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John Mark M. Garcia Ms.

ABM 11 - David
Activity 3

1. What is Teenage Pregnancy?

- Teenage pregnancy increases when girls are denied the right to make decisions about
their sexual and reproductive health and well-being.

2.What are the Cause and Effect of Teenage Pregnancy?

 Cause - Some teenagers want to act ‘cool’ and try to be different while others
sadly are clueless and could possibly ruin their lives. Also in rare cases, some of
the teens would want to have a child at a young age.
 Effect - Lack of birth control which corresponds with the teens being clueless and
possibly ruining their lives and the lives of their future children.

3. How many Teenagers are pregnant in young age in over the world?
- Approximately 12 million girls aged 15–19 years and at least 777,000 girls under 15
years give birth each year in developing regions.

4. How does teenage pregnancy affect education?

- Teenagers who become pregnant are more likely to drop out of school, and teenagers
who drop out of school are more likely to become pregnant. ... Teenage mothers have a
greater chance than older mothers to live a lifetime in lower-class with low income
5. Is it possible to avoid teenage pregnancy?
- In order to prevent teenage pregnancy, teenagers need to have a comprehensive
understanding of abstinence, contraceptive techniques, and consequences. Although
there are many different ways to prevent a teenage girl from becoming pregnant, the
only one that is absolutely effective is sexual abstinence.

6. Are there any risks being faced by pregnant teens?

- Teens are often unprepared for the realities involved in parenting an infant. Often,
complex relationships and financial burden combined with balancing school and
parenting are stressful and can put a newborn at risk.

7. How do teenagers keep themselves healthy during pregnancy?

1) Focus on foods, not nutrients 4) reward efforts
2) individualize and work within the 5) make it easy
pregnant adolescent's current eating
6) focus on weight gain patterns for
optimal birth outcome.
3) consider the context of family and
peer groups
7) refer to a dietician, as needed.
8. What is the consequence of having a high rate in teenage pregnancy in a country?
- When teenagers become mothers, they normally lose access to education. Many
schools do not teach them. All too often, moreover, girls do not get the support they
would need from their family to continue education and take care of their kid. According
to the UNFPA report, however, many young mothers stop going to school before they
become pregnant because they are married. Many issues contribute to teenagers
becoming pregnant. Education and particularly sex education are key to prevention.
Girls from disadvantaged rural communities are more likely to become pregnant than
their peers from educated and prosperous urban settings.
9. Is Teenage Pregnancy a problem, and why?
-Yes, Teen pregnancy is a health issue that has an effect on all of us. A child having a
baby as a teenager is more likely to face critical social issues like poverty, poor
education, risky behaviors that lead to poor health issues, and child welfare. The
financial cost of teens having babies is financially devastating

10. How does teenage pregnancy affect the child future?

- A healthy pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. A baby that’s delivered before 37 weeks of

pregnancy is premature. Teen mothers are more likely Trusted Source to give birth
to premature babies. Premature babies also tend to be underweight. Underweight
babies might have trouble breathing and feeding as infants. As adults, underweight
babies are more susceptible to diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

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