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The Second (Unreal) Conditional

(Nestvarni kondicional)
Kondicionali ili pogodbene rečenice se upotrebljavaju kako bi izrazili mogućnost ostvarenja (posljedicu)
nekog događaja ili radnje navodeći pritom uvjete pod kojim bi se taj događaj ili radnja mogli ostvariti.

Drugi kondicional koristimo kako bismo opisali stvari koje se vjerojatno neće dogoditi, stvari koje samo
zamišljamo ili koje su manje vjerojatne.


(uvjet) (posljedica)

*Past Simple:

a) potvrdni oblik - pravilni glagoli dobiju nastavak -d ili –ed (worked; cooked, cleaned…)

- nepravilni glagoli - 2. stupac (was/were; wrote; went; bought…)

b) negacija – didn't + infinitiv glagola

- If they knew the answer, they would tell us.

(Da znaju odgovor, rekli bi nam.)

- If she didn’t talk in class, she would learn more.

(Da ne priča na satu, naučila bi više.)

- If I was taller, I would play basketball.

(Da sam viši, igrao bih košarku.)

- If he wasn’t afraid of heights, he would go by plane.

(Da se on ne boji visina, išao bi avionom.)

● Unreal Conditional / Complete the sentences

1. If I __________________ (have) a lot of money, I ______________________ (buy) a desert island.

2. If reality shows __________________ (not be) interesting, people ________________ (not watch) them.

3. If I ___________________ (appear) in a reality show, my friends ____________________ (laugh) at me.

4. If there _______________ (be) no fresh water on the island, we _________________ (collect) rainwater.

5. If we ___________________ (drink) only seawater, we _____________________ (die).

6. If she ___________________ (be) on a desert island alone, she ____________________ (not survive).

7. If I ____________________ (have) millions of dollars, I ___________________ (not be) materialistic.

8. If I ________________________ (live) on an island, I ______________________ (get) bored.

9. If I _____________________ (go) to live on a desert island, I ____________________ (miss) my phone.

10. If we __________________ (have) a dog, we _________________ (go) for a walk more often.

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