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Ancient Man and His First Civilizations

The True Negro (2a)


The Berbers-Tuareg-Moors of North Africa

(All of these terms are actually foreign designations, and offensive to the people)

(Spain and Portugal)


The Iberian Peninsula because of its close proximity to

Africa, has been inhabited for at least 1,000,000 years. At
about 45,000 B.C. the Khoisan type African “Grimaldi,”
became the first “Modern Man” to enter Europe; as he
crossed the Gibraltar straits and started his journey across
Europe. (Europe and Africa are NOW separated by 7.7
nautical miles - during glacial periods it was much less).

During the Neolithic expansion, various megalithic cultures

developed in Iberia. An open seas navigation culture from
the east Mediterranean, probably from Crete, called the
Cardium culture, also extended its influence to the eastern
coasts of Iberia, possibly as early as the 5th millennium

In the Chalcolithic or Copper Age (c. 3000 B.C. in Iberia) a

series of complex cultures developed, which would give rise
to the first civilizations in Iberia and to extensive exchange
networks reaching to the Baltic, the Middle East and North
Africa. At about 2150 B.C. the Bell Beaker culture intruded
into Chalcolithic Iberia, being of Celtic origin.

Around 1100 B.C. Phoenician merchants founded the trading colony of Gadir or Gades (modern
day Cádiz) near Tartessos. In the 8th century B.C. the first Whites arrived, the Greeks
established colonies such as Emporion (modern Empúries), these were founded along the
Mediterranean coast on the East, leaving the south coast to the Phoenicians. The Greeks are
responsible for the name Iberia, after the river Iber (Ebro). In the 6th century B.C. the Phoenician
Carthaginians arrived in Iberia while struggling with the
Greeks for control of the Western Mediterranean. Their
most important colony was Carthago Nova (Latin name
of modern day Cartagena).

In 219 B.C. the first Roman troops invaded the Iberian

Peninsula, this during the Second Punic war against the
Carthaginians. After two centuries of war with the Celtic
and Iberian tribes, and also the Phoenician, Greek and
Carthaginian colonies, Rome annexed it under Augustus, resulting in the creation of the province
of Hispania. It was divided into Hispania Ulterior and Hispania Citerior during the late Roman
Republic, and during the Roman Empire, it was divided into Hispania Taraconensis in the
northeast, Hispania Baetica in the south and Lusitania in the southwest.

In the early 5th century A.D. new Whites invaded, these were Germanic tribes from Eastern
Europe, namely the Suevi, the Vandals (Silingi and Hasdingi) and their allies, the Sarmatian
Alans. Only the kingdom of the Suevi (Quadi and Marcomanni) would endure after the arrival of
another wave of Germanic invaders - The Visigoths; who had earlier established their own
kingdom with its capital at Toulouse France. They slowly extended their authority into Hispania,
displacing the Vandals and Alans. The Visigoths, subsequently conquered all of the Iberian
peninsula and expelled or partially integrated the Vandals and the Alans. The Visigoths
eventually conquered the Suevi kingdom and its capital city Bracara (modern day Braga) in 584-
585 A.D. They would also conquer the province of the Byzantine Empire Spania, in the south of
the peninsula and the Balearic Islands.

The Moors

White historians, in their bid to make ancient Europeans seem White, have chosen to
ignore the "obvious" relationships that must have existed between Berbers and the people
of iberia. When Grimaldi crossed the Gibraltar straits to enter Europe, all of his kind did
not follow. When Humans move to new territories "Most" stay behind in the old territory,
and they "maintain" their relationships; there is always back and forth travel for trade
and communication. It is against this backdrop that the Berber invasion of Iberia must be
viewed. The Berbers did not enter Iberia as destroyers, they entered as builders!

Thus, after Muhammad's Islamic army took Egypt in 640 A.D. and then went on to
conquer all of North Africa. The Berbers no-doubt saw this new Black army as an
opportunity; so rather than fight, the Berbers joined forces with the Islamic army. In 711
A.D. A Berber army led by general Tariq ibn Ziyad, invaded Iberia (Spain) and overthrew
the White Visigoths (Western Goths): Who were one of two main branches of the Goths, an
east Germanic tribe, who over the period of only one hundred years, had migrated from
eastern Europe, thru Greece, thru Italy, and finally down into the Iberian peninsula.

In Iberia (Spain and Portugal), the Berbers, now known as Moors, created a highly
advanced civilization and culture, famous for it’s art, architecture, and centers of learning.
While having rule over Spain: The Berbers, who themselves fifty years earlier had been
forced to accept Islam, now sometimes forced the inhabitants of Iberia to do the same.
Though the number of original "Moors" remained small, many native Iberian inhabitants
converted to Islam. According to Ronald Segal, some 5.6 million of Iberia's 7 million
inhabitants were Muslim by 1200 A.D, virtually all of them native inhabitants. According
to historian Richard A. Fletcher, the number of Arabs who settled in Iberia was very small.
There were about 900,000 Berbers and about 90,000 Arabs in Iberia. (More history below).




Muslim Spain and European Culture

Dean Derhak

When you think of European culture, one of the first things that may come to your mind is the
renaissance. Many of the roots of European culture can be traced back to that glorious time of
art, science, commerce and architecture. But did you know that long before the renaissance there
was a place of humanistic beauty in Muslim Spain? Not only was it artistic, scientific and
commercial, but it also exhibited incredible tolerance, imagination and poetry. Moors, as the
Spaniards call the Muslims, populated Spain for nearly 700 years. As you'll see, it was their
civilization that enlightened Europe and brought it out of the dark ages to usher in the
renaissance. Many of their cultural and intellectual influences still live with us today.

Way back during the eighth century, Europe was still knee-deep in the Medieval period. That's
not the only thing they were knee-deep in. In his book, "The Day The Universe Changed," the
historian James Burke describes how the typical European townspeople lived:

"The inhabitants threw all their refuse into the drains in the center of the narrow streets. The
stench must have been overwhelming, though it appears to have gone virtually unnoticed. Mixed
with excrement and urine would be the soiled reeds and straw used to cover the dirt floors.

This squalid society was organized under a feudal system and had little that would resemble a
commercial economy. Along with other restrictions, the Catholic Church forbade the lending of
money - which didn't help get things booming much. "Anti-Semitism, previously rare, began to
increase. Money lending, which was forbidden by the Church, was permitted under Jewish law."
(Burke, 1985, p. 32) Jews worked to develop a currency although they were heavily persecuted
for it. Medieval Europe was a miserable lot, which ran high in illiteracy, superstition, barbarism
and filth.

During this same time, Arabs entered Europe from the South. ABD AL-RAHMAN I, a survivor
of a family of caliphs of the Arab empire, reached Spain in the mid-700's. He became the first
Caliph of Al-Andalus, the Moorish part of Spain, which occupied most of the Iberian Peninsula.
He also set up the UMAYYAD Dynasty that ruled Al-Andalus for over three-hundred years.
(Grolier, History of Spain). Al Andalus means, "the land of the Vandals," from which comes the
modern name Andalusia.

At first, the land resembled the rest of Europe in all its squalor. But within two-hundred years the
Moors had turned Al-Andalus into a bastion of culture, commerce and beauty. "Irrigation
systems imported from Syria and Arabia turned the dry plains... into an agricultural cornucopia.
Olives and wheat had always grown there. The Arabs added pomegranates, oranges, lemons,
aubergines, artichokes, cumin, coriander, bananas, almonds, pams, henna, woad, madder,
saffron, sugar-cane, cotton, rice, figs, grapes, peaches, apricots and rice." (Burke, 1985, p. 37)
By the beginning of the ninth century, Moorish Spain was the gem of Europe with its capital
city, Cordova. With the establishment of Abdurrahman III - "the great caliphate of Cordova" -
came the golden age of Al-Andalus. Cordova, in southern Spain, was the intellectual center of

At a time when London was a tiny mud-hut village that "could not boast of a single streetlamp"
(Digest, 1973, p. 622), in Cordova "there were half a million inhabitants, living in 113,000
houses. There were 700 mosques and 300 public baths spread throughout the city and its twenty-
one suburbs. The streets were paved and lit." (Burke, 1985, p. 38) The houses had marble
balconies for summer and hot-air ducts under the mosaic floors for the winter. They were
adorned with gardens with artificial fountains and orchards". (Digest, 1973, p. 622) "Paper, a
material still unknown to the west, was everywhere. There were bookshops and more than
seventy libraries." (Burke, 1985, p. 38).

This rich and sophisticated society took a tolerant view towards other faiths. Tolerance was
unheard of in the rest of Europe. But in Moorish Spain, "thousands of Jews and Christians lived
in peace and harmony with their Muslim overlords." (Burke, 1985, p. 38) The society had a
literary rather than religious base. Economically their prosperity was unparalleled for centuries.
The aristocracy promoted private land ownership and encouraged Jews in banking. There was
little or no Muslim prostelyting. Instead, non-believers simply paid an extra tax!


In another of James Burke's works titled "Connections," he describes how the Moors thawed out
Europe from the Dark Ages. "But the event that must have done more for the intellectual and
scientific revival of Europe was the fall of Toledo in Spain to the Christians, in 1105." In Toledo
the Arabs had huge libraries containing the lost (to Christian Europe) works of the Greeks and
Romans along with Arab philosophy and mathematics. "The Spanish libraries were opened,
revealing a store of classics and Arab works that staggered Christian Europeans." (Burke, 1978,
p. 123)



The intellectual plunder of Toledo brought the scholars of northern Europe like moths to a
candle. The Christians set up a giant translating program in Toledo. Using the Jews as
interpreters, they translated the Arabic books into Latin. These books included "most of the
major works of Greek science and philosophy... along with many original Arab works of
scholarship." (Digest, p. 622) "The intellectual community which the northern scholars found in
Spain was so far superior to what they had at home that it left a lasting jealousy of Arab culture,
which was to color Western opinions for centuries" (Burke, 1985, p. 41)

"The subjects covered by the texts included medicine, astrology, astronomy pharmacology,
psychology, physiology, zoology, biology, botany, mineralogy, optics, chemistry, physics,
mathematics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, music, meteorology, geography, mechanics,
hydrostatics, navigation and history." (Burke, 1985, p. 42) These works alone however, didn't
kindle the fire that would lead to the renaissance. They added to Europe's knowledge, but much
of it was unappreciated without a change in the way Europeans viewed the world.

The Alhambra (Calat Alhambra, "the red fortress"), is a palace and fortress complex constructed during the
mid 14th century by the Moorish rulers of Al-Andalus, occupying a hilly terrace on the southeastern
border of the city of Granada.


The Berbers (Moors), like the Arabs, were very fond of Turkish women, they kept
their Harems well stocked with them.




Beginning of the End

In Iberia, many of the ousted White nobles took refuge in the unconquered north Asturian
highlands. From there they aimed to reconquer their lands from the Moors: this war of
reconquest is known as the Reconquista. It began in about 900 A.D. when a small Christian
enclave of Visigoths in northwestern Spain, named Asturias; initiated conflicts between
Christians and Muslims. Soon after, Christian states based in the north and west slowly; in
fits and starts, began a process of expansion and reconquest of Iberia over the next several
hundred years. The end for the Moors came on January 2, 1492: the leader of the last
Moorish City "Granada" (located in southern Spain) - surrendered to armies of a recently
united Christian Spain (after the marriage of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of
Castile). This ended the 800 year reign of the Moors in Iberia.


The Surrender of Granada


By some historical accounts: In

1491, Muhammad XII was
summoned by Ferdinand and Isabella
to surrender the city of Granada, and
on his refusal it was besieged by the
Castilians. Eventually, on 2 January,
1492, Granada was surrendered. In
most sumptuous attire the royal
procession moved from Santa Fe to a
place a little more than a mile from
Granada, where Ferdinand took up
his position by the banks of the
Genil. A private letter written by an
eyewitness to the bishop of León
only six days after the event recorded
the scene.

With the royal banners and the cross

of Christ plainly visible on the red
walls of the Alhambra: …the
Moorish sultan with about eighty or
a hundred on horseback very well
dressed went forth to kiss the hand of
their Highnesses. According to the
final capitulation agreement both
Isabel and Ferdinand will decline the
offer and the key to Granada will
pass into Spanish hands without Muhammad XII having to kiss the hands of Los Royes, as the
Spanish royal couple became known. Muhammad XII indomitable mother insisted on sparing his
son this final humiliation. The Moorish sultan was received with much love and courtesy and
there they handed over to him his son, who had been a hostage from the time of his capture, and
as they stood there, there came about four hundred captives, of this who were in the enclosure,
with the cross and a solemn procession singing the Te Deum Laudamus, and their highnesses
dismounted to adore the Cross to the accompaniment of the tears and reverential devotion of the
crowd, not least of the Cardinal and Master of Santiago and the Duke of Cadiz and all the other
grandees and gentlemen and people who stood there, and there was no one who did not weep
abundantly with pleasure giving thanks to Our Lord for what they saw, for they could not keep
back the tears; and the Moorish sultan and the Moors who were with him for their part could not
disguise the sadness and pain they felt for the joy of the Christians, and certainly with much
reason on account of their loss, for Granada is the most distinguished and chief thing in the


Christopher Columbus seems to have been present; he refers to the surrender on the first page of
his Diario de las Derrotas y Caminos:

After your Highnesses ended the war of the Moors who reigned in Europe, and finished the war
of the great city of Granada, where this present year [1492] on the 2nd January I saw the royal
banners of Your Highnesses planted by force of arms on the towers of the Alhambra, which is
the fortress of the said city, I saw the Moorish sultan issue from the gates of the said city, and
kiss the royal hands of Your Highnesses…


Legend has it that as the royal party moved south toward exile, they reached a rocky prominence
which gave a last view of the city. Muhammad XII reined in his horse and, surveying for the last
time the Alhambra and the green valley that spread below, burst into tears. When his mother
approached him she said: "Weep like a woman for what you could not defend as a man". The
spot from which Muhammad XII looked for the last time on Granada is known as "the Moor's
last sigh" (el último suspiro del Moro). (it's probably not true - as we know, White people DO
tend to lie).

The Moors last sigh -

Francisco Pradilla y
Ortiz (1848-1921)

Note the faces above: Already

the move is afoot to depict the
Moors as White people.

Muhammad XII was given an estate in Láujar de Andarax, Las Alpujarras, a mountainous area
between the Sierra Nevada and the Mediterranean Sea, but he soon crossed the Strait of Gibraltar
to Fez, Morocco. The Spanish royal secretary Fernando de Zafra mentions in his letter of 9
December 1492 that Muhammad XII and his followers leave Andarax which left one month to
go to Tlemcen, where he stayed little longer. He left in September or October 1492. He
explained that his wife died in Andarax is that it is buried in Mondújar.

The remaining Muslims and Turkish Khazar Jews (not Hebrews) of Iberia were forced to
leave Iberia or die; or convert to Roman Catholic Christianity. Many of the Khazar Jews
who were expelled from Spain and Portugal immigrated to Holland, where they set up the
Dutch West Indies Company, a prime mover in the Atlantic slave trade. Ironically, eight
months after the last Moorish city fell: it was in the nearby town of Palos, on the evening of
August 3, 1492. That Christopher Columbus would depart from Palos on his journey to the
Americas. One result of which, would be the Spanish and Portuguese Atlantic Slave trade.

The story of Black slavery in the Americas, of course begins with Christopher Columbus. It
is alleged that his voyage to the Americas was not financed by Queen Isabella, but rather
by the Khazar Jew Luis de Santangelo, who supposedly advanced the sum of 17,000 ducats
to finance the voyage. Columbus was accompanied by five 'Maranos' (Jews who had
forsworn their religion and supposedly became Catholics) Luis de Torres - the interpreter,
Marco - the surgeon, Bemal - the physician, Alonzo de la Calle and Gabriel Sanchez, and a
Black navigator, Pedro Alonso Niño (1468 – 1505). It is not known if Pedro Alonso Niño
was a Moor or a native Gaul of Iberia. While in the Americas, it was Gabriel Sanchez, who
convinced Columbus to capture 500 American Indians and sell them as slaves in Seville,


After the Moors were gone; In 1480, Isabella and Ferdinand instituted the Inquisition in Spain, as
one of many changes to the role of the church instituted by the monarchs. The Inquisition was
aimed mostly at Jews and Muslims who had overtly converted to Christianity but were thought
to be practicing their faiths secretly — called respectively marranos and moriscos. The
Inquisition also attacked heretics who rejected Roman Catholic orthodoxy, including alumbras
(native people) who practiced a personal mysticism or spiritualism. They represented a
significant portion of the peasants in some territories, such as Aragon, Valencia or Andalusia. In
the years from 1609 to 1614, these people were systematically expelled from the country.
However many of them were converted to Christianity. This is clearly indicated by a "high mean
proportion of ancestry from North Africa (10.6%)" that "attests to a high level of religious
conversion (whether voluntary or enforced).

At the end of the Reconquista, it is estimated that about a third of the Moorish population had
been killed or enslaved, another third immediately left; while a third tried to live in Christian
Spain. However, for most Moors, the persecution and forced conversion to Catholicism of the
Muslim population during the time of the Christian Reconquista, caused a mass exodus. Many
found life under Christian rule intolerable and passed over into north Africa. This is considered
the main reason why the number of Muslims had shrunk to a relatively small fraction of the total
population by 1500.

feat of the Moors, was of course a great moment in White history: It was duly commemorated in the Coat o
and Flags of many former kingdoms of the Moors.

(The identity of the four defeated Moor kings, depicted on the Coat of Arms is unknown).


Meanwhile in Egypt: 935 A.D. ushered in the Ikhshidid dynasty of Muhammad ibn Tughj,
a Turk from Uzbekistan in Central Asia. But the Ikhshidid dynasty was usurped by their
Abyssinian slave tutor named Kafur; he ruled Egypt with the caliphate's sanction until his
death in 968 A.D. Kafur wisely forsook White Turkish troops, and instead used Berbers as
the mainstay of his army.

The Berbers have since fallen on hard times, even to loosing their identity; for today, as is
the case with all of the ancient Blacks, the mixed-race people, and even the Whites, now call
themselves Berbers. So here are the "Real" Berbers.

"Real" Berbers








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