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Trading is a high-performance endeavor… and in any kind of high-performance

endeavor, psychology is an all-too-important parameter. And so, as a result,

there is an enormous amount of trading psychology contents out there, all offering a
quick-fix to our psychological deficiencies as traders. This is great,… but from what
I’ve seen, most (if not all) of these contents provide mere intellectual understandings.
In other words, they explain to you what’s a good approach, and what you need to
do, and this is accepted by all on a merely superficial level, which is to say, on a
merely intellectual level. But this doesn’t work, and I argue, it misses the core of the

Don’t get me wrong, though, intellectual understanding is important. It is

useful if it gives one inspiration and guidance to take the next step. However, it
is only experiential understanding that can liberate, because this is one’s own
wisdom based on one’s own experience.

You see, to engineer any change in your behavior and so your results, you
have to work at the deepest levels of the mind. To change the present behavior
patterns of your mind; to get your behavior to align with the way markets are, you
have to train your mind to behave a certain way… and it’s a process which requires
time and effort.

Unfortunately, there is no other way around. When one is creating poor trading
performance months after months, year after year, despite having a reliable trading
system, one has to understand that a deeper work must be done. A quick fix,
unfortunately, won't cut it.

Because the principle is clear: if you cannot behave a certain way consistently in
uncertain conditions; in presence of circumstances that stress you; that
you’re not used to; that you don’t want, that you don’t like, you cannot in turn
manufacture consistent trading results based on what you system can
objectively (and reliably) make available to you. You won't be able to follow
your plan, as it is.

When faced with such conditions and circumstances, at the surface level of your
mind, you might try to relax, to calm down, to maintain objectivity, but at the depth
level of your mind, there is a constant swirl of unresolved tensions going on that
keeps generating unproductive patterns of behavior.

We’ve all experienced that: we are consistent in our behavior for weeks and months
in a row sometimes, but then, out of nowhere, we lose that balance of the mind and
our results suffer consequently.

And your equity curve is a perfect and accurate measure of that. Long streaks of
what seems to be consistent results, then punctuated by massive drawdowns,
shows a mind that is unstable, untamed. It’s a mind that is resisting; that
hasn’t been trained to respond objectively as opposed to reacting blinding.
So as we see, we can never enjoy a more durable form of consistency if along the
line we end up shooting ourselves in the foot. And so, the only way to come out of
this is to, again, work at the deepest levels of the mind and work on changing
its habit patterns, right at that core.
The technique I will show you will help you with that. It will teach you to see how you
are generating or feeding into unproductive and harmful processes at the source
level. You will see, through your own personal experience, how these proliferate,
shape your behavior but also the way you experience the markets, your results, and
on a broader level, how you experience and live your life. This technique will show
you how and where this process of generation and multiplication of harmful patterns
or conditions is starting.

Again, this is not mere intellectual understanding… it is experiential

understanding.. you will see through your own experience, and this makes all
the difference.

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