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Background of the study

Printing is a process for reproducing text and images using a master form or

template (Steinberg,1974). Prining in color costs much more than printing in black and white, for

various reasons, first and most obviously, there are four inks involved instead of just one and

each is printed by its own printing, so the costs of making the printing plates alone is several

times greater. Second, color printing presses need to be able to print the four inks on the page

one after another, in perfect alignment, so they need to be considerably more sophisticated and

precise. Third, it takes extra time and effort for the person operating the printer to check that the

colors have been aligned and reproduced successfully, so there’s more human effort involved.

Finally, so that color printing is often used for reproducing photographs, heavier, glossier, and

more expensive paper is usually needed to do it justice (Woodford,2017). The focus of this

business plan is to put forth objectives to solve and to intend to accomplish this by focusing on

modifying the printing outputs (Alto,Palo 1996).

The researchers want to study, want to proposed a business plan related to printing

business to help the students, if the researchers have a printing business inside the school it will

help the students very much so that the students make the printing outputs easier, the students

will not coming late in the class, the students didn’t need to go outside just to print it may avoid

accident to the students, and the students can pass the paper outputs earlier or on time. Thus the

researchers wanted to conduct a study to address these printing needs of the students.

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