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Name: Souman Guha

ID: 2024341001

Case: Career of Michele Terry and Joe Franchis

1. Career Exploration
a. Michaele Terry Could’ve done-
 To scan self-worth, she should get an MBA degree to align previous goals
 To understand about environmental change, equipping herself with relevant information
from society, colleagues and bosses
 Engaging in diversified projects to gain experiences
Joe Franchis could’ve done-
 Long term career planning or goal setting and reevaluating it
 Solid Plan for advancement and engaging in diversified activities
 Openness to new opportunities
b. Michele Terry:
 Had a career goal
 Ambition to be VP
 Failed to engage in innovative works but revamped her career goals by broadening the
Environmental Insight
 Good Relationship With SVP
 Relationship with managers
 Aware of Family Matter
Joe Franchis
Self- insight
 Didn’t have goals
 Good at sales but didn’t explore further advancement
 Didn’t explore career
Environmental Insight
 Didn’t aware of Employers
 Didn’t aware of what sales team is facing and complaining
2.Career Goals
a. Yes. She is having a solid, well -defined career goal which is to mentor Federal’s younger
managers along with holding the chair of taskforce of new market development. Yes, it was
different from her previous career goals where she wanted to be a president of the Federal Bank.
On contrary to previous goal, resetting the goals with the help of discussion with several
managers broadening the scope of her current position to serve the community is helping her
achieve preferred work environment as she can serve community now easily.
b. Yes. She is currently decided about her career that she wanted to serve the community and she
is currently doing that.
Yes, subsequent events demonstrated that she appears to be vigilant about her future career.
c. No. Joe didn’t have a career goal throughout his career with Infotek but he was extremely
proficient and satisfied with what he was doing there. After having legendary performance at
regional and district level, he had no plan for career advancement which make us to reason that-
he has no career goal.
He did not seek for the position of vice president of sales, but preferring sales to pencil-pushing
and administration. He was not giving attention to his work and not enthusiastic, rather he
worked only for his luxurious family life. He was not aware of his employer’s dissatisfaction and
not tries to develop his work. So, it’s true that he has no career goal.
d. Joe is undecided about hid future career. He appears to be chronically undecided as he didn’t
even know how to inform his job termination to his family and scared of death.

3. a. Michele career development activities were useful and effective later on when she re-
planned the career goals and re-assessed her capacities that match the new position of mentoring
the juniors and heading the new market development by taking proper training
b. Joe failed to take proper strategies as his career was undecided and he didn’t know what to do
next and that’s why he failed.
4. a. Using feedback was intensively successful for Michele. Though there ere demotivating
feedbacks, but it helped her reassess the goals and come to a feasible career option where she
succeeded. That’s why it was important.
b. For Joe, he didn’t receive feedback rather he got terminated due to lack of attention. He got
negative reports for his performance and couldn’t anticipate it earlier.
5.a. Michele is more effective in career management though she wasn’t sire at first and started
failing but career management is an on-going process and she succeeded in her new role and
broadened her careers. Michele was supported by her family and career goals were aligned with
family priorities, interests and personalities. She was happy but Joe wasn’t.
b. Successful career-management traits are inquisitiveness, challenge taker, resilience. Michele
was open to new things and learning and keeping her updated. Joe had fixed mindset which is
detrimental to career progression. Always revisiting career options and exploration could’ve
made their journey more effective.

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