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Graduate School
Midsayap, Cotabato


A BRIEFER ON ____________________

Every single day is filled with consumption and consumption decisions like in my
case, as a mother, decisions shall be made as to what food to be prepared and served
for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and if I have no class on weekend, what am I going to
do. These are just few of the questions that have to be answered within the first few
moments of everyday. Unknowingly, the answers have turned the wheel of the economy
and shaped the life of an individual.

Customer behavior is the behavior among groups of customers to predict how

similar customers will behave under similar circumstances (Mobius Solutions, 2017).

It is important to understand the three factors that affect customer behavior to

fully understand how it affects marketing. First, psychological factors (perception of a
need or situation, the person's ability to learn or understand information, and an
individual's attitude); second, personal factors (how a person makes decisions, their
unique habits and interests, and opinions); and third, social factors (a person's family,
social interaction, work or school communities, or any group of people a person
affiliates with, person's social class, which involves income, living conditions, and
education level). (2017) cited three customer behavior models: The Black-Box Model,
Personal-Variable Model and Complex Model. The black-box model is based on
external stimulus-response; the decisions are influenced by many factors, including
marketing messages, sampling, product availability, promotions, and price. Personal-
variable model the consumers make decisions based on internal factors such as
personal opinions, belief systems, values, traditions, goals, or any other internal
motivator. The third is the complex model considers both internal and external variables.

If the marketer knows and understands the behavior of the customer, he/she can
design products that will give additional value and improve the well-being of both the
business and the customers. Not only that, it will enable the policy makers to develop
more effective policy decisions and enable the customers to render better decisions in
allocating scarce resources.

Thus, better business for companies, better public policy for government and
better life for individuals and households can be realized by understanding the customer


Dawn Iacobucci (2012). Marketing Management Second Edition. Cengage Learning

Asia Pte Ltd

Greg W. Marshall and Mark W. Johnston (2011). Essentials of Marketing Management

International Edition. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Mobius Solutions (2017). Customer Behavior Modeling. Retrieved on July 4, 2017 from

Study.Com (2003-2017). What Is Consumer Behavior in Marketing? - Factors, Model &


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