physical activity in treating nonalcoholic fatty liver dis- colleagues show that gender and exercise, which both
ease. Its actions in specific populations, for example the modulate cytokines, affect obesity and thus heart dis-
elevated hypertension of African-Americans, are defined ease. Stress-induced eating also affects obesity, and
and explained by Hornbuckle. Von Gruenigen shows Finch and Tomiyama describe relevant physiological
how fat plays a role in cancer survivorship, while and behavioral stress responses. Campbell and cowork-
Clement reviews massive obesity and its consequences. ers review fructose-induced hypertriglyceridemia as a
Clearly, and historically, lifestyle factors are major fac- cause of abdominal obesity that can be modified by
tors that affect abdominal fat; these are defined by Suliga changes in food intake. Yoshinaga describes how the
with Gomez-Martinez in their review of the role of phys- gender and lifestyle of individuals and their parents
ical activity in abdominal obesity in adolescents. combine to modify obesity.
Therapies including surgery and sleeve gastrostomy are Adipose tissues play important roles in health; their
reviewed by Ruiz-Tovar, while the beneficial effects of primary role is as a reserve of lipids needed to provide
supplemental magnesium are defined by Kokot. energy. Fat tissues consist of about 86% fat, and a variety
Fat is constantly being stored and released from adi- of different cell types regulate fat accumulation. Lipolysis
pose tissue. Storage in adipose tissue is regulated by is modulated by lipolytic β-adrenergic receptors and
insulin and stimulated by high serum glucose. Thus, fat antilipolysis is regulated by α2A adrenergic receptors.
cells have an important role in maintaining triglyceride Dietary foods and supplements can play critical roles in
and free fatty acid levels. However, abdominal fat is modifying and preventing such fat accumulation. Park
more prone to inducing insulin resistance; therefore, describes several types of soy protein and fermented
central obesity is a marker of impaired glucose tolerance soypastes that can reduce visceral obesity. Reviews by
as a risk factor for many obesity-related diseases. Gasevic the Pimentel and Bautista-Castaño groups describe
et al. show that adipose tissue affects insulin resistance the roles of alcohol, coffee, and bread in modifying
and is further modified by ethnicity. In addition, Rossi obesity through various mechanisms, including immu-
and colleagues describe visceral fat as key to ectopic fat nomodulation of inflammation, which is obesity
accumulation, while Leblanc and Poirier discuss how induced. As Nagai and Takatsu review in humans and
high blood pressure risk is lessened by reducing visceral Masternak in animal models, these mechanisms are
obesity. Finally, Prasad defines the problems of advanced important in metabolic disorders associated with chronic
glycation end-products in relation to adiposity. diseases. Castonguay and coauthors describe appetite

xiv Preface

and reward signals in the brain, with sugar being a major describes the effects of dietary fatty acids on weight, fat
mediator, as shown by magnetic resonance imaging. mass and abdominal fat. Park shows that conjugated lin-
Additionally, the effects of dietary supplements on fat oleic acid benefits human health by controlling weight.
regulation and thus visceral obesity are an important Finally, D’Antona reviews the current evidence that
focus of this book. A stringent vegan diet with dietary amino acid supplementation affects obesity. Free fatty
restriction produces significant weight loss. A supplement acids are released from lipoproteins by enzymes and
containing flaxseed components changes visceral ­obesity, enter adipocytes to be reassembled into triglycerides for
inflammation, lipids, and chronic hypertension, as Park storage. Through regulating adipose tissues in visceral
summarizes. Damms-Machado shows that nutritional fat, different cell types (primarily adipocytes, fibroblasts,
deficiencies in obese patients are a common condition, macrophages, lymphocytes, and endothelial cells) can
which are additionally impacted by bariatric operations, have wide-ranging effects on health. Matikainen
like sleeve gastrectomy. Miyashita and Hosokawa show describes the role of fibroblast growth factor 21 in regu-
the importance of plant carotenoids as nutraceutical lating energy metabolism in adipose tissues to promote
therapies for visceral obesity. health. Qi discusses how polymorphisms in the gene
Other macromolecules and foods are modulators of encoding neuropeptide Y (and other genes) affect central
visceral fat and play a key role in a host of diseases, obesity. Finally, Garaulet defines site-specific adipose tis-
including diabetes, insulin resistance, cardiovascular sue fatty acid composition and its role in the regulation
disease, inflammation, and other obesity-related health of abdominal obesity.
problems. Pal and coauthors describe a role for psyllium In conclusion, the authors describe how factors that
as a therapy for obesity comorbidities. Karl and McKeown affect the current abdominal obesity epidemic will pro-
describe the role of whole grain (with its intrinsic fiber) vide major benefits by preventing chronic diseases, espe-
in obesity prevention, while Pal defines a similar role for cially heart, vascular, and diabetic diseases. A broad
dietary whey protein. Vajro and coworkers describe the range of disciplines are involved in dealing with the con-
role of other complex carbohydrates known as probiotics sequences of excessive abdominal fat, including cardiol-
in treating hepatic obesity and related diseases. Dinner ogy, diabetes research, endocrinology, exercise
carbohydrates, if used as described by Madar and col- physiology, and studies focusing on lipids, metabolism,
leagues, produce weight loss and have other effects on nutrition, and obesity. We describe how abdominal obe-
visceral fat. Citrus is a food that, as Mukai describes in sity, a major cause of mortality and morbidity in much of
animal models and humans, changes visceral fat accu- the world through its associated diseases, can be regu-
mulation. Lipids are the major modulators of fat. Tan lated by food and dietary therapies.

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