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The Autocratic Model

The basis of this model is power with a managerial orientation of authority. It depends upon strength, power and formal authority. The employees in turn are
oriented towards obedience and dependence on the boss. The employee need that is met is subsistence. The performance result is minimal.
In case of an autocratic model, the managerial orientation is doctorial. The managers exercise their commands over employees. The managers give orders and
the employees must obey the orders. Thus, the employees’ orientation towards the managers/bosses is obedience and dependence. Under autocratic
conditions, employees give higher performance either because of their achievement drive or their personal liking to the boss or because of some other factor.
Example: Defence team since here the officer holds power and authority to obey them and thus the soldiers are obedient to execute the officers order.

The Custodial Model

The basis of this model is economic resources with a managerial orientation of money. The employees in turn are oriented towards security and benefits and
dependence on the organization. The employee need that is met is security. The performance result is passive cooperation. The basis of this model is
partnership with a managerial orientation of teamwork.
While studying the employees, the managers realized and recognized that although the employees managed under autocratic style do not talk back to their
boss they certainly think back about the system. Such employees filled with frustration and aggression vent them on their co-workers, families and
neighbours. This made the managers think how to develop better employee satisfaction and security. It was realized that this can be done by dispelling
employees' insecurities, frustration and aggression.
Example: Garments factory since it is based on economical resources. Labours execute their job for security and benefits. If the organisation does well then,
the employee gets the benefit.

The Supportive Model

The basis of this model is leadership with a managerial orientation of support. The employees in turn are oriented towards job performance and
participation. The employee need that is met is status and recognition. The performance result is awakened drives.
The supportive model is founded on leadership, not on money or authority. In fact, it is the managerial leadership style that provides an atmosphere to help
employees grow and accomplish their tasks successfully. The managers recognize that the workers are not by nature passive and disinterested to
organizational needs, but they are made so by an inappropriate leadership style. The managers believe that given due and appropriate changes, the workers
become ready to share responsibility, develop a drive to contribute their mite and improve themselves. Thus, under supportive approach, the management's
orientation is to support the employee's job performance and participation for meeting both organizational and individual goals.
Example: Software Firm because here the leaders support their employees to perform their task/ project.

The Collegial Model

The collegial model is an extension of the supportive model. As the literal meaning of the work 'college' means a group of persons having the common
purpose, the collegial model relates to a team work/concept. The foundation of the collegial model lies on management's building a feeling of partnership
with employee. Under collegial approach, employees feel needed and useful. They consider managers as joint contributors to organizational success rather
than as bosses.
Its greatest benefit is that the employee becomes self-discipline. Feeling responsible backed by self-discipline creates a feeling of team work just like what the
members of a football team feel. The research studies report that compared to traditional management model, the more open, participative, collegial
managerial approach produced improved results in situations where it is appropriate.
Example: Social organisations such as willingly blood donation BADHON organisations because here everyone works as a team and takes responsibility for
organisational goal.

System model
The final organisational model is referred to as the system model. This is the most contemporary model of the five models. In the system model, the
organisation looks at the overall structure and team environment, and considers that individuals have different goals, talents and potential. Work that is
ethical, respectful, integrated with trust and integrity and gives space to develop a community feeling.
The intent of the system model is to try and balance the goals of the individual with the goals of the organisation. Individuals obviously want good
remuneration, job security, but also want to work in a positive work environment where the organisation adds value to the community and/or its customers.
The system of model should be an overall partnership of managers and employees with a common goal, and where everybody feels that they have a stake in
the organisation.
Example: A corporate firm

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