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1. Vocabulary:
-sleeping bag: -first-aid kit - pegs:
-tent: -compass - air mattress
-torch: -rucksack: - light a fire:
-poles: - air pump: - pitch a tent:
2. Match the words and the definitions:
- You do this to find your way. - a sleeping bag.
- You put these in when pitching the tent. - A rucksack
- You do this before going to sleep. - Read a compass.
- You do this when it rains. - A torch.
- A big bag often used by campers. - Pegs
- Something you use to illuminate. - Lay out the bed.
- You are warm when you use this. - Cover your head

3. Verbs
-stop – stopping
- run-
- swim-
- shop-
- study- – studying
- tidy -
- cry -

- play – playing
- stay -
- make-
- dance –

4. Complete with the correct form of the verb.

I’m good at ………………….. ( take ) down the tent.
Yesterday my friend ……………….. (study) English.
He can ………………… ( pitch) a tent but he can’t …………….. (read) a compass.
I love ……………….. (ride ) my bike but I don’t like ……………… (surf).
He is good at ……………….. (sing) but he isn’t good at ……………..… (swim)
She loves ………………. (play) tennis but she doesn’t like ……………… (play ) golf.
Last summer I went …………………..(camp) with my friends.
We will ……… (put) in the pegs and we’ll …………..( pitch) our tents.

4. I’M (not) GOOD AT … (V-ING)

- I’m good at pitching tents.
- I’m not
Ana is good at ………………… but she isn’t good at………………..
Peter is good at ……………….. but he isn’t good at ………………….

5. What will you do at the camp…

- with a compass? I’ll read a compass.
- with a tent?
- with a fire?
- on sunny days?
- on rainy days?


- I love travelling but I don’t like ……………
- Ana likes singing but she hates cooking………………..

7. Complete for you.

My name’s …………….. I’m from………………… in ……………………….. I’m ………. years old.
I love …………………………………… and …………………………….. but I don’t like ……………..
I’m good at …………………………. and …………………………….. but I’m not good at
I’ve got ……………….

8. Read and complete. Campsite – potatoes- compass- laying out- lighting -putting in- pitching – tents-
singing - mountains

I’m on an adventure camp with my friends . It’s great! Our ………………. is in the mountains next to a
small river. There are four families. We’re pitching four …………….. My friend, bob, is
…………………… out tent. I’m……………………….. the pegs. Jane is ………………………..the beds.
This evening, we’re ……………………. a campfire. We’re cooking …………………… on it. Then, we
‘re ……………….. songs around the campfire. Tomorrow, we’re rock climbing in the ………………..
We’re hiking first. Mum’s got the map and the ………………….

9. Think of an adventure camp. What’s it like? What are you doing?

8. JOBS .
- She takes care of people in the hospital. She is a ……………….. , isn’t she?
- He works at the reception. He’s a ……………….
- He works at the theatre. He’s an ………….
- His garden looks beautiful. He’s a ………………
- She works in an office. She’s a ………………….
- He cuts people’s hair . He’s a ……………………..

- I want to become a …………………… because


- Chocolate ( fells / tastes ) ( sour / sweet ), ( does it? / doesn’t it? ) .
- A rose doesn’t ( look / smell ) bad / scary , ( does it? / doesn’t it?
- A fish looks ( wet / scary) . It feels (rough / cold ) . It smells like the (sea) / a lemon.


- The idea is terrible, isn’t it?
- Ana isn’t a teacher,
- He’s very clever,
- You’re 12 years old,
- They are excited,
- The music is loud,
- The lion looks scary,
- The rose doesn’t smell bad,
- Chocolate tastes sweet,

11. SEE YOU!!

See you later!

See you in …
See you on ..

12. Write about yourself.

1. Vocabulary
Elefante: Rinoceronte:
Tigre: Tortuga:
Serpiente: Seal:
Ballena: Meerkat:
Guepardo: Otter:
Pantera: Eagle:


- tall (alto) – taller than - the tallest
- light
- fast
- slow
- long
- dark

- big
- fat
- thin

- heavy
- happy

- intelligent
- beautiful
- dangerous
3. Write five sentences comparing animals.
The lemur is smaller than the lion. // Lemurs are smaller than lions.

4. Write questions and answers.

How tall is the giraffe? It’s five metres tall.
- heavy / the rhino? 1,600 kilogrammes.
- tall / the rhino? 3 metres
- long / snake? 2 metres
- fast/ the cheetah
5. Read and write. Complete
Bigger (X2) longer was were
We went to the wildlife park yesterday.
There was a hippo and its name was Henry. It ……… very old but its mouth was …………………..
than an elephant’s mouth and its body was ………………… than a giraffe’s body.
Henry’s teeth …………….. really big! They were …………….. than my teeth!

5. Write about your favourite animal. Use comparatives.

My favourite animal is

6. Write the questions. Then write the answers.

Are giraffes taller than camels?
Are elephants heavier than whales?
- koalas/ fast/ cheetahs?
- otters / small / seals?

Is the panther faster than the lemur?

- whale / heavy / turtle?
- seal / long / snake?
- rhino / slow / cheetah?

7. Write the numbers:

- 2,010 kilograms:
- 350 kilograms:
- 12 metres:
- 1,013 kilograms


Use the facts to write sentences for a fact file on whales.
1. Introduction: over 70 species/ one of / smart and noisy animals on Earth.
There are …………………………….. of whales in the world. They are
2. Size: largest / 30 metres long / 173 tonnes / bigger / dinosaurs

3. Habitat: in every sea all over the world / migrate from cold to warm waters.

4. Food: fish, krill and tiny shellfish

5. Killer whale- up to 30 years / Blue whale- up to 90 years

1. Read and complete:
- I can buy shampoo in a ……………..
- I can find interesting animals in a ………………..
- I can buy a magazine in a ……………………..
- A ……………….. is where you can study after secondary school.
- A ………………… is where products or goods are made.
- A ………………….. is where you can post a letter.
- A …………………….. is where you call when there’s an emergency.
- A ………………………. Is where you call when there’s a fire.
- A ……………………….. is where you can stay when you visit a new place.
- A ………………………. Is where you wait for the bus.

1. GIVING DIRECTIONS. Write dialogues.

A. How do I get to the stadium?
B. Turn right at the corner and go ……………….. ahead. The stadium is near the restaurant.
A. How

2. CONDITIONAL . Read and complete.

- If I ………………….. (travel) to London, I will take a map with me.
- If you ………………..( visit) a village, you ……………………..(see) a church.
- You …………………… (get lost ) in a city if you ……………… (turn) the wrong way.
- If you ……………….( live) in a village, you ……………………(enjoy) outdoor activities.
- If you ………………. ( be ) in a city, you ……………….. ( see) lots of people.
- If Tom ……………..( go ) to the cinema, he …………………( see) the new fim.
- You ………………….. (like) the stadium if you ………………..( visit ) it.

- If you want to go swimming , you will have to take your swimsuit.

- If you……………………….( want / buy ) a newspaper you will …………………..(have to/go)
to the newsagent.
- If you …………………….. ( want / see) the fim, you will …………………… ( have to / buy) a ticket.
- If Ana …………………….. ( want/ pass) her test, she ……………………..( should/ study)
- If Michael …………………… ( want/ walk) , you ………………………..( should/ go) to the park.

I’m from a small village in Aragon, Spain. There are about 2,500 inhabitants. There’s a swimming pool where
you can go swimming in summer and a football stadium where you can play football. I love playing football!
The swimming park is near the park. The town hall is in the main square. There’s also a beautiful church in
the centre of the village.There isn’t a shopping centre but there are some shops where you can buy food and
some restaurants and pubs. There’s also a sports centre next to the swimming pool. In the past there used to
be a cinema. If you visit my village, you should go to the Shoe Museum. I think that you will like my village!

- How many inhabitants are there?

- When can you go swimming?
- Where can you play football?
- Where is the town hall?
- Where is the church?
- Is there a cinema now?
- What should you visit?


You should go to the doctor’s.


She has to wear a uniform.
He must respect the rules.

10 .MUSTN’T / not allowed – prohibition

You mustn’t smoke.

11. NEEDN’T // DON’T – DOESN’T HAVE TO (No obligation)

They needn’t wait.
She doesn’t have to come

12. USED TO … (Solía) // DIDN’T USE TO ( No solía)

When I was younger I used to watch Doraemon.
When my mum was younger she didn’t use to like broccoli
1. PAST SIMPLE. Write sentences .
- They / miss the bus / yesterday
- She / not pack her bag
- I / pass a test because I / revise . It / make me proud.
- She / open a lunchbox
- She / not remember her juice
- She / drop the ball
- I / go to the park with my friends because it / not rain
- I / kick a ball very hard
- A boy / help me
- We / have omelettes and salad for dinner.
- I / eat my dinner quickly because I / be hungry.
- We / cook / paella yesterday. It / be / difficult.
- They / eat /dumplings? No
- She / like / Felipe’s curry? Yes

- ¿Qué estuviste haciendo ayer por la tarde?
- Estuve viendo una peli en la tele con mi hermano. Fue muy graciosa.
- ¿Qué estuvieron haciendo tus amigos el sábado por la mañana?
- Estuvieron escalando una montaña. Era difícil .
- ¿Qué estuvo haciendo tu hermano antes de cenar?
- Estuvo cocinando estofado y judías.
-They couldn’t ………….. to the beach because it …………… too cold. It ………….. them sad.
-His mum prepared a delicious plate of spaguetti. It ……………. him happy.
-They didn’t swim in the sea because they saw the red …………… It made them ………………
- I played football all day. It made me ……………….
4. Fill the gaps using the verbs in brackets in the past continuous tense.

- He ……………………… (eat) a pizza yesterday at 9 o’clock.

- I ……………………. (do ) my homework yesterday at 7 o’clock.
- He ………………….. ( not write ) a letter yesterday at 6:30.
- What ………… you …………. (do) yesterday at 3 o’clock.

5. Read and rewrite the opposite.

- I was late because I missed the bus.
- We didn’t go outside because it was raining.
- We didn’t miss the competition because we arrived on time.

6. Circle the mistakes and write the sentences correctly.

- Yesterday it weren’t raining so I decide to go to school by bike.
- It take me thirty minutes. I were very tired when I get to school.
- We have Maths first lesson and I fall asleep.
- The teacher didn’t said anything until the end of the lesson.
- When the bell ring , I wake up. My teacher were looking at me! It make me embarrased!!


- You / write / in your diary / last week
- You wrote in your diary last week, didn’t you?
- They / watch / film / last Saturday
- You / make / dinner for your family / yesterday
- You / not forget / your homework / this morning.
- Maria / not have / a party / last year.
-She played a game by ………………, didn’t she?
- They bought a CD by ……………….. ,
- We won the match by ……………………… ,
- I went hiking by …………………….. ,
- He did his homework by ……………………..,

3. PRESENT PERFECT : HAVE // HAS + Past Participle ( -ed) or 3º Column (Irregular Verbs)
- I’ve known my best friend for ten years. ( know)
- He ………………………guitar for two years (practise)
- He ………………………. English for six years . (study)
- They ……………………… here since 2015. (live)
- He ………………………… his homework yet ( not /do)
- He …………………………. his room yet ( not /tidy)
- She ……….. never …………. the clarinet. (play)
- He ………… already………….. this film (see)
- I …………..… just …………….the book (finish)


- Have you ever made dinner for your family?
- Have you ever been late for school?
- Have you ever lost your keys?
- Have you ever ridden a camel?
- How long have you been at this school? I ………………………. at this school for 9 years.
- How long have you studied English?
- How long have you lived in Brea?
- How long have you known your best friend?

5. Read and ask questions . PRESENT PERFECT.

- I’ve forgotten something. What have you forgotten?
- My aunt has sent me an email. What
- I haven’t met him yet. Who

6. Read and complete. just – yet - since - already - for .

-I’ve wanted that CD ……………. a long time - I’ve ……………. read that book. I read it last year.
- I’ve …………. remembered where I saw that film. – We haven’t finished our homework ………… -I
haven’t seen my notebook ……….. I left it on the table.
- Percussion:
- Wind :
- String:

8. What types of music do you like? I like…

- I dislike

What kind of films do you prefer? I prefer…

What kind of films would you rather not see? I’d rather not see …

9.Read. Then complete and answer.

- You haven’t listened to the CD, have you? No, I haven’t X
-Harry can’t run very fast, X
- We haven’t got a test today, X
- You are very intelligent, V
-You were late for school, V
- Your friends didn’t go to the party, X
- They went to the cinema last night, V

13. PAST SIMPLE // PAST CONTINUOUS. Read , circle and translate into Spanish.
- They sang/ were singing karaoke when the music stopped / was stopping.
- The audience were talking / talked when the film beggining/ began.
- I was doing / did my homework when the teacher come / was coming into class .

14. Order to make sentences.

going / cinema / the / to / I / me / when / you / saw / was
surfing / web / the / was / arrived / friend / my / I / when

15. Read and complete.

- I was ……………………(listen) to a country song when she ……………….. (start ) singing.
- They were ……………….. (go) to a pop concert the day I ……………….. (meet) them


- What have you done today? What haven’t you done yet? Write sentences.


- SUGGESTIONS : Shall we go on the big wheel? I’m not sure

What else could we do? We could go on the rollercoaster.

Complete: yet - shall – water park – much –else – where – could

-Hi Tom! …………… we go out?
-OK. ………….. can we go?
- Shall we go to the …………………….?
- I don’t like swimming very ………………..Where ……….. could we go?
- If you like animals, we ……………. go to the Natural Histoy Museum.
- Great! I haven’t been there ……………!!

Write your own sentences.

-Shall we
- What else
- I’m hungry! Shall
- It’s raining! We could
- If you like animals we could
- If it snows a lot we

Write a dialogue.

2. MAY / MIGHT . She may / might go to the cinema. ( Puede que ella vaya al cine)- POSSIBILITY
May I use your pen? ( ¿Podría usar tu boli?) FORMAL PERMISSION

- Puede que llueva_

- Puede que nieve-
- Puede que vayamos al cine.
- Puede que yo vaya a la playa-
- ¿Podría abrir la ventana?
- ¿Podría él ir contigo?


- What …………. you do tomorrow?
First, I’ll go to the castle. Then, ………… go to the museum. Last,

- Where ……….. he go first, then and last?

- Where ………… you go next weekend? What ………… you do?
- What will you …………. at the aquarium?

3. PLACES. Complete
I love going to the …………………. because I love swimming.
We liked going to the …………………….. because we saw a lot of beautiful fish.
The ………………………. was great! We climbed over the old walls.
I liked…………………………………. because there were a lot of dinosaurs.
The ………………….was fun, but the queen wasn’t there.
I love going to but I don’t like
UNITS 7 -8
Un astronauta: Un extraterrestre: Un satélite: Brilliant:
Un planeta: Una nave espacial: Boosters: Complicated
Una cometa:: Una estrella: Amazing:
La Luna: Un cohete: Frightening:

2. Translate into Spanish:

-We should go outside tonight to see the stars.
- It’s cold. We ought to wear our jackets!
- We’d better get ready.
- We need to wear our jacket.
- She needs to wake up early.

3. Translate into English:

- Yo debería hacer má s deporte.
- Mi amigo debería leer má s libros.
- ¿Qué libro es el má s difícil? “Space” es el má s difícil .
- Yo pienso que Ciencias es má s interesante que mú sica. Es la asignatura má s interesante.
- Yo creo que E.F es menos complicado que Mates. Es la asignatura menos complicada.
- Yo creo que el pez es el menos inteligente.
4. Read and write the questions.
- (when)
- She came last year.
- (where)
- She came from Mexico.
- She’s my teacher.
- (How)
She came by train.
- He’s an important astronaut.
- (Where)
- He went to the Moon.
- (How)
He went by rocket.
-It’s a telescope.

4. Write the questions.

a) How often do you
- I need to do my homework every day.
B) Why
- They should try the new restaurant because it’s amazing.
- We should hurry up because we might be late.
It’s our teacher who says we need to take more tests

5. Write.
I’m taller than my sister- He says that
She likes travelling- She says that
We went to see our granny. They say that
The sky is really clear and we can see the stars They say
6. Write questions. Then answer.
a) he / collect / rubbish / street?
- Is he going
b) They / protect / environment?
c) mum / reuse / plastic bags / supermarket?
d) you / use / less water / do the washing up?
E) we / plant / trees / school?
f) you/ turn off / computer?

Translate into English.

Yo voy a reciclar papel porque necesitamos proteger nuestro medioambiente.
- É l va a usar transporte pú blico.
Ella va a reciclar botellas para ahorrar recursos.
Si yo vuelvo a usar bolsas de plá stico, reduciré los desperdicios.
Si tú usas transporte pú blico, reducirá s la contaminació n.
Si tú apagas las luces, conservará s energía .
Si tú reciclas botellas, ahorraremos recursos.
Si reciclamos papel, salvaremos á rboles.
Si recogemos basura, mantendremos el planeta limpio.

What can you do to protect our environment?

I can

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