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Kutkut (also known as kitkit or Ekka-Dokka) is a traditional Bangladeshi game, mostly

played in rural areas. It is similar to hopscotch. The rules of the game are passed along
from one generation to another, and they vary slightly in different regions.

Number of players:
At least 2

To start:
Draw out a grid of squares.

1. Throw a small stone into one square.
2. Hop into that square and push the stone out with your foot.
3. Continue to hop around the outer squares repeating 'kit-kit-kit'
4. When you have jumped around all of the squares, jump onto the
stone to complete a round.
5. Let the next player go.

Your turn ends if:

- the stone touches the lines within the grid
- you stop repeating “kit-kit-kit”
- you stand on two feet
- you miss the stone at the end

The winner is the person to successfully complete all of the squares.

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