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DATE: 14.8.

L-12 Plants and their care
1. Name the two main systems that plants have.
Ans. The two main systems that plants have are, the root system and the
shoot system
2. What type of root system does wheat plant have?
Ans. Wheat plants have fibrous root system.
1. Name two plants that have (a) storage roots (b) modified stem.
Ans. (a) Storage roots: Examples are carrot and radish.
(b)Modified stem: Examples are potato and ginger.
2. What is the shoot system? What does it consist of?
Ans. Shoot system: The part of the plant that grows above the ground is
called the shoot system. It consists of the stem, branches, leaves, flowers
and fruits.
1. What are the functions of roots?
Ans. Functions of the roots are
1. Roots fix the plant firmly to the ground. This prevents the plant from
being pulled out easily or blown away by the wind.
2. They absorb water and minerals from the soil.
3. Some roots store food prepared by the plants for example carrot, radish,
beetroot etc. We eat these roots.
4. Roots of some plants provide additional support to the plant for
example in Banyan tree many rope-like growths hang down from its
bigger branches. These are special roots. They act like pillars and support
the heavy branches of the tree.
2. What are the functions of the (a) Stem (b) Leaf (c) Flower (d) Seed
Ans. (a) Stem: Functions of the stem are
i) It carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves.
ii) It carries prepared food from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
iii) It stores food in some plants. Stems of these plants grow below the
ground. These stems are called underground modified stems.
(b) Leaf: It manufacture food for the plant.
(c) Flower: The main function of flowers is to produce fruits and seeds.
(d) Seed: It provides food to the new plant.

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