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Introductory Music.

Welcome friends.

I'm still at Valsad. If you remember i had mentioned about the 5 coconut remedy
which should be done only on Amavasya (new moon) day which comes on a Wednesday.
Which comes twice or thrice a year. This time it is coming near Diwali.

Right now we have Devang Bhai with us. Naleen bhai has told about him that he does
Rudra poja very well, which gave him lot of good results. Lets welcome him.

He is a priest, he performs poja.

Namaste Devang ji, Welcome to Saptharishi astrology channel.

My first question to you is you advised many of your clients with this 5 coconut
remedy and got very good results. Did you ever tried it for yourself?

Before giving remedy to my clients i try it for myself and will get to know the
effects of it. Only then i'll suggest those remedies to my clients so that they
can also enjoy the benefits.

Once they get proper results their faith will also increase.

Naleen Bhai had told me this 5 coconut remedy nearly 2 years back.

That time i was travelling to Mahabaleswar, i thought there wouldn't be any river
on the way. Later i came to know there was some river in between. Then i thought
okay lets do this remedy there and move on.

I think that was somewhere around mid of April.

That time i did this 5 coconut remedy. I tied 5 coconuts like a chain with a
thread. Then i rotate that chain around my head clock wise for 7 times and left it
in the floating river.

After i did that remedy i saw major difference income wise and health wise as well.
My wealth has been increased.

Later i asked my clients to do this remedy. Hardly this day comes twice or thrice
in a year. When ever it comes do this remedy, you will get results with in a week
maximum with in a month.

I told this to many and they all did this remedy and got benefited. Many of them
got results with in a month.

Sunil Sir: Friends i just wish to tell you this morning i asked Naleen Bhai where
did he get this remedy from.

He said it was written in his dairy some one gave him this remedy in the year 1975.
He couldn't remember exactly who gave this remedy but some good guy gave this
remedy by which lots of people are getting benefited.

Now i would like to ask you about that Surya (Sun) mantra which was given by Late
Mani Bhai from Nepal which was actual Manuscript of Mahabharat.

Lord Krishna gave this mantra to Drowpathi when she was helplessly stuck in the
middle of a court.
Sunil Sir: Many got this remedy from Naleen Bhai. Did you ever personally try this
remedy in your life?

I tired this remedy with my daughter. She was good in her education and grasping.
But concentration was quiet an issue with her.

Then i told her to do this mantra while giving water to Sun.

Can females offer water to Surya(SUN)?

Of course anybody can offer water to Sun. In fact every one should offer Arghya
(water) to lord Surya.

Why because Sun is the one who gives us all energy in free. In return we should at
least do this to him.

Sunil Sir: Very well said. Lord Surya is giving energy and so much to us without
expecting anything in return but we are not at all giving anything to him.

Is there any specific procedure to offer water to Lord Surya?

Naleen Bhai: This remedy is also good for who ever has pitru dosha in their chart.

This was clearly mentioned in Dharma Sindu and in other spiritual scripts as well.
We will get lot of good results.

One can get fast recovery from ill health. I personally know some one who was
diagnosed with first stage cancer got benefited with this remedy.

I told him to do this remedy. In this you have to pour water from a height above
forehead with eyes open.

When water fell from that height absorbs sun's rays and becomes cosmic energy. And
when we look at that water that energy gets into us through our eyes.

Many people got benefited from this remedy.

There was one client of mine who got 1st stage of cancer he took chemotherapy
treatment. Because of that too much heat was generated in his body.

I told him to do this remedy. Take water in a copper vessel put some kumkum, rice
and any red color flower or at least petals of a red flower in it and offer it to
lord Sun as told earlier.

After this remedy he got so much relief from pain. He himself told me after doing
this remedy his recovery was very fast.

Sunil Sir: Sorry to interrupt you.. Did you give him the same remedy or any other
special/specific method of doing it?

No i gave him this same method.

Usually people offer water with their both hands at chest level but it has no
effect. You have to offer water from a height above forehead.

You have to pour water from forehead level only then it gets mixed with sun rays
and becomes cosmic energy and gets into you and will give good results.

Naleen Bhai: You have to pour water above eye level so that you can watch water
coming down in front of your eyes which gives lot of benefits.

Sunil Sir: I have two questions. Is Sun supposed to be visible with out any

No that's not necessary. I got this same question from my kannada clients many

They don't get to see clear Sun more than 6 months in a year.

So i told them to turn east and do this remedy. They did it and got good results
with in a month or two. Long pending issues got cleared for them.

Since then they are telling this remedy to everyone on my name. They all seems to
get good results.

Sunil Sir: Just for curiosity sake, do you remember what was his ascendant and
where was Sun sitting in his chart?

No i don't remember.

Can you send those details in private, i just wish to study the chart. I do this
activation technique.

I will check and let you know.

In BSP astrology there is this activation technique which i usually practice, where
Sun is sitting in a chart and what kind of results he would be giving.

My second question is if we are pouring water from such a height some water might
fell onto to our feet, is that bad?

Nothing like that.

One pandit from Orissa told me that it should not happen that is why i'm asking

There is no such rule so its okay to do as i said.

Okay then i will repeat the remedy one more time. Take a copper vessel fill it
with water. Add some kumkum (sindhor), rice grains and any red color flower or
petals of a red flower. That is it. Offer this to Lord Surya or Sun.

And along with it you advised your daughter to repeat 108 names of Sun while doing
this remedy to improve concentration.

Sunil Sir: After doing this what sort results she'd got?

Her concentration power got increased.

How much? 50%?

Almost 70 to 80% improved.

Naleen Bhai: It improved her academics as well.

Concentration levels improved drastically.

Sunil Sir: This is for whose kids are not doing well in education, usually many
kids don't study well, this is specifically to improve concentration.

This is personal experience of Devang bhai. He is a professional priest and he

himself tried this remedy with his own family and saw that working.

So i'm quiet sure it will work in your life as well. For some it might give
immediate results and for some it may give results gradually depending upon dasa,
gochar (transit) and shradda (faith and concentration).

Many times people ask me what to do in Sade sati. Usually people fear of sade sati
(7 & 1/2 year transit of Saturn).

In Saturn transit no matter problems will come and come and come all the time.

I did this remedy even in Satrun transit and it worked out well.

I did this remedy everyday in the whole Saturn transit, i used a metal vessel.

Saturn gives results based on your actions if you do good deeds good will follow
vice versa.

I did this remedy in entire Saturn transit. That too Saturn was tamra murthy in
that period which gives lot of troubles. Even as a Suvarna murthy he gives bad

Even at that time i did this remedy without fail. Daily morning i go out with only
one thought i should not hurt any one even if it costs me something.

I implemented only this one aspect, how much ever possible good every day i did and
got good results.

Thank you Devang Bhai. When we come back we will ask Devang Bhai about Rudra poja
which was explained by Naleen Bhai in the first video.

We will ask Devang bhai's personal experience about it because he himself performs
it. We will take some snippets of it.

Thank you.


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