You are on page 1of 30

kgrr srorc

R-d ?isrx{ hrror

qdi6 r r'ffoL'ao$o/ftEq/s .lQf_Q,. q-ar. Eqia

?,1 /!.?. //e.....
- ,l Tr" fu.rrur d 6rS fuord +ra A 3ns_crs d 3qgffi E@ or sqqldr fos
qr* d ffi i elqar cr@-d-d t a?dv !-dri iE 6rd :+d a vi + A-a 6rd+
A frs
Bureau of hdtan stendards e ts Its32_r99s (Reaffi.rhed
zOOr) am r& * @id Er4flr +{
Tq-iBrq -qEfEeff fu<id 61 dE6r z.z tni ard d Eqfr i Bureau
of todian Stardards S ts
o701-1982 (Reaffirmed 2oo4) a'r code of practi.e fo. earth work on canars
d &l g i
H ar+ clsqrq + 3r+6 n tcr{ fur qrdr t ar< 6 6;6tr q-.anffrd a) flftrqF
EJlara +
hE 6rd + uwa *:r+qr$ {-s-da Ed w-a aftrXfrf ra *:rRr a.r 3tr{q efi
z. ftqrdr an rlcn 6tfarfl ?EA t fu t<?ff e1ft * @ srra 6-1 6rd d 3q+rr @i t|*
fur nndr
Bureau ol tndian Standards A IS 1 I s32-t 99s (Rearfirmed
2OO1) Ed Bureau or lndian Standards d
rs 4?01-1982 (Reaffirmed 2oo4) 6r ,-gqrd-a trti r< rrrqu,Erqy !_td orq
fr,=_* lrnFfd
t1-<rFrd d drg TdrF qr €ft a Al
3. q{g ?16 rrrqr qr 16r ? fo d+{6 ar?rut-ErBrd i rrafr qrF H dir{ 3d6 rlB i
aa-art sq * @ 6rd ftrA ori uii ridfud q_<rErd a) TFrq
JEa E3rra_frr Er grara 16
ftd Bri a on"r furrpr 6] cF.rqr hqFd or rnaar war vgar ? r
,+. F irc ol e-ar d gilfd 6) H + fug Ezcfufud a,ik{tr k€k leme_d a+
dre t -
(i) Bureau of tndian Standards + IS: I l s32-t 99s (Reaffirmed 2oO1) _ Ai a-diiEtr
or Erqfsr 3lrg ? - ard"?tr fu&id d aiBor z.z i Es d qrdqr* 6r
3l4rrar: qird bqr qrq I
(ii) +s 47ot_t9a2 (Reaffirmed 2OO4) ardr code of practice
Bureau oftndian standards
for earth worl on canats d eiR6t g I ES qrqqral ?Dr 3r4w9l: qr6ra E_qr
cIrqI "r&
(iii) riiFd 6rd d or&ra-o arfiniar,seroo sFnidrrofi-q at$tridr d cf_anBrd *
T6dft qrq 6{ r1ft + qrcr Eio, qrE do, <rS or ar+, or& ar4 a1ft or
+dw Eri Es-d a6{r{ d ar6 arv gs * .d 6.A Ed fre ga_dra
fua*sp {arqr qrq

(iv) 6re rrS Frd 6r €3flTqr grrdra .d_€fuqj si ftQa 6rd <,' #o ara s) 3iT{
fu-:r qrq r

(v) {-+r i ssd €rft-(tr or rc {iiEd 3is-drMr{ft TajirorS * crF

o-r r1-anDrd o) 9€-6r g ata fr +d qrt $ sia{ 6{ Eqr qrq r

(vi) 6rd a +trdr fdid-d E?i cr6fl* fr s6 fug3fr or raqra gBesa E-+r qr< I
€rsr{ 4|ar qr+rll tni E+ fug iiiftrd afu* q{
s. ffi fu€3 61 6iqd sGrqEr dr Eii

rqpa or@ d ar+0fr t

3qEd q{ ardfrq d*, qo dsrqc fr ror' R-5r: 61 3rgat{d * *'

": ,.
Fr6!r gaE-Feaa)
dqff Eiid (3tBr{i7q)

crqi6,- r /ffovqoSo,Afaqr at s no t z IO fO ", , a,i* s.l/t.z./.t3....

*. ary' qav s'ft gq

cldfaft ,- slii+idr qga, €@rnq/ fu g'rar<r{
6l E€ 3IEnq a qI{ e t- 6] EEi Falsd Eq * 3f,a, d @A Es
sft+idr fqtfr-5 Efi6) "tAd "+t'+ Efud (Filrd)/
al*jtl d fura Ria, srq{ €fudr riga efcsr =ig6
Tssr atda'
agq6a gHREd
lig€ R$6, t'oowosn{oqso$oi s$qpl sfiEidl' +qdr pri dffiT
Rter6 {rdr
t*iauv ffi, *''**-'rLa*' JfanFI 3iTd-1/2' ranr sder"t sftlridr' &sr
ortar€ & nft-a
,.+-"r" ita-r., 6d *sls-d E {tlr dr qrdrJ rlni :navqe

3rge lS:l 1532-1995 (Reaffirmed 2oo1)

L,ii lS 4?ol-1982 (Reaftirmed 2oo4) d sarcfa I

(rror qan EIE)
dgd {Ea (3ft+4'"r)

lofo R-*
/ o,vrzotz
anis ,..r
lfafafii :- nrdft4 "i*, -- 'i"*i tt"* o
xfud/3lq{ {@ 's!ry
Efud' crd i€Iqd E:{ra *

qqrd 3nF €frd a qrad tfua t

rigffi Rkd (3ffr?i,q)

lS 11532 : 1995
( Reaffirmed 200'l
^ qv76
qqdpl )

T€r 6 il-q{it (tr<-*r)o.1ftffi1

sftr rorqrq qrrfetr R-gFd
cddt )
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
\ \ .}
(r\t'' uDc 627.t8.$ (n26)

O Brs lyr5


NEW DELHI rr0(x)2

F.bfldn l9gs prta G|wp 2

River Trairing and Conrrol Works Sectional Coms tlee, RVD 22 g.
This lodta! sta[dard (First Revisiotr) clas adopted by tb€ Bueau of lldiatr Standards, after tie draft
finalized by lE River Trainiog 8nd CoDtrol Worts S€crloml Commirte€ had beetr sPProved by River
Valley Divi6ior Counctl.
Rivcr cmbadkilcrlt (levee) ls an anilicial bank built aloDS a rlvet for lhe PurPosc of proregilrg adiacenl
laod from ltruldation by flood. Such typc ofEtructure is also called eabatrlme[q l€yea, tlop-bank , 'bund'
or 'dykc' . CoNtruction of embankment lo costrol Oood i5 8n age-old Practtce and is srill being iollowed
due to lts provetr suiBbility,
Previously coostructlotr and mahtenaoce of dwr embankmcots gere correr€d in two Indiafl Srandards,
namcly IS I 1532 : 1S5 'Guidelioes for cosstruclio! of river eobaukmctrts (lcrreas)' and lS 12fi28 t l98,
'Guldelhes for malntenanc€ of rlvgl embanhnenls (lsvces)'. For t[e cotrvonletrce of users it uJas felt
nec€ss8ry to amalgamate thele two standards and accordingly, the pres€nt tevision has bean taken up.
Wirh Oc publicatiotr of this revis€d standard, IS 12128:. 1987 'Guidelitres for maintenanc€ of river
embatrtments (lcve-es)'shall stand withdraq,n, In tiis revision some of the Provisions given in the earlier
standards haw been moditied based orr th€ currenl practic4s in the fteld arld exPerience gaioed with the
addition to incotPorating a lable giving aPProximste Yalues of maximu m dly dcnsity
use of the statrd.rds itr
and oprimum moisture coment far diflcretrr rypes otsoil, Soil classification giv€n itr this standard is based
on IS 1498 : 19?0'Oassilication aod idemification ofso ils for general engineeri[g Purposcs (first reeision)' .
,t rrrrr,rnu @r'
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1 SCOPE 2,2,5 Pllr showhg boro\yarcas aad th. quandly
Ttri5 stlndald corrE s
thc guidclilrcs r.grrdttrg ot malcrhts for difierEol zon€s oI th€ etrlbaiknenr
@Dsiru€tion aDd Erlntenlncc oI dver embalt: &clio[ should bc usad for rcllrll coutrucrion.
Dcnrs 0crc6). ,2.6 Tbe recoeaerded t!ca! dhtrne of rhc bor-
2 CONSTRUCTION OT EMBANX]UENTS ro* pirs ftom &e rc€ of rh. c!$antEcrG as welt
at thc d.pG of borow piri lhould gcrcra y b€ as
2.1 Coast uctioll of an crnbanldrcat 6touk aa- undcr:
vis.8c, for th€ s.Ic of coaomy, maxitrlum utiliz-
don of trl(sra.l unprocssad marc.irls arrjlablc Dista"c. of Maximum Dpth of Boftok'
looUy. E flbrnldcrts may hc hormlcn€ovi ur
zor.d. ILy .hor ld Sencrally b€ of com-Daded roll
fill.t contlollcd moisrurc conlcnl m r[
25 ro 50 1.0 0.6
Inr.csligrdoa of Dorrovr arcti, thcir locaaior ald
dcptt of cxcavation, fouodrtiotr prcprratior,
Ovc. 50 up ro 75 IJ o6
Or€r 75 up lo tm LO 0.6
a:ruxorL @!lpactioo, rtoi3tutc control ..Dd slope
proiasion .rc thc ihponinr rspccs ro bc ca rtnrlly 2:.? ltr o!de! to ob^riate deElopbant of 0ow
rrrardad to duri!g cOnslrudioIL parallcl to!mDe!*!lcot, cr6s brr! ofwidrh ciehr
2J Bortor Pir. ar 50 .o 60

2Ll Bonfi, arcas shoutd prclcEbty t€ loqrcd on

thc dvcr sidc of rhc proposcd cmbalkmeol, te-
caLsc rhcy ger sllted up in coufsc of timc. vhercas
Wfi aif i;-Eni-rc-ro-ccnrcsto:ulurcicrr;nirrito-r-

:.2J AllboEow rroavpil! should b€ rlriDDeO ol

lorfi ad ofter oDiccti6nablc
thc rop soll, so4
1"c.,3 or
1!*" .thc @untrFidc r.eritr , p.r- mararhL cotrsidercd rrsuiiablc fo, usc in lle
ln n€nt disElurarion and ara lisble to jltduce or cmbalrk tcnl.
aggraraatc s€.pagc uldcr rhc cmbant nqlq lhcrcby
causiag ircrcas.d mairtc[,.nce problatrrs_ 2.3 hborrtory Tcsts
2.2: For,owqmb4tlm.nt l.6s Oun 6 m in h.jshr. Fot IrEponllt aDrl a,so tor crrbanlmcDE hjphcr
lhan 6 E, r.p r6cnt!iivc 6amp16 oblsin.n tro;t
!9I9y_gl$lhould no! Elllcc!4.l4li[ZiJr he
rrom rhc to./hAI-ITEE6fiFDbncn! td cal.;f borro* arss should be teslcd in rhc Iaborsrorr ro
rhaD 5{r rn.
dcrcrmjnc rhc cn8inccrtng propcrri€s olsoils. s;ch
as grsdarion, pcrmerbiflty, ptastic timirs, shqr
strer|8rh, dryd.nsity, @mpaction t.sls, €tc. as givcn
2.2J Pr.liminary soit invcsltgarion mai bc donc rn oaslgn.
fmm r few rlpres.nlaltlf aulcr tolcs 6r Unow
pla. 14 Prq,ofralon ol Found&rton
Th€ scit of rhe embaDkJtrcnl shoutd bc propcrty
2.2,4 Aff .rs€tedlotr oran rrqsppardUysuitad. pt.par.d ror fill plac€menr tr shoutd b.'.nJurcd
ror Dor.ou/ pirs ln accord.ncc wttt 22.L 22.2
and 2.2J, delAiled irvcsrigldoos should be und€r-
liat all slumF, brusl\ large rools, roD soll and
other obiectioDabte marcriats arc cirmptcrety
t2kcn for r sFtematic mappiJrl ard dctcrdinat ion
rcrEov.d bcforc ptacEmcnrot th. fi . Any ridrcs or
of cngine€ring prop€ni6 ruch as grndation,
mouods, whlch arc in line or cmbanr<mcn r. sf,our.r
pcrD..bilith plr$tc limiLs,.q of rhc s;ib itr Ur.
trc loos.n€d by ploughjnS or sr€ppql o, du! or
provldcd wirh V{ur b€nchinSal iiicpals run;in8
IS 11532: 1995

Daratlel lo ihc centra lina Th. prepared surf'ce The loplaycr formiDg oc crcsl oflhcemb,nkmetrl
;hould .nabl€ proper bond with rhc fill mat'rll ro should b..uibbly gtldcd so thar r.invarer dG nor
ac.udulata and ctcate nraillcdDc. Problems'
154 Jt rnod.lritts trE t6ort n611

2.5,1 E nbanhna4 Plofrlc Wtren,ddin! Derv eanhq/ort to .Iistiog cmba _

me[L thc oi balk shoLtld frsr b€ crrl or b€nchen

A coEDlele pro6le of thc aobant,tcll wi(h it! in@;kDs wilh th. $ea(Ls slophg sliShlty to*"rdr
concdlcishi, t{idt.h uld aU slopes dftssed lo rue th. cEnitE of the cdbanlocnl and the surface ol
form shou-ld be laid b, PcEs baoboo Porls 3od thc old lmrt should bc !/tttcd so thar [c\r earlh
strin6 it 50 m istcrvels oI Dy acrual coEtructrotr mav sdh€r. lo lhc old. SiDiLatly, juodioos should
cntrnhcat ot3 rn lcrgth al l50 m inlcrtals'
oirrrl tc inaoc ty curti.og grips oI fork in rhc sid' slop..
Thc actrral comtructloo 6hould' howevci, bo donc ofth. old cmbankm€nt.
bvlivln!sultablescrlLmcDlaltowenc6whlchr' y
t;boui I to 2 pcrclnr of lhe embankmen( hciSDr ' 235 ln o,nPLte Elnbankm.nt

2s2 Enbanbft^t In'obi,g'ot ID (3-sc (!c q'lolc lcogth h tro( ul€d up simul'
t.ncouslv. thc incomplcre Gmbaokficnt should
travc slcis not st.epci tUan ovcr'U longiludjn'l
In c,la of cmbatrhncnl i otving Ecctl6nical com_ 3lopcofi ill 5lo pcrmit ialistaclory bondwilh lhe
Ectio[ lhe flarerials frec ffom rll orgsnic mall'r ponion to bc lakco uP laler.
{i""ro i. *roru.-a m Uvon ot l5 to cm for rhe
full lflidlh of the embintbellt and'Dcarrlcd trP 2.6 Coopl.{oo
r.4lrIk Lo acaordencs sdlb .mban}mcnt s4dlon' 2.6.1 Thc basic crilcria of thc quality and
eli dods should bc brotcfl uP lo a sizt havinS lot stril-ablliw ot the c/ork dolc ls thc degr€' of com'
;rc than 5 clr diamcr... Esch laycr should bc
i"oton itoio"o. For etfe.livc qualily €orrrul Il
Drorrrlv wrtcred and @mpaqed fiG sur'!ae Lmo:crloa. dru on oprimun moislure conlrtrl
:ho;H bc wcll srade! and qownrd in rhc centrc so ind;Ilrrillumdrvde ityoblaincd&omlaborrrory
iiiiiGng riirl" *tr"o li?ter b carricd raPldlv
-In*clroo,otirt" t"!uii.d For small cmbanli-
(o rlrc rl,op€s of lhc ,ill -ent. in rlc sbs€nc. ot 6uch leborulory data'
mav b' us€d' The t'€sr r6ult
ui[ llvcn in tautc t
25J Enbankmz lnvotti)tg Maruat Catrycion ir obtaitcd bv rpr€ading rns l'rials wi lh a moisture
Itr6!c of cmt'atrkmenl in'/olving manual compeo lni"iii.i li'** t*' rhan rhcoPrimum mors-
lhlckness and roll_
ii"n rrrc hvcrs nol erc.cdltg 15 crn rni'kness i,-"onrcnr iritaven oftimllcd
c'oIre ine with DroDcrlv d€siSned ,ollcrs with sull'cr"r
should be DI;c.{ slightlys,opcd toxiardt lhe
will con_ oi oassts. S moor tr contact surlace bcr\ @n
of thc cr;t so lhal rainfall naturally
6ucc.s!i1€ irrEts should te rvoid€d and
"u-mUer unflorm
5lid.rc lhc cmbrnkm.nt durlog tbe con5lructlorl
Thc mtrcrlals siould bc (rcc trom orSanic mancr' denslly tltoughoul the fill should be scbi€\to

v.,,*.r"#n1ir4}f#,.nd opu,,ud MolsIu,'

Trbrc r appro mrrc 'or

soil 'l-=rr-j--
osirnri.,o r-- -
oprioo M&us conrmr
. '*-'H;'--'
"..",6i F,u,
G,) tt'
o) .,r..
io '!q
,t.toz <r2-4
< t4.s
& ,t?l <r{?
9S 'iffi.,* rr3!25
i;i:;;' ill:;.:
:Xo' i;;;;"i"
;-t t"'"' u'u''
i'::. '
,1t4!o.u,l t rr
iii::;ffi---. 21r'r2
[T i'toggIll9
ron,-. #"v r"ai-'" t z"*1:!1g:]1'*
IS r1s32: l99S
2.5.2 Compacrion of .jch taycr of till marcrials rh€ it udurc of the embanknenr whcn shaken by
should proc€ed in syslcmatiq orderly and con, wind storm s,hich, irl tum, causres crack and l€ats.
Inugus mlrDgr so as lo cll5t ro thc sDe.ifi.t Sbrubs, ,hom, busDes ard shon Erass gr@ins oD
coverage Dy tne @mpaqors. saeeptoot ioltcr or rt e slop6 ol embs.olments providc good prorc.-
lafiping tyPe roller Is gcnerally acc.plcd ar lhe b6l llon egarlgr cro6ior\ wavc c,ash sDd suay cal
aw ilable me3ns of ens urlng propcr compaqioD for e,
Gancnlly ahc side slop.s aDd 0.6 mcrrc *ldlll i! top
s!,fngc type embedmcllt Eatcri.L The aaoepr- froe the cdg6 of rhe cmbantEcDts
abl€ iielt of compactlon
shouH b;
&s comparcd ro lhe Ary r urred wi O grass sods .nd lhjs lurEtrt sboutd exrend
density at optimun ooisture'corltaDt \rtuld beyond t}c toc ro counuy-sid€ sod ih. rivcr sidc by
dcpcDd otr Lte dGircd shear strenlth for rhc 6.0 metres etrd 3.0 EetreJ rEsp€crlvcly.
stabilily of6idc stopcs. For ncchaaicat -codDacdo!
rh!mirimuEcompac on should bc 90 peratrl a[(I 3 MAINTET{ANCE
tor manual compaction g5 perccDl. Adequatc 3.1 Prcper trlalnrclanca of alIbeokmclrls is €fi-
quatiry conlmt and ficld tcsB rrc ncadcd lo c;ure tramcly itEponant as brcach6 in
lhcm can b€ dil.
lhil. altrcus and may ca|r'€ e\rctr gr€at", d.maqc thatr
2.53 If rhe soil ts Fanular with no rtc inundarion ty rhe trood6 wbcrc no c;baDk-
@h6ion, road rollcrs arc coDsidcid quirc .d.- rDcnts src provid.d- Thc mainrcn nc. *orl ca, bc
quata tor compaclio[ divid.d lnlo 2 paft:
a) Prc,monaoon msintanancc, end
2.6,4 Thos. parls of rhc fi which camor bc b) Moaaer rari ca.anca
reachcd by rolling equipmenr should reccrvc
e9ui!?len! manual comptctioo or meahanical 3.1.1 PE-fioas@^ Maht Larc.
rampcrs, Paflicutar carc should bc ta&cr fot 3.t.r.l Eisdng cmbeDt@crts hevc
to b€ reDaircd
suiLablc compadion and joinling of .mbadoBcfits or rccondltiotrcd to Orc oalgtrel dcstgncd s..iio!
rYilh Lbc structures. ln
aowtrcc tor tftcil eficient parformanca durine
2., MolsruE Cortmt for Mcchlnt rI Compscrton cll5u,rg BoDsooG!. Tbc ftcc board may be ch;kcd
up toatry nsc in tbc M lcvcl ot lhc rlrrr
or othcr
2,?.t Prope! molsturc cootrol of urc maErial is oolllirrlctlorrs which may ,6ulr in
blgher d.sign
rcry importanl in ordcr ro crisurc proper comD€c- llood lclrl and provid.dlmaiDrrtn
d a;ordingly.
rio[ Matcriab Day bc condiltonca lo lhc dcsircd 3.l.lJ Alt
mo|sturc contcnt cithcI a r thc silc of.rc.!a io& orl hollor+.s.nd deprcsstons in ti.
ltc cmbankm.nt or uMcr samc cor<tition at both emDaflkmcat,r s.4lioD, wfterEvrr cristine. should

b€ n,dc up witX rattrEed .snh efi.r (l;ijnE

r hc bonow pir and during pLcqncnl.
h ls nccais.ry sirc of all lo6e ftc
rhar somc rapid and convenien( m€thods be and rcgetal matcrirls. Wher; lie
cmployed to delermine wbcthcr or not rhc
lop maErlal is saDdy or lilry, it ts d6irabt. ro
proudc & co\rcr ofsoil @Dteining lO to
ma t.ria ls have the desircd moilr ure contenr 15 Dercenr
as Ute)r ot clay \rcll ramncd or rollcd. -
sre placed or cmbanlmcnl
2.7.2 Tic pcflctration rcsistance n€cdtc, which
3,lJ-3 A rcgisler of leaks should be oai[lain.d
rnocaung rlc,locedoD atrd lctior talcn durilg
makes u.!e of rhe p€netmrlon reslsunce.moisturE the
moEoon pcaiod. Thc l€tt could trot tt€
rclarion for themarcriat bGing ptaced, i! wrvlls€tut ',hjch
ruuy tr..tcd durlng the honsoon p€rlod,should
lor thc purpose. It is d6rrabic to 6Gbtih fi€ld 8rlcrrcd be
Eoor.ton6 to orry out lcrLs ir the lietd whllc 3rrcs to.inrhcdiatcly !ft crul"ards, Such lcakzge
stroutd t. op.acd io lhc fu widrh of tic
compadlotr op€ration goas on.
cmDankncot urkiog carc lo uace to lts
23 Slopc Pmt .tlotr crd5. rtld thcn bc rcfill.d good .:rih in 15
ccnrlmetre la),e^i, walercd ",irh
asd mmmcd, rhc old
Thc surfacc prot€alion oIemb[nkmcnt alainst rc_
er.rh bchg rtappfd or bcnchcd bact sl rhe
uon ot ratn and wind is usuallyachi€ved rld6
ln c{sc of embankmcnt using non-iohesivi rnd ncu/ rxrthwork prcpcrly bondcd and inl€rtoct.
matcflat, a cover o[ 0,3 to 0.6 m thict cohGivc
marerial can b€ givcn. Slnce v€tociri€s atons fl\rcr and orhcr loirnsls make horcs,
srrrcslopc. of.mbanlm.nt !rc cxp€.1€d ro i tw, 6!1uar_tnd llll;-a_ !{:""rutrn€Lr
rb.ough and undcr eftbank.
nostope proreclion mayordinarity bc required rhc, Li. Thcs. arc sourG of da[gc, eusillg
ru rng on bolh sid6 lnay sulfie. tr ri\€; adion is ahd axcgstvc accpagcs w ch may gtvi l.3laBc
rise ro
morc t€rrrc! suirabty desigr,cd slope proreclion s.riols brsctes du ng flood peri&.-Srct toto
should be adopted. snoutd bc carerutry tocat 4 Gamin€d,
wrrn ar invc cd fitrcr, filcd wuh.iDrovidcd
,-8.1 The plarring oftrea\ un cmbankmenr shoold h and
ramm.d. Altcmrtiveiy luch hotes shoutd
nolDcpermilled because thcir rtxJts acnd to lool)€n be (i .d
wlln well rammed 6 llclay.
IS 11532 : 1995
reaeads kom tle etnbankmenl DurlnS lhis
J.l,tJ All thc masoIlry vorls should be carEfully fimllv
pcrloA, iaspecttoa ty seuior o(Ecids should b€{ar'
insD€cted to dctccl lf thcre B ary dang€r of 6cepagc
of iater cloag dle plstras of cod(ecl batv€ao the hea our oltcmattcilly aoc 6ll (hc conc'rncd of'
e-anl aod oasoorv. Ttrc c{hb adjrcdt lo ihc 6car: and slafi thould remain alett to m€€t any
masoarv Eort should be id 15 cm ky'rs' em.rSctrt silu.tlon.'and comPacle4 snd brouSht lo lhe d€'i8n 3.11.2 SDeclal vigilrtrcc Is necessary in rhc
oumrrslie ot thc imbankmenl ro dercct any for_
mallo; of boils duc to s€.Page This should n€ For ctobstrksent! which rserc scvcJely imlnediatclvaltcnd€d lo b, providing loadillg bcrE
thrcrtcned bv crosio[ durilg thc Prcvlous mo'' ro cDunr€rialane .tir gadicrt A ruitsblc fihcr
.oon. rcetdcnr,trp rap or ottcr rlvcl trslnirS
mat€rial may b€ plactd around .hc toil bclow Ihe
worrs rnouto te iepaiercty Gxamincd whcre
ctq ai'e aGtlyr cbe.Pcr n"tr! llrc loadlng b€Im (o arrest fin€s in i€ePag€ uat€r'
stones or bricl6,
brusheooo mairlng ctq D.ay b€ lls€d. ln cas€ o[ 3,1:-] Wrl.r may sa€P though a snd 5l'atu!0
*rvc aclio!, pilchitrS sbould be lrkcn al l€'st utrd,cr tte l6t
tnd amargc oo rhc couDl4/sl6c rn
03 meue above lhe m&ximud hdght of wa!€ c*' Oc form of bubblittg sPrilrgs. Under thesc cotrdi_
pccrcd. : 5l ofwaGr burs ls Lhrough thegroutrd,
carN;! wtu Il s3nd whlcl lh.n selilcsaround l}le
f.1.1.? AoDroacl, rcsds and ,lso lop of cnbartk' cdei ot-thc hola Tbcsc saadboils may b' t5 Ia rge as
."ot.. J .r"""t they erc dcslSocd to for catry
in' r ri t.3 .et csfrom
in diemetet and may o€cur from 13
vchi.lrlr lrrmc, as weli ts rrmp6 Pro/rdcd to lm rlar.s the lcvcc or cven funhcr a*ay'
sDcdiotr and maintcnalca ihould bc kcPt in Sood oI .3rft
;ndition so that lh€y 6crvc thc PurPose o( Al a Dlotacliva measutc cmbanlmenls
rrars@r( of matetials alrd lErpaariors both during likn ;cb may bc butlt arourd ihem thus Poodiog
Nohabiu_ (ha vatcr lnd clcaritrg a head on rtre couorryside
tlcoie-uorsoon rac rrcnsoo, Patiods
(ufncicnr lo sroD lhc llow ofsill ituougn nuarmts_
tid snouu bc perndtacd or lbc cmbrDbn€n(l
ioi tre ene"r,d m"o or*"tcr. I(orler boils rak'
3,L1, All deP.rrm€nlrl v.hicles' boars 'nd nl;c. oulslde thir cncirdinS embar*mcnl' i( may
hullclcs should bc kcPt oPatauonrl' L occssrty ro co$lrucl subJcve's lround rhe
rrEr conraiuin8 sucD sand'boils
11.1, All slulcc gat6. rctuhtior gat's 'nd valv6
shodd bc ProPctly gr€a!.d. oiLd ano ucatco r-ll.a To or.v€tr Urcwatcr fromovcrropPingand
of rhc lerr'€.' a dowcl al the
(orch i..xtrlns oui I Dortion
3.l.l.lo All tools etrd cquiPmcnl locluding
ri""i .'ia" of itc lop ot thc cmbatrkirnt wilh
iious- trur rieoc tamps, sp.dcs, clq and nood
srld/eanh filled bags nay b. Provided'
;icks ts wlt as meteriab for ctcclhgsbould
*"rt il"c. ., ,rt *o,r sitas fot s,otk'rs Ttc ba6 should tla filled half (uU otrly so that lbey
;l[ fil ;losely .8ai$t .rch other' setrd shou'|d trot
L arraogea ana storea in suitsble Placa' for fiutig rtte sacfs, if clay ot loamy soil is
rc usea Prop.r commuoiotion qslem should
b€ ;eeilabl,q lD crse;femergency, t,lc material m3y t'e
t .*.i55i0tr of to tlle uken from Ue bact stope of lhe lel'€e Euch
i*oli"a io, ilrict nesseges
conceocd ruthoridq!. the hrdraulic Sradietrl linc wlth r6p€d lo
mum flood lertl.
3,12 Mainkndnc. Dutins Monsoon
!.1.2.1 Durinq monsoon' Prompt m'lntcnaoe
of -!.t.25 Rcpair of rain cuts in the cmbanlmenl
nood water of i,""-r,i., of
rnr,"ti"t and machircry rcquircd for
ii"i"u""i-!"i i, t"q"ir;drhGasihe cmbxnkmcnr mosl_ i.ori;ir,
prning rnc rop otcmbankncnt in older'
.i*iittt""rers ltt. sat"ivof .iI.r'.iii ,r." r. mait.. scourinS and €roding
i,aurinq rl,is Dcriod Tdf L all lhe mor' imPorunt Lirriout of the ri*tr should also tlc carefully
i"-.i.1?in"i" and also in casc o[
c/ierc breaches wetched for taking
necrsstry pr€cautlonery
ii,Ji."ilrcs or "rornr^cnu
ora emuankmenls
tr rttit *ay, tY means of ProPer elSilance
.rccuiea in ttrc past. cstablishfie'rt r'qulled to -.""utes. for rcPait works' 0ood disater
;nd dnaly acliofl
il-*r"a-i"ti,.p.r rnaintcnatrce of an embank' or the cafl bc redocad io a 8re3l
i'."iGii*.v i"p.naing uPon imporrancc ls AII informatiotcoonc'te<lwilh rising flood
uitrantmenrin<!irctaviourof lhe tivcr' fu soon
;;;];;;i. the lmbanlmcnr round and Iiver sho*. i.. f.v"f ana Oooa siruallon should bc pas'd on
Ihem to
,.ir" ii*l itt watcr lcvel' rhe clock io concemc<l higher authori(ies lo enablc
tr,orro ststi bv rhe €srablishment laka safctY mcasur€s in dme
l,ngrg"d prtp"t" and @nlinuc unlilwaler

Bs]tau ol lrldhr Strlt&rdg

oI Indian stoidadr A4 ts.6 to ptomok

flL"i:fl:ll3"fJ:T,'#":."1'fl1fl:?::r '1" 9"Y'
ioa' m"ki,8
aaa ercnaiag rocoi-oe.rJ;1;';H ;ifl"l'"i:r I
""d eurrrv
c'ilirc'tiotr ;r soodi

BIS has rta coMthl of sll ltJ pub!.rrlo& N(

*irhour rrre pirbr -pernissr", i, *a,r,i.iiijT,fl
imptcmc[dnt (bcsleIdrrd, of nccesssi d.&l
H #l,jff#T: f#r.f ffi""-Tr*T
e"!"rt *ri,r"! i" *fiigii iiffi1fi8;f[tf,rnd siz's' rvpc or sradc d€sisoetro*"

Rcvlcr of Irdleo Sarndrrde

##[ilffi""T,.?"["'flllf"I;ff"T1'ri"s ori rhc be$s orcoftmcn.. sraDdrrds

nc rho
:#"m:,x#m*fl #*ffjffi:frffi ,*HHXffiffi,trs,H
;.a'rs ilA;ii ff:'i ffirl$ff
rcrentug ro urc rarcsr rsrue
o. cdrrro! b,

Tlis Irdietr Sunddd has beetr ftom Doc: No. RVD 22 ( t3a ).

?lrqdEcnar Lru6d Stn .Itulcr on

Arncnd No.
Dat of l$uc T.rrAtr.rod



i'ff i-**i.?f3jig9sz'h' rl{ars' N'w Dcrhr r rcu)2

Tclcgraha : Mrnetsallsrba
(CorDlror to e[ omcas)
Rcgiotul Ofiicas :
c.arral : Msn k Bltavan,g Bahadur s}rh zsfaaMarg
*"__ ,;1:X:X,,,",";-:-,...,^,"
er.currA 'Roa4M'nittoh r
Northc.n: sco 335-336, s€dor 3+A
| 37 8626'37 E662
South€rn: c. I. T. C.mpus, Mro$
Ro.4 MADRAS 6mlr3 J ZISlJ2t(:BSor1Z

Ecpr.ft y-!ii!B-C,EiEGJ"dr.-
Indian Standord (*,
( First Revision )
Second RePrint AUGUST 1991

UDC 526.131.5t006.76

@ CoPyrigv l9a3
ini*i" ,"o"o*, s BAHADURI l .HAH ZAFAR MARG

lune 1983

Indian Standard
( First Revision )
BDC 57
Irrigation Canals and Canal Linings Sectional Committee'
Chairaun R.Painliry
SrIRr S. B, KriaRE Midistry of A8riculturc and lrtigation' Ncw Dclhi
ADDlrroNAL DrREcroa Irrization Rcsearch ID3ulutc' Khaugaul' Prina
sHRr N. c. Brl^T NAcAR CtnituiCit'tia W'ter Board' Chandigarh
Snrr R. K. P&^saD ( Alt.lnat. ) Trainin& Ccotrc'
DRA.S. CnAwLA Watcr Rcaourccs Dcvclopmcnr.
UnivcritY of Roorlcc, RoorLcc
Ds R'J' c^RDa ( Alt'na" )
Srrrt Cr{cxeRrtetr's Union carbidc (radia) Ltd' Borobay
-"' K. K^nenbner*orrt ( llknat')
CH,DF EN.TNEER ffiiri{n.:ii"n;.r Dcpar(, co'rcro&cnt or

I. Poausqors^M \ Alkrnal.\ Public Worli Dcpartm'nt' CovctD'tnt ofKarnatrle'

CrIrEp ( I RRle^rIoN )
( SourH ) Baogalorc
' CnrEr Er.rorr,reex ( AlLlnatc ) Punj
CntEp ENGINEER ( CAN^L ) I rtiSation Workr' Covc'nmcnt of 'b
- "-rir*-"i** CeirneL DestcNs ( Au'rnattt
c"rtf ii".,o,r"^ trl&roliroN ) "iil'iiii;*l' DcPartmc,t' Govcrnmcot of rarail

( IRRrc^rIoN ) | AUdnol.) :--. r-r..---- 1-^dhct .
SrrRI O. P. DAr.rA Bcat Dam -Proj'ct' Talwarl TownshiP
Ssnr S. L. NtioL^ ( All,ndle)

Dr*ecror ':fji.*;"?:la':n:*:,*:ruf'Gnt orRlja'rhrn
Drr.EcroR (B& CD'II )
"'^"dr'"-,ilor"t*. (nw'tt ) , n'ffi2?"1, o.*r"tioa of India, Boobay
Sr*r T. A. E, D'se
^L 'ludlt,t') -Irrigation Rclcarch Inttitut" RoorLGc' utt't
J^","" Mot!^tl lAlur"ott ) (Cont; td on ?dt' 2 )

OCoPYisht l 3


f,LilJolli,ffo'iJiJ ii ffi 'S#i*l#"1'i'"i
i-ohioiconi o? coevriot
t Co,tintcd Jron pag. I )
Mcmbts RrpftlctttiflE
SnerH.K. KnosLe Irrigation & Potycr DcpartmcD!, CovcrnrncDt of
SupecrxreNolso ENot?tEE ( llLrrat | '
SrrRr MerrelHw^-Rl planriing Commi:sion,
K. M. Govcmmcnt of India,
New D.lLi
SHR| N, K. DrxsHrr ( llr.'r r. )
SIrRr G^uRr KANI^ Mrsn^ Inigatioa DcpartEcnt, Covcrnmcot of Uttar
St{rt R. Ii. Aco^ir^raL I Alurr.a.)
Snnr P. C. Sexrrr Ccotsal Powlr Rcs.arch Station, punc
_ V. P- BEATI ( llhrnet )
SECRET ay Ccnrral Borrd of Irrigation & Powcr, Ncw Dclhi
SErr A.SHArt, FibrE8l|lt PilkiDgtotr Lrd, Bombay
Snrr G. K. Terren ( ltrnr4t l
Snet C. D. Trrrrrz Irrigetioo Dcpaflrocnt, Govcm&cnt of Gujaret
Srrr K. B, Sr.^n (ilumab)
Snrr S. L. Varuoxrr IrriFtio[ D.partdcnt, GovlrnE.!t of Maf, arasLtra
Sarr G. Re,ret, Dircctor Gcncral, ISI ( fu.oftcio Mcntcr)
Dir.ctor ( Ci, EnSg )
Dcpuiy Dircctor ( Civ Engg ), 1SI

IS ;4701 - t982 ''--

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

HI'B**ts.i.irl":l*lr$:xi;i"iJ#[]'fi :iiuff the

civil Engi-
Canal Linings c"triiii.f uiiE-J' frprovetr 5v
nccring Division Council.
Becausc of thc grcat longitudilai:;;i" i[i-*i'it manv diffcrint kinds
of conditioos ur" "i -Litut econo-u should be

;l;:d; i;-",#;ii;; *-a ;;;-":ii" o' oi i-u^ot'""o ts on canars' rh i s

standard does not, lo*.n"','iouJt--a'etigo oi cuttings

and embaakment
rlopes for canals.
revision. of the standard
0.3 This standard was first issued io 1968'. The
up in ttre ,iiii":1,t;;;i?f;;':o
made in this,
durins the vears'

have, been slightly

a) Proiisions regarding clearing the materials
h) side slooes in outting in canals to be provided depcnding on type
' of soil irave bccn added;
,rt!r"a" soil lo. determine the portion of cansl
'' teaches to be lincd have beeo added;
c\ Factors to exa.ine

d) *"u"'"J- iot ii"ed sections in areas of bigtr ground

-' *^t"t t"Ut" have been indicaied;
roci excavation have been stated;
O fti"ii"a, ror ctassification of of sub-gradc for lined reaches
-' Provisions ,agt'ai"g pt"putation
h."" been modified; and embankment subject to
t's) Treatment to irre setttemcnt in
.ii"iJ"aiiions "p'ii
his been suggested;
h) Provisions rcgardiug rcquircmeuts for materi8l for th€ embankment
coastructioE havc becn Doodi6ed; aDd
j) Compactioo rcquiremcots of embaukmeots haye also been
0.{ For thc pulposc of dcciding whethcr a Darticular reouireDrelt of tlis
standard is_ complied with, the 6qal vaiuc, observed or calculated,
cxpres_sing the resuh of a test o? atralysis, chall bc rounded off iu
accordance with IS : 2-1960t. Thc numbei of significatrt placos retained iD
thc roundcd off value should bc thc same as th;t of tbe ipecified value in
tLis staadard.

r. scoPE
l.I This standard covcrs rcquiremcats and mcthods for earthwork on canals
covenng crcavatlon and coEstructioD of cmbankmcots.

1.1 Effgct of Werther Coldiiiors - An carthwork proiect may be affected
b.y w.cathcr cooditions which may alter the conditi,oii-i,f it eloil-to
depti._ fDccarthwork should bc as far as possibtc, so planned that "omc it is
carricd. out during tbe most favoursble ."atb". ni'irrf"tf'rn"v io uf."t tt.
exposcd surfsce of cohesive soils as to result in iorer;;ti;;btrh ;;"
of excavatiog. pllnt and in the trausport of materials. i" *it *""tt "r"
Dl-ay 9ave-to be stopped entirely owing to excessive moisture near the".. surfacc
ot,.sort.. tn cxtrcmely dry wca.ther, it may bc neccssary to add watcr to the
soil ro borrow arca or at the fll to fulfrl rcquiremcnti of comDactiotr. lt
is advisablc to-compact tbe soil in its foal poiition ir-ir," rul oi
rmEsdlalely rlter tt ts plac€d. "ilUun-i..ot
w_bere required, shati be permitrcd orty
wncn propcr -Y_":ll,
havc becD takeo for the protection of persons anil
property in accordanco with IS ; 408t_t967f. r6.ttie .t iir-u"Giita .ot
only by persons thoroughly cotrversatrt *itn trrJ *o?iio!'riritririi
pre{autions to.bc using explosiyes. fo avoiT tne -i"nn","na
IIUury lrorll flylng debns-alt peruonnel jn a blasting arca shall retrcat-to
aocquate otstaEcc and take adequatc cover. wbile carryi[g out
aocqsarc precautrons in accordancc witb IS : 3764_l96at -sha[ bc taken
for the safcty of workers.
.Rul6 fo! roundins offnum.rical (alucl ( /.!,r.d),
tspccification for safcA codc for btarting and r.tat.d dliui,g opcrations.
lSp€cifcaiion for rifery cod. for cxc.vation work.
IS: 4701 - 1982
2.2.1 The loca.tion aud design of magazines for cxplosives, method of their
triiniori iii-
iiirrt ir*riiiiii
to bl taken to pieveat accideats chall Ee
-piJiiii" J
roaiuo Eiplosi'es Rules' le40 and
i;t;i-;;goi^ti"". uoJ t"gut","iui.s'rna,igututions fiamed thereunder'
if any.
2.3 Planning -Prior to the comnencement of awork all relevant
i il"- ina aru*irui' ;;;;;;;a showing the location of thc
"rr"r and emblnkment tErt["i'."p^*tay'
".rr"".t"a- 'be ql th"19 gowings botb
the excavrtion and filling ieiches sliould disrinctivelv indicated
seoarate ly and the quantity tll and placed in flll
:;il;'-i.," iii*!'-i"i"[Ji.'' rhis "r",iliti.i'it would be. useful to ensure
irformation "*Lu"iiii
*t.Lriiiort th;;;;il."'wh;i" tbe material to be excavated
"!.rir"i"'r.ti"li iri",ii"'
;;;;i;';fild';.;;i-ty;;a;"d ir ,i-,,"iititt oi'"""n tvpes hav.c to b-c used seParatclv
class of material in each
ii'i"r,"'[ri iriiirti ,. iir'"ii tip' ti"
area should be shown on drawings.
of its
From the nature of material to be excavated arrd the.'mcthod or
di,p";i,";i,;;;;;i;;;ir#' i""gin 'i'n""t and-ahe amount
compaction ne@ssary, ,t potliUi" 'i;ioieiect the most suitable type of plant
for a particular job "
2.3.1 No eanhwork on canals should bc started unless proper acqutsltrorr
and demarcation of land has aoa pcrmission-of concerned
'";;;;;;;;;lo"a-'- su"t ru"?tnttt be demarcated by fixing Permancnt
il',i;ffiffi#;"Tii,,"i""G;f 200; o" u"ttt sidcs 6n straisht reaches
in lind width'
and at points where there ,t "i;d;;'l;;;tlin-oict'nge
also. Such
Similar-nrecaurions sha be dffi%;a;fi;t"C iLi borroi "t.ut
ilU;ifii ;;;ffi;oiirv acquir"a and sui tablv demarcated'

line of the prtrposed
3.1 Prior to the commencemcnt of work the c€ntre m interval'
canal shall be marked uv tioo"i'oi'"p&t l: -l!Tt^^30 f*
of the excavatioo and toc
Curves shall be laid out; t"ii"A lotio-t e-ag9s
driven into ground at a fixer subsidonce or
shall be referred ,, uo .r,'uihid- tio"n rnttf noi irbject to

3'3 J,:;o#:' ff:;tlf.'";?f 'J':l' :,nr'*x Iff tJX',T11"'J$":::H'"':"',


T::iHl".i "ffi i'i;

li:"iY;::"'Jft:*1,"ifi 'R,EiT*f"':lfoiff: ""'ffi
IS : 4701 -19E2

and other objectionable matter. The cleared materials shall be suitably

disposed off,
4.1,1 All wasto matcrials to be burncd shall be plled neatly and when io
suitablc condition shall be burned completely. Piling for burning shall be
dooe in such nranner and in such locarions is to .ouie tbe least-fire risk.
All burning shall be so thorough that the matorials are reduced to ashes.
Neccssary precautions shall bc taken to prevent fire from spreading ro areag
bcyond. the limits ol cle,arcd areas and suitable equipment, and-supplied
for use in preventiag and suppressing f,res shall bi kept available ai all
all holes and hollows whether originally existing or
4.2 In fillilg reachcs,
produced by digging up roots shall be filled with suirable- earih, well iam-
med and levclled oF.
4.?.1 In filling reaches, the boulders in the top srrata shall be removcd
and filled with suirable material.
4.2.2 .Bollders which- may_interferc with the work should be generally
removed after breaking them down, ifneccssary.
4.3 It is desirable to protect the trees outside the outer edge of the canal
embaokments. However, tle presence of trees in the vjcinitv ofa canal
can acceltuate variation of moisture cooteDt in the sub-stratr]m. Iu the
case of expansive soils such excessive moisture variation can result in
damage to the lining. Such influence is believed to extend to disranccs
equal to twice thc hcight of the tree.

5.1 Earlhworl in Cutlirg
the drawings.or - Caoal section shall be excavated as shown on
dirccted by lhe engioeer-in-charge. Both edges of thc
bank, specially -the inner one shall be neatly aligned symmetricaily to the
ccntre lioe of thc channel. They shall be abs6lutely' stra ight in straight
reaches and.smoothly curved. on be-nds. All gangways, roads"aad stoppiilgs
shall be..such Sfr S.f falt within the canal siotion io ihat finat aresiii! 6i
slope will consist of digging ooly and no filling will be required.
5.I.1. Suitable arrangementsfor draiuage sball be provided to take surface
water clear of the excavatioo during thc progress of-work. Sumps may be
constructcd at suitable placcs and watc.;
-collected may be puinped'out.
Wh:n cutting. on- cross _sloping ground, it is advjsable rd cur a'catch watcr
orarn on the hlghef stde to prcvent water from flowing down the cuttiog

. 5-.1.2 Wtrereverground water js met duriog excavatioD adequate measures

shall be taken to dewater rhe cut-ring. The ihoice of mitnoa'io'-Uc empto-
yed and typg of e,quipmenr to be used would depend on the iature of
grounq and thc vol.ume o[ water to bc dealt with.
, can .z
lS : 470r - 1982 \i-z
5.1'2.1 If there is a cootitruous flow of watcr a subdraia with euops
'r,"'iJ"rr.i. -'di"i;;.*ttt t"
;"u.i.i" -- n*n{ b)-,GrcaYa(itrs from
downstream side to upsEeam side 'ir.usJ that watcr t€;ds to.drain away from
the workins face. Generally liu.uinea by providing pilot cut to
natural valliy so as to drain the subsoil water' In case of lincd canals subsoil watcr.shall trot bc
sllos'cd to
accumulate in the bottoo of tfri'.un"f pumping arralSoments shall bc
i:"u;; pd;i;;til
r"cp thc area dry
as far as possiblc. ',iu'oir-i'""rc''*-us-to
5.1.3 Excavation may be carried out by oanual luplt-
hv cxcavattng
machines. The choicc of ty;;i;;";i"g tachinc to bc used will depcnd
.i-i"ir;;;;titi Si;;fri'-ii"di-iii"*ted and arso on the
lcads and lifts iuvolvcd.
providcd depending on typc of Sidc stoPes for canals should be
soit through which the canal is f"ia.- Ge"c,iatty thc
foilowing slopes arc
providcd fir unlined canals :
,S/ No. Type of Soil Stde StoPes ( Ho''i vert)

l. Vcry light loosc sand to l'5 : I to 2 : I (in cutting)

average sandy soll Z : t to I : I ( in cmbankmeot )
2. Sandy loam I illo2: I (incutting)
i'j, ii.z: l iio embaukmeot )
a) SandY soi[ or gravel 1 l: lto l'5: I (incutting)
b) Mutam, gravel mixed soil J r's, I to2 : I (infilling)
4. Black cotton l'5: I to 25: I (incuttiog)
)'3: trc 3'5 : I ( in embankment )
5. ClaYeY soils
I : I to 2'5: t ( in cutting )
i'5 , I to 3: I ('in embankmeot 1
6. Rock 0'25: lto0'5: I (incutting)
Nqre I rhc abov" "r'P"'-?:*".1*Ti#fll;;rg h":q[: :,1";ft1"r'*t$:'":
6 m. For--hciShB in cxcctl ol L
sidc tloP6 Elay rcqurrc
NorE 2-I4 casc of rocLy.arcas abovc rccoamcndcd
.lr"rri. ar" ,o any advcde jointing Patt"n'

..:;1;1,3,Y'Tf; l";1.*31i1,'ti&i#""..*,,::"""h"J"1'i"xif
tests as required'
be assessed bv making "t oT^itiii"t"'leimcabiliry to probable
ile1&iom with-respect high
canal sub_grade soil on. the .*Lp;;Ut cxamined' fn case of seepagc
future seepage and eroslon tooiita
lor:o qrg atrticipat d, or if ltre soils arc fi,ne and lacking in cohesion
aad could crodc badly under thc proposcd opcratitrg condit-i,ons, suitable
mcasurcs such as liniog, etc, sbould be plannld.
5.I.5 Abovc thc case of lined sections and above the proposcd
watcr lcvel ia case of uulioed sections thc rock may be allowcd td staod at
its stcepcst safe-angle ard no flnishing is requi.ea'oitrei tUan removal of
rock masses vhich are loose end &re liable to-fall.
5.151-Lincd sections in arcas of high ground waler shall be orotected
against uplift by drainago sysrcDr as pi. iS, lssa-teOa;. li n'n""
soils ( caEd )_aretobe placcd as sub-gradc below concrete or memb-ranc
lining, &is.should b_e,wittrout organiC matter, gravel, pebbles, ctc- Natu-
ral suE--grade stotrl-d bo inspccted aud organic material, gravels, pebbles,
prolrudilg should bc removcd from sub.giade. Filter bla;kcts in'ould bc
provided bcncath liling as per IS :455g:1969. ro release uoiift oressur".
AII washablc _matcrials and auy soil which gcnerally bccoroLs roitubl" o,
sarurauon such as organic soil. Joose, silts, expansive clays are gcnerally
rcDorcd o-r propcrly treatcd for embaukmcnt lnd canal iioines-so as to
provtdc 8aFc and stablc sub-.gradc utrder operatiug -
5.2 Rocl Excrvrtlon Rock may be excavat€d by thc following mcthods :
a) Qlarr-ying out_by hand with suitablc rock wcdges and hammers.
steel bars, picks, etc, aod breakiugs with rock iu.-*i- --.'--'
b) Looscning by use of pneumatic paving breakers;
c) Drillilg suitable holcs by hand with jumpers or pneumaric drillinc
macnrnes, atrd brcakiDg up rock with plugs and features:
d) D,rilliug. holes by taud jumpers or pneunatic drilling macbines as
hJea.kiEg the rock with suitsble commercial explosives,
or blastlDg deviccs; and
lippitrg with suitable heavy duty tractors where the rock formation
Iatts wrthtn the rangc of ripability ofcoocmercially available units,
5r.l ClassiEcation of rock could be done as below:
4 Disintegrated rock rcmovable by crow bars and pick axbs;
b) Fissured and fraotured rocks jointed at less than 450 mm apart;
c) Hard rock boulders of size greater than 300 mm in any rlinrension
d) Solid and sheet rock boulders of size greater than 3 m3; and
c) Generally. hard soil, bard muram, stoney earrh and errth/sand
mixed with stone and bouldcrs nbt exc6eoin! -:oo;;'i;";;y
tcod. of p.a.!icc for und.!-dr.inagc of lin.d

IS : 4701 ' ll,az\---'

gil,'Jfr rilg";'J.i{,,iydr}.,,3;6i1i"*ffi [,,'";1f lii;:::L:
ins to the nature of rock -o
f::::::" biface;
siiultaneouslv' one behind tn"-Jn*' *iit benches tetweenthc eich
il"a;fi;;;#;h; i"."' ",a tn"i"ilih oilu'tr t"ocn varving according to
for. r6rnoving tbe rock-
;ffi:ffiil;;; i*i'-^ii""g ";a;;ffii;e';;pied
thet proper t"tttniqui -adopted'
drilling ano
Provided "t" hard
u# $;;;;;i;;ilod'foi
blastins is the most "qrtprtoi-uiJ- .excavating
greater sPeed and at
"p."dv **uv'iJ"Jtn'tr'" io"ti
rock. For soft rocks.ipping "t
much less cost.
in the
5.2.3 Blasting in a manner as to produce -over breakage
-'-rl"ri .which Special
ooinion of ensineer-in-charge ilt-'JtJtiit not be per-mitted'
cire shall bc taken to p."u"nt'lililUi""l"i" ot .toosening -of material on
bottoms and sid,e stope ug*,ntt iti"r' iigid ining
is to be Placed'
45-60 cm in hard rock shall out by Final cutting for -b-e -carricd pavtng
controlled blasting or t.inrrinf oi"*iirr itr.
of pneumatic

*'.Iffi #:li:l3l:xl'J:l:;J'o:tJff fl r"'.',"'""'I"{1;ili',;i;li;*";1

t* tfii!:il;ifli,frt]':'":[ftl
Uillil,f,lT"""n,iH'ffitll fi;;
canal embankme;6'[;- ?:cti.'
t"; inrnner prescribed ror the cons-
In so far as practicable the
rruction of to"o
tunui't"ttions shall be performed
finishine oDeratioo
with canal excavation'
"i*Jiiuieoritv j[',', jiif Lffi {,::[X'i'""."*T:
or soil. Canal sections exca

not be allowed. The mtntmt $fl #*l+iiiilT*iililffi
t::.1:X".3i,""i"."0?lli, tltili
6.1 Before commcncing tfg Y'kr tlll,tg::,i ;l*i":'*n' {li;L,,l
$'1,f,":fl::,TJu":':-"'ll,t .lli ts?F"jiiiJ'ii{i fi
materrals anu )t.r'EJ -' :
.riitr or 6tt., convenienl ut about 50 m rpart ovcr *t*]'):, resch.s and
!"riiil;'t"l'i;r,;;or[m.n concr€te litrirrg on canals
(./n,,. nioa
.fi" Prr.,t". ft" liniog'in's-rtu ccruent
about 25 m apart at curves. In setting up the profilc for an embatrkment
a suitable allowance shall be made for serilement I see 6.2.2,1),
6,1.1 Masonry blockr shall be constructed at eacb profile to iDdicatc tho
centre Iine as also the bed level of tle canal beforc starting tlc
6,2 Requiremeats shall be built to the height and
- Embankments
slope as shown on the drawings. All the edgcs of rhe embantmcit shall
be neatly aligned symmctrical to the cetrtle liDe ofthe channel. Tbey shall
be absolutely straight in roaches and smoothly curved at besds.
6.2.1 Tbe top of each cobankscnt shall be levelted and finished so as
to. be suitable for road-way and givcn a qoss outward slope to drain away
rain waters. Ths bank carryiug inspcction road shall bi given a suirablL
cross slopc.
6.2.2 For embankmen! in which controllcd compaction has trot to bc
carried out (6.6.1 ), suitable allowancc shall bc madi for scttlemcnt.
6,2.2,1 An allowancG of about l0 perccnt for settlemcnt is recoEmcn-
ded for embankmerts in which controllCd compaction has not been carried
out ( ree 6.6.1 ).
6.3 Methods of Construcaioo Embankments may bc buitt by manual
!.bouJ o.r by-machin-ery dcpositing rhe materials directly from elcavation.
The.choice.ofrype of ercavating plant will dcpend on miny factois. Where
Douroers_whtcn may Intertere with thc work are encountercd thev shall be
dealt with in accordance with 4.2.2.

. 6..3,1 General Drainage - Undcr. ordinary circumstances no spccial

drainage-works ar-e necessary in embankmenG but whcrc requiriO d'itcUes
may be dug at a distance not Iess than-3 m from the toe of thi i1opc. fne
necessity for a,ny,drain so provided will depend on the topograjfiy of
ground on which lhe embankment is constructed, havini iiedrd to the
desirability of preventing an accumulation of witei ai'ttre'Uarc of Oc

-in in thc embankmeot after its

6,3.2 Ir1 oasc any. settlcment takes place
completion it would also inducc cracks thc smbanimeni-ln-"OOitioo to
:ly,llg,!1T:.8:. r!"
19, -t1l,let, -
folowiog ii
rreatment iu!!e"iJ to,epai,
ltre set ement sublect to srte conditions.
A trench of minimum. required width shall be dug along the crack
rn _,
Ure embankmcnr lor a denth- to which,rhe crack h]as exrlndcd plus
rninimurn 0.25 m or (o a deptd of r
- ir-..ii]
;hi;h;;".- ii"j'*,0,n or
rhc trench shatt. however, 'not be tes-s ttun o i -. 'iiii ,r.'ili ,n"ff O"
filled back with a thorouch mixrure ofclay ana nn" .anO-f,"r'ing plasticiry
index o[.10 or less, and- shourd be
thoroughly compactcd.
p[;;ti; ;;
)_ii iri"il'iuy"r, uoa

ls :4701 - l9Ez ''-'-

6.4 Requirements for Material Where tlrc constructed by

iiriii-ii6ialrii aoili* ax - sh t bc ercrcised .h:rr lrr la,ge cro,Js
fr:"6;.ft;;e;;'"ioa "rre human fist, sav 8 to lo cm' roots'
uigd"i than
srass and other rubbish are Uur.ieJin tfri banks. iletot'c p_rocuring
flffiil;;';id;i;;;i'h"ba";"teri:rl shalt be stripped oll lrom rhe top
#i#;:;;#;" ii;[i' ott",*i'e direciea bv the engineer-in-
:il;il;;i;i;';;;li-t" alpo'it"a in enrbankments so rhat cuhbles'
il'Ii'Ei iiiu"i-.iiiirlit it-.,'*at olittiu,rca througb other matcrrirl and not
i"it a io aoy position within or under the embankment'
thcse should
6-4.1 In areas where gravel and stonc is mixed -with earth'
u"-i"ti*ii'ui-r"iii p%.titi".- roiitt"uttut w-here all sravcl matcrial
40 mnt
t. i""."ricatty^temovia, cotulei, stones of size. greater than
should be rcmoved to pitp", compaction. ,This is very important
i;;li;J;ti;"t where plastic membrane is provided to reduce sccpasc'
and -piping' In
ii" of"iiuut.i."v iesult in morc seepage ai
ol tbis measure to t.tor"- iottitJ of larger sizi should be taken
thc excavation area itself'
Befr'rre beginning
6.5 Prepratiou of Ground Surface for .Embanlmentground,to -
the construction of embanrmeits-iil"-*tfu* utto of
be occupied

shall bc cleared of att roots anfr'veg*aute matter of any

kind and strippctl
to a suitable dePth.
be adequate to re'
6.5.1 The depth to which top soil is rcnrovcd shall.becomc unstablc on
move all oerishabte mat..iat ai'<l uri ioir *rri"n may bond between rhe
ffi;r"Ji#;;;;l,,rcrii'" *itt'1"'ilopt"nt of proper. all the soil con-
foundation and embankrnent. ii ir ooii.""*ory to remorc
i;ilii?'il'"'ffi;'Ii-r" -ii' u'ii onii-tt,".'utn'i' heavv mct rable I mav
scrve is a guide for fixing the depth ol strlpplng'


on fi{E SotL
5-0 to ? 5cnr
Soil co$tainin8 li8ht Srais covcr
To thc bottom of Plou-ghcd
Agricultural land zonc usuallY I5 0 ro 2z'5 cm

2O crn.
IS :4701 - 1982
6..6 Compactioo Requirement shalt be colrpacted, as
- Embankmcots
shoyn,o-n the drawirgs, to achicve the requirements laid down in 6.6.1
and 6.6.2. Gcoeral methods of compaction of embaokntents are givcn in 7.
6.6.L Embqnkments W'ithoua Conlrolled Compqcrior Where the natural
ground surfacc is above the maximum water levcl in the- canal but belory the
top of the cmbankment, the ombankment shall be built in levers not excec-
ding 30 cnr in thickness and to the full width of the embankment. Each
la.ver shall bc commcnced lrom thc edge farthest from the excavation. iof
of cuch laycr shall be kepr slightly in the centre. The exc."uting
and h uling cquipment shall uavcl-depiessed
over the embankment to evenly distrif
butc the r.\terial and compacting effort over ivhole surfacc. ff tne
embankmcnl rs to carry a highway it shall be conslructed in accordance
wrth 6.6.2.,6.6.4,6.6.4.t and 6.6.5.
6.6.2 llnbsnknt?.rc With Controlled Compcction _.\Nhere thc natural
ground is below the maxinrum watcr level in ihe carml the Dortion of the
emLr;rnknrent up to the nraxrmum watcr leve[ or where rigijining is to Ue
lalo,, the porrron ol.embankmcnt up ro the upper level offhe lining, shall
burlt according to the requiremetrB given in d.6.3.1, 6.6.4 and 6.6.5.
6,6.2.1 Embankment shall bc built iu layers genera y not excccding
iq in (hickness ( toose tayer ) atrd ro fill wtith of the .rU"irt-i"rt?
l]ach layer shal be commenced from the edge farihest from excavation.
Top of cachJayer shalt be kepr slightly depressled i; ;h;"";;;;.
,6.6.3 Generally b.lending of rwo or nrore marerials are recommended to
oDrarn suttab,e sort lor earth Iining, Fine soil from
gencrally added to coarse soil to impiove i*p....uUiliv. borrow - areas is
Buicoarse soils
to finc,soih to improve erosion resi"iance .- "i'he piJportion, for
orenourg should be a.scertained by laboratory test,

.. Imp-eruious zone -The

the -drawings shall be built of
impervious zone wherever shown on
material'having ,om.i.ot pii""rrage ofclay
:: j!1,--i! -c1n
.be colnaqtcd at. optimum ;oi,ture-;;;;;; by" suitabt!
equrpment to the maximum dry density. The marerial shall be
.9Tnu.t1q to a spccified in 6.6.5: The ;are; tlehrn"is of mate-
rrat snoulo be carrying our permeability test. The coefficient
permeaDlflty ol rmpervlous material should not be greater than of
year- The-impcrvious material should.preferably"b" iA i;;;
30 cm pcr
If rhis is not possiblc thc maximum sizjana perceniag" Urg- siii
ro. be permi(rcd is 40 mm and 20 percent rcapecti;;ly: Uit"f,
relaxation is allowed the engine-eriin_cn"rg" Ino"id'trsuie--ihat .Uov" tn"
standards ser for dry density'and p;.,";;fiiry;;ilmli;d:'" '" rctative Tbe rest of the sompastsd zoue rnay cousist of arty suitable
lupport for;rervious
core under various io,iaiiions-oiseiuratioo ana
or sandy.material is used
mateflal wt not be ameoable to coEpaction for
99*1:,, this poftion, such a
by thc uiual compaction
IS :.1701 - 1982

Drocedure using sheep foot rollers For such m8teriats proper machinery
be used' . rhe mini'oun'
Iiifi,t;;';d;;i;i;jJ-.,r;1."-;p"'ti"" 'noolu
compactJ'ff"i"a"itt'utt not bc less than 70 Dcrcent'
retativc dcnsitv of the 'b'"-';;;i ii;;i tic
The distriburion of marerial ,h"-ll compactcd mateiial will
;Jil;;;"#;;';#i;;i;#il;': ;;;i;i' or otbeiimperrections' rhe
a-i.."tions of stones piaced in the cmbankment shall bc oot
--"il-rtfi be such that the
than l0 cm. The excavating q;;ttionJshall
-"ir-f""t.a iitt"Jffiftrrg sumcientlv to- .securc the bcst
ilii[rii i'*i". stabilitv'
impermeabilitv and
iiiltiil-"ilJ'ir;g'.e' oi comPaction,
6.6.4 Moisture Conrcnt to and during compac-tiol^:p":'utiol:.
-Prior toistutc thc purposc
opri"- "{uired-for throuBhout
";'b;;-#;;;fiit "n" moistuie
-"Ir' and this
of coooaction ;;;il
th"tt be fairiy-uniform
;i""iaifi ;fri ii pi*ti""tr"-i'r'"'
-oitttoing- or'ttc mater ial shall be
nerfoimcd at the site of .*""nuiiitt O't *"n- -5-itt"ning shall be supple-
#ffiffit;il;i tv tpt;i'ui'gi""Li ai thc site of comprction' if necessarv
time as the materiar
th";il;;til;;fr*ti* moisturc conteot'''iiii 'u"t'
Lt ati"b to the optimum 'r"ri'#'dir?vJ
After Thc dry'bulk densitv of thc
6.6.5 Dry Bulk Density Compaction
- not less tian 95
soil fraction in compacteo "J;;i';ffi';;rcrial-Jnliiuc
i:J,'""fi t'L*.3;:i{:T;,'f{'.:it,;'tt'*i+1,",1ffi
?,1 Methods of Compaction - To obtain
tle required arnount of compaction

- -- -
to tbe soil tvPe;
density of the soil required with regard
work and thc
b) The most suitabte moisture contcnt at which to
"' ;ir;"i';;;ttbablc moi sture content variation ;
eq'uiPme'nt' most suitable for
c) The type or types - of compaction
' compacting tne so'r r'u'i*ni'Ju" ;;;;a'ia relativc costs: and
d) The thickness of loose laYers'

'*#it::lf fr?fi'l-;#$i'ti,tr'i'j"'1,'itffi .li;ffi *ir*'

*its'.P"nVtt Dcrcrmination ol moisturc coatcn( dry dcnsitv
*,;;;[' ( tftti'ion\'
*r"ri'j),i'fi.f, rlir" comp.ction |
7.1.2 Where the magoitude ofwork iustifres it. thc procedure describcd
iu 7,1.2.1 to 7.1,1.3 is recommended to detcrmioe thc iequired compaction
Dethod. In deciding thc method to be employed, ecouomic consideirations
should bc kept ia view. For cxample, it miy havc to bc decided whctber it
ts more economical to compact in layers of less thickncss with a light roller
or thick layers witl.. heavy rollers;- again, consideration may hive to be
glvcn to thc number of passes required with smooth and shcepfoot rollers to
produce speci0ed density. Ofteil it may be fouod that a cbmbination of
two or more typcs of equipmcnt would givc best.results. Standard compaction tests shall be madc on available materials.
The tests will indicate broadly which are the most suitable and give a rough
id_ea _of the best type of equiphent to be used and the moistui content at
wtuch should be undertaken. This method would help in
ciasssifying a material according to its comprction characteristics.
. 7.1,22 -Havingwherc
tiou trials should,
decided on thc filling meterial to be used, field compac-
polsible, be mide with the compac[ion cquipricnt
cxpectcd be underrconditions
-to to detcrmioe
_used which are likely- to obtaiir during
consttuction the etrects of soil moisturc content, thickness oi
Iayer, and uumber of.passes.
. 7.1.!.3 In dcciding on the range of moisaurc contents,
variations in moisture content should be takeD into consideration, [articui-
arly in tbe case of cohesivc soils. Refcr 6.6,4. Havios decidid on the
thickncss of layers and rangc of moisture cortteots, tcats- should be made
with the different typcs of equipment available, and the rcquired number of
passes should also be determined. In all this work tho statl of compaction
should be measured in terms of dry bulk density.
. 7.1.3_During the actual corstruction of any earthwork, maximum use
should be made of conslructional plant and roiting of the ilaat should be
carefully coatrolled to obtain uniform compactionlvcr gs'*id" u, ,."a ot
p_ossible. Care should also be taken duriig the compaction operation to
shape the surfacc of the works to lacilitatc ibe sheddiig and td miaimize
the absorption o[ rainwater, particular attention being g-iven to the prcven-
tion oF ponditrg. It is advisible to do this at thc end "of-each day's .ivork.
7.1,4 Wherc, in the construction of an embankment, it is neccssary to
c-onstruct a culvert over which the filling has to be placed, it is €sscirtial
that the fitling and subsequent compactioo should bdcarried out in such a
manner as to avoid an unbrlanced thrust on the culvert, which might
displace or damage it.
7.2 Tests for Compaction of Earthworks The following tests shall be
carried out for detc,rmining compaction: -
a) Dcnsity moisture relationship of thc soil;
b) Density ofthe soil in field; and
c) Moisture content.

IS:4701 -1982

7.2.1 Densitv moisture relationship of the soil shalt bc^dcterm'ncd in

Pe(t v u\ \-
, r,i'iiarii"iliin ii- )lrb i irii- 7i i l' tcso' and IS : 2720 <
7.2.2 Dcnsity o[ soil in ficld shall be dctermined in accordance with
rc'iTtzi t'iih xivrri;fef;l orts :2720 ( Part xxlx )-le7s$'
?.2,3 Moisture content of soit shall be in acoordance with IS :2720
( Part II f 1973{1.

wrcre the canal is
;r;ili;-b",;ffii ii"rra u "tJltlG-"onittuctioo'
ll:f "i;*i:x'ig.*ir;';"*tt'1f *TlJ:1?'"",i*'::ff .i:'.'if
"wh;;;oJ i. oo t"""i'?i-o""ity ,riii#;
;ffi. lcvel ground tbe matcrial from
sidcs,of the canal'
excavation shall bc depositcd.n-"tu"ti1"i"tt Jn bothnecded,for construc-
iffieie;;';.d,; Jr .'"i,rii"frti^ rhi excavation than
ixt-*:r5"*tt:;.f, a*int
::?H{;ii;,l'.*l'"oft'"i':,l'f iJ"'J."1"","11;
;Tiffiffi;;;n-clo.t u' dir€cted bv the engiucer-in-charge'
82 A eap 3 m wide at toc Eay bc left in spoil banks at 150 m intorvals
the purPose of drainage.

suitab-le material for
9.1 Whcre canal excavation doos not fumish sufEcient u9 procured from the
.mbs.nkmcnts' additionat -J;"]-;;;i;;a -mav
borrow pits. The location i"ill a;i'cnd oir.lhe material tbat
"G*o'iitttti'lrii tr'"
iJi,l,YJ"ii"iuiii,i;ffi ,o" toiii"v -t*i"lot i"
a*ig"- It mav
or trial pits to
bc necessary to survey oia'gc? -uorings
f,Ii]"r?iit" iticntlnd natuie 5f the deposis in tho borro*' area'
within 5 m. of the toe of embankmcnt'
9.2 No borrow pits shall be dug "f"iio" fi'-ii-trriir aiptn is morc than 0 5 m;
their depth is less than o's
', contrnt dry dcn'ily
.Mcrhod. of&rt for .oih : Iart VII Dctcrrdnatioo of moirtutc
I eaod ruuiian )'
oftcat tot I f^tt;Ilt DctcrEinatioo of moirrurc cootcrt drv

.al,il1i",i,"-ri ji,,li.iy"o-p.ctton(itstt.ilion).
'xivifi Dctcrmi"stion of drv dcnritv of soik' in plecc'
tMcthods of tcst for .o'o t *"t
t, iiji.-J..dl"i.^ent mctLod (irst ttuiion l'
EM.tbods of tc,t fot -"' '
pt"' iii i Dctcrraination of dry dc$ity of roils' ia plecc'
t" iii .ii.-i,,i *; ci\od (frsr ru;tion)' cotltcn I ( tatond
of tcst fot toiU t fo't tI Dltctmioatioo of 'aoitturc "nirion'l'
IS : 4701 - 1982

or within such a distance from the toe of the bank where a 4 : I hydraulic
gradient line cuts thc ground surface, whichever is morc, Borrow pits shall
rot bg more_ than I m in depth and 25 m in length. A clear diitancc of
I m shall be left betwcen the pits. The bed of borrow pits shall be left
reasonably smooth and even. '
9.3 Borrow pits shall be drained to ayoid staguation of watcr. The bottom
ievcl of borrow pits shculd be fixed witir reference to the prevailing grouDd
slope towards the oearest natural drainage course. The pits ;hlll be
contrected togethcr by a drain about 0.5 m wide. The bottom level of
connecting drain should suit the bed level of the pits it co[nccts.

l0.l--Pritrciples Underlying the Use of Grass on Earth Slopes
- Surface
stabilization of-slope-s-and the prcvcntiotr of soil erosion and.weathering
may be accomplished by the establisbment of grass or othcr herbage. Thi
lrvrng Brass roots mcchanically rciaforce thc soil, and the decaying organic
mattcr improves soils structure. Thc grass leavcs, IiviDg ordead, protect the
surfacc against rain and wind, Thc c-ombinatioo of im'proved soil structure
aud protection givcs stability against crosioo.
Virgin clays and other subsoils arc usually deficictrt in those bacterial
organisms which promote herkhy growth. Thc applicatiou of top soil to
atry ncw slope is usually a prc-requisitc for tbe succcssful establishment of
I0.2 TopjioiliDg !ep$ of topsoil rcquircd will vary according to thc
-- Jbc
naturc oftbe subsoil aud a dcpth of about l5 cm of good quality so'it over_
lyiog the subsoiI is usually sumcient to sustaiD plaot -growrh.
lO3, Solding The sods used shall be cut in rectangular shape g to l0 cm
thick and laid -so that their edges are in close cootait and thin welded by
bcinB ScDtly rammed till thcy form a level and compact mat. When oli
surfaces are to be turfed, they shall bcpickeduptoi depth ofabout4cm
to give a hold to the sods. For sodding any grass whiih forms a thick
short turf shall be used.
I0.4 Torftog
-- It_ic diffcult
srncc each partlcular
to gcncralize oo tbc t,?c of grass to be used
sorl type rcquircd a spccific grass. To ensurc a satis-
lactory result it is dcsirable to consult agricultur- departmcnt, who would
makg.anf nec€ssary analysis ofthc soil bcfore specifyin! thc typ;of;ass. It
woulo arso _De a help to study thc gmsscs growing in the ncighbourhood and
to iqcludc the.varictics that appear to bc most suitable; ihis. of coursc,
largcly depcqds on t-hc top soil bcing obtaincd from the saEc vicinity.

( Cla!.te 7.1.'l )

coMpAc.r roN .f$#iJ'jl.;I[$Ji.f ..31€ra[Br?J$'. MATERIATT

( Th€ iDfornatior gilc! should be ratro onlv as r' rPp'oriEa(e guid€ )


l p) (3) (41 (6)

M.riouh ri,. of h.t.rirl

rill iov..n .1r bi.i_
hud of l.Y.r

-1 I



Ar ror 6.ulddt ..d .ob-

86t .oh.:di6n,in.

.d by rpFrd,ng !h.
rrkriat wirh . dor.r
rnd (omo..(in, Pitb
rd.o.s; of lbc roll.r.
l";' €lll....6oorh'
vl)..] toild EiY Pov.
imDB.ri<.rrlc du. ro
!L':dins. I" tlit .rt
ra.our. coE!:.r'n
.$ bc obhin.d bY
dinA. half iBd'r

A !ibrlo. oiy

k u\.J wh.n th.t. rcilt
.r. utd .r 3ubsr.d.
mikrirk. for .F.divc
ur or . vit'(o. rh'
h'l .hould b. in r.r'_

Clc honbE (onr'n(

A3 lorwdll_slrdcd aErel,
sDkl t'.d mirturcr,

lcr-. -"t.-- -"c.t

(2) (3) (jj (6) \1)

H.av! vi6.!r'ns pl.t.

-"1 3i1
raroG s
bc !.ry :aLis,
"1 l0 r..rory il rL. hoitur. oa ri. soil ,!
low. bu' mry Uc

Clos. moiiur.

contlol i! 6knrial, rh.n
rh. moGlur. .oncnt i!
r.lativ.l! hiEh it i5 prc-
f.6bl. t6 us. . ptrcu-
Unilorh rand. hirh !rndr.
Iirrl. vr no 6n6

As aor *.!lg..d.d sand

tnh .r.cllcnt clay

Cl.y.y sil.!lim.g&ic)
O' ,ilt of to, Th.* 3o,lt a..dif,.ult to
cohPr.r znd rh. .llc.i
ol nirrina fi. conta.r
Pr.$!r. should b. tri.d.
Clos. montur. .o.G.r
conrol should bc main-
S,lr).rnd EnJy .,,y5
) or j ?o

Cl.yr (,no.srnic) oI IO ti
m(diuh pl.nicity 30 t5
-Orgrn,( J75
cL:rr of e. 20

Mi..c..ur o. diio-$il3 a...onrid.r..t

mrc.oot 6.. eandv
a.d,l!v,oi!-cli!ri. vcry unJ.rirrbl< for ur
n' .a(hworl rsd rho!ld
nor U..hrlor.rl it rlev
3r. h,3hl" (.hp.c$ibl.
r,,. .d.:r'"sr.-,"
rhc'. ruil, ar dr. nio(-
.urc co^ .t whi.h
no c[.n8. will Gcur
as for nri.:.t;o!r o. air
romn.cou! nnc ,.ndv
:na ril'v !o;L
Tbc,c r,L a..
uEuihLl. lor .3rrh'.
.l\b.r. o,. p.s it.quie:t.n. ro 6 ,o I btoi, p.r u,rr rr.,,
l$b.r< onc pr! n qui! to 2 !o 3 bto$ Fr unir :ra.
,For u,. in dry clie...r-
\4'"\ )
M.-oL O$'o,on, 0 Bahodur Shah Ze(ar Merg' N€W O€LH(
i"i"inon".t 331 01 31. 331 13 75 Telegrams: Manaksanstha
( CQhmon to all Ollices )
of fices, '
Zarar Mars'
;;i;;i ilttni"liSo%'l"o'r Shah
- 36 ?]
[33i ?l
.Eastern : 1/1 4 C. I. T. Scheme Vll M' V l' P' Road' 24 99
Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054
35-c' ( 2 18 43
No?rhern : SCii'Ias-++0, sector
CHANDIGARH 160036 Iia1s to ct
zq dz
sourhern : c. l. T. Campus, MAoRAS 6001 1 3 { +t Zl II
t41 29 16
lwestern : Manakalaya, Eg MIOC, Marol' Andheri ( EaBt )' 6 32 92 95
' BoMBAY 400093
Eranch Oflices:
Khanpu?' 263 48
'Pushoak', Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg'
Boad 38 49 55
iPeenva lndustrial Area 1st Stage, Bangalore Tumkur
- BAi\GALORE 560058 t 38 49 56
canootri comptex, sth Floor. Bhadbhada Road' T'
T Nagar' 667 16
tS! 53627
J.:'rt"t,l s B o a d, B H u BA N E s H w A R 7 5 I o o 2 331 17
"P$9 Road' slh BYelane'
,GUWAHATI ig, n.c. Barua
781003 23 10 83
s-a]s-o'i Stalion Road )'
[. N'erpr, M"tg ( Nampallv
HYDERABAD 5OOOO1 r 6 34 71
R1 4 Yudhister Marg, C Scheme'
JAIPUR 302005 'l ogssz
t21 68 76
l'17/4I8 B Sarvodava Nagar, KANPUR 208005 \21 82 92
tl' R'":i ll lE'l'lL lil3l3,Itld l"'?'i'Xl'i 1621 04
\6 21 17
ltuDection Offices ( With Sal6 Point ):
ol Engineers f rno't i'ai'iiOing'i'Csz Shivaii
"'PUNE 41 1005
Nagar' 5 24 35 .
2 51 71

.=.85i[" rt C";urt. i. .t 6 Chow.inghoo Approoch' P' O Princop

27 68 00
t"'ii"tld-i1",s'""?173o-u"v i, !t Novoltv chombor!' Gr!nr Ro!d' 89 66 28
35 71
otlice in
in Bansalore ir 8t unirv Brildins' Narasimharaia sq'rar.' 22
Bani;loIo 560002 lndla

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