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Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194

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Representing instructional design methods using ontologies and rules

Christian Vidal-Castro a,⇑, Miguel-Ángel Sicilia b, Manuel Prieto c
Universidad del Bio-Bio, Avda. Collao 1202, 4081112 Concepción, Chile
Universidad de Alcalá, Ctra. Barcelona km. 33.6, 28871 Madrid, Spain
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Po. de la Universidad 4, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Instructional design theories are design theories that offer explicit guidance on how to help people to
Received 29 September 2010 learn in specific situation. They can be used to guide the design of learning activities and the arrangement
Received in revised form 2 March 2012 of associated resources. These theories are currently expressed in natural language, but they are often
Accepted 1 April 2012
given some structure in terms of methods and conditions. Tools supporting theory-based instructional
Available online 9 April 2012
design require formal models of these theories to be expressed in languages with computational seman-
tics, thus allowing their processing. Recent research has resulted in ontologies describing theory-neutral
learning activity sequences and resources in accordance with proposed standards like IMS LD, but these
Instructional design
are not sufficient for building instructional design aid tools. This paper describes the use of formal ontol-
IMS LD ogies to partially represent instructional design methods in a form that can be used to build such support-
OWL ing tools. Combining ontologies describing learning activities in a learning design with rules and
SWRL constraints, it is possible to encode some forms of instructional design. This paper describes such an
approach using OWL and SWRL. The approach has been evaluated by building a catalogue of instructional
design methods expressed in these languages, obtained from a systematic extraction from a catalogue of
instructional design theories. The practical utility of the ontological schema is demonstrated by means of
a relevant case study.
Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction these are presented using various media such as hypertext and
multimedia (text, images, audio and video), usually structured
Diverse kinds of technologies have been used in e-learning, with a view to producing reusable learning objects (LO) [11].
some aimed at supporting learners and others at supporting teach- According to the IEEE LOM standard an LO is any digital or non-dig-
ers and instructors. Regarding the former, support for students is ital entity that can be used to learn, educate or teach. The ultimate
reflected in efforts to improve the platforms and media used to goal of learning resources is to enable and enhance learning, but a
achieve student learning by adapting them to their characteristics large amount of these resources lack any defined instructional
and learning needs [1]. Examples include intelligent and adaptive strategy, which causes many of them to fail in their goals [47].
learning systems or collaborative learning systems. The latter use The concept of Learning Design (LD) is defined as the applica-
technology to give assistance to instructors in devising learning tion of instructional design knowledge to develop a unit of learning
activities or resources, or in supporting the tutoring and assess- [25]. In another sense, ‘‘learning design’’ refers to the device result-
ment of learning experiences. In e-learning environments, teachers ing from the design process, i.e. the plan, learning resources, the
perform various activities [37] including the development and ordering of activities and the tools required to carry out a particu-
publishing of resources in repositories or Learning Management lar learning experience [24]. The IMS LD specification permits the
Systems platforms, thus helping students to solve problems and modelling of such learning process specifications. Through an
themselves to manage the learning process and assess student per- IMS LD instance, resources, learning objectives, prerequisites, com-
formance. To support these activities, several computer-supported ponents such as roles, activities, environments consisting of LOs
techniques such as knowledge models [6], design tools [4], data and services, methods, plays, acts and role-parts are specified
mining [38] and intelligent systems [18] have been reported and arranged. However, this specification does not allow the
elsewhere. recording in digital form of the decisions or the instructional de-
The design of learning resources is an essential activity in sign methods used in the construction of an LD [41].
instructional design. From the perspective of learning contents, The construction of learning resources, more particularly of LDs,
requires disciplined approaches. Instructional Engineering [32] is
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +56 412731273; fax: +56 412731290. one method that uses a systematic approach to producing learning
E-mail address: (C. Vidal-Castro). systems. Founded in Software Engineering, Knowledge Engineering

0950-7051/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194 181

and instructional design, it facilitates the systematic development first complete case study demonstrating the applicability of the ap-
of the resources by providing methods and tools which come from proach for practical purposes in a domain in which mature domain
software development. It offers support for the management of ontologies are already in place.
development, i.e. it considers the method, its phases, its stages, The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews
its activities, its metrics and resources involved. such key aspects of the background to this research as instructional
All these techniques can be used to support the design process. design, Educational Modelling Languages and ontological repre-
Instructional Engineering also uses methods from the field of edu- sentations of IMS-LD specification. Section 3 explains the reasons
cation. An example of these are the Instructional Design Theories for using ontological language to represent IDT methods. Section
(IDT) methods which attempt to guide the designer in the con- 4 presents the objectives, assumptions and approach used when
struction of learning resources. According to Reigeluth [36], an modelling and also describes the definition of a rule-based cata-
IDT is a theory that offers explicit guidance on how to help people logue of IDT methods. Section 5 then shows fragments of represen-
to learn. Some of these theories have been used to support resource tations that are part of that catalogue. Section 6 presents a case
development in e-learning [29]. Apparently, there is an ever-grow- study to demonstrate the usefulness of the catalogue. Finally, con-
ing need in e-learning to use IDT to construct learning resources. clusions are drawn and scope for future work is suggested.
However, ID theories are currently expressed in natural lan-
guage (in books, articles, etc.) and not in the sort of computational
2. Background
semantics that would make them usable when building intelligent
computer tools. If representations were available written in com-
This section describes aspects of instructional design, educa-
putational semantics, they could be read by software.
tional languages and IMS LD specification that are of importance
Knowledge Engineering provides techniques of representation
to understanding the approach described in the paper. In addition,
and knowledge acquisition that are useful for design purposes.
studies reporting ontological representations for IMS-LD are
From a broader perspective, it provides many artificial intelligence
techniques such as model-based personalisation, intelligent sys-
tems and techniques based on ontologies and semantic web [39]
More specifically, semantic web technologies can be used to build 2.1. Instructional design
shareable knowledge models based on open standards such as the
W3C OWL recommendation. According to Berners-Lee et al. [5], Instructional Design (ID) is the systematic application of theo-
‘‘the Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which ries and principles that guide the design of learning resources. IDTs
information has a well-defined meaning, more understandable by help us to know how the body of knowledge is organised for use in
computers, and where people work cooperatively’’. In this sense, the learning process [12]. The use of IDT offers guidance for the
which encompasses technologies used in recent times, ontologies construction of learner resources by considering elements of the
enable the meaning of things on the web to be defined better. They instructional context and the learner’s learning goals. In contrast
are designed so that this meaning can be processed by machines to learning theories, ID theories are prescriptive: they are oriented
and humans on account of to their formal semantics [19]. The to design and identify methods and contexts of use [36]. Their
use of ontologies in the context of semantic web technologies is methods can be broken down into sub-methods. ID methods are
more oriented to delivering meaning to machines so that auto- more probabilistic than deterministic, meaning that the use of
matic systems can read and use that knowledge. Semantics are ex- none of them ensures the achievement of objectives, but rather in-
pressed through description logics. In this context, languages based creases the chances of achieving them. The situation of use refers
on RDF have evolved in the last years, allowing for the sharing of to certain elements of context that influence the choice of methods,
ontologies. OWL, the ontology language recommended by the elements like instructional objectives and instructional conditions.
World Wide Web Consortium, exploits many of the capabilities According to the goals of this research, the characteristic of divi-
of description logic, including a well-defined semantics and some sion into submethods becomes beneficial for the analysis and mod-
techniques for practical reasoning. Another important language is elling of ID methods.
SWRL (Semantic Web Rules Language) which enables rules to be Reigeluth compiled numerous instructional design theories in
defined for ontologies. It is a language which allows the description ‘‘Instructional-Design Theories and Models, Volume II: A new para-
of the knowledge deductible from the ontological structure by rea- digm of Instructional Theory’’, converting his work into a major
soning about rules [7]. OWL allows to build hierarchies of concepts source of knowledge about these theories, which include: Learning
defined through a language of axioms, facilitates interpretation By Doing, Collaborative Problem Solving, Landamatics for Teaching
based on reasoning, describes concepts and relationships with General Methods of Thinking, Multiple Intelligences, Instructional
other concepts. SWRL adds an additional layer of expressiveness Transaction theory and Elaboration theory.
which enables to define rules of inference to be defined in these Moreover, applying IDT methods requires a disciplined ap-
models [30]. proach to indicating, for example, the sequence of activities and
What motivates our research is the need to represent instruc- the results of each stage. Instructional design process models allow
tional theories in an interoperable and machine-understandable instructional systems to be created from a system perspective [28],
form for the practical purpose of building advanced instructional covering stages ranging from analysis to implementation and eval-
design tools. This paper presents an approach to the representation uation. Some models propose a linear sequence for these activities,
of methods of instructional design theories using semantic web while other recommend models that consider iterations and incre-
technology. Using an ontology of the IMS LD standard as a base mental developments.
representation of the design outcomes, we specify representations One of the most widely used ID model is ADDIE (Analysis, De-
in a computer-understandable form that can be used by theory- sign, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). ADDIE is re-
aware software. The approach followed consists in analysing each garded as a simplified model for learning resource construction
of the methods described as components of existing instructional [34]. Other examples of these methods are ASSURE [17], ARCS
design theories and expressing them in a combination of OWL [20] and Dick et al. [9]. However, these models focus on phases
and SWRL as far as is possible. In continuation of previous research and do not provide guidance to the designer when making deci-
[44], this work provides a complete catalogue following the gen- sions about whether a method is applicable in some context or give
eral modelling directions already established. It also provides a details of how to perform the activities.
182 C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194

2.2. Educational languages and IMS-LD vices to organisations or communities which want to share and re-
use the results of their LD [14]. In general, there is consensus that
Rawlings et al. [35] define an Educational Modelling Language the use of editors and tools for implementation of LD is not easy.
as ‘‘A semantic information model and binding, describing the con- While it is true that most users need not deal with the underlying
tent and process within a unit of learning from a pedagogical per- XML structure or interfaces of the editors, their use is not yet
spective in order to support reuse and interoperability’’. widespread.
Most of these languages use XML as a language binding,
although some have attribute/element owners which do not have 2.3. IMS-LD ontologies
a high level of interoperability and reusability. There are two dis-
tinct language groups: those which do not consider the existence The IMS-LD specification was formally modelled using XML-
of a pedagogical model, as is the case of LMML, CDF, Targeteam Schema. However, this language has difficulties of expression
and TML and those which satisfy the definition of an educational when it comes to describing the semantics associated with the ele-
modelling language. This latter group includes PALO and OUNL- ments of IMS-LD [2]. These difficulties include: the explicit defini-
EML. Other languages have emerged to date, some with graphical tion of relationship hierarchies; the formal definition of constraints
notations, such as MOT + [33], which is considered a visual lan- between concepts, relationships and attributes; and the establish-
guage that assists in instructional scenario modelling by means ment of mathematical properties of relations such as symmetry
of the MISA method. and transitivity and taxonomic properties such as disjoint and
OUNL-EML, or simply EML (Educational Modelling Language) exhaustive classes. The use of formal ontological language may im-
was developed by the Open University of the Netherlands with prove the expressiveness of the semantics contained in IMS-LD
the intention of providing a semantic notation for units of learning specification.
for use in e-learning [23]. EML was one of the first educational The IMS-LD ontology proposed by Lama et al. [26] provides an
modelling languages to allowed instructional design to be inte- ontological representation of this specification. It describes the
grated and to express pedagogical strategies such as problem- structure and sequence of learning activities, roles, services, re-
based learning, portfolios or collaborative learning [22]. sources, among others. The ontology includes taxonomic relation-
EML introduces the concept of UoL (Unit of Learning) as the ships and formal axioms. The taxonomy of concepts includes
smallest unit that provides events to meet instructional objectives. concepts such as learning design, learning objective, prerequisite,
A UoL includes learning activities, communication facilities, moni- method, play, role, role-part, act, environment, learning object
toring and mentoring, search and workflow [23]. and activities. Additionally, the semantics expressed in the specifi-
OUNL-EML, and its subsequent integration into IMS-LD, is re- cation is modelled by formal axioms expressed in first-order logic.
garded as one of the most important initiatives in the direction Another ontology that relates LDs with LOs has been presented
of the integration of instructional design in e-learning. by Knight et al. [21] in a study adopting three ontologies: an ontol-
IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) is an open standard that is used ogy based on IMS-LD, a LOs content ontology, and an ontology that
to encode a wide range of digital courses in a formal, semantically links up with the first two, the aim being to link LOs descriptors
interoperable and machine-understandable way [24]. This specifi- with their possible contexts of use.
cation incorporates other specifications such as IMS Content Pack-
aging, IMS QTI and IMS RDCE, and has become the de facto
standard for describing designs and UoL [3]. 3. Reasons for using ontology languages to support
IMS LD enables learning processes to be modelled and interac- instructional design
tive communication between the actors involved. It basically de-
fines who, when, where, how and what resources, services and The ID process for the construction of LDs is not a trivial pro-
learning activities are to be used. It allows learning scenario to cess. This is due, among other factors, to the nature of instructional
be modelled and various pedagogical approaches to be imple- design and human learning. The following are some of the prob-
mented. All the elements contemplated in the IMS LD specification lems related to the learning design:
can be modelled using design level A, considered to be the simplest
level. The next level, B, considers the model of conditions, proper- (1) Different positions or educational foundations can be used
ties, services and global elements. Level C allows notifications to be depending on the epistemological principles or theories
used. used to understand human learning [43].
IMS LD is agnostic to instructional design theories, so it can sup- (2) Learning design may be regarded as a problem of ‘‘expand-
port the use of a wide range of e-learning pedagogies and facili- able rationality’’ [45], causing expansions of the problem in
tates the reuse of teaching practices rather than the reuse of relation to the initial requirements.
content [15]. It permits the result of the design process to be ex- (3) Learning is not deterministic, nonstatic and nondiscrete. It is
pressed, but not the rules, guidelines or instructional methods fol- a process that evolves, each learner building its own learning
lowed when creating a LD [41]. differently. Learning is not observable, since it is a process
As far as tools are concerned, the goal of the design process is that occurs ‘‘in the mind’’ of each learner [45].
the creation of an LD. In general the tools are classified into author- (4) Learning design may include numerous combinations of
ing tools and execution servers. Authoring tools, or editors, provide materials, activities and an endless amount of usable
support for designers in the tasks of developing a LD. These tools resources.
differ in levels of support for the specification, the use of tree-based
interfaces or graphics, and the level of compliance with the stan- All this means that learning design requires open rationality
dard in the UoL generated, among others. However, all of them [42]. As a result, several design solutions may exist for the same
generate a encoded LD in XML schema. A second group of tools learning objective.
are called execution machines. These work as servers on which However, some opportunities have Arisien for incorporating
the UoL is executed by users. Users assume some of the roles de- technology to support this process thanks to such factors as:
fined in LD interacting through the implementation of activities.
Also worth mentioning is a third group of tools for managing (1) The existence of a standard for expressing learning designs, a
UoL stored in a repository. These tools are intended to provide ser- case in point being IMS-LD. The use of IMS-LD provides:
C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194 183

 A common language to express learning activities, which logue of ID theories. The catalogue could be used as a knowledge
takes account of activities, participants, roles, and base for systems that require the use of knowledge regarding the
resources grouped according to a target. All components application of certain IDT. For example, when applying Reigeluth’s
are structured in a scheme that can be interpreted sequencing theory, a theory-aware tool could guide the LD de-
correctly. signer towards using broader concepts first.
 High expression and correct interpretation by systems
4. Assumptions and modelling approach
that can run. That is to say, it can represent any learning
activity by generating XML-based schema which can be
This section presents the goals that guide this research as well
understood by computers.
as the assumptions used in modelling. It also sets out a formal def-
 Flexibility to support different instructional methods and
inition of the catalogue and the approach used to incorporating
approaches such as active learning, collaborative learn-
representations of theories.
ing, competency-based learning [24]. As an educational
language IMS-LD allows the creation of learning scenar- 4.1. Goals and assumptions used in modelling
ios but does not record the use of a given method in
developing instructional resources The objective of modelling is to have formal representations of
 The LD resulting from the design process is a resource ID methods to be used by tools to guide the application of a specific
that can be shared and compared to confront other IDT. This could be achieved by building design templates or wiz-
designs. It collects the knowledge used by the designer ards, for example. Additionally, the representations could serve
to achieve a goal in a particular instruction context. as a knowledge base for systems that perform validation of confor-
(2) It is possible to use artificial intelligence techniques to sup- mance to a particular IDT. This would determine whether a LD
port the process in order to provide some degree of automa- meets the guidelines of the methods. Other uses of the representa-
tion. More particularly, through knowledge representation it tions are related to assistance in LD searches in repositories by
can model the knowledge used by an expert designer and facilitating reuse of designs.
treat this representation as a knowledge base for intelligent As already mentioned, on the basis of Sicilia et al. [44]’s pro-
systems that support the design process. posal, it is possible to encode instructional design methods using
(3) The availability of IDT, which are practice-oriented theories, a formal ontology that represents LDs. For example, the Elabora-
can guide design with the aid of methods and guidelines tion theory method ‘‘Teach broader, more inclusive concepts before
used in certain contexts. If these methods were represented the narrower, more detailed concepts that elaborate upon them’’ can
in a computable semantics they could be used by intelligent be represented by analysing the concepts considered in the LD,
systems to assist in design [44]. which include other concepts. However, not all guides described
in the methods can be encoded using a formal language. For exam-
Our research points to the lack of any formal language to ex- ple, the method from multiple intelligence theory ‘‘Pick representa-
press ID methods used in the construction of LDs. The representa- tions that capture important aspects of the topic’’ relies on one’s
tion of knowledge from IDT can be useful for designers of e- knowing what kind of representations are better at capturing
learning environments, and some studies have used ontologies as important aspects of the topic, and this is difficult as it depends
models of this type of knowledge [42,16]. Efforts to dispose of on the interpretation of representations and topics. In conse-
instructional model representations using formal ontology lan- quence, when we use the ontology and rule representation of the
guage are crucial to supporting the design process through the- theory for checking a concrete design (for example, one described
ory-aware systems. using IMS LD), the outcome of the checking cannot amount to full
Currently there are not languages which enable ID methods to conformance with the instructional theory, but only partial or pro-
be represented in a computationally processable language. One visional conformance. We will therefore use the concept of provi-
ontology, called Omnibus which sought to cover a broad spectrum sional conformance to refer to an LD’s compliance with the
of educational theories, was presented by Bourdeau et al. [8] and is guidelines of ID methods: ‘‘A concrete Learning Design LD, expressed
described in detail by Hayashi et al. [16]. It proposes an ontological in a digital educational description language, is provisionally confor-
infrastructure that allows designers to use knowledge of learning mant to the IDModel A if there exists a legal interpretation Li of A in
and instructional theories. terms of the description language and LD fulfills all the constraints
The ontology links a unit of learning with learning paradigms, contained in Li’’. This definition of conformity for a LD is tentative,
learning theories, and instructional theories. The ontology was because representation methods could be improved in the future.
built using the Hozo editor1 and was not originally designed to However, future improvements in formal languages could
use with semantic web languages. Its classes represent multiple ele- strengthen the expression of legal interpretations, which might
ments of a learning process as learning events, phases of DI models lead to the partial or full representation in the future of a method
and instructional foundations. But it is a proposal which is not fo- now classified as unrepresented.
cused on modelling DI methods and furthermore poses problems Moreover, according to Reigeluth, IDT are composed of methods
of compatibility with IMS-LD standard, thus hampering interopera- that can be decomposed into other more specific methods. The
bility and use by other software. methods are designed to be used under certain conditions or con-
Sicilia et al. [44], provided the starting point for developing a texts, but this point is not considered in this work.
language for instructional models. Their proposal used a formal For the creation of the ID methods catalogue IMS-LD ontology
ontology to represent the outputs of design process, i.e. a LD. ID will be used [2], thus enabling a LD to be represented (instantiated)
methods were used as constraints to the structure and contents a LD. This ontology, expressed in OWL, contains descriptions of
of the ontology. learning activities and their structure could be used as the basis
The main objective of the present work is to represent multiple of constraints and rules for representing IDT [44].
ID theories using formal ontologies, forming what we call a cata- The IMS-LD Ontology is composed of 3 sub-ontologies:

 ld.owl: Represents concepts and relationships associated with

the organisation of the elements of an LD according to the stan-
1, consulted on July 22th 2010. dard IMS-LD.
184 C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194

 uol.owl: Represents and organises concepts and relationships The SWRL language is used to define rules in ontologies [30].
connected with the resources associated with LD. The rules represent guidelines indicated in ID methods. Thus, ID
 lom.owl: Represents the standard IEEE-LOM metadata for learn- methods represented in the form of rules become restrictions to
ing objects used by the LD. the ontological structure of LD.

Table 1 describes some of the information stored in each sub- 4.2. Modelling approach used
ontology as well as the namespace used for each.
The review and study of source documentation (books and
other bibliography) enabled a rule-based catalogue of ID theory
to be compiled. Through a process of elicitation, based on docu-
Table 1
ment review techniques, rules were extracted that represent part
Extract the information stored in each sub-ontology.
of the methods of ID theory. The criterion for the selection of the-
LD elements Sub- Namespace ories included in the catalogue was related to the possibilities of
representation in formal language and their application in e-learn-
Acts of each play defined in LD method, which ld.owl ld ing environments. As for the methodology adopted for modelling a
contains learning activities performed by roles
theory, the activities performed are listed in Table 2.
(participants), their environments and services
Resources associated with the activities, taking uol.owl uol
account of learning objectives, learning objects, 4.3. Catalogue definition
prerequisite and feedback
Metadata information of IEEE-LOM associated with lom.owl lom The catalogue of ID theory (C) is defined as the set formed by
the union of theories represented:
[ [
C ¼ fT 1 T2 T3    [ T ng ð1Þ
Table 2
In abbreviated form it is expressed as follows:
Activities for modelling each ID theory.
Activities Description C¼ Ti ð2Þ
Preliminary Documentation review of the theory to be represented,
review analysing the scope for modelling for its methods. Those where Ti is the representation of each ID theory and n is the total of
methods were selected whose representation was most represented theories.
A represented theory (T) is defined as the union of all methods
Analysis Identification of those methods that could be
represented completely or partially, as well as of those that compose:
methods that are common to other theories. Discussion [ [ [
of their reuse
T ¼ fM 1 M2 M3    Mp g ð3Þ
Representation of Identification of guides described in methods are
methods identified and adoption as SWRL rules Expressed in short form:
Validation Preliminary validation of method representing rules [
Addition to the Inclusion of set of rules into catalogue
T¼ Mi ð4Þ
catalogue i¼1::p

Fig. 1. Relationship between IDT catalogue and other ontological structures.

C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194 185

where Mi is the representation of each method of an ID theory and p This rule uses the concept-include property to verify that a
is the total of represented methods. KnowledgeItem includes another one. The DifferentFrom ( )
Method representation (M) is defined as the set formed by the predicate is included to ensure that instances are not same, accord-
union of rules that represent their guides: ing to the open world assumption. If the rule complies, rr:great-
[ [ [
M ¼ fr 1 r2 r3    rqg ð5Þ erDepth property is set to ‘‘true’’ value.
An important aspect mentioned above is that the representation
Expressed in reduced form: partially covers the modelling methods. That is, complete model-
M¼ ri ð6Þ ling with formal languages is not feasible for all methods. Thus,
i¼1::q two levels of representation for ID methods were defined: full
where ri represents each rule of a method and q is the total of rules and partial. The category unrepresented had also to be added. This
that model the method whether completely or partially. category identifies those methods for which no practical rule-
A feature of the catalogue is that there are rules that are com- based representation has been found to date. Table 3 shows some
mon to several theories or used to represent different methods in examples of these three categories.
a same theory. This set is called common rules. Some partially represented methods use ambiguous qualifiers
Fig. 1 shows the relationship between IDT catalogue and other such as ‘‘moderately complex’’ or ‘‘enough’’. In the current represen-
ontological structures. tation, conventions are used to model this kind of ambiguity. For
example, a moderately complex concept corresponds to those that
5. Some representations of ID theories have more than two deep level in relation to the concepts they in-
clude or to those which include more than one concept, at least one
This section shows fragments of IDT representation. Currently, of which has at least one deep level. Currently, SWRL language
the catalogue includes 3 represented theories: Elaboration theory does not support ambiguity in representation. However, in future
[36], Multiple Intelligences [13] and Learning by Doing [40]. These extensions fuzzy representations could be incorporated to repre-
representations are part of the rule-based catalogue of IDT methods. sent ambiguous categories, and thus serve to improve the cata-
logue [31,46].
5.1. Characteristics of the rules used in the representation The common rules are used to represent methods that have been
found to be applicable in the context of different theories. For exam-
The rules were constructed after considering the ontological ple, the method of Learning by Doing theory that says ‘‘Must have
structure for representing the standard IMS-LD. Other ontological decision points with consequences that become evident’’ could share
structures (see Fig. 1]), which are not part of the IMS-LD ontology, a rule with the method ‘‘Give students some choice as to which versions
were also necessary for the rules to be represented: of the task to learn next’’ from Elaboration theory.
In this case, after considering a partial representation of both
 Some IDTs require a domain ontology. For example, Reigeluth’s methods, the following rule might be common to both:
sequencing theory requires the identification of broader topics,
ld : Methodð?mÞ ^ ld : Playð?pÞ ^ ld : play  refð?m;?pÞ ^ ld
thus necessitating a domain ontology. Gene Ontology [10] is
: act  refð?p;?acÞ ^ ld : Actð?acÞ ^ ld : Role  Partð?rpÞ^
another example of such ontologies, this time from the domain of
genetics. These ontological structures are external to the catalogue ld : role  part  refð?ac; ?rpÞ ^ ld : LearningActivity
and can be reused to support the representation of certain IDTs. ð?laÞ ^ ld : execution  entity  refð?rp; ?laÞ ^ ld
 Topics general schema. This is a schema that represents the top- : On  Completion  Unitð?ocÞ ^ ld : on  completion
ics or concepts considered in a LD. It is related to the learning  refð?la; ?ocÞ ^ ld : complete  unit  of  learning
objective that points to a topic of domain ontology. In the onto- ð?oc;user  choiceÞ ! rr : userChoice  LActivityrule
logical structure of the catalogue this schema is identified by ð?m;“true”Þ
tgs (topics general schema) namespace.
 A scheme to represent the results of reasoning. For example, According to the structure of IMS LD, a method contains one or
greaterDepth property records a ‘‘true’’ or ‘‘false’’ indicating more plays and they have one or more acts. The role-part structure
whether the rule was satisfied or not. This structure is identified links an act with both a role and learning activity. The learning activ-
by rr (rules results) namespace. ities are referenced by LD: execution-entity-ref relation. By
property ld: on-completion-ref it is possible to define how
Classes, properties and restrictions defined in ontology are used. the LD behaves after each learning activity.
For example, the depth of the method ‘‘Select fewer topics to treat The previous rule states that at the end of an activity, the learner
them in greater depth’’ from Multiple Intelligences theory was mod- can choose the next activity to perform. This rule enables the scope
elled in relation to the terms it includes. The depth generates a for decision to be modelled in forthcoming student learning activities.
hierarchy of knowledge items related to learning objectives. For There are also rules that are used in different method represen-
this case a topic was considered to be of ‘‘greater depth’’ if it has tations of the same theory. For example, consider the method from
more than 2 deep levels. The following rule represents this situa- Elaboration Theory: ‘‘Group concepts and their supporting content
tion. Of course, this implementation can have other interpretations into learning episodes that are not so large as to make review and
based on other considerations than concept hierarchy depth. synthesis difficult but are not so small as to break up the flow of the
learning process’’. In general, it has some similarity with the method
tgs : KnowledgeItemð?c1Þ ^ tgs : KnowledgeItemð?c2Þ ^ tgs ‘‘Groupsteps/ principles and their supporting content into learning epi-
: KnowledgeItemð?c3Þ ^ tgs : KnowledgeItemð?c4Þ ^ tgs sodes’’. Although the first method may require other additional
: concept  includesð?c1;?c2Þ ^ tgs : concept rules, the following rule may be applied to both:
 includesð?c2;?c3Þ ^ tgs : concept  includesð?c3; ?c4Þ^ ld : Methodð?mÞ ^ ld : Playð?pÞ ^ ld : play  refð?m; ?pÞ ^ ld
differentFromð?c1; ?c2Þ ^ differentFromð?c1;?c3Þ^
: act  refð?p; ?ac1Þ ^ ld : act  refð?p; ?ac2Þ ^ ld
differentFromð?c1; ?c4Þ ^ differentFromð?c2;?c3Þ^
: Actð?ac1Þ ^ ld : Actð?ac2Þ ^ differentFromð?ac1; ?ac2Þ
differentFromð?c2; ?c4Þ ^ differentFromð?c3;?c4Þ
! rr : greaterDepthð?c1;“true”Þ
! rr : has2actsð?m; “true”Þ
186 C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194

Table 3
Example of methods with complete and partial representation.

ID theory Method/submethod SWRL rule Observation

Elaboration Give students some choice as ld:Method(?m) ^ Fully represented. Both rules can
to which concepts to elaborate ld:Play(?p) ^ represent the directions of the
upon first/next ld:play-ref(?m, ?p) ^ method in the sense that
ld:On-Completion-Unit(?oc) ^ students can choose the next
ld:on-completion-ref(?p, ?oc) ^ play and act of LD
complete-unit-of-learning(?oc, "user-choice")
? rr:userChoice-play(?m, "true")
ld:Method(?m) ^
ld:Play(?p) ^
ld:play-ref(?m, ?p) ^
ld:Act(?ac1) ^
ld:act-ref(?p, ?ac1) ^
ld:On-Completion-Unit(?oc) ^
ld:on-completion-ref(?ac1, ?oc) ^
complete-unit-of-learning(?oc, "user-choice")
? rr:userChoice-act(?m, "true")

Learning by Doing Must allow enough uol:Learning-Object (?lo) ^ Partially represented. It identifies
opportunities to practice the uol:Metadata (?m) ^ several types of learning objects
skill and seek the knowledge uol:metadata-ref (?lo, ?m) ^ that allow skills to be practiced
lom:LOM (?lom) ^ skills and the knowledge to be
uol:metadata-description (?m, ?lom) ^ sought. However, the ambiguity
lom:Educational (?edu) ^ of the qualifier ‘‘enough’’ makes
lom:educational-ref (?lom, ?edu) ^ representation difficult
lom:learningresourcetype (?lo, "exer")?
practiceSkill (?lo, "true")
uol:Learning-Object (?lo) ^
uol:Metadata (?m) ^
uol:metadata-ref (?lo, ?m) ^
lom:LOM (?lom) ^
uol:metadata-description (?m, ?lom) ^
lom:Educational (?edu) ^
lom:educational-ref (?lom, ?edu) ^
lom:learningresourcetype (?lo, "simulation")
? practiceSkill (?lo, "true")

Multiple Intelligences Resists the temptation to None Unrepresented. This theory

represent the topic in one generated multiple forms of
‘‘optimal’’ mode content representation thus
making it difficult to know
which was optimal

Assuming a certain similarity between the concept ‘‘learning representation using this approach. Their representation requires
episode’’ and an act of an LD, this rule verifies that the LD has at extra knowledge about the learning process. For example, consider
least two acts in its structure. the method ‘‘For procedural task focus on teaching steps; for heuris-
tics task focus on teaching principles; and for combination task teach
5.2. Elaboration theory modelling both steps and principles – in accordance with the way experts thing
about the task’’. In this case, IMS LD standard does not differentiate
This section shows in greater detail the representation of Elab- explicitly between procedural task or heuristics task, so that the
oration theory. Elaboration theory has three main methods: (1) representation of this method is beyond the scope of this approach.
Conceptual Elaboration Sequence, (2) Theoretical Elaboration Se-
quence, and (3) Simplifying Conditions Sequence. Table 4 shows
a representation fragment of this theory. Methods, sub-methods, 6. A case study
identification of the rule in the catalogue, and an observation about
the modelling are shown. To demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed representation
Some of the rules presented can be used to model the guides for model, we present a case study that shows a fragment of a LD
multiple methods, either within a same theory or a different one. for an introductory course in cell biology. The course’s learning
This is the case of the rule called rr:showsBefore that from objectives have to do with learning how cells grow and divide,
two activities grouped in a structure of activities indicates the exe- and how chromosomes are split up during mitosis and meiosis. It
cution order. Similarly, rule rr:userChoice-Lactivity can be has been designed for biology students at the college level, but is
used in different theories and thus provide students with the useful for all types of people interested in the topic. The course
opportunity to choose their learning paths. requires prior basic knowledge of cell biology. Course contents
As stated, not all methods are fully representable using this ap- are based on those represented in Gene Ontology [10]. This domain
proach. This is because in some cases they have to do with con- ontology provides a controlled terminology and a formal structure
cepts which are not not considered in the scope of IMS LD. To be for describing concepts and semantic annotations. It is supported
more precise, some concepts used in the DI methods have little by the GO Consortium and the National Human Genome Research
or no relation to learning activities or resources, and this impedes Institute (NHGRI).
C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194 187

Table 4
Fragment of modelling of Reigeluth’s Elaboration theory.

Guide Id rules SWRL rules Observations

Submethod 1. Conceptual Elaboration Sequence
1 Use this approach when the goals call Met1-1-1 KnowledgeItem (?c1) ^ – If a concept includes two other
for learning many related concepts KnowledgeItem (?c2) ^ concepts, it is considered to have
KnowledgeItem (?c3) ^ many related concepts
concept-includes (?c1, ?c2) ^
concept-includes (?c1, ?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c2) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c2, ?c3) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la, ?c1)
? rr:hasRelatedConcepts-includes (?la, "true")
Met1-1-2 KnowledgeItem (?c1) ^ – If a concept is related to two other
KnowledgeItem (?c2) ^ KnowledgeItem (?c3) concepts, by a hasKind relation, it is
concept-hasKind (?c1, ?c2) ^ considered to have many related
concept-hasKind (?c1, ?c3) ^ concepts
differentFrom (?c1, ?c2) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c2, ?c3) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la, ?c1)
? rr:hasRelatedConcepts-hasKind (?la, "true")
Met1-1-3 KnowledgeItem (?c1) ^ – If a concept is related to two other
KnowledgeItem (?c2) ^ concepts, by a hasPart relation, it is
KnowledgeItem (?c3) ^ considered to have many related
concept-hasPart (?c1, ?c2) ^ concepts
concept-hasPart (?c1, ?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c2) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c2, ?c3) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la, ?c1)
? rr:hasRelatedConcepts-hasPart (?la, "true")
Met1-1-4 KnowledgeItem (?c1) ^ KnowledgeItem (?c2) ^ Knowl- – If a concept is related to two other
edgeItem (?c3) ^ concepts, by an hasSupportingContent
concept-hasSupportingContent (?c1, ?c2) relation, it is considered to have
^ concept-hasSupportingContent (?c1, ?c3) many related concepts
^ differentFrom (?c1, ?c2) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c2, ?c3) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la, ?c1)
? rr:hasRelatedConcepts-
supportingContent (?la, "true")

2 Teach broader, more inclusive showsBefore Ld:Learning-Activity (?a1) ^ Rule that determines which activity
concepts before the narrower, more ld:Learning-Activity (?a2) ^ are executed before another
detailed concepts that elaborate upon differentFrom (?a1, ?a2) ^
them ld:Activity-Structure (?as1) ^
ld:execution-order (?a1, ?o1) ^
ld:execution-order (?a2, ?o2) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?as1, ?a1) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?as1, ?a2) ^
swrlb:lessThan (?o1, ?o2)
? rr:showsBefore (?a2, ?a1)
Met1-2 RET-showsBefore (?a1, ?a2) ^ Checks that activities associated with
ConceptLearningActivity (?a1) ^ concepts ‘‘broader’’ are run first. If one
ConceptLearningActivity (?a2) ^ concept includes another, it is
differentFrom (?a1, ?a2) ^ regarded as broader
ld:Activity-Structure (?as) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?as, ?a1) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?as, ?a2) ^
concept-learning-objective (?a1, ?c1) ^
concept-learning-objective (?a2, ?c2) ^
KnowledgeItem (?c1) ^
KnowledgeItem (?c2) ^
concept-includes (?c2, ?c1) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c2)
? rr:broaderFirst (?as, "true")

(continued on next page)

188 C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194

Table 4 (continued)

Guide Id rules SWRL rules Observations

4 Teach ‘‘supporting’’ content Met1-4 KnowledgeItem (?k) ^ Checks that a concept has an
(principles, procedures, information, KnowledgeItem (?k1) ^ associated SupportingContent
higher-order thinking skills, concept-hasSupportingContent (?k, ?k1) ^
attitudes, etc.) together with the ConceptLearningActivity (?la) ^
concepts to which they are most concept-learning-objective (?la, ?k)
closely related ? rr:hasSupportingContent (?la, true)

5 Group concepts and their supporting Met1-5 ld:Method (?m) ^ Checks that the method has a play
content into ‘‘learning episodes’’ that ld:Play (?p) ^ and at least two acts
are not so large as to make review ld:play-ref (?m, ?p) ^
and synthesis difficult but are not so ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac1) ^
small as to break up the flow of the ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac2) ^
learning process ld:Act (?ac1) ^
ld:Act (?ac2) ^
differentFrom (?ac1, ?ac2)
? rr:has2acts (?m, "true")

6 Give students some choice as to Met1-6-1 ld:Method (?m) ^ Checks that the learner may choose
which concepts to elaborate upon ld:Play (?p) ^ the next play
first/next ld:play-ref (?m, ?p) ^
ld:On-Completion-Unit (?oc) ^
ld:On-Completion-ref (?p, ?oc) ^
complete-unit-of-learning (?oc,"user-choice")
? rr:userChoice-play (?m, "true")
Met1-6-2 ld:Method (?m) ^ Checks that the learner may choose
ld:Play (?p) ^ the next act
ld:play-ref (?m, ?p) ^
ld:Act (?ac1) ^
ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac1) ^
ld:On-Completion-Unit (?oc) ^
ld:on-completion-ref (?ac1, ?oc) ^
complete-unit-of-learning (?oc, "user-choice")
? rr:userChoice-act (?m, "true")

Submethod 3. Simplifying conditions sequence

1 Use this approach when the goals call Met3-1-1 KnowledgeItem (?c1) ^ KnowledgeItem (?c2) ^ Knowl- Verifies that moderately complex
for learning a task at least moderate edgeItem (?c3) ^ KnowledgeItem (?c4) ^ concepts are used. A concept is
complexity differentFrom (?c1, ?c2) ^ moderately complex if it has more
differentFrom (?c1, ?c3) ^ than two deep levels in relation to the
differentFrom (?c1, ?c4) ^ concepts that includes. Checks that
differentFrom (?c2, ?c3) ^ are used this concepts
differentFrom (?c2, ?c4) ^
differentFrom (?c3, ?c4) ^
concept-includes (?c1, ?c2) ^
concept-includes (?c2, ?c3) ^
concept-includes (?c3, ?c4) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?cla) ^
concept-learning-objective (?cla, ?c1)
? rr:moderatlyComplex (?cla, "true")
Met3-1-2 KnowledgeItem (?c1) ^ KnowledgeItem (?c2) ^ Knowl- Verifies that moderately complex
edgeItem (?c3) ^ KnowledgeItem (?c4) ^ concepts are used. A concept is also
differentFrom (?c1, ?c2) ^ considered as moderately complex if
differentFrom (?c1, ?c3) ^ it includes more than one concept
differentFrom (?c1, ?c4) ^ and one of t hem has at least one
differentFrom (?c2, ?c3) ^ deep level
differentFrom (?c2, ?c4) ^
differentFrom (?c3, ?c4) ^
concept-includes (?c1, ?c2) ^
concept-includes (?c1, ?c3) ^
concept-includes (?c3, ?c4) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?cla) ^
concept-learning-objective (?cla, ?c1)
? rr:moderatlyComplex (?cla, "true")

5 Teach supporting content together Met3-5-1 ld:Method (?m) ^ Checks that the method teaches a
with the steps or/and principles to ld:Play (?p) ^ concept and content-support in a
which they are more closely related ld:play-ref (?m, ?p) ^ single play
ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac) ^
ld:Act (?ac1) ^
ld:Act (?ac2) ^
ld:Role-Part (?rp1) ^
ld:Role-Part (?rp2) ^
differentFrom (?rp1, ?rp2) ^
ld:role-part-ref (?ac1, ?rp1) ^
C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194 189

Table 4 (continued)

Guide Id rules SWRL rules Observations

ld:role-part-ref (?ac2, ?rp2) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la1) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?rp1, ?la1) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la2) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?rp2, ?la2) ^
differentFrom (?la1, ?la2) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la1, ?c1) ^ concept-
learning-objective (?la2, ?c2) ^ KnowledgeItem
(?c1) ^
KnowledgeItem (?c2) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c2) ^
concept-hasSupportingContent (?c1, ?c2)
? rr:SupportingContent (?m, "true")
Met3-5-2 ld:Method (?m) ^ ld:Play (?p) ^ Checks that the method teaches a
ld:play-ref (?m, ?p) ^ concept and content-support of
ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac) ^ another that contains it, in the same
ld:Act (?a1) ^ ld:Act (?ac2) ^ play
ld:Role-Part (?rp1) ^
ld:Role-Part (?rp2) ^
ld:role-part-ref (?ac1, ?rp1) ^
ld:role-part-ref (?ac2, ?rp2) ^
differentFrom (?rp1, ?rp2) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la1) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?rp1, ?la1) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la2) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?rp2, ?la2) ^
differentFrom (?la1, ?la2) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la1, ?c2) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la2, ?c3) ^
KnowledgeItem (?c1) ^
KnowledgeItem (?c2) ^
KnowledgeItem (?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c2) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c2, ?c3) ^
concept-includes (?c1, ?c2) ^
concept-hasSupportingContent (?c1, ?c3)
? rr: SupportingContent (?m, "true")
Met3-5-3 ld:Method (?m) ^ ld:Play (?p) ^ Checks that the method includes, in
ld:play-ref (?m, ?p) ^ one play, a concept and content-
ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac) ^ support of another concept, which is
ld:Act (?ac1) ^ ld:Act (?ac2) ^ a part
ld:Role-Part (?rp1) ^ ld:Role-Part (?rp2)
^ ld:role-part-ref (?ac1, ?rp1) ^
ld:role-part-ref (?ac2, ?rp2) ^
differentFrom (?rp1, ?rp2) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la1) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?rp1, ?la1) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la2) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?rp2, ?la2) ^
differentFrom (?la1, ?la2) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la1, ?c2) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la2, ?c3) ^
KnowledgeItem (?c1) ^ KnowledgeItem (?c2)
^ KnowledgeItem (?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c2) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c2, ?c3) ^
concept-hasPart (?c1, ?c2) ^
concept-hasSupportingContent (?c1, ?c3)
? rr:SupportingContent (?m, "true")
Met3-5-4 ld:Method (?m) ^ ld:Play (?p) ^ Checks that the method includes, in
ld:play-ref (?m, ?p) ^ one play, a concept and content-
ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac) ^ support of another concept which is
ld:Act (?ac1) ^ ld:Act (?ac2) ^ ‘‘a kind’’
ld:Role-Part (?rp1) ^
ld:Role-Part (?rp2) ^
ld:role-part-ref (?ac1, ?rp1) ^
ld:role-part-ref (?ac2, ?rp2) ^
differentFrom (?rp1, ?rp2) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la1) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?rp1, ?la1) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la2) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?rp2, ?la2) ^

(continued on next page)

190 C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194

Table 4 (continued)

Guide Id rules SWRL rules Observations

differentFrom (?la1, ?la2) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la1, ?c2) ^
concept-learning-objective (?la2, ?c3) ^
KnowledgeItem (?c1) ^
KnowledgeItem (?c2) ^
KnowledgeItem (?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c2) ^
differentFrom (?c1, ?c3) ^
differentFrom (?c2, ?c3) ^
concept-hasKind (?c1, ?c2) ^
concept-hasSupportingContent (?c1, ?c3)
? rr:SupportingContent (?m, "true")

6 Group steps/principles and their Met3-6-1 ld:Method (?m) ^ ld:Play (?p) ^ Verifies that a method has a play and
supporting content into ‘‘learning ld:play-ref (?m, ?p) ^ at least two acts
episodes’’ ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac1) ^
ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac2) ^
ld:Act (?ac1) ^ ld:Act (?ac2) ^
differentFrom (?ac1, ?ac2)
? rr:has2acts (?m, "true")
Met3-6-2 ld:Method (?m) ^ ld:Play (?p) ^ Checks that the method includes an
ld:play-ref (?m, ?p) ^ Activity-Structure, which links at least
ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac) ^ two activities
ld:Act (?ac) ^ ld:Role-Part (?rp) ^
ld:role-part-ref (?ac, ?rp1) ^
ld:Activity-Structure (?sa) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?rp1, ?sa) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la1) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la2) ^
differentFrom (?la1, ?la2) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?sa, ?la1) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?sa, ?la2) ^
?rr:hasActivityStructure (?m, "true")

7 Give students some choice as to Met3-7 ld:Method (?m) ^ ld:Play (?p) ^ Checks that the learner may choose
which versions of the task to learn ld:play-ref (?m, ?p) ^ the next learning activity
next ld:act-ref (?p, ?ac) ^
ld:Act (?ac) ^ ld:Role-Part (?rp) ^
ld:role-part-ref (?ac, ?rp) ^
ConceptLearningActivity (?la) ^
ld:execution-entity-ref (?rp, ?la) ^
ld:On-Completion-Unit (?oc) ^
ld:on-completion-ref (?la, ?oc) ^
complete-unit-of-learning (?oc, "user-choice")
? rr:userChoice-Lactivity (?m, "true")

The application of the Elaboration theory requires the building used in the LD and shows is-a and part-of kind of relationships used
of a conceptual structure containing the concepts that cover the in the ontology. These properties are formally defined in the GO
course. In this case study, the concepts are related to cell cycle pro- and provide an extensive and detailed account of the domain, used
cess. Fig. 2 is a fragment of the GO ontology that contains concepts regularly by researchers in bioinformatics.

Fig. 2. Concepts used in the LD from GO ontology. Figure generated with OBO-Edit ontology editor available in
C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194 191

To select the topics to be incorporated in the design, Elaboration

theory proposes the use of two options: topical and spiral sequenc-
ing. In this case study, the subjects were selected using topical
sequencing [36] in order to simplify selection. According to the
IMS-LD specification, LD built as a case study consists of a play
and the three following acts: overview of cellular process, inter-
phase, and mitosis. In learning activities involving the roles ‘‘tea-
cher’’ and ‘‘student’’, the learning objectives defined for the LD are
related to learning of growth and cell division, mitosis and meiosis
process. Basic knowledge of cell biology was defined as a prerequi-
site. With respect to content, the LD uses GO ontology to cover top-
ics such as cellular process, mitosis and meiosis. A partial view of
the resulting LD resulting is shown in Fig. 3 using Recourse design
tool [4].
The design tools compatible with IMS-LD generate a XML file
called imsmanifest.xml, which contains the information associ-
ated with the structure and used resource by LD. Fig. 4 shows an
abbreviated portion of XML code that represents the LD. Fig. 5. Instances of classes Method, Play and Act of IMS-LD ontology.

Fig. 3. Overview of LD in recourse tool.

Fig. 4. Fragment of imsmanifest.xml generated for the LD.

192 C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194

Fig. 6. A learning object used in the construction of LD. Retrieved from MERLOT repository (

In the XML the proposed LD structure, containing a method, a Some learning objects from MERLOT repository [27], were used
play and three acts, can be observed. One of these acts is shown in the LD construction. Fig. 6 shows part of an object called ‘‘The
in detail. The information contained in imsmanifest.xml is Biology Project: Cell Biology’’, which meets the objectives of the
instantiated into IMS-LD ontology. course. This figure also shows the high evaluation given the re-
Fig. 5 shows the instances for classes ld:Method, ld:Play and source by repository users in relation to quality content, effective-
ld:Act, which correspond to one method, play and events ness and easy use.

Fig. 7. KnowledgeItem class instances of IMS-LD ontology.

C. Vidal-Castro et al. / Knowledge-Based Systems 33 (2012) 180–194 193

Table 5 example, it is possible to develop applications that attempt to

Some of the rules satisfied by the LD. check the conformity of a LD with a particular legal interpretation
Id rule LD description of an instructional design theory. This would develop a wizard for
rr:hasRelatedConcepts- This rule validates that objectives considered applying these theories in order to inform and guide the user
includes in the LD have many related concepts. See through the design of a learning design in authoring tools.
KnowledgeItem class in Fig. 6 Furthermore, the model can be used to generate a skeleton for a
rr:has2acts The LD has a play and more than one act, so given learning design theory, which would prove useful to inexpe-
the contents are considered to be grouped into
‘‘learning episodes’’. See ld:Play and ld:Act
rienced users in the application of one instructional design theory.
classes in Fig. 5 Another use of the proposed model is to provide support to the
rr:moderatlyComplex The contents of LD are ‘‘moderately complex’’, search and retrieval of LD that bring together certain methods of
since it considers a concept that includes at an instructional theory.
least two sub-concepts, and one of them has
Future work related to this research should be in two direc-
more than one deep level. See
KnowledgeItem class in Fig. 6 tions: the continuous revision of the representations contained in
the catalogue, and the construction of tools to assist in the imple-
mentation of instructional design methods.
In relation to the first point, research should be aimed at incor-
In order to clarify the example, instances of the class porating new representations of theories and improving existing
tgs:KnowledgeItem (described in an example above) are shown. ones by considering the possible updating of formal ontological
This class is used to represent the concepts covered by the LD (see language. As for the second, efforts should be focused on the con-
Fig. 7). This way, the GO is mapped to the generic knowledge item struction of a prototype to evaluate the conformance of an LD with
scheme described above. This mapping can be done similarly with a particular IDT. This prototype would evaluate the usefulness of
any other existing domain ontology, thus enabling reuse. the models in a design environment. Using theory representations
Once LD information is instantiated in the ontology, it is possi- contained in the catalogue presented here, the prototype could re-
ble to check if the LD follows the rules representing the guides for port on aspects of LD that violate the guidelines of the ID methods,
Elaboration theory. Table 5 shows some of the rules covered by the as well as guiding guide the designer in design improvements
LD, for the case study presented. which might achieve conformance with a IDT. This tool should
Moreover, the rule rr:userChoice-Lactivity is not satis- be integrated into any learning design tool compatible with IMS-
fied, since it verifies that the student can choose the next learning LD specification.
activity, something which did not happen in the case-study.
Although the case-study showed that three of the model’s rules
were satisfied, according to the representation proposed in this re- Acknowledgments
search, all rules must be covered.
This work was partially supported by DIUBB 125515 3/RS Pro-
ject of University of Bio-Bio and MECESUP UBB 0305 Project, Chile;
7. Conclusions and outlook
by Project MAVSEL (Ref. TIN2010-21715-C02-01) funded by the
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain; and the Projects
According to Reigeluth, instructional design theories offer expli-
SCAIWEB2 (PEIC09-0196-3018) and PLINIO (POII10-0133-3516) of
cit guidance on how to help people learn. These theories, which
the Autonomous Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
may be of use in the construction of learning resources, are cur-
rently expressed in natural language. Their translation to lan-
guages with computational semantics yields the benefit of References
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